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Can Lexapro Cause Weight Gain
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Can Lexapro Cause Weight Gain in Q&A
Will Lexapro cause weight gain if Zoloft didn't? I've been prescribed Zoloft (100mg) & while mentally it worked well, physically I couldn't handle it (too tired). I liked that it made me stop eating emotionally. Mainly, I stopped taking it because I could not focus on grad. school work & didn't care about my classes. I got switched to Wellbutrin SR (150x2/day) and physically worked out (a little crack-headed though) but mentally I became moody & unstable. Again, I liked that it reduced my appetite. Now, I've been switched Lexapro (10) but I'm worried about the weight gain & I'm almost ready to just stop trying to find something that will reduce my anxiety. Given my past experiences, should I worry about taking Lexapro (weight gain, motivation/focus) or try to tell my dr. to just give me something for my paranoia & mini anxiety attacks? I am so new to all of this & confused.

DJ's mom replied: "I am on Lexapro (10) and haven't gained any weight. I have however stopped having my panic attacks and have been able to focus more on my work. I also have more determination in the morning to get up out of bed and work out even if it is just for 15 minutes a day. It took me about 2 weeks to get totally used to the drug, but now I feel great and have lost 17 pounds. Good luck!"

aa889d replied: "The short answer is: MAYBE ? Just because you did or did NOT get weight gain with a previous depression med does not predict what side effects (if any) you will likely have with a different med. Each of those meds you talk about are a different chemical structure - thus it will effect you a little differently with each one. The only way to know - try it and find out. If it works for you- don't monkey w/ it. If not - discuss w/ your doc and try something else. That's the only way to use the psych meds - only YOU really know if they are working. So the doc has to treat the symptoms as you tell them while trying to minimize / eliminate any unwanted side effects."

me n' mona replied: "Although I've never taken Lexapro, my mother has. She did have slight weight gain, but the main reason she stopped taking the drug was that it kept her awake. She was to take it in the morning but that didn't help that much."

Poetgirl76 replied: "In my personal experience, I'd say no. I've been on something like 19 different psych meds over the years (including Lexapro and Zoloft) and am lucky in the aspect that weight gain has not been a side effect for it is for so many people."

Pico replied: "All I can tell you is what works/didn't work for me. I had been on 200mg of Zoloft without weight gain/loss or any side effects (other than some slight sexual ones). It actually did nothing positive for me and I was still very depressed with terrible anxiety. I'm now on 30mg of Lexapro for the depression (works great, no weight gain), 1.5mg of Klonopin for panic attacks and anxiety (works great, no addiction) and 10mg of Abilify (a "weight neutral" antipsychotic) for mood swings. Abilify seems to be working so far but it makes me very tired so I take it at night. If anything, I lost weight. I started these meds about 7 or 8 months ago and I've lost about 15 lbs. Not sure why but I assume it's mostly because I'm more active in the long run. I may have a slight loss of appetite but I'm not sure which medication is causing that. I almost think it may be the Klonopin. I do feel a bit tired sometimes for no reason but I still leave the house everyday unlike before."

banche replied: "I was on Lexapro 10mg for almost 3 yr. I had to be switched off cause it made me lose my sex drive and I gained 45 lbs in 1 year. (which is a side effect.) I got switched to Wellbutrin. Even though the side effects from Lexapro are gone I think Lexapro worked better on my depression than Wellbutrin. I hear a lot of people gain weight on Lexapro. I was one of them. But there are those few that don't. You'll just have to try it out for a month or two and see if it works for you. Every person reacts different to different meds."

wiccanangel1973 replied: "every medication is different for everyone some gain weight on some people others weight stays same and othersa lose weight just like medications work for some people and not for others.everybodies metabolism is different and body chemistry is different."

blazergirlblazergirl replied: "Every person and every medication is different. The only medication for depression that I know of that wont cause weight gain is Cymbalta. The sad thing about anti deprssants is the weight gain and unless you are a tooth pick thats enough to depress you even more. I tried Zoloft and felt like I was going to bite someones head of after 3 days then lexapro didn't seem to work either. My best advise is to read the info. or ask your doctor that knows you best."

does Lexapro cause weight gain? I was on it and was gaining weight but i stoppped taking it and i feel a lot healthier. And i lost weight. My doctor says it's not supposed to cause weight gain YEAH RIGHT!

jmo818 replied: "Yeah I'm on it and I'm gaining weight like crazy! I hate it I'm trying to get off of it."

JenJen replied: "I started taking it in March and have put on 35 pounds."

tabo1415 replied: "umm yea it does i use to be on this and sumtimes depression medicine can make the person feel even more depressed cuasing weight gain"

Rocky Raccoon replied: "Yes, it does make you gain weight. It also can make you tired and sleepy. I think the docs need to prescribe a diet and exercise program along with this type of drug."

surfgirl replied: "I think Lexapro does cause you to gain weight. I am on it and I am gaining weight too. I am supposed too but I don't want to gain that much weight. Omg!! I am so mad at my doctor!!!"

DrIG replied: "Most medications have side effects. There are several major questions that are involved. 1. Are the side effects less important than the benefits of the medication? 2. Is there another medication that can do the same thing but have less severe side effects for you? 3. Can another medication give you the same benefits with a cheaper cost? Go to the site below and copy and past it into your folder. It will describe the side effects of Lexapro for you."

Has Lexapro caused weight gain and if so how much? I started taking Lexapro about 2 months ago and have noticed some weight change. I'm wondering what happens actually in my body that causes weight gain. Is it water weight or is it slower metabolism. Would appreciate some answers

sirch_sirch132 replied: "lexapro can cause weight may want to see if there is another drug you can take"

Bobbie D replied: "I think it just makes you alittle weaker and less active. Which,will cause you weight to go up."

Can lexapro or whatever anxiety/depression meds cause weight gain? I'm on lexapro and gained weight. Anyone who has taken this or similar meds, did you gain weight from it???

♪♫Goddess of Love♫♪ replied: "I've never been on Lexapro but I have been on Zoloft or how ever you spell it. And yes a lot of Anxiety/Depression meds can cause weight gain. Just talk to your Dr. about how you can control it and or fix it. Good Lucks sweetie!"

sporregar replied: "Lexapro side effects Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: skin rash or hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you have any new or worsening symptoms such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself. Call your doctor at once if you have any of these serious side effects: seizure (convulsions); tremors, shivering, muscle stiffness or twitching; problems with balance or coordination; or agitation, confusion, sweating, fast heartbeat. Other less serious side effects are more likely to occur, such as: feeling nervous, restless, or unable to sit still; headache, trouble concentrating; drowsiness, dizziness; sleep problems (insomnia); nausea, diarrhea, heartburn; weight changes; decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm; or dry mouth, ringing in your ears."

Kathy J replied: "yes it can... also you can read the pamplet that came with the medicine. You can have simptoms but that does not mean you will or that you will have all of them."

Monkey Chunks replied: "Yes, the anti-depressants to which Lexapro belongs make many people want to eat more so they gain weight."

gardeniagreen1119 replied: "OMG yes! I just got done tapering off Lexapro for that very reason. I have been actively engaged in trying to get to a healthier weight and eating better for the past year and a half. My exercise, which ends up being more than an hour a day, includes jogging 4 miles on my treadmill at 5.0 mph (5 days a week), weight training (2-3 days a week) and yoga or pilates (1-2 days a week). I also eat a low-fat, cholesterol-free vegan diet which is basically made up of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans/lentils and soy products. I first went on Lexapro this May. From the beginning of May to the end of July (3 months) I lost a depressing 7 lbs doing everything I'm doing. I just cried. Told my psychiatrist I wasn't going to take it anymore. Since the beginning of August being off the Lexapro, I've lost another 8 lb...more than the past 3 months combined!! Can you imagine how much weight I would have put on without burning 1000 calories a day exercising? I don't even want to think about it. Great treatment for depressed people...make them fat!? Right, because that'll help."

diangel012002 replied: "i am currently on lexapro anf yes it made me gain a little bit of weight but you just have to watch your diet and you will not gain as much as you would if you eat alot of sugar and stuff like that"

Will Lexapro cause weight gain? just wondering, im taking lexapro for depression and wondering will this increase weight? My next visit to the doctor aint for a month and am just wondering. its escitalopram oxalate Ty all, i could do with some weight gain. was 74 kilos until depression wiped a year off my life hit 60 kilos or about 130 lbs which was mostly muscle lose. on 5% body fat now, (need some fat) so look forward to this side effect. thank you.

x jessica x replied: "hmm, i think it may actually cause weight LOSS im not sure if im thinking of the right name though.. ill check and edit :) *sorry, i was thinking of a different one! i looked it up, and yes, it MAY cause weight gain, but sie effects vary from person to person :)"

ella replied: "i think alot of antidepressants cause weight gain, well, thats what ive been told by lots of doctors. i was on lexapro. totally hated it. hope it works for you though =]"

Midnite replied: "My friend was on that one because she has so much anxiety and too skinny and I was at the apt with her, and he said it usually causes an increase in appetite, which will cause weight gain. He also said possible lack of sex drive. Zoloft you have no appetite..."

Taz V replied: "I honestly think it all depends from person to person Some people loose weight whereas other's gain weight It all depends on how your body handles things"

How drug Lexapro causes weight gain? .? Lexapro, a drug in the family of SSRIs, is believed to have a side effect that results in weight gain. I want the causes of this in a list form.

The Simurgh replied: "all antidepressants and antipsychotics cause this because thyroid function drops by 10% and the part of the brain that says hey stop eating doesn't work anymore. these drugs are dangerous and should only be used if no other form of treatment works."

pai replied: "Modern medicine and treatment techniques have shed new light on many misunderstood physical and psychological ailments. One among these is Depression. Depression is not a personality trait, nor is it an attack of the blues. More than 19 million adult Americans suffer from depression, every year. Anyone can fall a victim to depression, regardless of age, sex, gender, race, income levels, and so on. We understand today that Depression is a real medical illness. However, it is not hopeless. With proper treatment, almost 75% of patients do improve or recover. It is important to recognize Depression for what it is. Typically, Depression causes irritability most of the time, almost every day. Sudden changes in body weight, feeling of worthlessness and loss of interest in professional or social activities are also classic symptoms. If depression is suspected, it should never be ignored. A qualified physician/psychiatrist should be consulted immediately to confirm diagnosis and to start treatment. This is because, depression, if left untreated, usually gets progressively worse, until it morphs into more serious psychological disorders and total alienation from society. Lexapro is one of the modern breed of medicines that have proven very effective in treating major depressive disorder (MDD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It belongs to a category of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and significantly alleviates the symptoms of MDD and GAD, thus improving quality of life to a large extent. What Lexapro does is restore the balance of a chemical called Serotonin, which acts as a neurotransmitter or messenger in the human brain. While the physiological reasons for depression have not been pin-pointed yet, it is largely believed that imbalances in brain chemistry lead to depression. Serotonin is one such chemical in the human brain. Living with Depression is not easy. And, you don’t have to, not any more. Modern medicines like Lexapro have revolutionized the treatment of Depression. So, if you suffer from Depression, talk to your physician/psychiatrist about prescribing Lexapro. You can buy Lexapro, against prescriptions, in your neighborhood pharmacies. With Lexapro, you can live life normally, in spite of Depression. So, embrace Lexapro and start enjoying life like you have never done before."

is there a drug like lexapro that wont cause weight gain? is there a drug like lexapro that causes NO known weight gain.

Dr Dave P replied: "Yes, but it's not as good a lexapro (experience) - it's the original SSRI - Prozac. I experienced inhibition of appetite taking it, where as lexapro does not cause this side effect."

jcss_003 replied: "there are many different anti-depressents that can be changed in for will need to check with your doctor. out of curiousity since i'm a lexapro user did you experience weight gain from using it as i have been on it for 2 years and have now just realized that i've probably gained 20 lbs. since the 1st year of this your experience too?"

Has Lexapro caused you to gain weight? I was on paxil for 6 years and gained 40 pounds. My doctor switched me to Lexapro to see if I have better luck with it. I know all of these types of antidepressants can cause weight gain and it's defferent for each individual but I'd like to hear of other people's experience with them. If you've tried several, which caused the least weight gain for you? Thanks!

MJ replied: "personally I don't believe in any antidepressants, I have been on just about all of them, and all has different side effects for different people, so the only real thing you can do is try it(starting with the lowest dosage) and do your research on all antidepressants, and that should help"

Homie from the Show Me replied: "I have been on nearly every anti-depressant except lexipro. None of them caused me to gain weight. I am now on Seroquel which is the biggest threat for weight gain and diabetes and it has only slitghtly got to me. Although I have been about 15% overweight all of my life the meds didn't seem to change anything. I think some of them actually cause a bigger appetite in some people which obviously leads to weight gain. In my opinion if you stay active and don't eat like a horse I don't see why you would gain weight. I think a lot of people blame it on the med instead of taking responsibility. By the way the only antidepressent that ever helped me at all is Wellbutrin. It is in its own class and also increases energy which could lead to weight loss. I realize everbody is different but, I find it hard to believe that SSRI's are effective because they didn't help me a bit. Wellbutrin however has been a Godsend. I am more perky and have a better outlook on life. I know I am biased, but I really wish you would talk to your doc about it and tell him you heard it is effective and raises energy levels. They also perscribe it to quit smoking which I also did on it."

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