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How likely is it that I will have delayed ejaculation will on Celexa? I have been prescribed Celexa and have heard about some of the side effects. The one that I would benefit from would be the delayed ejaculation.(hint hint) Lately I have turned into a minute man and have tried all those special techniques that have left me disapointed... so what is the likelyhood i will get delayed ejaculation and how fast do the side effects kick in?

themaniac56 replied: "it depends"

Pick A Winner replied: "You can get the percentage of men who have this side effect by reading the clinical trial data usually available from the manufacturer's website--sorry I don't know off the top of my head, but it isn't as great as you might think. The reason for the delay is because of difficulty maintaining an erection. You will only get half way up and it will be hard to keep focused and you will go soft constantly. That is not going to please a woman."

luvacat3 replied: "I can't have an orgasm at all while on antidepressants. It seems that side effect kicks in within a couple days. I didn't take celexa, though, but this was true for prozac, zoloft, paxil, pristiq(effexor), and another one I forget the name of."

YA Junkie replied: "As you probably know, Celexa is in the same class of meds as Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil. These meds are well-known for having negative effects on a person's libido and general interest in sex. On the positive side, in some cases one can keep up (no pun intended) an interest in sex and no longer be bothered by delayed ejaculation. Most likely, it depends on the dosage of Celexa. Too much Celexa and you may lose interest in sex. Not enough Celexa and you may ejaculate too soon. So you would have to find a dosage in the middle. Positive effects of Celexa for depression usually take 3-6 weeks to kick in---sometimes as long as 8 weeks. Delayed ejaculation would (for some people) be considered a negative side effect. These negative effects can kick in in the first few weeks of taking Celexa. That would be good news for you. I'm sorry the language in my answer was kind of blunt, but I answered your question in the best way I could."

Side Effects of Celexa and Prozac? I've been on Celexa for depression since August (for the first one or two months on 10 mg, and for the last one or two on 20 mg) I didn't notice any side effects at first, but now I'm having more suicidal type thoughts. I'm not sure whether it's from the depression or from the medication. I haven't experienced anything with it until now, so my initial response is that it is just part of the battle with depression. I don't feel comfortable talking with the psych provider about this (although I am talking with others who are keeping me accountable and safe) The last time I saw her she wanted to change me to Prozac because there was "insufficient scientific evidence" supporting taking Celexa, although the Celexa had already benefited me greatly. From someone who has tried Prozac, has it worked? Any side effects? Would you recommend changing to Prozac?

gorgeousgab replied: "I havent taken Prozan but I have taken Celexa ealier this year. The same thing happened to me. I was feeling suicidal when I started taking the med and then it started to go away and then it came back and I just started to feel more emotionless and I would have good days and days that I could have just went to the bathroom and slit my own throat. I stopped taking the Celexa and I havent felt like that since. I'd say if you've been taking Celexa for a month already and you have not seen any progress but instead are seeing more depressive episodes it aint working. Time for a switch."

Red T replied: "I used to be on Prozac couple of years ago. It actually helped me a lot before. However, It has been a month that I am on it again and it seems that it has done nothing this time. I am not really sure why would that be. My doctor say it might take 4-6 weeks for the full effect. It seems like a slow drug!"

celexa (citalopram) for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? I have IBS and have been put on 40 mg of Celexa per day. I was told it may take up to 8 weeks for Celexa to show full benefit against IBS. Is anyone else with IBS on Celexa? If so, what are your experiences? i have not had any side effect problems.

benmontsgirl replied: "Hm. I am on celexa for depression, but I've also had symptoms of IBS, and they've cleared up since I've began taking it."

Why Citalopram (Celexa) instead of Fluoxetine (Prozac)? My doctor prescribed to my Celexa however I'm confused as to the decision. I'm not questioning him, simply looking out for myself. I noticed that Fluoxtine is used more widely than Citalopram and the benefits seem statistically greater than that of Citalopram. They both seem to work for the same issues I have, so why am I being given Citalopram?

bluasakura replied: "You need to call him up and ask! This is a medical question IMHO not an advice question. Only a pharmacologist or psychiatrist is going to be able to advise you on why."

Dewy replied: "Prozac has sexual side effects. Maybe the other one is newer and the side effects are not as bad."

Which of these medications are most effective and safest? Adderal, Buspar, Luvox, Ablitlify, Celexa, Concerta, Prozac. If you tried any explain your benefits.

FickelFascination replied: "The most effective and safest medication for any mood disorder is exercise. When you exercise you also burn excess cortisol (a stress juice). Exercise can give you the same neurotransmitter and mental benefits as Ritalin (ADHD) and Zeprexa (Approved for schizophrenia but often prescribed for anxiety) without the risk or side effects. In fact, exercise beats Prozac (SSRI ) or psychotherapy as an antidepressant in head-to-head studies."

Monica replied: "I personally didn't like Prozac because it's an SSRI and apparently my body needs an SSNRI. Bet everyone has a different brain balance."

Simon W replied: "The medications you have listed are for treating different conditions. I have been on Celexa and Prozac for depression, Celexa did not help and gave me nightmares, Prozac calmed my emotions but made me feel sick and killed my sex drive."

apu replied: "prozac helps with your mood. but the downfall is that it curbs your appetite and you lose weight."

Celexa/Citalopram Question? I have been on Celexa for 2 months now. Basically long enough for the medication to take it's full effect (so says the doctor). I have had a few benefits from it, but a lot of negatives. I can honestly don't feel any better. I am taking 20mg daily doses and it hasn't done much for my depression it seems. At times it feels like it has made it worse. This is partially due to the fact that I HAVE NO ENERGY and am constantly tired. I have no motivation to do alot and barely make it to work. So in reality, because I am not doing anything, I get depressed and upset because I am digging myself a bigger hole. So all in all, I am still depressed and am dead tired constantly. I cannot perform like I used to at work (which was awesome until I had my breakdown about 8 weeks ago). My productivity and focus is down, nothing can give me a boost. Not 3 strong coffees before 11am, nothing. I am really concerned and scared because I am supposed to go back to school in a week and am really scared about juggling school, a full-time job and managing this mental disease (diagnosed with general depression (not manic) and General Anxiety Disorder - GAD). Is the drowsiness ever going to go away? There is no way I will be able to juggle work and school feeling this tired. Are there more suitable options for treating depression and anxiety that don't have the drowsy side effects, but will actually help my depression? Please help me. I'm absolutely desperate, have no doctor other than an urgent consultation doctor who seemingly doesn't care about anything other than making sure I won't jump off my balcony. My family is trying to help but they don't have much education on mental illnesses and the meds to help them (even the one who genetically gave me this depression). Sorry for all the questions! I just need soo many answers and I have noone that can help me! (Yet I am seeking a psychiatrist and am hoping to get one soon!)

JessicaL replied: "I also take 20 mg of Celexa a day, however, I take it along with an anxiety pill and a mood stabilizer (I'm bipolar). It took a while for me to notice a change, and I had to up my dosage a few times. I'm actually about to go up again because it does become a tolerable drug. Talk to your physician about it and see if something like lithium might help. Sounds drastic, but it's really not that serious. It should take the edge off the sleepy. There's also some new stuff out that's supposed to be added to an antideppressant, Abilify, check into that."

Should I increase my antidepressant dose for maximum benefit? i'm usually medication resistent. i am on antidepressant for borderline personality disorder. i also go to therapy once a week. i start celexa about a month and half ago, and i have noticed huge difference. however, i am not at where i wanna be. i feel like i can get even better. so my questions, and if you're answer is go talk to your doctor, don't even bother answering, cuz really it is more up to me, i am at 20 mg on celexa right now, do you or have you known anyone who has benefited from a higher dose, do you think i should increase it, and how long do u think i have to wait? god you idiots, of course im gonna tell my doctor, but i wanna make sure it;s the right decision before i tell her what i wanna do, she even told me to think about it. geez. for people who don't know, celexa doses range from 10 to 60, 20 being the theraputic dose.

sourgirl replied: "I would ask my doctor, U dont wanna over dose, dont ask about that here. WE ARE Not DOCTORS"

Taytay replied: "ask your doctor before doing ANYTHING!!! are serious, harmful stuff!"

Danny replied: "HI. It's great that the celexa is making a huge difference. Personally I wonder how much of a difference increasing the dose makes. Maybe there's information about this in the insert or on the website of celexa? Do you have any side effects at all? If not, then increasing the dose may be a real option for you. If I was you I would go for it."

Jeff replied: "You definately need to talk to a doctor before upping meds on your own."

Dum Blon replied: "NOOOO!! I do not think that increasing your dosage will give more benifit. Increasing is what starts ppl on additions and overdosage. only take what you doctor perscribed to u."

Sunnyvale_Girl replied: "seriously - ask ur doctor. he or she prescribed it and should be the one instructing on dosage."

clgirl replied: "hmmmm......well it seems that you already have made up your own mind so why ask? no one that is not your Dr. is going to tell you to take more than your prescibed therefor ask your DR. I'm not trying to be mean but you are by calling people idiots that are trying to help you"

Is there an antidepressant that doesn't decrease libido? I am taking celexa which has helped me greatly emotionally, but has taken away sexual desire. I don't want to lose the benefits of the good it has done, but want my libido back. Which med. would be similar without this problem. I'd like to know what ya'll advise before my next dr. appt. Also are the side effects different in females and males?

Robin G replied: "The first thing you need to do is figure out why your sex drive is low and try to help get it back. I was in your situation and it's not fun without being horny and feeling in the mood when needed. I also felt like my orgasms (if I would even get one) were really weak. Probably because of my sex drive. However, I tried exercising and dieting but nothing seemed to be working. I thought I was screwed. I then found something just as amazing as the vibrator. My friend at work told me about this stuff she took to raise her sex drive. It was a natural herbal supplement and was I lucky to of found it. Theres no side effects and the sex drive is just tremendous along with orgasms that are blasting. The stuff is called Hersolution pills. At the time I saved money on them at What I did was tried out for 3 months and that was really it. I found taking them every other day or so was the best to stretch it out. After the months were up, I was back to normal with a beating sex drive and my orgasm strength in increased so much. Well good luck and I hope this helps."

Any tips on sexual side effects and Anti-Depressants??? Im on very low doses of Celexa and Xanax. I have a more difficult time achieving orgasm during sex and even while masturbating. Sometimes it just doesnt happen no matter how hard I try. My sex drive is also slightly lower than normal. Overall the benefits of the meds outweight the side effects. But the sexual issues are annoying. Any tips to offset my side effects?

combackkidxxx replied: "yeah, here's a tip. would you rather be depressed and have anxiety attacks [which is what xanax is for.] or would you rather want an orgasm? first....xanax is very addictive, regardless of how low it is. i'm not sure about celexa...but if you seriously are kindda immature about all this...considering mental health is better than sexual health...ask about zoloft. they have less of a side effect. besides that....the side effects stop after a period of time. you either take the meds or you dont. but i'd really be smart and take the effects. don't push yourself into orgasming. if you know you have a hard time...then don't do it. there's other things in life to be worried about than if you can cum or not. come on now...think."

beinuppity replied: "Ask your doc about Wellbutrin. Some people have found it helpful. (Unfortunately, I wasn't one of them, but it's worth a try). Good luck"

Squirrel replied: "I had the same problem on Xanax. I take celexa everyday and it don't affect me at all that way. Ask your doctor about possiable lowering your dosage of Xanax!! :@)"

Acid09 replied: "I gave the thumbs up for the lady who said ask for welbutrin because its one of few anti-depresants on the market right now that hasn't been directly linked to retarded ejaculation. The problem is that you're probably taking the xannax (which is real hard core stuff) for anxiety. You're probably sensitive to stimulants. I mean sure have a couple cups of coffee and all is good. But welbutrin MAY increase your chances of having anxiety or panic attacks. It also depends on how long you've been on the medicine. If you've only been on for a month or so give it three more. If by then these side affects have not gone away or gotten worse, tell your doctor and he may be able to tapper you off the celexa (thats what's causing your problem) and put you on a different medicine. Other than that you should consider therapy to along with the drugs. The drugs only do part of the job. Ideally you should be getting therapy so that you don't need the drugs. And by the way you can take xannax As needed. You don't have to take it everyday or even more than once a day if you're symptoms are down. On the otherhand you should follow your doctors instructions over mine and if he wants you take xannax everyday, then that is what you should do. But its one hell of a drug habbit to kick if you get hooked. Some even say its worse than heroine."

HIGH SHAMAN replied: "Sorry ... BUt I don't know of any ... Your doctor would be able to give you better and professional advice ... Best of Luck to ya !!"

Kristen V replied: "Talk to your doctor about switching your meds. Effexor is an antidepressant that has the opposite effect. It increases your sexual drive. In some people it is as effective as Viagra. Now how can anyone be depressed with that?"

McMaevie replied: "Improving SEX drive. this is weird answer you ever get and you can LAUGH about it. It has to be RAW. Take it and EAT it every day. you have to chew raw. 3 to 4 cloves RAW GARLIC will help you. The effect within 3 to 4 weeks and good for your HEART also. it's unproven but for some reason it works. ---------------------------------------------------- it help for someone "depression" Another weird ,it had to be RAW 12pcs. RAW PEANUT & 1 pcs. RAW WALNUTS eat everyday. you can Laugh about it but it's true. you can try those i mention."

Any suggestions out there for How Long it takes to feel benefit from Abilify..?? That is if I am on Celexa already? Reason I say that is the Drugs for me work quicker when I am already on something then when it is done solely due to the "Synergistic" Effect...?? Tank U

mommyof8plus1 replied: "Works right away you should see a change in less than a week."

Hope replied: "I use Abilify. It seems that the effects of the medication are felt either that day it is taken, or the next."

justice_for_derry replied: "Abilify worked right away for me...literally within the first couple of days!!! I was amazed because so many meds take time to reach therapeutic levels."

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