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How long does the Brethine Injection work for preterm labor? ? I am asking please please please help me find this answer! I went into preterm labor last night and was gave two shots of brethine to stop contractions. Im 35 weeks and turn 36 tomorrow. I want to know how long it lasts to stop it?

momof3 replied: "I had to have the shot with my last baby at 28 weeks and I had her at 38 weeks."

animal32306 replied: "It depends on how your body reacts to it. I have had to have those shots 5 different times - about every two weeks. I'm surprised they gave them to you considering you are that close to 36 weeks and most doctors allow the baby to come at 36 weeks."

Echo replied: "That depends on you. If you remain on bed and pelvic rest, stay well hydrated, and try to remain relaxed and calm, you shouldn't need to have any other intervention for preterm labor. True preterm labor is difficult to stop, so most likely if they were able to stop it with just two injections of brethine, you should be ok. The shot isnt' actually in your body an incredibly long time...when it is given, it relaxes the uterus. Sometimes, that is all that is needed to stop contractions from turning into full blown preterm labor. If you're cervix isn't changing (which I doubt it is if they let you go home), then you're not in preterm labor."

super_jeff2001 replied: "just pray that the brethine works, the magnesium sulfate sucks"

For anyone who has taken Brethine for preterm labor? I was given brethine for preterm labor yesterday and came home last night and did some research on it and did not like what I had found. This is just a little information for those of you who have had to take it and those of you who may go into preterm labor. If by chance I happen to go into labor again I will not be taking this drug again. Considering that I am almost 36 weeks anyways I do not really see the point.>
Jill replied: "And you link to an attorney site - as if they don't have any alterior motives. LOL There is no reason a 36 week woman should be given terbutaline. But for the hundreds of thousands of women who were 20-30 weeks and able to hang on to their babies in the womb a few weeks more to give them a better chance at survival, this drug was a lifesaver and worth the risk. There is NO medication that carries zero risk to a pregnancy. And when it comes to preterm labor (when it's earlier than when you were given it), the risks of preterm labor are far greater than the risks of taking the medication. If you've seen what I have seen working as a high risk antepartum nurse, if you've talked to women who have saved their pregnancies by taking terbutaline, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss it's effectiveness and so quick to freak out over the risks."

Poppy: John is due 12/19/08 replied: "I'm 31 weeks and have been having preterm labor symptoms for a while now and the doctors are doing what they can do not put me on that med. They agree that there are some issues with terbutaline and in some cases it is necessary but in many it is not. Instead, they've been using fetal fibronectin tests to avoid terbutaline. Thankfully, they have been negative and I haven't had to have the drug. I'm wondering why they want you on it at 36 weeks. I wouldn't see the point either."

Mommie2B Nov. 6 replied: "Im 37wks today and last week they gave me brethine twice to stop contractions, they didnt even ask just kind of insisted. Well tuesday I went back to the doc and had a non stress test and they ended up giving me another shot and a prescription to take home to take one every 8hrs but I am not taking it I refuse to becuase I'm 37wks whats it going to hurt. I think if god wants my little one to come out let her come. I'm very upset they did not discuss things with me before they just stuck my arm but then again I do have a mouth I should have spoke up, but this is our first and we didnt know what to expect... best of luck"

Side effect of Brethine for preterm labor? Does anyone have info on the possible side effects to the baby from brethine for preterm labor? I have had 3 injections and was able to insist on not taking the pills and just go on bed rest. After looking online, I'm now freaking out that there will be something wrong with my baby and I don't know what to trust. I'm now in the 'safe zone' of almost 37 weeks. Does anyone have any accurate information on the side effects (or lack of) to the baby? Please help me! Thank you SOOOO much!

M Kerr RN L&D replied: "Respiratory distress and pneumonia are risks of preterm birth, which present a higher risk of mortality than administration of the drug. There are maternal side effects which are quite unpleasant but women bear them because of the risk of prematurity. This drug has not even been approved by the FDA for use in this manner, but its use is certainly within the standard of care for preterm labor. ,,midwife_3pq9,00.html "

Anne F replied: "Goodness, I was on brethine for baby was born just fine and healthy but he also came 2 1/2 weeks late..I feel like being on the brethine caused him to be due date was May 7 and he came May 25..a long time to he was healthy and fine, just a little small..good luck"

Jill replied: "Since many drugs are not studied intensively in regards with how they affect a fetus (because deliberate research would be unethical) there aren't formal studies to quote. What happens is that certain medications are used to treat other conditions (like brethine is usually for asthma) and a pregnant woman happens to take them and they discover these other effects and "off label" uses. So, brethine was known to be a drug that relaxes smooth muscle to open the airways, and it was reasonable to guess that it could relax the uterus too. It works pretty well, and they have definitely used it enough over the last decades to know that it is safe enough and there have been no known high risks for fetal anomalies or other issues affecting development. OB is a practice with high legal liability. Physicians are not happy to prescribe medications unless they are well assured the risk for side effects is minimal, and that the benefits of taking it (such as preventing preterm labor and birth of an immature baby) are greater than those minimal risks. Any drug you look up on will show you all kinds of side effects and freak you out. It's important to remember that most of the time those more severe negative effects happen in people who are sensitive to the drug, who have preexisting medical conditions, or are taking very high doses. If you don't trust it, talk to your doctor more about your concerns, or get a second opinion. Your baby will be just fine. You're almost there now! Good luck!"

32 weeks pregnant, put on Brethine for preterm labor. ? This is my first pregnancy and everything was fine up until about 31 weeks. I then had some bleeding and went to the hospital where I was told I have a low lying placenta and I started having contractions. I was given Brethine through a shot in the hospital and was sent home on bed rest. Then about 5 days later I ended up in the hospital again for more bleeding(very light this time) and more contractions. I was there for a day then sent home and I now have oral Brethine that I have to take 3 times a day while still on the bed rest. I'm worried this drug can hurt my baby. Has anyone had an experience with it? It makes me feel so dizzy and nervous which I was told was a side effect but I can't help but worry..

chemical0nova replied: "A doctor would not give meds to a pregnant woman that would harm the baby. They are usually very strict on this. They tell you you aren't supposed to take advil, but tylenol instead. If they are strict on that, they are of course going to be even more strict on more harmful drugs. They would never prescribe you with medication that could harm your baby, so don't worry. If you were told to take them, keep taking them. Doctors are educated to know these things, you are not. Trust there medical knowledge, because it's a lot vaster than your own."

Brethine to stop contractions/preterm labor? I'm having a hard time finding any good info on it. I can only really find info on using it for the relaxation of lungs. I also found that the FDA doesn't actually approve it for stopping preterm labor, but it is used commonly. Does anyone have any good info on it? I'm mainly looking for possible side effects. Do you think that since it's used to relax the muscles that control breathing that it could be over relaxing my lungs? I've been short of breath all day after taking it, but this also came after having an extreme dizzy spell and hotflashes. It could be one or the other causing my shortness of breath, but I'd like some more info on the pregnancy usage of it. Tribuline (sp?) is the generic for of Brethine I believe. No, I'm not diabetic and have been checked for GD. Blood pressure has been normal so no concern for anything like pre-eclampsia at this point. As far as I know I've been pretty much healthy except for this preterm labor thing and dizzy spells today.

M Kerr RN L&D replied: "Hope this helps! "

Adelyn B replied: "well i was on it for about a week when i started having early contractions but i dont remember actually having any side effects from it"

Badkarma4me replied: "do you mean tributiline???? never heard of brethine. I know tributiline is not approved by the FDA but is still widely used to stop labor. How many weeks are you ?? are you diabetic?? have you been tested for diabetes are there any other underlying medical conditions in conjunction with your pregnancy that you have not disclosed to us?? those are all questions that need to be answered that may also explain your symptoms. You may also be having a reaction to the medication. I would talk to your Dr about it if you are concerned"

pipsqueek replied: "Terbutaline and brethine are the same drug. I was on it orally then subcutaneously (like an IV but into the fat on my leg) for 15 weeks with my second pregnancy 15 years ago. It is very commonly used and you are correct, it is not approved for PTL by the FDA. It has a long and tested track-record though. Yes, it can make you short of breath and jittery. Call your docs office to ask about any symptoms you are experiencing but they didn't tell you about. Three times during that pregnancy I built up a resistence to the brethine and was put on magnesium sulphate. The way I understood it, the mag cleared out the receptor sites on the uterus so the brethine could work again. And each time they would start me again on a low dose of the brethine. It would work for a while, they would up it as I had more contractions until they couldn't anymore, and then use the mag. Two years ago I was pregnant and didn't they didn't need the mag at all. I was on monthly injections of hydroxy-progesterone and procardia orally. Links:"

How long is too long to be on Brethine and Progesterone for Preterm Labor? I am 34 or 35 weeks pregnant now and had a cercalge due to IC at 24 weeks. I was also started on Brethine every 4 hours and Progesterone shots once a week at that time. Doctor keeps changing his mind about when it will all stop and when I will get my cerclage out. I want my baby to be healthy first and foremost but some of my research sounds like the meds do more harm than good after a certain point. The nurses have even admitted so. Which brings me to my next point. By my missed period and first two ultrasounds my due date is Jan 26th but a third ultrasound and she changed it to the 4th of Feb a week later. I have measured big and his 20 week ultrasound he was measuring 3 weeks big. If there is a certain cut off for these meds- shouldn't they let me off a week earlier just in case???

God answers all questions replied: "put your trust in gods hands"

How can i determine preterm labor contractions? I'm 36 weeks pregnant, and this past sunday i had to go to the hospital because i lost my mucus plug and had some bloody show. They put me on an IV drip, then gave me three doses of some shot to try and stop my contractions.. They also had me take a brethine pill which seemed to help slow down my contractions for the time being. They diagnosed me to be in preterm labor, the early stage, but said that since it was so close to being a term pregnancy, it wasn't extremely dangerous. I am having trouble being able to determine contractions. The nurses said that i was having them pretty regularly when i went in to the hospital, but i never noticed them at home and don't exactly know what i'm supposed to be feeling when i have one. I was told to time my contractions so that i could come back in if they became 10 or so minutes apart. I'm not sure how to tell the beginning of a contraction or if the pain that i'm feeling is even a contraction.. any advice?

jennanderton2006 replied: "time the tightness you feel every time you feel a contraction many women begin dilating and dont feel any pain til they are past 4 or 5 centimeters"

baby replied: "it really is no different contractions they are the same because i had my child at 37 weeks and everything was the same way nothing was different."

IM 27 WEEKS PREGNANT AND HAVE PRETERM LABOR,IS MY BABY GONNA BE OK? Im currently taking brethine for contractions,but i still am feeling some contractions. Im so nervous and scared thar something will happen to my baby. Any stories pleez help.

chy replied: "hang in there try not ot stress out it will make it worse. baby can make it at 25 weeks but try to hang in their as long as you can. brethine some times doesn't stop the contractions, but as long as there slowing down and not as Intense it should help. bed rest if your doc. hasn't put u on it put your self on bed rest. if you do deliver the baby soon, try to stay positive it will be a shock to see such a small baby he or she will only be around 2 lbs. keep positive. wishing you the best,"

Can stopping preterm labor too many times eventually delay it in the end? When i was around 34 weeks I started having actual contractions and had to go to the hospital. My doctor put me on brethine to stop them. I ended up in the hospital 3 other times from it. On the 2nd hospital trip I was put on bed rest and was given a script for brethine to take. On the 3rd trip I was given a stronger script because the one given to me previously wasnt working. My dr finally took me off of it at 37 weeks and told me if I go I go. I am 39 weeks now and just waiting. I have heard stories about women who had taken brethine for periods of time and then they eventually had to be induced... Just wondering if there are other people out there that have heard about this or have any answers they could give me about it.

Jill replied: "Brethine isn't going to make labor not come. The medication wears off in something like 4-6 hours. Some women just have bouts of preterm labor than can be stopped, and eventually later they go to their due date or even past due. There is no way to predict what will happen. But you are 39 weeks, a lot can happen in the next two weeks. Be patient and have faith your body will know what to do. Good luck!"

Ethan's Mommy- 06/10/08 replied: "Same thing happened to me, After I got off of my meds...NOTHING! I had to be induced at 39 weeks. Ended up having a c-section because of an invterted uterus."

Wendy B replied: "I'm not sure. I've had my preterm labor stopped several times since 22w. Right now I'm 36w4d and have been in early labor for over 2 weeks."

happy2b_pg_w/#3 replied: "I had to have my labor stopped at 33 1/2 weeks and then again at 35 1/2 weeks. Once I made it to the 36 week mark, my dr. said the same thing "if you go into labor again, we won't stop it". I am now 37 weeks 2 days and waiting!! The one thing that upset me about being given brethine was that after researching it, I found out that it isn't even FDA approved. I haven't been able to find other information regarding possible side effects."

31 weeks, preterm labor twice, second baby, how long? I am 31 weeks, I have gone into pre-term labor twice and now they sent me home with brethine in case i start having contractions again, which ironically I haven't since they gave me the pillls. This is my second baby and with my son I had to be induced. However, I am over 50 % effaced and on absolute bed rest. Now I really want to clean, will it be soon?

SHE'S HERE!!! 7-24-08 replied: "well the baby will come when it's ready. i had premature labor at 19,23,27,30,33,36, and 381/2 weeks and all were stopped except the last one but she stopped coming. then i had to be induced. i was on pitocin for 10hrs. and ended up having a c-section."

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