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Bactrim Prescription Posts
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Bactrim Prescription Posts in Q&A
I am a backpacker visiting Montreal and I got a traveler's stomach infection. Bactrim without prescription? Is Bactrim sold without prescription in Canada?, In case I have to go to the doctor for a prescription, I do not have much money so could you recommend a good and cheap doctor in Montreal?

the514 replied: "well i'm not sure if it's sold without a prescription, but you could try looking at all the pharmacies. there's jean coutu, pharmaprix, uniprix...others. as for a cheap doctor, i have no idea. sorry."

wishbone200817 replied: " ---good luck,., bye,.,"

fatsausage replied: "Go to the Emergency Room at one of the large Hospitals."

Can I still take an old Bactrim prescription? I'm pretty sure that I have an U.T.I. and to avoid a trip to the doctor I was considering taking a prescription for an UTI that I got on 04-26-2007 Would that be okay or bad? Idk if prescriptions expire or anything. It's not exactly one year yet... Should i take it or not?

Kathy R.N. replied: "no longer effective after 1yr"

Liberty Belle replied: "when you are given antibiotics you are supposed to take the entire bottle even if you feel better unless your doctor specifically tells you otherwise. So no you should not take old antibiotics - you should get a new prescription for a full regime of antibiotics and take the entire bottle. Antibiotic misuse causes resistant strains. Don't misuse antibiotics."

olympics junkie replied: "You should have finished the entire prescription last time, because that is why bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. You now have no way of knowing if the infection is caused by the same organism as last time, & what med will be effective in fighting it. You need to see a doctor, & please, for everyone's sake, FOLLOW HIS DIRECTIONS!!!"

where can i get a LEGAL online prescription for Bactrim DS, and also order the med online? I am an RN, work in a community hospital, and have had minor cases of cellulitis 3 times in 15 months due to exposure from patients. All responded well to this med, and I want to get more in case of another infection, but I don't want to spend time/$ to see the doc again. I'm sure I can tell if a new infection is the same or different, and I know when to take the med and when not to. Is there a site where I can get a real scrip from a real online doc, and get it filled with the real med? Legally?

hotmama replied: "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...NO! All those sites online need a prescription from YOU'RE doctor. It's not legal for someone who doesn't even know anything about you to write you a script...I think I would question if they were a doctor or not. Why can't you're doctor just give you a script when you need it, being you get this infection so much? Bactim DS is not expensive by any means and being you work in a health care facility why can't you're doctor just give them to you? I work in a clinic pharmacy, you work more closely with doctors than I do,and if I'm not feeling well I just ask my doctor or my sons pediatrician to look at me and they've given me scripts (I don't get charged for a visit),sometimes I can even call them and say I have streph throat and I need more clindamycin (I get streph about 3 times a year from patients), they can easily see how often I get it and I know when I have it.I can even call my sons pediatrician and tell her he has pink eye and she'll call him in a script. Have you tried just asking you're doctor?Usually when you work for a medical facility they are more understanding if you can't or don't want to be getting billed for visits that aren't necessarily needed."

carl l replied: "See/call your doctor. On line scrip sites are illegal and scams. If you are near the Canadian border, maybe it's time for a vacation!"

Bactrim Prescription Developing Rash? Ive been taking ot for about 3 weeks and I have missed a couple dosages during that time. But I am experiencing a rash under both of my arms. But its scatterd and its not even notiable if unless you point it out. Its a light pink and there is no hives its just a light pink. Its barely even itchy. I was just wondering if I was having an allergic reaction to it and if I need to stop... I haven't experienced any other reactions then this... Do I need to stop?

stardancer12 replied: "Go to the doctor..Now...Bactrim has sulfa in in...My husband almost died from taking Bactrim...I took it years later and had no problems at first..but then broke out in light pink and then it went to hives and I couldn't hardly breathe. Do not stop taking it...until you see the doctor...but don't wait...go to the ER or Medical clinic or call the drs. office can be scarey stuff."

lilprincesstif replied: "Like Stardancer I'm allergic to Bactrim I did the same thing broke out after a week of being on it. Also if your taking phenergen for nausea this could be the culprit not the bactrim. However get yourself to an ER NOW. And stop taking the medicine tonight I had to quit mine before I ever went to the doctor because I'm allergic to sulfer drugs. and Pencillin drugs."

Lea replied: "You need to contact your physician, now. You are displaying a classic sign of sulfa allergy."

Buy Bactrim online? No prescription. In Cash? Does anyone know where I can buy Bactrim online, no prescription needed, and paid through cash?

Love Baseball replied: "you can order it from the site I use not sure how you would use cash, but they have online chat so you can ask them"

What is the shelf life of bactrim? My mother has a UTI again and doesnt have the $$$ to fill the prescription. The doctor prescribed Bactrim. She has some that was leftover from a previous infections but it is about 8 months old. It is the same strength as the new RX and she has about a 3 day supply, which can get her through until she gets her SS check on the 3rd. Would it hurt to take the old RX for now?

nora replied: "8 months should be fine. Expired prescriptions are only less effective (this shouldn't be expired anyway) and given the situation, it's better to take something now than wait till the 3rd."

the doctor gave me a prescription for bactrim based on symptoms for a possible UTI. What if its somthing else I have a lot of irritation/itching/burning. i wasnt given a urine test because i couldnt produce one. ive taken pyridiam (Sp?) and ive drank at least a gallon of cranberry juice in the last 2 days. i dont know what to do anymore. and i dont have health insurance so i dont want to go back until im absolute sure the meds arent working. ive taken 3 days and my prescrp. is for 5, when will it start working!!!!

rosieC replied: "Give the Bactrim ( a strong antibiotic) a chance to work. You're doing everything possible to correct this problem. In the meantime, drink a lot of water to flush out your system."

Is there any non prescription alternatives to bactrim? Does anyone know of any? I've been taking bactrim for a while and my dermatologist moved to a new place so I was stuck with theperson that replaced him..the new derm put me on all these cremes for my face that just dry me out and they refuse to give me bactrim. I did some research and found that the effective ingrediants are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim if that helps anyone.. So does anyone know if I can get anything similar to this in stores or online? Thanks!

lilnat8588 replied: "no Bactrim is an antibiotic. You will definitely need a prescription from the doctor to get that or anything like it. Try a new dermatologist if you're not satisfied with your new one. Ask friends who they use. Be careful with Bactrim though, it can have rather nasty side-efffects which is probably why your new doc isn't too fond of it."

Can you buy the antibiotic Cipro without a prescription? I have cystitis and have had it for many years.So I KNOW I have a UTI right now. My Dr. always calls me in Cipro or Bactrim without coming in because he knows I know when I have a true UTI, been dealing with them for SO LONG.BUT my problem is right now he is on vacation and won't be back for 1 week.No one to fill in it is a small office in small town.My other problem is I am leaving in 4 days to go on vacation too but this UTI has to go or I will be so miserabl!! I already am!! I know my dose and know all about Cipro but was curious to know if the sites I see offering to sell Cipro online without a prescription is legal? Says Cipro is not illegal to purchase without a prescription and I am in desperate need here, anyone know or recommend sites?

Ookpik replied: "No...visit a clinic..."

petunia1 replied: "No but you could call your Dr.s office and talk to the Dr. that is taking over for him while he is gone. They can give you a prescription."

Linni replied: "Antibiotics are prescription-only. Be very wary of those online sites, some drugs were found to have less than 1% of active drug. They just out for money. If you get UTI so often, maybe you should have your whole urinary tract checked up, you might have reflux or something. Hey, and drink heaps of water (I know you'd know that by now)."

Kitty replied: "go to an ER or an Urgent care office if you can't get into the dr before your vacation. Most likely the sites your seeing are saying it isn't illegal but you probably aren't actually buying cipro either. You never know what your gonna get. Anyways you might as well resign yourself to seeing the dr or an urgent care place. good luck"

monica p replied: "no you need a prescription from your doctor."

Just Me replied: "Those websites that sell those types of medications are terrible. It is illegal to obtain a prescription medication without a PRESCIPTION !!! Plus, how do you know what you are getting ? Is that person a licensed pharmacist? More than likely, no. You could end up with some expired, outdated or wrong medication. You need a urologist who can find out why you have reccurent cystitis because if it's that frequent, you more than likely have a resistence to Cipro or Bactrim anyway. Go to an ER somewhere. Drive for an hour if you have to find one. It is extremely dangerous to purchase these "medications" from an alleged online pharmacy."

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