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Atomic Radius Lithium Facts
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Atomic Radius Lithium Facts in Answers
Lithium, cubic structure and atomic radius-- help!? Lithium has a body-centered cubic structure. If the atomic radius of lithium is 152 pm, calculate the density of solid lithium. Thanks in advance:)

m w replied: "this will be a bit complicated.. *** first.. atoms / cell *** a body centered cubic cell has 1 atom at each corner that exists in 8 different cells. so 1/8 of each corner atom is in a particular cell. it also has 1 atom in the center of the cube. total atoms per cell = 1/8 x 8 (from the corners) + 1 in the center = 2 atoms per cell *** next... edge length **** look at the pictures of a bcc cell in the source links. The length of a diagonal of the cube goes from opposite corners of the cube through the center of the cube. If all the atoms are touching. the length of "cube" diagonal = 1 radius from a corner atom + 2 x radius from the center atom + 1 radius from the opposite corner atom = 4 x radius...Perhaps it would help to picture this as three atoms in a line touching and then cutting the two end atoms in half and removing the outside halves.. would look like this.. |)O(| if the |) and (| were half circles. anyway.. the diagonal of the cube = 4r... by the pythagorean theorem, (length of cube diagonal)² = (length of one face diagonal)² + (length of one edge)².. that may be hard to see... look at the second link. look at the diagonal from the upper left back atom to the lower right front atom.. that is the hypotenuse of a triangle with legs of lower front left to lower front right atoms and lower front left to upper left back atoms. do you see that? anyway... (length of cube diagonal)² = (length of one face diagonal)² + (length of one edge)² and the face diagonal is a hypotenus of a triangle with legs = edge (length of one face diagonal)² = 2 x (length of one edge)² substituting.. (length of cube diagonal)² = 2 x (length of one edge)² + (length of one edge) = 3 (length of one edge)² (4 r)² = 3 (length of one edge)² 16r² = 3 x (length of one edge)² edge length = √(16/3 r²) = √(16/3 x (152 pm)²) = 351.0 pm **** next... volume of the cell **** if it's a cube, V = L³ = (351.0 pm)³ = 4.325x10^7 pm³ and in cm³.... 4.325x10^7 pm³ x (1 m / 10^12 pm)³ x (100 cm / m)³ = 4.325x10^-23 cm³ **** finally... density....*** you know... atoms / cell... from above atoms / mole... from avogadro... g / mole (from periodic tabel = 6.94) and cm³ / cell... from above so... if you remember your "dimensional analysis"... 2 atoms / cell x (1 mole / 6.022x10^23 atoms) x (6.94 g / mole) x (1 cell /4.325x10^-23 cm³) = 0.533 g/cm³ ****** as a quick check ****** from here... density = 0.534 g/cm³ and our calculated value checks out.... ******* Questions??? ********"

what is the atomic radius of lithium? what is the atomic radius of lithium in nm

poorcocoboiboi replied: "It's 145 picometres. I found that out by putting "atomic radius of lithium" into Google. Wouldn't that be faster?"

Birdace replied: "0.145 nm."

mt_cioid replied: "Atomic Radius : 145 pm Atomic Radius (Calc.) : 167 pm pm = 10^-12 m"

Lithium, sodium, and potassium all have one valence electron. which element has the largest atomic radius? A: Lithium. B: Sodium. C: Potassium. D: All have the same atomic radius. Please Help Me ASAP its impotent. Please and Thank You.

Kev replied: "potassium. more electrons"

Pauly82 replied: "Simplification for the radius in the periodic table: From top to bottom the atom gets bigger From left to right it gets smaller"

ScienceStudent replied: "The radius of the element gets smaller as you move from left to right across the periodic chart. Also, as you move from top left to bottom left, the radius increases. The larger the radius, the more electrons there are around the atom. Therefore, if you have an element with only one electron, and it is closest to the nucleus, it is extremely hard to pull it away when reacting. As the element gets larger, the outermost electron becomes farther and farther away from the nucleus (increasing the radius), and so the outermost electron becomes easier to pull off the element, because the charge from the nucleus doesn't have such a strong hold or attraction to it."

how is lithium more reactive than sodium when it has a smaller atomic radius and high Zeff? Shouldnt lithium be less reactive than sodium since as you go down the group 1A elements, reactivity increases??

Gladius B replied: "You're thinking along the right track. But instead of thinking of the inner protons and their effect, let's think about the outer electrons. Now, as you go down a group, what happens is that inner electrons shield outer electrons. This causes the outer electrons to be easier to move about and react thereby making it more reactive. So if we go down the group to Francium, it should be very reactive since it has so many layers of shielding electrons leaving the outer layer of electrons to react (very easily, I might add)."

which has a larger atomic radius? sodium or lithium? i suck at chemistry. please help me! thank you so very much for your answers :)

The 1 Who Thinks HE Knows!!!!! replied: "of course sodium because its atomic number (proton number) is greater thn lithium."

intelex replied: "Sodium. For a given class of elements, the lower the compound is on the table, the bigger the radius is. Since sodium is lower on the table of elements than lithium and they are in the same class, it is bigger. And for genius above me who "thinks he knows", could he explain why Lithium (3 AU) has a larger radius than bromine (35 AU)?"

(: replied: "Na because as you go down the periodic table, the atoms add more electron shells, so the atoms get bigger as you go down. Be careful when going left to right because atomic radius decreases as it goes left to right because the positive nucleus is pulling in the electrons, making the atom smaller."

is 152 pm a big or small atomic radius? I need to write a story for chemistry and 152 pm is the atomic radius of lithium and i need to know if that would be considered a big or a small atomic radius?

Takker replied: "Lithium is one of the smallest atom. The Li+ ion is littler than Li metal atom."

Ashish Patel replied: "152pm is relatively small compared to most of the other elements. A good way to look at it is to look at atomic radii trends on the periodic table. The atomic radius increases going down a group or column and decreases going across a period or row. Lithium therefore is larger than H,He,Be,B,C,O,F, and Ne. Following the trend is is generally the fact that all other elements are larger. I would use this website: which has a really nice periodic table. If you click on an element's name you will get a page open to Wikipedia and its respective element's page. Scrolling down a bit you will find values for their radii which you can use to confirm what I've just said."

mgokhansanli replied: "the first link will help you. see the table. atomic radius of lithium is somewhat average (I think)."

what is the relationship between melting point and atomic radius in group 1 (the alkali metal)? why is the melting point of lithium higher than francium when lithium has a stronger force (lower atomic radius) between the nucleus and the outer shell electron? please please include sources because i need them for my coarsework thankyou :)

Chemistry lover replied: "there is no relationship between melting point and atomic radius in group 1 because every element has its own melting point & it doesnt matter what the group is"

What element in the second period has the largest atomic radius ? A. carbon B. neon C. potassium D. lithium

hot4jwg replied: "Neon"

chi replied: "B. neon atomic radius increases from left to right in a period and increases from top to bottom in a group. another hint is, if you are to compare elements in a group or period, check the atomic number, the higher the atomic number is, the bigger the atomic radius is. hope that helps! =)"

Which of the following elements has the largest atomic radius? Lithium Sodium Potassium Rubidium

Rangoli S replied: "rubidium ..... the atomic radius increases on going down the group due to the addition of one more orbit ...and all the above four are of the same group -grp 1a or grp 1 lithium prd -2 sodium 3 pottassium 4 rubidium 5 cesium 6 francium 7"

Dr^valentine replied: "In the periodic table, All Lithium, sodium, potassium, Rubidium are in the same group (Alkali metal) No of electrons = Li < Na < K < Rb Shell number = Li < Na < K < Rb Repulsion between eletrons = Li < Na < K < Rb Atomic radii = Li < Na < K < Rb Atomic size = Li < Na < K < Rb So, Rubidium has largest atomic radius (This is also because atomic size increase from top to bottom down the group in the periodic table.)"

Queen Amidala replied: "hey, im in iQ physical science, are u? EMAIL ME!: ^_^"

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