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All About Wellbutrin in Questions
What do you know about adding Prozac to Wellbutrin regimen? I have been taking Wellbutrin XL 300 mg. for a few months, and am in a new relationship (5 months). The WB has given me more energy, but I seem to be so anxious, and obsessed over my relationship, which is still going good, but has lost that zing--I think I am driving him nuts. I used to take Prozac, and it really shut up the "committe" in my head, but I didn't like how hard I had to work to have an orgasm. I am alsdo in Aa recovery, and seeing a psychologist twice weekly. We are getting to the bottom of some of my childhood motives for current behavior (bottomless love-pit)....but I am crying all the time, worried about everything to do with this relationship. Unable to concentrate on important things. Thinking of asking to combine Prozac with Wellbutrin. Maybe the Prozac will help with the head-chatter, and the Wellbutrin may combat any sexual side effects. I want to be HAPPY and serene, and not drive off a really nice man. We are planning on moving in together soon. I was anxious also in the beginning. I'd have to say that the Wellbutrin hasn't changed me alot, like Prozac did in the past. I didn't like the "flat" affect I had with P, though. At least I don't feel like curling up in a ball and dying like I did before I started the W.

meta4icks replied: "Prozac and Wellbutrin are both stimulating anti-depressants and I would "think" it would be a little much to combine the two. The fact that you have more energy and you are developing some anxiety problems it might actually be an idea to think about cutting back on the Wellbutrin. Talking to your doctor about it would be the best thing though and make sure you communicate openly."

da_hal replied: "Avoid wellbutrin if you can. There are way too many side effects. Take either prozac or zoloft. Zoloft is the best but you have to take enough. They have found that the old advice of "max 200 mg" is false. Some people are fine with 200 or more. Don't worry about orgasms. It sounds like not getting off is the least of your problems."

cookie replied: "I take both Wellbutrin and Prozac, and have found the combo of the two to be better than either alone. The Wellbutrin really counteracts that "flat" feeling of the Prozac, but unfortunatley not the sexual side effects. My boyfriend of 9 months is still adjusting to it, and while not happy about it, understands. Ultimatly he is more concerned and happier with my well-being than the sexual part of our relationship, not to mention the drunken nightmare he had to deal with on a daily basis. So I think you should give it a try and see if there are any positive effects. If not, your doctor can always take you of the Prozac."

How concerned about seizures should I be on Wellbutrin if no history of them? I started taking 150mg of Wellbutrin 5 days ago and will increase to 300mg in a week and a half. I am concerned about that side effect, how common is it at the above dose? Please don't cut and past from web, I can do that, medical professionals or personal experience please.

Medic_13 replied: "I've seen a lot of patients who take this drug and have never seen a Wellbutrin induced seizure. I know it is listed as one of the side effects, but it would seem to me to be very rare. Typically with this class of drugs, seizure side effects occur most commonly with a sudden stopage of use. I wouldn't worry about it too much, unless you start having a lot of adverse side effects. Then talk to your MD about changing to something else."

lacrosselover replied: "I've been on Wellbutrin 300mg daily for 2 years and haven't had a problem. All meds come with literature that will scare the crap out of you but they have to print it."

What should I do about nausea caused by wellbutrin and/or zoloft? I am taking 400mg of Wellbutrin and 50mg of Zoloft daily. I just changed from taking 200mg of Wellbutrin and 150mg of Zoloft daily. Since my doctor and I adjusted my dosage I have been getting nausea and headaches after I take my medication each day. I called my doctor's office to talk about it but they said I have to come in to talk about it, I'm sure they just want me to come in so they can charge my insurance for a visit. I don't want to take the time to go in if there is a simple answer to this question. Any ideas on what to do to avoid nausea on a daily basis?

Carol C replied: "The SIMPLE solution is to stop taking them."

? replied: "You may not want to, but Id go off of them. If they cause nausea and headaches, and continue to, Id change meds."

lucifer's love replied: "u could be having a reaction to taking a lesser dosage since ur system is used to something higher. have u tried eating b4 taking these meds? usually that helps."

~Babygirl~ replied: "talk to your doctor!"

ashley42066 replied: "when you start those meds your usally sick for about a month and feel like utter crap, because they are major body changing meds. My husband took zoloft and felt like he had the flu for weeks and then he got used to them and never had problems again. As for your doctors office, that is rediculous that they want you to come in and talk about it. Be honest with them and say i just dont have the time to come in right now nor the money. Say i want to make sure nothing dangerous is happening to me. But really if you look up the side effects of those meds they are typically what you have. If yo start developing an all over body rash or feels faint when you stand up, those are major signs of an allergic reaction and i would suggest not taking them. you can also call your local pharmacists and ask them about if those are normal and tell them your doc is being an azz about it. You can go to and type in your meds and they will give you reactions on them. Good luck!!"

Should I be concerned about taking Wellbutrin for weight loss? My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin, take one 75mg tab in the AM and a second 75mg tab before 5pm. I've read the literature that comes with the prescription as well as the internet but have not read where it is prescribed to patients to help weight loss. I probably could use the help from the anti-depressant but I am far more worried about my weight at the moment. So, I'm wanting to know if anyone has been given this medication for the purpose of weight loss and if it helped, etc. Thanks!

Laura replied: "I have never heard of it being used for weight loss. I've taken it both as an anti-depressant and as a stop smoking tool. I would go back and clarify with your doctor."

london replied: "i was given it for smoking to help me quit and it makes you feel like your going crazy my expierence i wouldnt take it it might be different for you though i know you can have crazy thoughts it turned me into a person i wasnt i had to stop it before i went nuts"

Ginger replied: "Wellbutrin can often cause a loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting -- all of which may contribute to weight loss. Often, these side effects go away with time. However, you should be sure to let your healthcare provider know if these side effects do not go away. Also, since weight gain can be a symptom of depression, treating the depression can lead to weight loss. If you are experiencing too much weight loss with Wellbutrin, be sure to let your healthcare provider know. Please see the source box below."

i just started taking wellbutrin and all i have read about it is that it doesnt work???? i am on it for adhd and depression.. but i was reading other questions on here about it and most people say it is not good.. i was on prozac before and it didnt help at all.. so my doc just put me on wellbutrin sr...only been on it for 2 days so im not expecting anything yet.. just want to hear how it worked for other people .. and how do you know if you need a bigger dosage im only on 100mg a day.. i guess maybe only certain kinds work for certain people.. thank you :)

thebtpyoda replied: "i haven't taken wellbutruin but i've seen a lot of people on yahoo say it does help with depression. u already tried prozac so if welbutruin doesn't work i would recomend effexor xr next."

Blaven! replied: "Psych meds work differently for different people, and they take awhile to give full effect. You should give them 2 weeks; if they're not working for you after that, talk to your doctor about changing meds."

what the cluck are you lookin at replied: "well i only took it to stop smoking & although i quit for a few months ultimately the experience was disastrous for me b/c i have anxiety. you could have completely different results since you don't have anxiety. i'll jsut tell you what happened to me........ at first, after it built up & i started feeling the effects, i felt chatty & social & all was good. i stopped smoking as my urges kind of faded away into oblivion. i was happy. things were good. THEN my dr upped the dosage after 3 months. whoa!!!! all i can say is BOG mistake. i started getting REALLY friggin paranoid. i couldn't keep eye contact at all & i was blushing & turning red & feeling fear every second around other people. it was awful. i thought my anxiety was bad, this was my regular anxiety times 10!!! the doc said it wasn't the drug. so i kept taking it. I got even crazier than i already was. i was a mess at work & getting to the point where i couldn't function. in the back of my head i KNEW it was the wellbutrin doing this to me. So i stopped taking it. cold turkey. then things went back to normal in my head. not immediately but i somehow kept my sanity & waited it out. within a few weeks i was ok. so do yourself a favor. if you start to feel really weird, you know, anything like what i stated, go to your dr & tell him/her to see if they can switch meds or lower the dose. and DON"T let them brush you off & say it isn't happening. if they insist it isn't the drug & tell you to keep taking it then demand answers. my mistake was saying "oh ok then" & walking out of the office. i should have pressed him to find the reason for what was happening then. i mean come on, if it isn't the wellbutrin then what is it doc? aren't you alarmed that i'm telling you all these crazy thoughts & that i have paranoia? needless to say i don't go to that dr any longer....."

fiVe replied: "Wellbutrin works for some people and doesn't for others, just like every other anti-depressant. I'm on it and it helps me. It'll take a few weeks to notice any difference if it is going to help."

padmesbride replied: "Welbutrin is in its own class of anti-depressants. Depending on your specific brain chemistry, it could do wonders or do nothing. Often, its paired with something else (like Prozac) and they help eachother. Also, while its not devoid of side effects, Welbutrin's side effects are the opposite of most anti-depressants, ie insomnia and loss of appetite instead of chronic fatigue and weight gain. It did wonders for my sister."

Michael E replied: "i am on wellbutrin also. it took about a GOOD MONTH before it started helping me. give it some time."

what will happen if I quiet taking effexor and wellbutrin all at once w/o lowering day by day? They make me tired and sleepy and when is time to sleep cant sleep and I break out in age 33 and bloated and constipated, my stomach hurt and I eat like a pig. I'm on Effexor for 4 months and wellbutrin 2 weeks.

replied: ""

Does anyone have anything good to say about Wellbutrin? I've been taking it for two days now with Celexa, which I have been taking for about a year, and I have to say I actually feel kind of like I'm stoned. Is there anything good about it?

Eman replied: "Apparently there is, so it seems..."

Bernadette replied: "perhaps the dose is too high if you're feeling "stoned"....could you increase your celexa dose instead of adding another anti-depressant?"

seymour replied: "wellbutrin doesent mess with ur sex.. like celexa does or any of the ssri,s that are in the class of that drug..i was on celexa for 9 days it made me maic..but im bipolar had to get off of them..good luck too you"

A question about Prozac and Wellbutrin and female sexual disfunction? I'm leaning towards Prozac again, it always worked the best for me but causes me not to have an orgasm no matter how hard I try. Can I take Wellbutrin to counteract this? Has anyone tried it? Also, can you take Buspar as well with these drugs. I've heard that even though Viagra is for men, that in women, it works the same way by making the blood rush to the clitoris, making it easier to climax. Anyone care to share their experiences or suggestions on this topic, please?

magdarra replied: "Try one of the newer drugs - like Lexapro. Unfortunately for me, anti-depressants ramp up my sex drive, and I am multi-orgasmic anyway, so I have the opposite program. Or talk to your doctor about hormone therapy or herbal supplements for pre-menopause - these can help a lot also."

how do you feel about wellbutrin in relation to other anti-depressants? I just started taking 150mg doses of wellbutrin today, and I'm supposed to be moving up to 300mg in two weeks. Is it powerful? Will it actually help me to feel happier? This is really important to me, and I absolutely hate medication, so I wanted to hear other opinions. Tell me anything.

Jenny S replied: "Wellbutrin and I didn't get along. It gave me stomach aches and increased my feelings of anger. That being said, everyone reacts differently to medication, so give it some time."

knicname replied: "I have taken Wellbutrin XL for about 5 years (300mg). I had been on a variety of other meds & Wellbutrin has worked really well. I also take Cymbalta. It was powerful enough to make me feel better..."happiness" is relative. It will make you feel more like doing things; will help you use psychotherapy better; make you feel more energy. I definitely recommend it. It isn't sedating & it doesn't make you nervous. Best of luck & feel better."

laah replied: "i take 300mg of wellbutrin daily. i have been on many other antidepressants. wellbutrin has less side effects than the others did. This one has helped me more than any other medication ive been on ."

Mathieu replied: "From a professional opinion I have a high opinion of Wellbutrin. It in a unique antidepressant so it does not act like SSRI's like Prozac or Zoloft. Wellbutrin acts on the neurotransmitter dopamine. It is great for depression and it is often used with another medication (like Zoloft) at the same time if either medication alone only had a modest benefit. When it comes to drugs there really is no concept of "powerful." I suppose you could say that amphetamines are more powerful because they have more profound actions compared to a drug like Wellbutrin. But Wellbutrin is not more or less powerful than other antidepressants- it is only different. Will it help you feel better? Most likely. But antidepressants are very individualized some people do well on Wellbutrin but not on Paxil and some do better on Cymbalta but not Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is typically more ideal for people with depression without anxiety and who have apathy, are tired and sleeping more, and are lethargic. Because Wellbutrin acts on dopamine it is more stimulating than others. But if Wellbutrin does not work you may need to try another medication. I have personally taken it (and about 12 other antidepressants) and I did not respond well. I have never responded well to any antidepressant or most other medications. But that is rare and I have highly treatment resistant/refractory depression."

can anything happen if you pop about 5 pills of wellbutrin? well can anything happen? Im just curious ppl its just a question don't get all serious. ok, well im not just curious my friend had taken like 12 pills about an hour ago.

Katie H replied: "I'm would have an opposite effect and I wouldn't suggest to do it if you're a teenager since depression medicine can have an adverse effect on teenagers. Taking too much of any medicine can be lethal. If you've done it or know someone who has, call a doctor or nurse ASAP before you or they pass out and don't wake up. None of us here will know what will happen, but overdosing is not a good idea."

brokensoap replied: "Nausea and vomiting almost definitely, strong chance of seizures, hypertension, gastrointestinal symptoms, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), rarely fatal. (This is assuming the dosage is unusual for the patient, it's possible to titrate up to an unusually strong dose with relatively negligible side effects.) You should take your friend to the hospital. She's going to need to be treated with charcoal or bowel irrigation."

olivemai replied: "it can cause seizures! and other side effects."

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