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Is being a cafeholic (a euphemism my friends and I use for caffeine addicts) really that bad? What negative long-term effect does caffeine have? I just ordered a Grande hot chocolate at our school coffee house (yup, our school has its own coffee house for professors and students)....

Lili wonka replied: "Yes. If you go far enough it can't upset the balance in your brain and eventualy kill you."

Mrs.Russell replied: "yes it can cause you to be overly dependant on caffeine to feel awake and to do things."

sharip729 replied: "Caffeine is a stimulant drug that increases your heart rate and blood pressure. It can cause lack of sleep and nervousness. Ever gone without a soda or coffee for a while, then have a massive headache? Caffeine is the culprit. It is a vaso constrictor (makes the blood vessels narrower) that reduces the amount of blood flow to the brain."

Ronen replied: "If you've been on caffeine for a while without any heart palpitations or insomnia, then chances are it's not an immediate threat.. BUT!!! and there is a HUGE BUT here, there are longer term problems that are guaranteed. Very much like other substances that alter the body, caffeine makes the body readjust itself on a cardiovascular level, a nervous system level and a few other systems. What this means is there is a system wide dependency that the the body develops from regular caffeine consumption. The body recognizes it's getting an energy source from something other than what it naturally creates within itself, and thus becomes lazier and reliant on caffeine for everything. This means more erratic energy swings, you'll start to feel like the only time you have any energy is when you're drinking coffee. If you try to come off of it, the body responds with violent withdrawal headaches that make it impossible for you to ever come off a coffee addiction, because the second you drink more the headache goes away. This has to do with oxygen levels in the blood being screwed with when the body becomes "addicted" to caffeine. Caffeine mimic the natural ability of the body to flow blood through your veins and arteries as well as push oxygen through the blood. When the body becomes lazy to the point that it no longer does it on it's own and relies on caffeine to do it, the second you stop the caffine is the second ou start getting these headaches from lack of blood circulation, lack of oxygen being circulated properly, and deep drops in blood pressure that would make you feel like you would pass out. This is all because once you "jolt" the body enough times with caffeine, it starts to re-adjust itself to cope with it by reducing it's own capability, take the caffeine away and the reduction of capability is that much more noticeable. There's also another thing that too much caffeine does. Google the word caffeine and cancer in the same search and see how many documented breast cancer journals report malignancies being induced by too much caffeine. The name of the game here is everything in moderation. No one is saying you can't enjoy it as a pick me up every once in a while, but if you're drinking more than 3 cups per week you're putting your body in a dependency state no different than anyone who is addicted to a drug or alcohol. If you want "energy" drink or eat something with tons of B Vitamins and get your energy fix the natural way ;)"

How many of your friends have you seen guzzling down can after can of caffeine-packed energy drinks? I tryed a drink called Celsius. I drank it around 10 am and I layed awake until 5 am the next morning. Not drinking another.

lipglossaddiction replied: "People also have no idea how much damage those do to your heart and kidneys."

Cookiemomster replied: "None, my friends are all smart enough to know that they want to sleep at night..."

snowqueen80 replied: "Yep, I'm not touching that stuff either. I would be awake for days. I like Vitamin Water - good stuff w/o all that crazy caffiene."

Bri replied: "these drinks do more harm than good."

Joycee replied: "Friends...forget just talked about me.. I do that."

night wolf replied: "caffine has no effect on me. i could wash stingers (caffine diet pills) down with a rockstar then take a nap. 8th grade (that would be about 4 years ago now) i had about 8 shots of espresso spread out between 4 strait shots with a bit of milk and a mocha with 2 extra shots in it. this was at around 7:30 am then i took a nap in class at about 9 am. i can also put down a gallon of soda a day and sleep 9 hours. as for my friends. they put down just as much soda and when they can theyll down a can of kronik or full throttle no sweat. meh its no big deal."

sport girl replied: "In my younger days I had 23 red bulls in the span of a few hours...for some reason energy drinks and caffeine have no effect on, I wouldn't be caught dead drinking that crap."

freesumpin replied: "Too many sugar and caffeine laden cans. It's like liquid crack, eh?"

sparkleythings_4you replied: "My hubby is addicted to Lucozade"

Why does caffeine have such an effect on me? I had a mountain dew at about 8:30. It's been like 5 hours and I'm still wide awake, but I should be asleep for school tomorrow. All my friends can handle caffeine and fall asleep fine, but I'm always awake forever. So my question, why does caffeine have different effects on different people?

Sal replied: "In one word, sensitivity! If you consume caffeine regularly, you will eventually develop greater tolerance to it, but meanwhile, just be sure you time your consumption so it does not interfere with normal sleep patterns. This sensitivity can be a tool in life for the times when you absolutely must stay awake. Just don't abuse it. Otherwise, you are very normal in this respect. Once, in college, I took three caffeine tablets so I could stay awake for an exam the next morning. I didn't sleep for three days. I finally went to the health services and got a sleeping tablet to bring me down. I was simply not a coffee drinker and very sensitive to caffeine."

Johnny M replied: "Your metabolization of caffeine is different than your friends. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine and products that contain caffeine. I have found that after a while you can tolerate larger and larger amounts of caffeine through continued use."

asdf replied: "Caffeine makes me sleepy; everyone is different. =)"

karen_21 replied: "Well it depends on a person there is no exact amswer.."

You asked! replied: "You are just more sensitive to it than others. try avoiding it late at nite or near bed time, even in the afternoons if you can. There are heaps of other softdrinks which dont have caffiene in them...7up,Fanta, just to name a couple. Most of the labels on them will say if they contain caffiene, they have to by law."

Joseph the Second replied: "Everyone has different Degrees of Sensitivity to things. Like Me- yours is to Caffeine... I've learned over the years, that UNLESS I want to pull an "All Nighter...", -that I can't eat Chocolate (in ANY form), or drink any Cola type sodas- after 6 PM -if I want to sleep that night. [And if I WANT to stay up all night, -I grab a Hershey Bar & a can of Coke, & "I'm good to go"- until the next morning! :) ] So "Welcome to the No Caffeine after Dark Club..." -It's no place for Night Owls! :)"

My 14 year old friends are taking caffeine pills and i need to know the facts about them plaese help me?? hi it goes like this ok the situation is this a girl named mary has caffeine pills and takes them to keep her concentrayted and awake and not sleepy despitew the fact that the box says over 16 only other girls ask for some to make them go hyper SARA: can i have some too please MARY: yeah sure sara hesitates as every1 takes theirs and then quickly downs it with a glass of water she asks me "what does it do?" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe i saw my best friend take a drug pill tht she did not know what it did tio her! this is very bad in my opinion sara thinks tht there is nothing wrong with taking caffeine pills and she cannot see tht they do any harm to her this is also the case with mary who i am scared she is addicted as she takes 4 a day am i wrong to be worried? i really need to know the facts as i can only see harm in 14 year old girls taking caffeine pills could you explain them to me? what are the consequences?

Luna Marie. replied: "Caffeine pills? Sounds like coffee in a convenient small size. The thing about caffeine & sugar is that it's a instant burst of energy, but then the person crashes and burns. It's not wrong to be worried. If a 14 year old girl TAKES 4 a day, she's not getting enough sleep. As a teen, it's critical to get enough sleep as our bodies need to recharge and grow during that time."

hermitofnorthdome replied: "hope this may help you."

ParisHiltonLOVE22 replied: "they r very bad 4 u my sis is a doc and says u shouldnt take them u need to tell her parents asap"

Maxi replied: "If its like excedrine... one isn't going to do anything. Also, two years really isn't going to make a difference. If it was a perscription pill, than i would be worried."

BoBo789 replied: "My dad is a docter and he says that they are easy to overdose on so he recomends not useing them because its like drinking 6 cups of coffee at once, and he says you can get addicted. But they arn't BAD for you, but it's not like they are good for you."

Princess Leia replied: "I wouldn't do it. They made my heart palpitate before. I hate that! ...All u need to do is to get more sleep and maybe a better nutrition plan. There's no way a 14 year old should need caffeine pills. You're not in Medical School. Yeah, I know, it sounds cool to take them, but they're not good for u. They can affect your stomach & heart & u can get addicted to them so you need them all the time to try and function properly & then get migranes when u don't take 'em. U really don't need that! Trust me!"

melly replied: "to much caffine can cause palpitations (irregular hear beat) headaches she should not take them"

What will happen if i Snort Caffeine pills? I know is a BAD IDEA... But I just want to know, What Effect does Caffeine Has if Snorted. I gave 2 of my caffeine pills to a friend he stayed up for 2 days . But he ask what if I snort it.? So what would happen I just want to know.

Sarah S replied: "It's effects would probably just be felt sooner, because once it enters the lungs it has a direct pathway to the bloodstream through the alveoli, rather then waiting to be absorbed through the small intestines when its' digested."

snapper replied: "aaaahhhhhhhh choooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Is it true that caffeine is not good for your brain? I mean,if you drink caffeine,will it affect your brain ability? Actually,I'm a coffee lover and currently I'm doing A-Level and I always need to study up until midnight so I've been drinking coffee a lot.My friend told me that caffeine is not good for your brain,so I'm a bit worried.

unclemax0 replied: "I think the jury is still out on this one. I don't think it's accurate to say caffeine is "not good for your brain." To those of us who love a good cup of coffee, there's just no substitute. I've been a coffee drinker since I was in college, and I'm one of the most brilliant people I know. But seriously, I don't know of any conclusive studies that show that caffeine is bad for the brain. It may be bad for other body parts, such as the kidneys or the stomach. Caffeine is a stimulant drug, so that's a factor for sure. Does your friend drink a lot of cola, energy drinks (like Rock Star) or other high caffeine soft drinks? If so, he or she is taking in as much caffeine as you are with your coffee...maybe more! It always amazes me when someone lectures me about the coffee I drink while they're slurping down their third or fourth Diet Coke of the morning."

agieagieagie22 replied: "I think it's OK but in *MODERATION*. You should be fine unless you drink 12-25 cups a day! >_< "

Swarup M replied: "There is nothing wrong to be a coffee lover, coffee is mild stimulant and has many good effects and also has been attributed as a mood lifter. However, too much coffee kills your sleep, as a result you end up sleeping less than is required to keep your brain in top shape. Chronic sleep deprivation is known to cause hypertension, anxiety and memory loss. Your friend might have referred to this indirect effect on the brain."

Nijmeh replied: "This is not true. Studies show it decreases the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. It improves memory and concentration among other things. But all things in moderation is true for coffee too."

My friend has a caffeine addiction and I am worried? My friend has a serious caffeine addiction and he won't stop. I'm really scared for his health. He won't stop. I've tried everything to get him to stop. I have sat him down and told him the effects of caffine, I have made him go cold turkey, I have limited his amount of caffeine that he can have in a day, and I have told him that I am really worried. When he went cold turkey, he suffered from severe withdrwal symptoms (Headache, very annoying, and tiredness.) As for limiiting his amount of caffine in a day, he broke after literally 2 hours. When I told him that I am worried all he said was "Look, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He drinks about 6 cups of coffee before school and then buys a Pepsi or two from the vending machine. Last week, he had 16 Cokes in one day. I'm really worried about him. He doesn't have that good of health anyway. He is somewhat overweight, he never exercizes, and he doesn't care about his health. What can I do to help him stop his caffine addiction? He can't drink beer. He's underage. I am neither his "Mommy" or girlfriend. He is just one of my closest friends. I have talked to him. He doesn't care.

zyllee replied: "You can't make anyone stop if they dont' want to. Also, I don't know if a caffeine addiction is life threatening. There are many people in corporate america who drink caffeine all day long and won't go without it. I know he would be better off without it, but I don't think I would freak out either. The only one who can change him is himself."

kitanna replied: "introduce him to beer"

patricia w replied: "ground him"

*~*Vanessa*~* replied: "i am addicted to caffiene to, well i WAS even worse, but um what helped me get better was to take it slow, dont make him take away all caffeine at once, just you know maby one pop a day, or coffee, for one week, then have him try to go without it, for a while, andd then once he gets past the withdraw symtoms, he can have the little things again like chocolate or pop, but not too much cause then hell get hooked again."

KA1227 replied: "You can't make him stop, he has to want to stop and only then can you support HIS choice. You show signs of a conditon called co-dependency. It is when a person allows the addict to be the center of their life and they do all sorts of things to "help" the addict instead of taking care of themselves. This can be just as bad as addiction. Consider this your wake up call."

foxfiregddss replied: "The best thing you can do is sit him down and tell him you would like him to go to rehab. I know it sounds weird, but if he's drinking that much caffine in a day, he can make his heart over work itself and he can get a heart attack."

Batty replied: "Are you his girlfriend or his Mommy? He will have to choose to change behavior and your nagging will only back him into a corner and make him fight you instead of fighting the caffeine. If he were addicted to nicotine I would say you have a beef because second hand smoke is bad for you, but his caffeine intake doesn't affect you in any physically negative way. Leave him alone or he may decide you are his biggest problem."

Kris L replied: "Get off his back about his 'caffeine addiction' ... because HE is the only one who can do anything and the FIRST thing he must do is 'admit' that he is 'addicted' to caffeine. Unfortunately, all of your 'nagging' isn't really helping him, it is simply letting him 'rebel against you' rather than 'facing' what is 'wrong' with him. He 'needs' to do some 'positive things' in his life, so you would be 'far better off' to invite him to go on a hike, or go bike riding, or go out and row a boat ... and you can 'provide the refreshments' which DO NOT INCLUDE anything with 'caffeine' in it ... but you should also know that if he is truly a 'caffeine addict' that you'd better have a 'soda' with caffeine in it 'hidden' in case he 'gets a terrible headache' ... because they are truly TERRIBLE and no one should have to 'live with' one."

Can too much caffeine make you act like a lunatic? Cause I drank a rockstar last night at a concert with my friends...about 160 mg of caffeine....and i was acting like i was high or drunk or something. xD I'm 14. And I feel reaaally stupid. How do I forget about it?

Mike replied: "1. Can too much caffeine make you act like a lunatic? Hell yes! 2. How do I forget about it? Drink."

S replied: "yes it can.."

Ami M replied: "Yep, it does, and it could give you a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal bad head ache in a few days. Trust me, it happens all the time to me."

ONE replied: "hellz yeah"

Barbi.doll replied: "Don't dwell on it, learn from it. And yes, for someone who does not drink caffiene regularly, that much of it can cause you to feel high. Remember caffiene is a drug and the "high" from it can be more than a person can handle if they are not used to it."

babiesmama212 replied: "Part of growing up is learning from our mistakes! Just don't drink that much caffiene anymore and if you think you offended anyone that matters just apologize."

Lunachit replied: "don't worry about it. whatever hapenned has happened. Don't harp on it, in a few days nobody will care. Besides, you were with your friends at a concert. Your friends are probably cool with you, and the concert people? Well, when are you ever going to see them again?"

Random Hero replied: "I drink Monsters and Redbulls all the time. They are almost like drinking beer or liquor. If you believe you are going to get a caffeine buzz before you drink it, you will make yourself get one. People in a study were given (I believe it was white cranberry juice) and told it was wine. After drinking a few glasses people started to act drunk and even said they were buzzing. It is all in the mind. I never get any kind of buzz after drinking these types of drinks. I just enjoy the taste of them."

Amazon replied: "don't worry it happens to me too and I'm 17. Caffeine is a drug and when you have too much well you act high. And whatever you did don't worry the dun will rise tomorrow"

Queen of Wands replied: "Yes if you aren't used to it, caffeine can get you wound up big time!!! Well just forget it and watch what you drink in the future..."

schumigirl1956(A FAN OF MICHAEL) replied: "yes caffeine is bad for you if you are a person who loves a lot of coffee buy decafe coffee this is much safer it will not give you bad nerves"

barryjackbarry replied: "dont worry aabout it , you were under a legal substance, you will remember where you were and who you did aaaaaaaaah, WHAT you did, so relax ,no w you know you have a weakness for caffine. If this is the stupidist thing you will only do in your lifetimetime you area lucky person"

schshe replied: "Most definitely."

Should I drink a bunch of caffeine before my friends party???????????????????????????????????????????????????? idk because once i drank coffee before i went to the mall with my mom and that day i was just really happy and i felt really outgoing and i was going around the store by myself and picking out clothes which i NEVERR do and all of the sudden i was doing really outgoing things and i asked my mom for new bras which i was always too nervous to do. and i looked really ugly that day and i didnt care but i also didnt get much sleep that day. so im going to a party tomorrow and you dont like 10 times more shy than the shyest person you super shy. and my friend expects me to dance. so should i drink like a bunch of coffee and not get a lot of sleep? is it possible that not getting enough sleep helps me care less what people think?? because there have been a few other times that i barely slept and i was really outgoing those days and now i look back and im like woow how did i do that. soo do you think getting less sleep and drinking lots of coffee will help me care less what people think? or am i dilusional?? and by drinking caffeine i mean coffee or i could steal some of my parents' wine and drink it before the party............ i was jk about the wine lol

Kara replied: "Don't drink the wine, that'll make you drunk, and make you act stupid-ish. If you feel like you need to drink coffee, then go ahead."

fromthecabbagepatch replied: "No, you shouldn't steal wine...that's for sure! But you also should forgo the caffeine and not have it change your personality. You need to accept who you are, and if your friends don't except you for you then they really aren't friends at all...and it's time to move on."

☼+ù(kֆ☼♫ replied: "no, its all in your head. you think that you are drinking allot of caffine and alchohol so you are all hyped up. you arent."

saleenalovesu replied: "How old are you?"

Keeton W replied: "Don't drink any caffeine before a party. Drink it during the party so people don't think you're high."

.:Summer Fun:. replied: "Yeah drink the coffee. I mean it does good to yu. Just dont do it all the time but yeah its fine. And I cant believe noone got that wine part as a joke:P lol anyways yeah its ifne"

Blue June replied: "ah........seriously. just go to the party and act normal. sleep is needed, caffeine is just a stimulant."

Doll.Parts replied: "im 15, and i think there is nothing harming in drinking caffeine. I drink about 2 cups of coffee a day, and sometimes i get doubleshots are starbucks or drink monsters. its an energy boost, it helps me concentrate on schoolwork, talk to people more, and just feel alive =] i do however get headaches when i do not drink coffee a day. but i think, if it makes you more outgoing that go for it . I dont think caffeine is such a bad thing to drink, its an "upper" i believe, in comparsion to alchy that is a "downer" --the reason you felt so energized was because your body wasnt familar with the caffeine. but once you start drinking coffee throughout the next years, you'll need more and more to expect the same feeling.thats a warning lol. i think ice tea does a good energizing effect as well -and yes a cup of coffee does speed up metabolism, and it is good for you because of the materials inside."

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