How much do you pay for Amaryl? I can't afford Actos ($55 with insurance), plus I'm not too crazy about the side affects. How much can I expect to pay for Amaryl, I know it's $4 at Wal Mart, but I don't have a Wal Mart pharmacy near me.
Also, can I still lose weight while on Amaryl? I heard it causes weight gain but I'm not sure.
K Lea, I'll make myself more plain.
Actos and Avandia gave my father high blood pressure. It has been known to cause risks of congestive heart failure, even in young people. I'm 18 going on 19, do you consider that young?
And I already know that the best diabetes medication is Metformin, as I'm already taking it.
Here Kitty Kitty replied: "I pay 62 cents a pill for amayrl. I don't have problem with weight gain. I exercise at least 6 times a week.
Let me give you info on Actos and Avandia :The "glitazone" diabetes drugs Actos and Avandia may double or triple the risk of broken bones after a year or two of use.
Given that Avandia has also been linked to heart risks, Cauley suggests that patients should try older diabetes drugs before trying either Avandia or Actos.
Every 3 months take a drive to Wal-mart and get a 3 month supply for 10 $. Problem solved>>
By the way I live in Thailand !
Lea replied: "Better studies have been completed about Avandia and heart disease, and it turns out the risk is no higher than in the regular diabetic population. This is a sad case of a perfectly good drug being slandered by a bad study.
Glimepiride (Amaryl) does have a side effect of weight gain. You can still loose weight, but'll it be harder.
The best oral drug for diabetes is Metformin."
sexual side effects on medicatons my father's taking? My dad, in his late 50's and has asperger's syndrome like me and diabetes, is taking tons and tons of medications. However, I've been noticing him in the past looking at porn magazines as well as porn websites. Plus, when I try talking about it with him, he just talks about it for a little, but then stops. So, I'm researching his medication he's taking because there may be some type of side effect in one of them that could be causing him to look at these porn websites/magazines. Anyways, he's on Lorazepam, Lithium Carbonate, Lisinopril, Nexium, Effexor XR, Clonazepam, Lamictal, Precose, Seroquel, Prozac, Abilify, Metformin HCL, Risperdal, Actos, Glipizide ER, and Gemfibrozil. If anybody finds any type of sexual side effects on these medications, please let me know.
actually, my dad is still married to my mom.
my dad may have bipoler
I'm only concerned because I, too, used to look at porn, but not as much as my father does. Did I forget to mention that I also have asperger's syndrome? I did a touchie bit of research on the meds I'm taking, and I found out that Zoloft or Adderall has a side effect (rare) called Intense sexual desire, or something of that nature. I just want to know what it means.
curious james replied: "How could you not expect side effect from all that medication?
Seriously, speak to his doctor."
Miss kitty replied: "It's pretty icky and weird that your on here talking about your own father and his sexual life and him looking at porn mags.
Gross.Leave him alone."
jayhind2007 replied: "Lots of medications have side effects.
However, your dad is a man, and whether there is a side effect or not, men take pleasure in admiring the female anatomy.
Besides, the "side effect" (which is very likely to be present) is not negative."
Mortimer Pratchett replied: "Your absolutely crazy, looking at porn is not a sexual side effect, only his lover will know about sexual side effects due to his performance or lack of wanting to have sex.
Everyman looks at porn you poor fool, but in private, I think your dad is just crazy from so much medication, and if hes white its not from the medication, most white people are just looney."
Leslie replied: "the side effect that causes that is called BEING ALIVE
just leave him alone if he has no wife any more and he aint impotatnt u bet ur sweetass he gonna need a sexual outlet"
got_milk? replied: "OMG!! that is a lot of medication. sorry but i dont know. i hope you find out."
theboz replied: "Men look at porn. Sex is not a dirty thing, leave your father alone about that."
NutstersChick replied: "Try the link below, may give U some answers."
Demun replied: "Holy s.h.i.t with all that medication its a wonder he can do anything"
xocalifornia91 replied: "I don't know...why don't you research about it. I don't think it's a bad thing since he needs those medicines ."
deecharming replied: "Why would you want to know? sounds freaky to me!!!"
none replied: "Nothing medically wrong with looking at pornography, and if you want want my honest to God opinion, anyone taking that many anti-depressants and mood-stabilizers should be allowed to masturbate as often as they want whenever and wherever they want."
KEITH C replied: "Effexor,seroquel and prozac make it hard for a man to cum, is he bipolar because that's the mix they use to treat bipolar."
dukefenton replied: "Two thoughts:
* Asperger's cannot be treated with medication. You can only alter short-term mood; the underlying psychological differences are hard-wired. Behavior modification (aka learning to cope) is the only approach proven to give long-term improvement.
* Lots of people look at porn, even normal people. Someone who has trouble making close emotional connections to others might be especially attracted to virtual interactions which don't involve emotional complications such as the risk of rejection.
IOW: IMNSHO your dad needs a new Dr first. Reduce the meds to the absolute necessary minimum, *then* worry about the porn."
duc602 replied: "its called reminiscing, why do you want to pry , or even question the man( your father of all people ) about his privacy. i salute him. just because he is old .doesn't mean he is dead. respect him and leave him alone. i take most of these meds you listed. and i still have sexual needs and we're probably close to the same age. my daugter do what you have done, id probably cuss her out."
Jennifer Y replied: "Leave the man and his porn alone.
I looked at your list of meds, and I am sorry but this isn't very likely. According to this list he is taking 4 antianxiety drugs, 7 mood stabilizers and the rest are antidepressants. Oh, except Nexium. Not all of these drugs are compatable, in fact I doubt that this is even valid. Your father would most likely be dead taking all of these drugs at one time. Try another question."
Does insulin make me fat? I've been type 2 diagnosed three years ago. I was 203 lbs when diagnosed. I am on metformin and actos. Recently my doctor put me on Lantus 15 units a day. Soon he says I will go on a short acting insulin, plus he has kept me on the metformin and actos. I was down to 125 lbs. Now after three weeks on Lantus I have gained up to 132 lbs. Does anyone know if the insulin is putting the weight on? I really have not changed my eating habits at all (35 grams carbs for meals, 10 to 15 grams carbs for snacks, plus a little protein to go with the carbs). Am I doomed to be fat again? I worked so hard to lose the weight, I walk half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. I'm a waitress, but I've been wanting a better job, like a desk job. I'm terrified of being fat again.
and so replied: "it may contribute a little"
iychick51 replied: "It shouldn't put on too much weight, you wont get that heavy again just by being on it but it might be contributing to the weight gain. Also remember, muscle weighs more than fat."
sarah b replied: "Wow, my dad is on the same medication as you and was put on insulin a couple of months ago. He started to gain weight when he was put on insulin as well, and we blamed the poor guy for eating too much. Well we were wrong.
Turns out that when you have diabetes glucose can be lost in the urine, causing weight loss. When blood sugar is under control with insulin more glucose is stored and that can lead to weight gain. It shouldn't be up to 132 pounds though. Please talk to your doctor. Also, if there are any diabetes clinics in your area I would suggest regular visits to them.
Read more here:"
nene replied: "not really"
Dr. Evil replied: "Yes, insulin will make you fat if you take too much and compensate by eating additional carbohydrates.
If you are not burning the carbs the insulin is letting in to your cells, the excess energy converts to fat.
Non-diabetic body builders use insulin to bulk up their muscle. However, when they inject, they do it after a serious workout and simultaneously ingest a high carb, hi-protein diet. The protein tags allong with the carbos to enter the cells and build muscle.
However, if you sit around, watch tv, eat, and shoot up, you're just going to get fat just like any couch potato. Excess insulin will cause you to eat more if you want to live.
If you take no insulin, you will burn fat directly and enter ketoacidosis, a very toxic process. This is a rapid weight loss program that I don't recommend unless you really know what you are doing.
Stick to waitressing. You get exercise on the job that way. As a diabetic, you need that. Waitresses usually have great legs and butts. Stay away from the desk job."
Ok I haev a question for women have any of you gotten pregnant while taking 500 mg of metformin and? Ok I have had pcos forever and have been tring so hard to get pregnant now my question is Have any of you women ever gotten pregnant while taking 500 mg of metformin and 50 mg of the clomid pills? Plus I am taking 30 mg of Actos I am on my period now and next week I go back to my fertility doc for the colmid pills so please any good stories let me know I've been verry depressed with all the trouble of getting pregnant.
Mia C replied: "I had to take clomid 100 and 1000 mg of Metformin to get pregg. Good luck"
lost alone and afraid? i recently was diagnosed with type2 diabetes, i also have heart disease-cad ive had 7 heart attacks,15 stints,17 heart caths, constant angina, and high blood pressure. i feel like whats the use. my sugar was 160-298 im dizzy uncoordinated tired useless i dont know what to do and no one understands or no body cares im taking actos yesterday my doc put me on an additional sugar pill today the dizziness is better but not gone im lost and ready to give up im takin 3 blood pressure meds now plus anti depressant plus blood thinners this is gettin to be too much plz help bp is controlled 150 over 88 im only 49 yrs old my wifes an rn but seems to be in denial like if she doesn't see it its not there i feel like just breakin down and cryin old sayin:what happens when the pain to keep goin hurts worse than the pain to end it all
excrcise im a weight lifter also a biker i am physically fit except if lost 20 lbs in one month i work as a high risk security position even though im disabled i have 95% chance of havin another heart attack a 98% chance of surviving sucide is not the answer i no that was not lookin for sympathy jus understanding i want to know is the diziness common with type 2 diabetes also Jesus my King is my counseler my life is devoted to Him and the spreading of the good news thanks for all ur cencern im not goin to kill myself i dont have to imjus tired after awhile the battle takes its toll and u wonder why fight it let nature take its course Warrior for Christ Eph 6:10-24
im sorry 95% chance of havin another heart attack 98% chance i will NOT surive it
im sorry 95% chance of havin another heart attack 98% chance i will NOT surive it
donk replied: "keep testing the blood. be tough"
Pirate_Wench replied: "I'm so sorry. I can't imagine being in that position. She doesn't want to see her husband be in agony, so she chooses to block it out. You should talk to your doctor, however euthanasia in humans is unfortunately illegal. I hope you can feel better. I'm so sorry."
brice_0u812 replied: "I pray for your health. May God watch over you and hold you in his arms. If you need someone to talk to just email sometime.
Believe it or not you still have a reason for being here, your work is not done. Please hold on an Angel is on their way for you.
God Bless"
mys_hare2002 replied: "Because you don't know what tomorrow will be like. 2 months down the road you could feel GOOD again. Diabetes is awful and it's a total life change! If you have had that many heart attacks and operations on your heart and you are still here. There is a reason you are still here. Try to look on the bright side. Which I know is hard to do when you are sick and tired and depressed,but your still alive. Able to spend time with you love ones and your wife. The doctor will get your meds working with your body and you will get too feeling better. It's probably going to take a while. Make sure you eat right and take one day at a time.
I'm sorry you are sick and feel bad. I hope and pray you get too feeling better. Maybe your wife is just scared and doesn't know how to show her feelings.
zartsmom replied: "Yes, you certainly do have a large group of medical problems. When I read your list of issues, I thought my dad had written it. He's 72 and has almost the same history.
I am very sorry your wife is not being supportive. As a nurse, she of all people should know how important family support is to the health and healing of a person with medical problems. Perhaps she comes home tired from work and feels like she's still at work because she is functioning as your primary caregiver.
Here are some thoughts. I hope they help.
If your doctor thinks you're healthy enough, you should consider getting some exercise. Nothing strenuous, just start with some walking. It'll help your health, and will probably help your overall outlook on life.
Taking a lot of medication can sometimes cause or exacerbate depression - in part because it makes you feel like an invalid to have to take all these pills, and in part because the medications themselves sometimes have that effect. It sounds like you've definitely got some depression going on. Talk to your doctor about changing your antidepressant. The one you're taking doesn't seem to be working. Sometimes you have to try two or three before you find one that works for you. And make sure you keep taking them.
You must have some friends, or other family, or someone you can talk to. Find someone you can talk to, and talk. If you really don't have anyone, please consider counseling. It will help to have an understanding, supportive person to listen and offer guidance.
Good luck. I hope things improve for you soon. Hang in there."
kerangoumar replied: "Please see a counsellor of some sort - whether priest, nurse, psychiatrist. You need to unburden yourself to someone who will be able to help you put it in perspective in a meaningful way. Perhaps your wife should also attend, so that the two of you can talk honestly about your feelings.
Having chronic illnesses is always a strain on oneself and on others. I don not know where you live; if you are near a teaching hospital or university with a medical faculty, find out whether they are conducting any trials of new medications or altered protocols for your situation.
Good luck."
PJ replied: "There are several very informative/helpful articles that speak to your problems, that I know of ... Here they are:
Living with Diabetes :
"The Silent Killer"
The Challenge of Treatment
A Disease of the Young?
The Role of Glucose, the Pancreas, and Sugar Diabetes Simplified
How the Bible Can Help Diabetes Sufferers
High Blood Pressure — Prevention and Control
Heart Attack—What Can Be Done? :
A Threat To Life
Recognizing & Acting on the Symptoms
Actions for Survival
How Can the Risk Be Reduced?
The Road to Recovery
Relief From Stress! :
Assaulted by STRESS!
Its Causes and Effects
Comfort for the Afflicted
Caregiving - Meeting the Challenge :
The Challenge of Caregiving
How to Deal With Feelings
Caring for the Caregiver - How Others Can Help "
Why am I gaining weight on Lantus? I've gained 8-10 lbs in 3 months since changing to Lantus. It's frustrating to say the least. I have been exercising and eating healthy. The cardio doc and my Gp says insulin causes weight gain. I require the insulin to control my Type II diabetes. The excess weight is in my abdominal area which seems to cause a problem with my balance. I walk 3-5 days a week at a pretty good clip. My joints are not at their best. Other meds cause additional problems including pain. I am ready to consult an endo just to see if I can get back on track. I can not believe this is unbeatable. I take 70 units at bed time ,most mornings I'm in the 80-126 range; also 10 mg of Actos in the am. I garden hard during the day and do as much outside activity as I can. I'm limited to the foods I can eat due to interstial cystitis. I used to grab an apple or banana, I have to be careful. My mother was diabetic for 30 plus years, I know the nature of the disease. I was diagnosed in 2000. Should I go to an endo?
sandhya replied: "Your lantus question is an important one, and because it's impossible to diagnose someone over the internet, we suggest you see your doctor about it! Check out some of the great resources like ( ) to educate yourself before your doctor's visit."
dingding replied: "All Type 1's and any Type 2's on insulin should really be seeing an endocrinologist if possible. They specialize in glands and hormones, and insulin is a hormone. It's true that insulin and the subsequent tightening of blood glucose control do cause us to gain weight. I gained 10 lbs. when I first went on a pump, but then I did Weight Watchers and took it back off. Try to keep your carbs moderate. 70 units of Lantus? That's an awful lot...I used to take only 30 units a day and I'm Type 1. I'm concerned you're going low a lot which would also contribute to the weight gain. Check with the endo about it and have them do some more monitoring with you."
Rickls replied: "Little known fact about insulin... If you are taking more then you need, insulin can actually build up in your body and cause weight gain just as quickly as eating badly. Talk to your doc about the possibility of to much insulin."
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