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Citalopram Tablets Side Affects Facts
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Citalopram Tablets Side Affects Facts in Questions
Citalopram side affects? Hi i have been perscribed Citalopram 20mg per day due to my depression and anxiety,panic attacks.They seem to be working great i feel alot better my heart dint seem to be racing so much and i seem to be so chilled out there great but theres one big problem i just cant seem to accept when i make love i cant seem to ejaculate i can go for hours and end up having to give up,some times it happens but takes ages i never had this problem before i can usually do it anytime on the dot lol, has anybody else had this problem? i like the tablets but not having an orgasm sure its hard to accept in there an alternative medication available without that unwanted side affect? I wont give up on anti depressants i just need to find a different medication,i should of took these years ago cos i feel so much better i wouldnt of lost my wife if i had taken them.

Marguerite replied: "Yes, this is a common side effect from some antidepressants. It can clear up in time or it can stay as is. Your best bet is to tell your doc about this symptom. He can prescribe a different antidepressant that won't cause this. Off hand, I know Wellbutrin doesn't cause this problem. But, I'm sure there are others too. There's so many antidepressants out there that do not cause problems with orgasm. Talk to your doc seriously and tell him/her this is unacceptable. But, don't give up on antidepressants. There's something out there to help you."

sammygine replied: "i take citalopram 60mg and hey sometimes it goes away with time.."

nurse PhD replied: "This is a classic side effect of citalopram. Working w/ your prescriber to either decrease the dose or change to a non-SSRI might help. Many patients have similar anti-depressant effects w/ bupropion (Wellbutrin) w/ little to no ejaculatory effects. The reason for this is that bupropion works by increasing the availability of norepinephrine, which is a neurotransmitter necessary for (a) positive feelings (similar to the serotonin effect from citalopram) and (b) the "trigger" for ejaculation. A recent study by Clayton et al (2006) found that adults w/ depression who were treated with bupropion XL 300 mg/day had significantly higher sexual tolerability and similar antidepressant effects as those with escitalopram (an SSRI very similar to citalopram). Talk w/ your prescriber -- see if this might work! Good luck!"

BOSS LADY replied: "The majority of antipressants cause this "freakish" inability to enjoy what most people look forward to. I actually went off my antidepressants after being on them about a year and my wonderful sex life returned to normal in about 3-6 months. And I would like to add, feel lucky that your meds are working!! Not all people respond to meds and that can cause alot of anxiety and fear, especially when the Doc wants to do "Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy." Look it up, "ECT," you will see how fortunate that, you are responding to your meds. Best of luck!"

ive just started taking citalopram tablets for anxiety? just started taking citalopram tablets 20mg for my anxiety and bad tension headaches. today is my second tablet and im feeling more anxsous and my tension head is getting worse allthough on the leaflet on side effects it says these are possible side effect that i can get until aleast 5 to 7 days until side affects go away. shall i carry on taking them or stop them?? thank you for all your answer :) hpe someone can help me!! xx

Mike R replied: "keep takeing it the side effects should go away and you should be feeling better soon."

Jon M replied: "yeah, those are common side effects, and can last a lot longer than 5-7 days, up to 6 weeks for myself. keep on taking them, they do help but cbt may be helpful for dealing with panic attacks also."

devilhue replied: "your worrying about the possible side effects is making things worse! most of the effects written down are very very rare. you doctor would not have put you on them if there was a STRONG risk of you getting them. try not to worry and keep taking them, i have had them in the past and been fine, but if you find your not getting on with them then go back to your gp who will precribe something else."

Piper G replied: "Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc. Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level. But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc. The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them! Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to.... Extracted from Source."

antidepressants tablets citalopram? ive just been prescribed these tablets,one thing that im unsure of is some side affects, ie;auorgasmia----Post SSRI sexual dysfunction. ive just had a look on the net ,it says it's a permanant side affect, has anyone more only 35 and Im not ready for the scrap heap...

Giz replied: "I took these tablets for about 6 months! The only side-effect i had was twitchy feet. Couldn't keep them still! Wierd! But other than side effects, but also no benefits!!!"

Ginger replied: "I looked this up on Wikipedia - it says that the side effect occurs in about 60% of patients whilst taking the medicine and that goes down to 55% after the treatment has ended. It sounds like quite a lot, maybe you should discuss alternatives with your Dr? Most of the tablets in this drug group have the same side effect though."

petermurrell replied: "SSRI is the type of anti-depressant . Also, side effects from anti-depressants aren't permanent unless you take them for the rest of your life! It's the duty of the pharmaceutical companies to list all notified side-effects however rare. The usual one's you'll encounter will probably be dry mouth, drowsiness at first and possibly disturbed sleep. Anorgasmia is a listed side-effect for both men and women. However, if this is the first anti-depressant you've tried, it may not suit you any way. Finding the right one is largely a matter of trial and error. Hopefully what ever is the root cause of you depression can be identified and resolved rather than relying on medication long-term."

Citalopram made me ill any other antidepressant i could take? last month i had one citalopram 10mg tablet the first time i have taken antideprssants but i could not handle it and i collapsed (though i did not faint) i had all the common side affects and some of the not so common, i am skinny =7st and weak . what can i do now citalopram is okay for weak old people but for not me wtf! which drug would work for me and how can i minimise side affects. and yes i know you will say go talk to your doctor and i will so please dont say that ,as thats not why i came on yahoo.

MARK L replied: "i take one every other day,and its OK, you need ti take them for 6 weeks to get the proper benefit"

Lucky Man. replied: "ask your doctor for champix."

Aaron replied: "To be honest you shouldnt take any from of antidepressants. Take some time to read the huge list off side effects on the information leaflet you get in the box."

NurseBunny replied: "Everyone reacts differently to medications regardless of size, body type, just don't know what the chemicals in your body will do. Of course, you should talk to you your doctor, you know that. There are plenty of other anti-depressants out there depending on your needs and, again, how you react to them...paxil, zoloft, lexapro, celexa, effexor, wellbutrin, prozac, etc...sometimes you have to go by trial and may take a few different meds to find the right one."

kckmellons replied: "well i take effexor and i like it so far. the only side effect that i had from it was a underlying headache for a few days and then that went away. lexapro also isn't to bad. but your body is going to react differently to each drug. that one just probably wasn't the one for you. there are side effects with all drugs but it is just rare that they happen. but these are the ones i like and i am a freak about drugs. i am very picky. so maybe ask your doc about these. hope that this helps"

Scarlett replied: "I take citalopram and find it works for me. You could try Prozac."

nooka replied: "I had a bad reaction to Citalopram aswell but bizarrely I take Cipralex, which has the same active ingredient and it is fantastic-no side effects at all for me. I suffer from anxiety and if i feel bad, I ask for the Cipralex at the doctors, I refuse to try any other medication as I know that i will be fine on this. Alot of the time, the panic of changing medication can make you think you are having a reaction when it is just the thought of it. I have also had very bad reaction to Effexor but got on fine with Fluoxetine. My advice would be to see your GP asap if you do have a reaction and insist that they change your meds. Alot of GP's say that you can not get side effects after the first tablet but from experince i know you can. Good luck."

Optimist E replied: "Depression or any psychosomatic disorder should not be treated by untrained persons. Please see a doctor before you do more harm to yourself."

dark girl replied: "Do you think you could have worked yourself up into a panic after taking the tablet? I take these too and am also your weight. I have taken much bigger doses too. Have you spoken to your doctor? I don't think its possible for one to make you collapse....... Good luck."

Tim replied: "Don't take any antidepressants, they all have side effects which can vary wildly from person to person. Find other cures for your depression, away from drugs."

sdg-FNP replied: "There are some useful comments here thus far, and I believe that your options are basically to try something different. The one-size-fits-all approach just simply doesn’t work with regard to antidepressants. I’ve had many patients who did not initially respond to an antidepressant I prescribed, or had some adverse side effect, but did very well on another. There is simply no possible way to tell what will, and what will not, work. As well, you can’t tell if the patient will have a potential adverse effect or not. Sounds to me that you’re very sensitive to this medication, but certainly I would not suggest that you would necessarily be sensitive to the entire class of SSRIs either. Prozac, as another had written, might be an excellent option for you. Low dose, say…10 mg. or so, would be a good start. But remember, most of all these medications will take about 4-6 weeks to “kick in.” “Cipralex” might be a good option (also known as Lexapro, here in the US), but you may or may not have the same reaction. The point is, don’t give up on the hope of at least SOMETHING working for you. It is sometimes a rough road; so don’t throw in the towel yet. All the best to you! p.s. – Aaron, sounds like your comments are more about personal conjecture, rather than facts. You might want to consider that our “roles” here are to HELP people, and not to necessarily dissuade them with unsupportable personal anecdotes. Just a thought."

citalopram side effects query? i was prescribed this yesterday for depression. i have taken only 1 20mg tablet but the side effects already are awful. I feel so sick i had to abandon my shopping yesterday. I have been awake all night although i am exhausted. Does anyone know : Will these side efffects improve? is there a best time to take them to reduce the insomnia? Will it affect my sex life? I feel even worse now than what i did before i took it. many thanks

teddy replied: "i can't honestly see it having that effect so quickly, i have taken it, and yes it can have side effects, but the drugs don't work that fast, they take time to get into the system. Perhaps you should try and give it a week or two, if its still happening then go back to GP and ask for something else. the sickness could be any number of things, including what your reason for taking them in the first place, i.e severe depression. Having been this route i do sympathise, but give it a try and see."

SOC JO! replied: "See your doctor if you are so bad. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, dry mouth, muscle/joint pain, fatigue, or yawning may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these serious side effects occur: changes in sexual ability/desire, increased sweating, persistent nausea/vomiting, uncontrolled movements (tremor), unusual or severe mental/mood changes, weight changes. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: black stools, change in frequency of menstrual periods, "coffee-ground" vomit, confusion, easy bruising/bleeding, fast heartbeats, seizures, vision problems. Males: In the unlikely event you have a painful, prolonged erection (lasting more than 4 hours), stop using this drug and seek immediate medical attention or permanent problems could occur. A serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. Take this medication once daily, in the morning or evening, with or without food; or as directed by your doctor. Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy. Use this medication regularly in order to get the most benefit from it. Remember to use it at the same time each day. Take this medication as prescribed even if you feel well. Do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor. Your dose may need to be gradually decreased. You may experience side effects if the drug is abruptly stopped. It may take up to 4 weeks before the full benefit of this drug takes effect"

c_e_waters replied: "Im exactly the same, was prescribed them two days ago and have had to take some days off as I have felt so sick and have had headaches, I feel so sick most of the time. Am going to give it another day or so and then go back to doctor or go and speak to a pharmacist I think maybe if you are suffering from insomnia you should take the tablet in the morning because for some people the drug acts as a stimulant. Hope this helps!"

insane_mad_maniak replied: "i was on these. you should stop taking them because you are having side effects. go to the doctor and tell them that you are getting side effects, the doctor will either put you on a lower dosage, or will change the prescription to something else. since you have only just started taking them, it is safe to stop and consult your doctor."

The Last Word replied: "I was on Citalopram for 3 1/2 years, until a couple of months ago. I started on 20mg, and it was dropped to 10mg after 6 months. The side effects WILL ease off. Please persevere with it. The tablets take a couple of weeks to really start to work. You should be feeling quite different by then. When I took it, I felt calmer, slept better,and my libido was very much enhanced! I used to take it about an hour before I went to sleep at night."

Buspirone and Citalopram together? Is it okay to use Buspirone and Citalopram together? I have depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and I have read about the side affects of taking them together. Is anyone else taking these two tablets together?

Erryn B replied: "Talk to a pharmacist or a doctor (and the doctor prescribing the buspione should know that you have been or are planning to take the ciralopram)."

Coming off CITALOPRAM & PROPANADOL?!? Hi, i finally feel strong enough to come off of these tablets now :) I will be going to the doctors to have the dosage reduced first as i am currently taking 40mg citalopram and 60mg propanadol. I have been on them for over a year. Has anyone got any advice for me on how to cope with not taking them e.g.The side affects etc... thank you xxxx

Kristy R replied: "I have not taken those specific meds. But, I have been coming off Zoloft and the best answers I got from others who were coming off this med was what I read when I Google-d "Zoloft withdrawal". You might try that with your specific meds and see what they suggest for coping. Good luck !!"

Stephany. replied: "hello kirsty, my boyfriend takes propanadol but im not familiar with citalopram. ive heard of it before but my boyfriend or anyone i know has not taken them. my advise to you would be that instead of coming off them straight away, is to lower your dosage equally by both of these drugs. my boyfriends daily dose by the docter was given as 30mg of propanadol. hes only taking 10mg a day now because he also feels he is strong enough to get off of it. try maybe going down to 20mg citalopram and 30mg propanadol and then in maybe a months time 10mg citalopram and 15/10mg propanadol then in a months or so time after that visit your docter and have a quiet word with him/her stating that you've cut own your use of these two drugs and feel like your ready to be clean of them for good. he/she will then tell you the side efffects and what he/she feels is best for you too do. the side effects my boyfriends had by not taking as much propanadol is faster beating of the heart, shakyness and sweating. the docter told him this is diffferent in all types of people but its perfectly fine its just your bodys way of reacting to not having the drug as much anymore. if you do get side effects tho and they worry you go to see your docter, its better to be safe than sorry and good luck to you xxxx"

GordonBlack replied: "go really really slow is the best advice i can give. Withdrawel symptoms should be minimal if your Doc does this right. As for cpoing without them the gradual and long reduction should make you less dependant and thinking about them when you get down to low levels. But for the love of your mental health - DONT rush it !!!!!!! Many people take these like sweets - but they are really powerful drugs that need to be treated as such"

Hi Please Somebody Give Me Some Info On Citalopram, I Am Reall Scared...? To take it, i have terrible anxiety i am basically agoraphobic, i dont go anywhere by myself, and am also depressed. This is due to rape i experienced several years ago but for some weird reason i cant get over it and i have been scared to go out alone since, it's really affecting my quality of life and i am only 20 years old- i should be living life to the full really.. Anyway, the doctor prescribed me citalopram tablets last week thursday, though i have not taken them yet- i am just SO scared!!! I have been on anti depressants a few years ago (fluoxetine) and they made me lose loads of weight and nearly get anorexic, made me feel like a zombie, I lost my sex drive, felt bit spaced out and disconnected- it was very very horrible.. I didnt want to resort to medication again but i have tried to overcome my problems by myself and have failed =[ The only drug i dont mind using is diazepam however the doctor rarely prescribes me this unless i am particularly distressed due to its addictive nature.. Does anyone have any expierence with Citalopram? I dont want to expierence horrible side effects! Please please help i am in two minds because my anxiety and depression is really bad and i know i need help for it but i dont want to become some abnormal person from the Citalopram. Thank you's in advance =]

Toss that Yeyo and Run replied: "Fluoxetine is pretty old school as far as this type of drug go. You should have fewer problems tolerating citalopram and it should work better on your symptoms, but it is probably not going to be a miracle pill and you most likely will have some level of side effects, but it shouldn't be too bad. I never took the stuff but I used to take Ecitalopram which is more or less the same thing and was something Lundbeck and Forest Laboratories invented by just slightly tweaking the citalopram formula to squeeze the last bit of money out of the citalopram project when citalopram went generic. Anyway, it does have the sexual side effects in about 40% of the people who take it, so you might squeak by that one if you are lucky and wind up in the 60% who don't. Weight change shouldn't be an issue for you, but you should talk to your doctor if you notice either of these things because there are things they can do to combat those problems, weight and sexual dysfunction. Also you should really think about your priorities when you are taking these meds and think about if getting rid of your symptoms is worth the price you pay in side effects, and also how bad the side effects really are versus how bad you tell yourself they are. Nothing is perfect. Everything has a price. I will spare you the complete lecture but diazepam is a potent drug that can seriously affect your life in everyway. Relationships with your family and friends, cognitive functioning spilling over into school and work performance, standing with the local law enforcement and motor vehicle division, as well as creating patterns or habits of using intoxicants that you can end up following for life, inappropriate behavior caused by lowered inhibition, betraying the trust of the doctor who gives it to you by abusing it and hustling for more, the fact that diazepam itself has effects on sexual function and appetite that you are concerned with the other drug get the point I think. The topping on the cake is that diazepam is only a short term fix because your body builds a tolerance to it and it stops working if you take it regularly. Not to mention that it is an old, outdated drug that most psychiatrists would pass over even if they were in a position to prescribe an addictive tranquilizer from that family of drugs because it really does a substandard job at what it does compared to modern drugs that available. Anyhow, I hope you find what you need."

Helen L replied: "Hi - the previous answerer has pretty much said it all with more knowledge than I have. Pretty much all medications have side effects. They may be bad or just minor, and differ between people. You will never know how it will affect you until you try it. I realise that you are anxious anyway, but this pill has the potential to make a real difference in your life. It won't give you the immediate effect that you get from diazepam - think of it as the difference between an asprin and antibiotics. But you need to decide whether it's worth taking the pill and risking side effects if you can go out again and start making a new life for yourself. I'm just searching on the internet for side effects, and it seems like you may get some side effects that wear off after a couple of weeks - some people find it hard to sleep and go off food for a little while. There's a part of me that diidn't want to mention those, as I don't want to provide extra things for you to worry about, but it's better you're informed and plan how you're going to deal with them until your body adjusts - exercising more is recommended by some. Maybe your doctor will give you some diazepam to take the edge of the citalopram in the short term, but probably not unless they get really bad. I guess the main thing is that you may get some of the symptoms you hated about fluoxetine, but these ought to go. If they don't, you can come off them again, or maybe reduce your dose (always discuss this with your doctor). But at least you'll know if it works for you. A medication might not be the total answer to your problem, but it may give you the space you need to work on the other bits. All the best in your decision."

willy wom bat replied: "escitalopram is a very good anti depressant but it takes up to 4 to six weeks before it becomes fully effective. and you do NEED to take this medication also you should ask your doctor for counselling. escitalopram is NOT an addictive drug. diazepam is very very addictive drug and only should be taken for a few days and no longer. my heart goes out to you being raped must have been a terrible ordeal and no wonder your suffering the way you are. but i can assure you the right medication and counsellings you will become fit and well once again."

piecrust replied: "Diazepam will make you a lot more zoned out zombie like and spaced than Citalopram ever will. Citalopram is a long term option, you can try and always come off. I was on citalopram a while ago and didn't experience any side effects, nor did I find it to help. However I know of at least 5 people who are on it and think its great and are fine not zombies or spaced out."

phillip b replied: "pills will not cannot solve this hypnotherapy can spiritual healing can reiki can e.f.t.can massage can help what is paramount is to choose your healing route------ carefully-- be really aware that the conventional treatment for this can be horrendous and you can go on for years with no improvement and massive damaging detrimental side effects from meds . Do read this very carefully and try and understand the principles behind what is being said . Evaluate all of this info well –this info will save you years of suffering ---years if you apply it .. This will educate you on our health care system and its dire limitations All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so. That makes sense right .it costs millions to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people.. Drug companies Fund most research and will only and I mean only look at treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, --they will actively dismiss any therapy which does not have profit potential— thus your doctor will only recommend therapies with profit in them. Despite The fact that some of these other therapies mentioned do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, and much loss of life. Drugs are not the answer for depression with mind altering chemicals or any other mental illness. This is a fundamental principle and unless you grasp this fully –you could /will have years of suffering ahead of you . This does not help you though when you are ill and suffering—not hearing about therapies which can help from a person you look up to and trust Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage Spiritual healing, Herbs, Light therapy,Colour therapy,the violet ray therapy, Osteopathy, Electrical Frequency devices. These therapies will work for many complaints of a so called mental nature we have thousands of testimonials and results showing years of successful applications Do this and I will guarantee improvements to you inside a day its that simple, of course getting these things in place can be much harder. Each therapy can have a very beneficial influence on you. Print this all off save it and enact it and share it --- of course someone to help you get these therapies in your life is invaluable but do not be swayed by them trying for short cuts …. 1,get someone to massage your back and legs at least 3 times a week use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil. 2 use the violet ray machine an Edgar Cayce device google search this --- 3 times a week on the other days especially on the spine….we use it every day with very positive results 3.get a tent sleep out side 3times a week utilising earth energy - nature can help big time especially with how you feel how much energy you have 4 study and apply good nutrition-- adequate minerals all of them particularly calcium and magnesium iron essential fatty acids omega 3 6 9 protein etc 5 ensure your thyroid is working well 7 ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when you are able..the reasons you are ill , or poor or have allsorts of bad things happen to you is because of karma -----usually from past lives but some from this one –voluntary work will offset your mistakes--- how much it offsets well that is down to god and how much you do. Healing us is in direct proportion to the help we give others ie your healing comes with helping others achieve theirs so if people are doing very little in helping others ---they suffer more and longer...and if they are doing a lot they get well now you know what to do ,,and like a lot of us are already doing being of service. 8 be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you who love you , choose your friends well 9 be or get to a place which personally love or like 10 get and do some work which you like or love 11 ensure you do no acts which hurt or inflict on anyone –don’t want to add to your karma do we !!! 12 spiritual healing yes and reiki -. 13think good positive thoughts, laughter, look at comedy, play good uplifting music, 14 avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering ,death ,tragedies, -feed upon good things uplifting things, things that feel like a breath of fresh air.. 15 Positive affirmation- that’s right programme your self in the mirror , thoughts are things words are things actions are things , all have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect on themselves . 16 a detox ------ toxins can influence how you feel big time 17 hugs get plenty of them in your daily life you would be amazed at how people feel after a few decent hugs…. 18 loads of exercise running walking climbing but something which you enjoy 19 rid yourselves of all aspartame laden foods and drink and many additives get back to a wholesome organic diet"

Lisa replied: "One common problem that happens is this. I have been there and done that. You have to figure out what it is first that is destroying your sex drive. If your on medication like birth control or anti-depressants that is something to think about and do research on. Other then that it could just be stress, maybe the kids, really anything that makes your life stressful can do this and lower the libido. One thing I tried that seemed to work while I was doing it was exercising. I just felt sexier doing it which kind of boosted my libido. However it wasn't the best solution for me. My friend told me about these herbal enhancers that are made from natural herbs and don't cause any side effects besides having wild sex. She said it's the female version of viagra. I had to find out. I would always have a weak orgasm too (if I had one at all), which after trying this sex enhancer, it boosted them tremendously. I don't get multiple orgasms but I've had plenty since being on these herbs. It's seriously like the best vibrator ride you've ever experienced. These things make me horny all the time, some days I don't even take them because the urge is just too strong. Don't try out single herbs because they don't do it like the blend of herbs these scientists and researchers pick out. I've tried a couple of them by itself and they did crap. The stuff that I'm on is called Hersolution, at the time I saved money on it at . Make sure you get the 3 month supply that way you fall under the guarantee/return policy if the herbs don't work for you, you can return them with no questions ask. I bet they will work though and you won't have any problems. Also if your on medication of any sort, check out the gel because if your like me, you wouldn't want to swallow any thing that might react with the medications your already on. Well have a good day and hopefully you solved your problem."

Can i halve my antidepressants by breaking half? i had to post this question again bercause i deleted the othjer one by accident hello i have been given 100mg sertraline antideppressants but i think 100mg is to much for me as was previously given 10mg citalopram and i couldnt withstand the side affects so i was thinking to cut the sertraline in half is this safe. p.s DO NOT TELL ME TO ASK MY DOCTOR BECAUSE I WOULD BE ASKING ON YAHOO IF THATS WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR. i have not begun tasking the tablets yet and i only took citalopram once because of the side affects . on the box of the sertaline tabs it reads 'each tablet is film coated' i dont knw what that means for somone breakjing the tablet i half

Anita replied: "Yes, you can break sertaline in half. The film coating is just to help it go down better. It's not a timed released drug."

CareBearWCU replied: "i would say nooooooooo, not a good idea"

Wile E. C replied: "As an alternative to asking your doctor you could try asking a pharmacist. They know some things about drugs as well. Since I'm not sure your reasons for not wanting to talk to your doctor, I don't know if talking to a pharmacist is a possibility. I just thought I'd offer it as an alternative source for answers."

Jerry H replied: "The general rule is....cut them in half, you half the dosage. If the tablets are scored on one side, it can be done quite easily and the two bits should be fairly equal in size. As long as you take the two halves one after the other in seperate doses, the effect will be the same as taking one whole one."

Bren replied: "just because yr citalopram was 10mg doesnt mean that this is stronger its a different drug. eg i was given a tablet for my blood pressure 10mg i had side effects so was changed to a different one which is 300mg it doesnt mean anything, im sure yr doc has given u the dose he felt appropriate for u. anti depressants are not something u should be changing the dose on without asking yr doc. in general u should only cut a tablet in half if it is scored with a line down the middle if its not then u shouldnt cut it in half but get a lower dose tablet. the reason for this is if its scored then it means the ingredients are distributed evenly thoroughout the tablet but if its not then they are not so all the active ingredient could be in one half o the tablet which means one half u take full dose the other maybe none which is not good."

CHICKY replied: "Yes, Break In Half. Hell, You dont need a Doctors Order For That, Only Yourself Knows How Much,"

donnalw3 replied: "kay, you sound just like me as far as anti-depressants go. When I get prescribed a new anti-depressant, the first thing I do is go on line and look up the medication, and read about the side effects. Of course by doing this I scare myself more, but I still like to know what I might expect by taking my new meds. As one poster has already said, film coated just means that it is easier to swallow. You can break them in half with a pill cutter, or just by using your hands if that will work. The reason I like a pill cutter is because that way I can slowly increase the medication. Thus, my body has more time to adjust to certain possible side effects. Just remember by doing this, it will take longer for the anti-depressant to get into your system, and will therefore take longer for it to help you with your depression. But yes, it is safe. I also like what the other poster said about calling a pharmacy, I call the pharmacy almost all the time when I get a new medication. Psychiatrist now days just don't seem to take the time to explain everything about the medications, that is just my opinion, because every doctor is different. I happen to have found a really good doctor that works for me. Yeah if you want to cut them in half and slowly work your way up, than go for it. Good luck to you."

Storm Chaser UK replied: "Sorry, but you really MUST see your doctor if you think you're on the wrong dose, it is too dangerous to alter any drug dose yourself. I only know because I did it myself and then ended up in a psych unit for 3 MONTHS to rectify the situation. I ended up taking an overdose after I thought I was on too high a dose of antidepressants and cut them in half to reduce the dose and then suffered severe depression. I found to my detriment that I was on the dose I was prescribed for a reason. If you really do feel the dose is too high, discuss it with your doctor and they will prescribe a lower dose. To be honest, doctors will question why you haven't got a repeat prescription earlier anyway. Now that most prescriptions are computer generated doctors can tell when you last had one."

laurateaze replied: "Hi, I always cut my antidepressants in halves or quarters . I take amytriptiline 10mg. Also I take diazepam whenever I need it and cut it to size too. I seriously dont believe in taking in more chemicals that I need, or that will work because I then have to fight the effects.Why would I givce myself such a hard time? My Dr. is 100 percent on my side in this but if she wasn't I would do it anyway. Its my system. I am ultimately responsible for my health both mental and physical and Dr.s are not all powerful magicians they are all too human and have very little time in which to make decisions. I did ask a pharmacist and she said no problem. I actually cut my tablets with a pair of nail scissors and they are pretty sharp. A craft knife would do it too. they are easier to cut if film coated the chalky ones tend to break up but then if you are only taking half; by the time it comes to getting a renewal of your prescription you should have plenty of bits left over.I pu the halves back into the foil and reseal."

Citalopram anti depresents any one else had? Im currently taking these tablets and i have read about the side effects, but my question is about sleep i have a poor sleep pattern anyway all or nothing but when i do get to sleep now i have the strangest dreams all the time and not nice ones is this another affect of the drug ? if it is there anything i could do to stop it with out stop taking

barneysmommy replied: "Try taking them earlier in the day and not before you go to bed. I had weird dreams when I first started taking these but that only lasted for a couple of weeks. Good luck"

lesley s replied: "I am also on these. I take mine first thing in the morning but still have a poor sleep pattern. I sometimes have weird dreams but not sure if it is the pills."

trumptonboy replied: "It is a side effect of all SSRIs."

gangadharan_nair replied: "Disturbed sleep patterns, such as insomnia, loss of REM sleep, or excessive sleep (Hypersomnia) may, perhaps, be associated with your clinical depression. Consult your doctor. Please see the web pages for more details on Citalopram and depression."

devils'littleangel replied: "You should definitely mention this to your therapist or the prescribing doctor. I have been using citalopram (celexa) on and off for about 2.5 years (I took a break while pregnant) and found that it is one of the drugs I had to "play" with. The dosage, as well as the time you take it can affect how it works. I found that when I took it in the morning, I was left feeling fuzzy and disconnected all day. When I take it too late at night, I have trouble sleeping and when I do manage to get to sleep, I have weird dreams. I have gotten into the habit of taking it after dinner and find it works really well. I also use lithium and need to take it with food or I get nauseous, so this time is very convenient. I am bipolar and have to watch the dosage as well. Too little and I get manic, too much and I get depressed. I am constantly having to keep up on how I am feeling and adjust my meds accordingly. My therapist encourages that I do this as long as I keep him up to date on any and all changes and that I ask him for help when I need it. So far so good. Mind you it helps that I have a great therapist who I trust 100% and have been with forever. But again, talk to your doctor and see what you can do. Good luck!!!"

girlracer20 replied: "When i was on these i found taking them in the morning left me tired and not with it all day, almost like i was in a dream, so i started taking them right before i went to sleep, literally waiting till i was just dropping off and then took it, i found that way the best, i woke up feeling great and by the time the pill was in my system, doing its thing, i was asleep already, i did have the strangest dreams whilst on these though, i think thats just part and parcel of it, but if the dreams are too disturbing then you should go back to your doctor and see what to do about it."

citalopraming replied: "I had a similar problem when i first started taking it, one of the side effects that did wear off in time for me. If you have been on them for a while (over 3 months) and you are still getting the side effects then it might be worth switching to another SSRI, but that has also the potential to give you the same sort or effects. The choice is yours. I would suggest talking to the doctor to find out what options you have."

shez replied: "I was on citalopram for nearly a year and i found that i had to take them at night because when i was taking them in the morning i was feeling very tired and weak all day. The fact that you haven't been able to sleep is probably due to your depression rather than the medication. Good luck with them, they worked very well for me."

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