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Where can I buy Xanax online without a prescription? Where can I buy Xanax online without a prescription? Looking Xanax AKA: Alprazolam........ I don't want BUSPAR or any other benzodaizephine

zezo/zezo replied: "xanax tab all over the world is controlled medicine so it need special controlled prescription,for your health protection follow psychiatric clinic."

hotdogsarefree replied: "u don't thankfully"

Mildred S replied: "why wouldn't you just go to a doctor and ask for a prescription ? it is a 50.00 to 75.00 office visit and you will have it filled at a trustworthy pharmacy in the United States. there are online pharmacies available that fill prescriptions through a health questionare and then a doctor prescribes without meeting you. they charge high prices for this service. also, the problem is that you may not get the real drugs or drugs that are safe. other countries sell drugs without prescriptions, because they cannot afford doctors so the pharmacists sort of function as the primary health care provider and suggest the treatment to the patient and the patients buy the medicine right there at the pharmacy. i would not recommend taking any medicine without consulting a real trusted doctor. just explain why you think you need this med to any doctor and ask them if they think it is safe for you to take it. they will know your medical history and what other meds you are taking to make sure you none of the meds are causing serious interactions. many people die from taking prescriptions that don't interact well together. please do see a doctor and learn to value your doctor and speak honestly to them so they can best help you."

i take xanex and i'm almost out can i take buspar instead? i take xanex .5mg i'm almost out and don't have money to buy them for mny depression. my mother has a bottle of buspar 15 are these two about the same drugs

AskAndYouShallReceive replied: "Two different classes of medications, Xanax is a benzo for anxiety, not depression. Buspar is very mild depression medication."

My Cat Is Leaving Poop Stains On My Sheets!? My cat is 10 and quite anxious. He used to poop a lot outside of his litter box, but after getting him on Buspar and buying good kitty litter and two boxes to put in two locations, it seemed that things had solved themselves. He even took to lying on and in my bed. I thought that was really sweet, a sure sign he was feeling more relaxed. And maybe he is. It's just now, I have noticed he leaves these little poop prints from his paws or butt on my sheets! It's really gross! I actually wiped his butt today when I saw he was lying on my freshly changed sheets and inspected his tail. (I'm almost really embarrassed to admit that, but it was more for making ME comfy, not him!) Anyways, is there anything that can be done? My boyfriend suggested getting his butt area trimmed. I have him on 1/2 can of wet food a day (to mix the Buspar into) so I don't think it's the diet. I closed the door to my room, but it'd be nice to cuddle with the kitty...any ideas?

David s replied: "get he hutt hair cut sound good try it"

manthamom replied: "this is disgusting, get rid of him, I would never have something so unclean in my home or around me. I just can't comprehend filth when there is a way to prevent it."

Mrs. B replied: "Sweety, you don't need to get rid of your cat. (some troll posted that up) Just trim the hair on his butt and perhaps down the back of his legs if it's long and feathery hair. I've had to wipe my cats butts, and my kids butts >.< (would I get rid of the baby because it pooped and needed it's butt wiped? lmao) Pet owners wipe butts, fight the problem of tracked kitty litter, fight with fleas, and do other 'not so fun' things when it comes to owning a pet. You could try knocking his wet food down by half, or mixing it with more fiber filling food (talk to the vet about it or look up a good food online for kitty). Try using a different kitty litter, my cat tracked poopy / wet paw prints all over when he'd come out of his litter box until I changed to that $8 a bag absorbing crystals litter. It cost more at first, but it lasts way longer than cheap litter, hardly sticks to their feet at all, really absorbs wettness (even dries out their wet feces!) SUMMARY -------- Change to crystal absorbing litter, trim butt and paw hair (if long), keep his litter boxes super clean, might need larger boxes so he don't step in his poop, talk to vet about adding fiber to the food or some way to firm up his poop if his feces is loose or wet, buy cheap baby wipes and wipe kitty's butt before cuddling or letting him on the bed. I have a tub of wipes in each room of the house to tackle poopy cats and dirty kids ,,,=^_^=,,, rawwrl *winks* Mrs. B"

Alison S replied: "worm your cat"

Jodie S. replied: "Are you sure your he doesn't have worms? Worms can cause the leaky booty. Cats are usually very clean animals. I would suggest taking him to the vet just to make sure. It may be the diet of 1/2 can of wet food. Try giving him dry food mostly, and then mixing the Buspar with a minimal amout of wet food just so he gets that down. Good luck!!"

frosstybear replied: "I had a cat I rescued once who did that. part of it was they think we was stuck in a area for a while he couldn't get out and lost the skill. also because of its being abandoned the vet thought it might be the fear and no control. was told to work with it. and when they get older they also lose control. if you changed food completely it will have a similar result and they have to build back a bacteria count in there system (thats what the vet told me) the vet said if you change food mix some of the old with the new. but really should have a vet look into it if it do not change soon. had the vet say to help add like a teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese for a couple days. helps build up the system but not for to long. another thing is there are a few types of cats who always have that trouble. you have to watch them and clean them have heard they have like diapers for cats with issues. if you love the cat its an ideal. hopefully this helps a little bit."

RuneAmok replied: "A kitty brazilian will definitely help. I highly recommend it. The problem could be the medication - which I've never heard of - or it could be the diet. Canned food is great for cats, but they're not all of equal quality. If you're feeding something like Friskies or Fancy Feast, that may be the problem. You could try a different canned food and see if that helps things. I suggest a grainless variety. Or you could try probiotics or digestive enzymes. Or perhaps things will improve once he's off the meds....."

What should I do about all this? Over three years ago I was diagnosed with several anxiety disorders. Geez, I don't even feel like taking the time to write this, as I've done it so many times. My parents are stupid and don't really understand what it's like to have anxiety, they think that everyone has it and that it's normal for a teenager. They just don't get it. I failed one course this year, but still manage to have a 90 average for my first two years of high school. Is that decent? It's not what I would've hoped. I'm pretty smart, and I tell my parents I would've been in the top 20 had I not had so much anxiety. They don't buy it though. They've come to believe that I'm just a lazy, narcissistic sixteen year old who thinks he knows everything. I'm on Prozac and Buspar, and my doctor gave me Klonopin the other day. I haven't taken it yet, and my mom's reluctant to give it to me at all because she thinks I'll become addicted. It's just so...gah! I don't know what to do. Through it all, the one thing that makes me keep going is the idea that one day I can be a huge success, that one day I could be in the Senate. That's my dream. I've studied the Constitution (I wrote it all out by hand last night), I've learned Latin and Spanish, and am going to learn Russian. I've read a bunch of political books (including the Communist Manifesto). It's just...I feel so hopeless. I want to be a great leader one day, but this damn anxiety is consuming my life. And all the while, no one seems to believe me. Or they think I'm overexagerrating...what do I do?

noodlez replied: "I say keep doing what your doing. Anyone would give to be as smart as you, so don't take it for granted. For the anxiety, try to do overcome it a few steps at a time. Don't rush in their and think you can get rid of your anxiety all at once. And then take what medication you can to help."

Emma replied: "maybe you could find something for your parents to read about anxiety to help them understand it? i've got the same problem and im on some medication it worked wonders as i couldn't even go to school my anxiety was that bad... you sound like you have a lot to give so find a way to take that klonopin!"

pulido_lourdes replied: "I believe you and to be honest even if you don't believe me. The one who cured me from these anxiety is Jesus Christ."

d.fox60 replied: "You may be a success one day but not as a leader Aim for something that suits your personality"

krikit replied: "You sound like a bright kid! Keep doing what your doing! You'll def be sucessful if you want to! I understand anxiety, I have it too. I don't take meds tho. I try the all natural way. Find an outlet like journaling or exercise to get rid of your anxiety. It seems to help me! Whatever you do don't give up on yourself!!! This is just a season in your life. Stay positive. It'll pass!! Let me know if it works!! good luck!!"

Jeff replied: "Your parents are right young man! You DO NOT NEED DRUGS. Your Dr is full of S H I T! Your a teenager for god sake! Your parents should be shot for letting you take those drugs. We have become a society of pill poppers and it's pathetic! Dr's and drug Co's and are screwing up society with drugs!"

rencar32002 replied: "Anxiety is real. But a lot of people don't understand it. I've had anxiety all my life but wasn't diagnosed until I was an adult which sucked for me when I was a teenager! I would suggest not to use the klonopin just yet. That's pretty strong and I know someone that's on it and let me tell you, it isn't pretty. Please try to write down your feelings in a journal. Try to do things that make you laugh. This helps because they are things that I do. Also ask if you can see a therapist. They teach you some techniques that will help you with your anxiety. Going to a therapist allows you to talk about everything and anything and they do listen and it helps to vent. I'm sorry that your parents don't understand your situation. So you really need to take care of yourself. Your grade point average is great. Keep up the good work. But remember to take breaks to relax yourself. Look up on breathing techniques, this works for me. It takes a while to get yourself to do it. But once you learn it becomes a reflex. Try not to overwhelme yourself. Do what you can. I hope that this well help you out in some way. Good luck."

* Darksongbird * replied: "Keep going, Peter. I would have KILLED to have had an average of 90 in ANY of my quarters for a final average. And that wasn't even giving your all because you were had anxiety as a hindrance? Please. There are tons of people that would love to be as intelligent as you are and you're only 16. Don't give up. I know life can seem so pointless but wait till college. You are learning things now like different languages but once you get there, you can branch out even further and take life more seriously. I wish you nothing but luck. Keep the dreams alive. :)"

Natural Suppliments and Dilantin? First of all, I take Dilantin (100mg three times a day) and am having some horrid panic issues... I feel panicky all day everyday and the medicine the doctor gave me scares me (buspar, the side effects freak me out) so I went to WalMart and bought two things. 1. Natrol 5-HTP and Valerian root. My questions are, do those two things have any side effects? Has anyone been hurt by taking it? And, will either one of those interact badly with Dilantin? Oh, and has anyone used them for panic disorder? I called the doctor and he said he didn't know and that anything sold over-the-counter isnt very strong...

Sky replied: "Ok, here's the thing. Using holistic medicine can be very effective and can help you with panic disorders, but there are many things you need to know. I would recommend visiting with a holistic doctor who can tell you what to take, how much, what brand and where to find it. Failing that, I have found Dr. Linda Page's books on holistic nutrition to be very helpful. Dr Andrew Weil is also very learned on the subject of integrative medicine as well. There are also changes to your diet and excercise that can be very helpful for mental function that you should probably know about. I know that very few western doctors that I have ever visited had a clue about nutrition or holistic medicine so you have to find help away from your doctor. Also, any holistic treatment you decide to pursue will take longer to be effective than the "magic bullet" medication of western medicine. I hope you find all you need to make yourself well."

stacia replied: "Buspar works well and w/o side effects for many. Bottom line is that all meds have side effects. The question is whether you get them. I know people who have taken 5-HTP and valerian root without problem. Efficacy wasn't all that great. They weren't on Dilantin, either. A problem with supplements is that they are unregulated and you never can be sure that you are getting the same quality/strength/etc each time. Not advocating for or against! Here's a med interaction check website. Not sure if it includes supplements."

Pat D replied: "First off, if you are taking dilantin for a seizure disorder you must be very very careful about any medicines you take...prescription or over-the-counter. Many homeopathic medicines can increase your seizure threshhold. Some forms of seizure can give you a feeling of anxiety or motor restlessness (not all seizures include falling down and being unconscious) which could be the source of your panic issues, or possibly a contributor. If you haven't run your syptoms past a neurologist it would be a good idea to do so. There is a lot of cross training between psychiatry and neurology but in my experience psychiatrists know very little about seizure disorders. I am not familiar with how buspar effects seizure threshholds, although I know that a similar drug, wellbutrin, is a no-no for people with seizure disorders. I have never heard of Natrol or Valerian root being effective for panic issues. I have been working in the psychiatric field for 30 years and know that people with panic disorders try all kinds of stuff. I'm pretty sure that if it had worked for someone I would have heard by now. No doctor I know recommends it. Research shows that most effective course of treatment includes an antidepressant medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. If you are interested to learn more about how seizure symptoms can mimic psychiatric symptoms you might be interested in reading a book called Seized by Eve La Plante My neurologist doesn't agree with everything in there, but you will learn some very interesting stuff that you can take back to your neurologist and psychiatrist to become more actively involved in your care. (By the way there is a PDR - Physician's Desk Reference- for Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Suppliments and it's a good bet that your pharmacist will have a copy of should be able to help in determining answers your specific questions regarding these suppliments. Although I've seen it before I don't currently have access to one.)"

My cat won't stop peeing and I'm about to breakdown.? I took in my cat over 2 years ago as a stray. The neighbors in the area where he was found said he was abused as people would spit on him and throw things at him. I have found he is very friendly, just doesn't like to be held. The vet said he is around 4 or 5 now. My problem is he will not stop peeing. I try to accommodate him, but it is getting out of hand. I change/scoop the litter box an unreal amount of times,changed the litter to see if that helps even Dr. Elsely's cat attract littler, bought a new box, cleaned the box with lysol, feliaway, buspar from the vet, he is fixed, aluminum foil, changed food, he gets attention and he tested neg for urinary tract twice. I'm having concerns because I will be renting a new house w/ new carpet and my deposit is over $1000 and I cannot lose it. I may lose my deposit for the apartment because he sprayed it everywhere! He lives with another cat, but they get along great.Vet said it is most likely behavioral, but I can't live like this. Yes, my cat is fixed and no it isn't that he pees too much. It is that he pees behind the TV, behind the couch, on the kitchen tile, outside the box, in the pantry, on my clothes. I find it odd though he likes me the best and he will not pee in my bedroom or on my bed, but will pee on the carpet elsewhere. He didn't pee in my room at my parents house either when I used to live there. To answer, yes I use Nature's Miracle by the gallon lol to remove the odor. It works great. I am more concerned with how to stop the behavior. I don't know if this helps, but if I'm watching TV and my cat goes for "the corner", I say his name and he looks at me and walks to the box or won't soil. At least usually not in front of me. So, I think he knows he isn't right. I am going to get another box and try Rescue remedy. Also, I moved the box and tried different litters at my vet's request not to cause him stress.

Kitty Cat replied: "The peeing might be because of the way he lived before, he might of just peed any where. But maybe it is because he is afraid."

steve h replied: "I cant help with the question, but will make a Note to self.....never get a cat!"

Sean K replied: "The operative word it "HE", most male cats mark their territory. Make sure no other male cats cme sneaking through the window at night cuz this would cause him to do it even more, its a dominance thing. Im sure you get some tipe of spray at the vet to stop him from doing it."

natalie replied: "It sounds like youve done all that you can, you can't let a animal ruin your living space like that. Maybe you should consider turning it over to the animal shelter or try to find it a new loving home with people who understand cat's with behavioral problems. Anyway it's a sad situation and i wish you the best of luck."

lou replied: "now that you are moving to better area hopefully let him lose there to be a stray and put cat food outside so the cat can eat"

J C replied: "Has he been tested for crystals? Those can be very hard to find as they come and go. It's a common cause of problems like yours, and as I said, can be very hard to detect. Worth a discussion with the vet. Another thing to try is a different behavior drug. Buspar is usually the first drug that vets try with litter box issues, but many cats respond better to Prozac. Let's also rule out some of the common causes of litter box issues. Forgive me if you've tried what I'm going to suggest. A dirty box doesn't seem to be the problem. How many litter boxes do you have? Some cats won't share, and want their own box. Adding an additional box - or two - may fix the problem. Is your box covered? Do you use litter box liners? These are very offensive to some cats, and they don't like to use them. Where is your box located? Sometimes moving the box to a "better" location (as defined by the cat) helps. Put additional boxes in different areas of your apartment. Is the other cat preventing him from getting to the box? It can be a dominance thing, and this is also often cured by additional boxes in other places. Good luck with him - cats going outside the box are trying to send us a message. Unfortunately it can be tough to figure it out."

cat replied: "Hi Ajax, I know what you are going through Hon. I have a cat that did this and she was 12 when it started, now she's 14. I got really upset and concerned and the vet checked her for a bladder infection and she had one. But the real problem was she had a thyroid problem. So we put her on thyroid meds and I put her in her CLEAN box several times a day for about a month and that seemed to do the trick. She would pee on my pillow and everywhere, but after we got her on the thyroid meds and she learned by me putting her in her box several times that there is where she was to go, not on my pillow. And if it is just a behavioral problem, this is definately what you have to do even if you have to put her in her box several times a day from now on. Another thing that helped is that I went to our local health food store and got her some Cantharis. It is a homeopathic remedy and it has done wonders. So I would start by getting her thyroid checked as she may be trying to tell you something is wrong just like my little Binky did. You can also get a product called urine be gone and that works very well or you can go to Sam's or Wal-Mart and get you a product called Odaban. They both work very well as far as getting rid of the urine smell. Is your cat fixed? That too could be causing it is she's not. But try these things as it worked for me and I dealt with it for a few years before I did this and now she only goes in her box. Good Luck and have some patience even on days when you think you can't do it anymore. She is trying to tell you something is wrong. Also have the vet check her blood sugar. Diabetes would make her do this too. They also put her on a low dose of valium for about two months, that settled her down too, but don't get rid of him just because he has a problem. If you love him, stick to it and work this out as he needs you Hon. OK"

womanclone replied: "If you have scent on your carpet from where animals have wet on it either your own or others in the past the chances are pretty good that your cat will pick up the smell and spray that area or use it as a litter box. Another thing with older cats that get fixed is they often have already developed the spraying habit and it's hard to break them of the habit once it has began. If you catch the cat spraying then what you might want to try is get a spray bottle that has new been used and put some water in it. Lead the cat back to where it has wet and spray it in the face with some water. Since cats hate water they will get the idea pretty fast that it did something wrong and after a few times it will get the message. There is a product on the market that works very well on removing the stain and odor from the cat's pee and it's called Urine B Gone and it works better than anything I've tried so far. Here is a link to the product. I'm raising 7 cats and out of the 7 there are 5 that started off ferel " born outside or ferel" and most of them don't like to be picked up so I can relate to what your saying about your's not wanting picked up. Mine when they want attention will crawl up in my lap and want to be petted and they are very lovable except for the lifting up part. You have to use the grabbing the neck hold to stop them from struggling to get them into the carrier to go see the vet or to trim their nails."

Unicornrider replied: "That kind of thing can be because of a number of mental por physical causes, I would get a second opinion. If however it is spraying you are refering to, not weeing, what you are going to have to do is have him fixed, it may stop after that.. Ordinary housecleaners won't eliminate the smell to a cat's nose, even if humans can't smell it. You will need to use a specific enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution. Follow directions carefully, saturate the area and allow to air dry. There is a link to stress, so try to not stress your cat out at all. Things You’ll Need: * Cat Foods * Litter Boxes * Carpet Cleaners, such as OXY Woolite or Stanley Steemer * Furniture Cleaners * Sandpaper * Scat Mats * Two-sided Tape * Lemon Scents * Cat Litters * Fresh Step brand kitty litter Getting Your Cat to Stop Spraying Step1 Have your veterinarian screen your cat for any medical conditions. Step2 Place litter boxes in the areas where your cat sprays. Step3 Put down plastic, two-sided tape, food, sandpaper or a lemon scent in areas where cat sprays. These will discourage spraying. Step4 To divert your cat from spraying in sinks and bathtubs, fill them with a little water. Step5 Confine your cat to a clean area with a litter box, food and water. Step6 Block visual access to outside areas if your cat is stressed by something in the outdoor environment (for example, a new cat in the area). Step7 Use an abundance of positive reinforcement messages. Getting Your Cat to Use the Litter Box Step1 Place a number of litter boxes in different areas of the house to increase the chances that your cat will use one. Step2 Use various types of litter boxes and litter materials to entice your cat (see related eHow on cleaning litter boxes). Step3 When your cat finally adjusts to using the litter box, keep it in the same place for four weeks. Step4 Move the box 1-foot or less per day to the area you want it to stay permanently. Step5 Praise your cat when it uses the litter box. Step6 If the cat continues to spray, consult an animal behaviorist and your veterinarian. Some cats need temporary antianxiety medication."

Ken replied: "I want to make sure I understand. He is peeing too much, correct? Is he drinking excessivelty? Are you feeding dry foods? Any weight loss? If this is the case then most likely your cat has diabetes (read my profile) This is not a death sentence and is very treatable, not hugely expensive if you take charge and once you start treating the inappropiate peeing should stop. You can go to the pharmacy and get some ketodiastic strips to see if sugar is spilling in the urine. If you need help, you are welcome to contact me"

>'-'< replied: "Well getting a new box and new litter (or moving the box) will only make the problem worse. Remember, cats are creatures of habit, and when you disrupt their habit it can make them confused and annoyed. Also, even if you cleaned the spots where he had urinated (even if you can't smell it anymore) chances are he can, which will make him want to "re-mark" the spot. A cat's sense of smell is about fourteen times stronger than that of a human. So you also need to make sure you have thoroughly cleaned the area. Here are a few suggestions to your litter box problems: - Provide a box for each cat - Change litter daily - Provide constant access to a box - Go back to previously used brand of litter and/or - Discontinue new disinfectant - Move box to where it was previously used - Eliminate new or frightening noise near litter box - Move food and water away from litter box - If cat is only going in one spot, put the litter box at the exact location and gradually move it back to where you want it at the rate of one foot per day - If there are several places, try putting dishes of cat food in those areas to discourage further elimination there - Experiment with different textures of litter (cats prefer sandy litter) - Use a covered litter box for cats that stand in box but eliminate outside of it - Keep in mind that some cats are rather picky, and prefer to have two separate boxes (one to pee in and one to poop in) Problems arise when your cat doesn't like or develops an aversion to the litter box that you have provided. Let's be fair here. There is absolutely no reason to expect every cat to like the same material, or even for one cat to prefer the same material over an entire life span. First lesson learned: You did not train your cat to use a litter box. At best, you offered the cat something recognizable as litter material. If your cat is having litter box problems then you will need to figure out how to make the litter box appealing to the cat. Here are a few options: 1) Pain or illness can cause a cat to stop using the litter box. Cats are very adept at hiding illness, so if your cat is having litter box problems then the first thing you need to do is take the cat to a vet for a medical exam. 2) If you aren't scooping the waste out of the litter every day then you need to start and start now. 3) Perfumes or other odors can drive your cat away from the litter box. Scented litters are unacceptable to many cats, and the leftover scent from a cleaning product could also be a problem. Get rid of the perfumes, and scrub those cleaners away before giving the box back to the cat. Remember that cats have an acute sense of smell. 4) Your cat may feel vulnerable when in the litter box. Is it in a noisy location (such as next to the washing machine)? Is it secure from little marauders like dogs and children, or even other cats? If the box is not semi-private, move it to a better location. 5) Remember those preferences that we talked about earlier. You may need to offer several different types of litter before finding the right one. Strange but true, some cats will not use the same box for urine and feces, in which case you'll have to provide two boxes. The type of box could also be a problem. If the box has a cover, try removing it. 6) Anxiety can lead to litter box lapses. Did some event scare your cat? This could be anything from a new couch to a new cat or even a new person in the house. If you suspect anxiety, confine the cat to a safe and secure place (maybe a bed room) until the anxiety has passed. Cats seem to hang on to their emotions, so the anxiety could last much longer than the actual event. No need to rush, leave that safe haven available to the cat for as long as possible. 7) If you have multiple cats, chances are you'll need multiple boxes, maybe even with different materials in them. There is one more important distinction that you'll need to make. Is the cat refusing to use the litter box, or is the cat spraying? Spraying is a territorial behavior and has nothing to do with disliking the box. For more information on litter box problems or spraying, consult with a trained behaviorist. Correcting the Problem The key to solving elimination problems is to make the litter box more attractive, and the area where the cat is soiling instead, unattractive. Sometimes, just cleaning the litter box more frequently or changing its location will correct the problem. Other times, you may need to experiment with different combinations of location and kitty litter to find a solution. You may even want to offer your cat the choice of several different boxes, each with different kinds of litter, to see which he or she prefers. At the same time, you must break the cat's habit of soiling in the new location. Be sure to clean the soiled area thoroughly with a pet odor remover to get rid of any urine scent -- or your cat may be attracted back to the same spot. It's important to keep the cat away from the area. Try covering the spot with carpet runner, prickly side up, or use a device that delivers a harmless static shock or that produces a loud noise when the cat comes near, to help redirect kitty to his litter box. Adding a room deodorizer with a scent the cat finds offensive - such as a strong citrus or floral - can also keep the cat away from the area. When to See the Vet If your cat continues to eliminate outside of the litter box, a trip to the vet is in order to check for health problems. No behavior techniques will help a cat with a problem that requires the attention of a veterinarian. Urinary tract infections are a common cause of litter box problems, which your pet's doctor can diagnose and treat. A urinalysis can also rule out diabetes. Other conditions that may affect elimination behavior include arthritis - which makes is painful to climb in and out of the box - and constipation. Odor removing tips: To remove the smell of urine from just about anything, first clean it with some sort of soap or kitchen cleaner. Then clean it with lemon juice. If you don’t like the smell of lemon juice follow it up with a little bit of vanilla extract. One of the most effective formulas I’ve found for removing ANY odor was from Popular Science Magazine. Mix 1 quart of Hydrogen Peroxide, with 1/4 cup of Baking Soda, and one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap. Saturate the affected area, rinse thoroughly with clean water, and the smell is gone. This is non-toxic and safe for your animals and children, and those with allergies. This is especially helpful for removing skunk odor from your outdoor animals. As always, test a small portion of fabric for color fastness, before treating a large area. What Won’t Work… There are many home remedies for treating pet stains and odors, and let me stress that most of them are not too bad as far as removing odors for humans’ noses. Vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, laundry detergents, lemon juice, fabric softeners, and commercial strength pet stain removers are all great for removing the odors that humans can smell. However; you will need more to remove the odor for your cat’s nose. An enzymatic cleaner is the best answer, but it is slow and may take more than one application. (Nature’s Miracle is one of them.) The Hydrogen Peroxide/Baking Soda combo is fast, but can alter the colors of some fabrics. In the end, you must decide which application is best for your situation. Even if you clean a pet stain with soap and water certain micro-organisms remain behind and your pet can smell them. Enzymatic Cleaners are designed to completely eliminate the source of the odor by using enzymes to eat away the micro-organisms that cause the odor. The one drawback to these cleaners is that they are slow; it could take several weeks for them to completely eliminate an odor. Enzymantic Cleaners are available at most pet stores, organic/natural/health food stores, and even some hardware stores. You can also ask your vet for suppliers."

hudsongray replied: "Is it all peeing or is it spraying--these are two separate issues. if it's a huge amount of pee, that soaks the box, that's a major sign to have him checked for a diabetic condition. If he's scent marking by spraying (that's done horizontally) then it's a completely different issue."

How long until all these drugs leave my body, any permanent damage? 1. Dexamphetamine 30mg 2. Xanax (alprazolam) 2mg 3. Prinivil (lisinopril) 20mg 4. Temaze (Temazepam) 30mg 5. Buspar (Buspirone Hydrochloride) 30mg 6. Zyban (Bupropion Hydrochloride) 300mg I really can't be bothered explaining why I took all these drugs yesterday ... well I can. I’m a male in my early twenties diagnosed with anxiety, depression and ADHD disorders. After subsequent failure to treat me with Zoloft earlier this year (didn’t like the diminished libido, erectile dysfunction and genital sensory impairment) my doctor wanted to try this concoction - err, not all six - just Dexamphetamine which I had already been on for five months or so, and the newly added Buspar and Zyban for the anxiety and depression disorders. So I started them both at the same time, was on them for nine days in total - yesterday being the last. I began on Zyban 150mg and Buspar 15mg, I worked my way up as directed by 5mg every three days with the Buspar, but the Zyban I only put up to 300mg after seven days instead of the three days I was told. This is because of the immense anxiety it seemed to produce ... but I remained optimistic ... until yesterday. I had just polished off my last of the three daily dosing schedules which was 10mg of Dexamphetamine, 10mg of Buspar, and the second 150mg of Zyban. All four hours apart from about 7am, the Zyban is of course not included in the midday dose. About three hours pass and then ... Lying on my bed, I notice my heart beating hard, hard enough to notice my body moving back on forth on the bed. It wasn’t a rapid heart rate to begin with, just hard, and I had noticed this the day before too, probably since moving up to 300mg of Zyban. Then I took my blood pressure, about 100/170, not critical, but higher than my usual 83/133 or so. I would say based on the way I was feeling a little bit later, my blood pressure may have reached 120/200 - but I was in no condition to take my blood pressure then. I began shaking excessively, became very anxious, very nervous, and naturally very worried about my wellbeing. I walked outside, became lightheaded for a few moments, I recall my arm felt warm for a bit and pressure was mounting on my head. The most concerning symptom was the feeling of my heart thudding very hard up and down in my chest, putting my hand to chest I felt the thuds on the surface and then looking at my hands, they were shaking uncontrollably. I decided I wouldn’t call the ambulance or go to the hospital and figured they wouldn’t do much different than what I can do with the medicines available to me in the house. The first thing I did was go to my own cupboard and grabbed my bottle of Xanax (use as needed) for my tremendous anxiety and crunched up a 2mg bar in my mouth before washing it down with water (tastes horrible, unlike Temaze and Prinivil). I waited for what felt like 20 minutes with no change (long enough in my condition) and thought I’d better take care of my blood pressure and crunched up one of my fathers Prinivil tablets from the kitchen cupboard and took that down with water. My hands were still shaking tremendously and had to rip open the packet, I also noticed a popping sensation in my left ear and an acute onset of tinnitus. Then I thought I’d better address my risk of seizures and grabbed my bottle of Temaze (use as needed) from my cupboard and swished three tablets in my mouth with water and bit them up a bit before taking them down. I then tried to sit in a chair and calm down - it took perhaps another forty minutes before noticing that I’m getting better, that is my heart didn’t feel like it was going to thud out of my body anymore, then I went to my bed and lied down. I took my blood pressure not long thereafter and it was ok, about 90/100. I was ok for the following few hours, the only thing that didn’t go away was rapid heart rate, taking it manually (blood pressure unit is also a manual) by finger for ten seconds, it came in at about 120-130bpm, I imagine it must’ve been about 200bpm at its worst. I then had a desire for fatty foods, so went to the store and bought some cheese cake, frozen lasagna and coke. Cooked it up, ate it, and thought that I was better off just going to sleep before my desire to eat kicked in and wasn’t all that confident I would wake up in the morning (given my life’s problems I didn’t think it was ALL that bad). Well today, being alive, I obviously took nothing, my blood pressure this morning was good at about 80/130, but I still have tinnitus. I also recently noticed a pain in the right side of my stomach area ... looking at a diagram, I’d say it’s the small intestine or something in that area, got any idea what it is? Also have another two questions; How long till all this crap leaves my bloodstream completely so I can comfortably go back on my Dexamphetamine? How long until my tinnitus goes away, it’s not permanent is it? It’s not likely any permanent damage has been done, right?

Steven J replied: " bro! look up your drugs and see for your self! Erowid is the biggest drug library on the net man."

buying health insurance? im 20 and going into an ems training program. because im not going to college anymore, i wont be on my parents insurance. how do i find an insurance that will cover the meds i take with out paying my left arm? prozac buspar lithium seroquel b/c

hirebookkeeper replied: "Ask your doctor for sample meds. Go on the internet and search for insurance. You most likely will not get insurance on your own that covers meds."

Don replied: "Unfortunately I doubt you will find any insurance company that will cover your pre-existing conditions. You will have to get a job with a company that has group health coverage to get those covered." replied: "Go to the state and ask about health insurance programs. They will guide you in the right direction."

mbrcatz17 replied: "Well, that could be a problem. If you didn't already have issues, I'd say, go to a local, independent agent and get some quotes for health coverage. BUT, you have issues, so they're pretty much all going to decline to give you a policy. You can still try a local agent, but they're not going to cover the preexisting conditions."

SadToday22 replied: "There are programs out there but they will cost you a lot to cover your meds, and it might actually be cheaper to just pay them yourself! Did you know that all pharm companies have programs in place for the uninsured? I think prozac is made by Pizer (I could be wrong!) but anyway, contact Pizer and get on their program and you could get your meds for free! It just takes some initive and calling around! Good luck, I've been in your shoes before!"

Suzanne replied: "Your first question for your parent's insurer should be whether or not you qualify for COBRA coverage. Under COBRA, a dependent losing coverage due to loss of dependent status, such as in your case, qualifies for 18 months of coverage after the "qualifying event" (i.e. loss of dependent status). If you don't qualify for COBRA because your parent's employer is too small to offer it, you should contact your state's insurance commissioner's office to see if there's a state version of COBRA that will extend your coverage. If your parents have a policy they purchased on their own, or if your state doesn't have continuation laws for small employers, then you'll have to purchase your own policy. In that case, call your state insurance commissioner's office and ask about your HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability) options. If you have enough "creditable coverage" under your current plan, you can purchase a plan that has no pre-existing condition exclusions; or you may be able to join the state's "high risk pool." Your options depend largely upon your state's laws. To read more about HIPAA: To read more about COBRA: "

brent_t_tx replied: "In most states your best option is to get on a group health plan through your employer. In most state your Rx will be exclude as pre-existing. If this is the case you might look at a HSA (Health Savings Account) to pay for you RX. Another option is to get a Medical Discount card "

No orgasm, antidepressents, going to try vitamins; any advice on how to increase the chance of an orgasm? Ok, here are the details. I'm on the following medications: cymbalta, effexor, lamictal, trazadone, buspar, klonopin I've noticed that since the cymbalta was increased, I haven't been able to have an orgasm. Now, when I was only on wellbutrin; I could have them all the time; sometimes 3 right after the other. But I've never been able to have an orgasm during sex or oral-sex. Only with the use of a vibrator or shower. Now, even the vibrator won't work and I'm afraid I'm desensitized. I'm just wondering if anyone found a good way to increase the chances even with someone taking antidepressants. I'd like to have one even with oral sex, so that I can stop "faking it", which I know is a big "no-no". Although to get an orgasm before, with the vibrator, it had to be at the highest setting, so I can see why oral sex wouldn't do it. Today I bought Virmax Ds for women, a multivitamin with extra B, a vitamin combination for people taking effexor, and an vitamin E oil/cream. Any suggestions?

Tiare replied: "from the looks of your avatar, you probably have connections in the medical field. you can discuss adding in a little wellbutrin to the mix"

nat replied: "SSRIs are famous for that. ask your doc if you can switch to something like wellbutrin, that has low sexual side effects."

I freaked out. Did I have good reason? Am I "psychotic" (LONG DETAILS)? I just went through a brutal ending of a relationship. I was with the woman for almost two years. We shared almost everything together. Our interests were the same until she started working at a restaurant. This place is full of drunks and druggies. I'm a professional and I I'm not a huge party person. She left this last time. I broke. To give background before I get to the climatic end, I'll go into detail. First, I'm bi-polar. I've been diagnosed I take a slew of medications to try to keep me level. Seroquel, Buspar, Abmbien, Ritalin. My now ex was perfect at first. For almost a year we shared everything and never fought or spat. We had disagreements but they always turned out a compromise. Nothing ever went wrong, life was good. She decided to change jobs about 11 months into the relationship. I had no problem with that. I started to have a problem after the first 5 nights of her being gone and blackout drunk. These nights were long. I loved her, I was worried about her making it home safe. After a few months of this she left. She slept with her ex. I was forgiving and said "Okay, we all make mistakes." I took her back with little caution. The drinking continued and I tried to become part of some of it. I was uncomfortable and on edge when I went with her. The people were grubby and failing at life. I couldn't deal with talking to people who were into nothing but drinking and drugs. They live the life of an addict. These things continued and I kept telling her it was bad. A few times she would show up and be very mean. Saying hateful things but only because she was drunk. Then she left again. I was invited to go over, we had planned a trip so I was to go to her sisters apartment and we would leave from there. Her sister was not home, but she was there with two other men. I overheard "No, I'm not like that. I'm not sleeping with you when your with him." It didnt matter, she slept with someone else, again. I didn't know this so of course I took her back. This time with caution. The drinking continued and ended up ruining a trip we had planned. She called me blackout drunk and asked for a ride. I said okay and went on my way. When I arrived to find her car she had started it and planned to drive. I knew this was bad, she was hammered. I said no and fought with her a little. I tried to take the keys, pick her up and put her in my car, and talk sense to her. They all failed. Since we were both parked in front of the bars someone started yelling. "Do I need to call the cops?" I stopped my attempt to help. I wasn't going to gain anything by being questioned all night. She got an OUI. Wrecked her car. Ruined our plans. I bailed her out and brought her home. Things went okay for about 4 months. She had no ID to drink and had no way to get around without me. These were good times. We had fun, lots of fun. Things between us got very serious. About 2 months ago I had to go on a 6 week work binge. I was out doing a network migration, I wouldn't be home for at least a week at a time. A day into the migration she was able to drive again. This is when things started to go wrong, in a hurry. We had bought her a new Jetta the day after she wrecked her car. I said I wanted her to bounce back and show everyone that her experience had changed her. So she had a car. Each week I drove 8 hours to come home and see her for a night. Some of them I didnt see her, she was drinking and didn't come home. The last week of the migration we had an emergency and I came home a day early. She dedicated to tell me she was breaking up with me, again. I took it a little hard. It was funny that she got her license back and then when I was to return she was leaving. For the last two weeks I've tried nothing but to be supportive and wait for her to come home and patch things up. It never happened. She was drunk the whole time. I sent her a number of messages asking when she was coming home. The only thing I've ever asked from her is to tell me she is safe. I provided her with a cell phone so she could do this. She did this 3 times. There were countless nights where she didn't come home or let me know she was safe. The last time she did it my night was terrible. Her cat was growling at everything outside and her phone called me from her purse 17 times. I had no sleep. When I woke up I called work and took a day off. I was furious because of the disrespect she showed me the night before. All night I stewed about what had happened. When she showed up in the morning there was no "Sorry I didnt let you know." Just a "Why do you always try to check up on me." I don't.. when she was drinking I sent her a message at about 12:30 am. Only to see where she was staying and who was driving. I don't think that's invasive. I snapped. I attacked her with everything I had bottled up. I unleashed a year of being upset all in a half hour. I told her to get out of my apartment. I said "You I attacked her with everything I had bottled up. I unleashed a year of being upset all in a half hour. I told her to get out of my apartment. I said "Your nothing more than a shell of a woman. You have no respect or care for anyone but the people who support your drinking habit." She didnt come back for days. I tried my best to apologize, but nothing worked. Several text messages explaining that I had broken and didnt really know why I was so mad. I had a dozen roses stashed around my apartment. Each on with a tag on it saying "I'm sorry." and "I made a big mistake". Last night she showed up with two other men at my apartment, forgetting that I had given her the boot. I said "You two need to leave. She can stay." They made no fuss and left. She saw the roses and snapped them all in half, telling me I was never going to get back together with her. I then pulled my sim card for the cell number I was letting her use. We talked for a while and seemed to have worked out everything. We ended up sleeping together. This morning I thought things were worked out. We could start fresh, the drama was over. Guess not. I wanted to be nice and get her phone working again. I popped the sim card in and turned on the phone to test it out. As soon as windows mobile was done starting up, "Can I bring you breakfast, the sex was great and I think we should do it again ;)" popped up. I immediately marched back into the bedroom and asked about the message. She denied it all the way. The woman has HSV. Herpes. I had accepted it. He ex had cheated on her and she was honest with me at the start. I was careful and took every precaution to not be infected. I said 'Well the guy you slept with disagrees. By the way, did you tell him you have herpes?" She said "No." This could ruin the mans life. I promptly used her phone to text him back. "Dude, this is her ex on her phone. If you slept with her she didnt tell you anything important?" He replyed "No, why are you using her phone?" I said "You need to go get checked out. She has herpes. Get checked in a few weeks. This could ruin your life." She freaked out a bit. Said I had destroyed her life. I finally calmed her down and tried to drive her to where she had been staying. She freaked again and got out when I hit a stop light. I found her wandering the streets and gave her a ride. When I got home I popped her old sim card into my phone so I could reset the voicemail and dispatch a mass text saying simply the number was no longer hers and to please contact her via email or in person. I then brought all over her things to the place she was staying. I wanted nothing to do with her. She called and said I was a psycho. I don't believe what I did was psychotic. I take all of my medications. I've never freaked like this in my life. Did I go over the deep end without reason? Are my medications not doing what they should? Can I just disregard this and not worry about it being a worsening condition? And yes. the drinking WAS that bad. Anyone getting trashed 5 or 6 nights a week has a problem. It's worse when they start insulting the person they live with.. only because they are drunk. Extending...

Sarah replied: "i think really if you love the girl as much as you say you do then you should let her go as if her drinking is as bad as you say then she might drag you down with her, my best friend had a drink problem, she stole from me to allow her to get drunk on a night, and then as always came back and did the same thing again, went through my purse and coats looking for money, if that failed she would take things she could sell, we were best friends for 8 years and i have not spooke to her for 3 years now as she was getting me down and like you i worryed about her, let her be, and you get on with your life."

sugar'n'spice replied: "o my gosh I feel so sad for you. :[ No u definitly weren't psychotic. SHE'S the one if anyone who's psychotic, not you. i can't believe she treated you like that. I wouldv'e freaked out too,..... probably even more. When something like that is bottled up for so long it's normal for it to just randomly explode like that. dont worry ur doing fine. ;]"

PosterChild replied: "ARE YOU KIDDING!? If she is sleeping around as much as you say she is, how can you be so sure she got herpes from her ex cheating? Perhaps she got it from her OWN behavior. She is clearly a drunk, and you are clearly a doormat. This is not going to get any better. Two people with so many issues between them are only going to succeed in making each other miserable. Leave. You are giving her permission to behave this way by taking her back and leaving roses, etc.... I'd look into having your meds REDUCED. You didn't say how old you are, but 4 or 5 meds for someone who isn't a senior citizen is an awful lot. Keep in mind that all psychiatric medication is designed to alter brain chemistry...its not always positive and for the best."

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