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Can residue from lithium mining cause cancer? My family lives less than a mile from a lithium mine. Dust settles everywhere in the house. It's a thick rough dust that makes everything feel like sandpaper. My family and neighbors have developed illnesses such as cancer and neurological disorders. Could this be caused from the lithium residue?

LizzieBeth replied: "Anywhere there's dust and stuff with carcinogens, and you're always exposed to it, yes, your cancer risk would go up."

What are the effects of Lithium mining on your health? My family lived less than a mile from a lithium mine for over 15 years. There would always be a thick salt residue on everything in our house. Now my family has various health problems (cancer, Parkinson, RLS, and other neurological symptoms). Could this be related to the lithium salt residue? replied: "Probably."

How is lithium mined? I can't find this anywhere. How is lithium mined? A website would help a lot too! Thanks 10 points! Sam

jim z replied: "Spodumene is a lythium ore. I have seen them in Keystone, South Dakota. They are simply jackhammered out the rock or dynamited. It is used to calm some mental patients as well as an ore for lythium."

Beulah replied: "Here is site that tells you. Just google 'Liuthium mining' and you will get more. Beulah"

georock1959 replied: "The largest lithium producer in North America is Rockwell's Clayton Peak lithium brine operation in west-central Nevada. Lithium is recovered by evaporating ground water enriched in lithium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, carbonate, and many other elements and compounds."

Whats your favorite Nirvana song and Why?? mine is either Lithium or Polly? It changes every day really. I like Polly because of the situation it was written in and how Kurt read in the paper about the girl who had been sexually assaulted. And Lithium I just like the melody with the dark lyrics. Although its not a very down song, its more of a upbeat Nirvana song.

trucker3977 replied: "Lounge Act. Not sure why, either. Music is great. Voice sounds good. Whats not to like?"

Manda K replied: "smells like teen spirit....its just my favorite"

autumnfaerie8 replied: "They were such a brilliant band, it's hard for me to choose a favorite. I think I am in the same boat as you; my favorite seems to change all the time. As of right this moment, I'd probably say "Smells Like Teen Spirit." But if you ask me again tomorrow that might not be the case!"

tjdrum7 replied: ""RAPE ME " - great guitar power chords "HEART-SHAPED BOX " -(the 'LIVE' version)- gets kinda psychadelic "TERRITORIAL PISSINGS " - reminds me of my youth when I got dropped off in front of my house - DRUNK - and was too wasted to make it to the bathroom, thus using a tree (like a dog) in front of my home . RUFF RUFF"

roxy81492 replied: "Smells Like Teen Spirit. Don't ask."

.:ITS ME...SAY HI!!!!:. replied: "yea smell like teen sprit...and i love the video when th kids kills himself...really honest video...really honest band"

XnIrVaNaxDDGxRaRxGExROCKSX replied: "i love both of them. i love all nirvana songs. but my favs are: Lounge Act, All Apolliges, Polly, Stay Away, Rape Me, Lithium, ♥ shaped box, In Bloom. Gosh..too many nirvana rox my sox. foreverr. ♥"

How does nature provide Lithium? I need help on a project i am doing. i need these following questions to. If Lithium is mined, explain the process. How is Lithium used today? What products, if any are mad for consumer usage? Is the element essential for life? If the element is in living organisms, what is the function?

hotstuff replied: "wikipedia helps a lot but to answer some of your questions... Lithium is far to reactive to just go start digging and find it because it will have reacted with something, so mining lithium you would have to mine lithium compounds and then probably use electrolysis to get the pure metal. There are lithium ion batteries that are very popular today that use lithium as a fuel source. Lithium isn't essential for life as far as i'm aware; however it is used in the medical field for a good bit of psychiatric problems. Need to be very careful with it though because it is very easy to overdose on lithium. hope this helps..."

What happens if lithium comes into contact with skin? Something happened to a friend of mine where they came into contact with lithium but they don't know if it could kill them or not. help??

LILY replied: "'03'.pdf"

Melody replied: "Lithium is naturally occurring in the brain. Too high of copper levels can bring lithium levels down and people with bipolar disorder have low lithium levels. Touching it with your skin should not cause any overdose (did he swallow some?). If there is an overdose he would have vomiting, blurred vision, or siezures. There are even lithium hotsprings that people get into. How did he get the lithium? meds? a battery? something else? Either way your friend is probably fine, if he starts having problems like stated above then seek medical care. good luck, hope this helps"

How come some people say it's hard to be approved for disability when I got mine the 1st time? My diagnosis is Schizoaffective Bipolar I, I take medications and I see a psychiatrist every 8 weeks. I was approved for disability the 1st time. I take Invega, Celexa, ativan, lithium carbonate, cogentin, ambien, trazadone. How come other people with the same diagnosis as mine don't get approved?

dinkum360 replied: "Perhaps your disability is more apparent."

Faza187 replied: "LUCKYYYYYYY"

cafferysmum replied: "sadly it depends on how you word things. I have a friend who is quite ill and got turned down yet the local drunk got it for a knee injury.. the friend who was ill appealed adn went to tribunal and won.. the drunk spends hers at the local boozer."

alicialions replied: "They say it because it is were just lucky! I have known plenty of people who have had to fight for years to get approved and some that never have gotten it."

rawr125 replied: "Your obviously disabled with all those drugs in your system."

trace replied: "Just be glad you got it...why are you worried about why others are not getting it....oh yeah worry is part of mental illness"

Treytado j replied: "you was just lucky those people just approve who ever they want to approve its like they just randomly pick people"

Ms K replied: "There are many factors. I helped my brother fill out his paperwork for an illness of unknown origin. He had spent over a month in the hospital and there was still no diagnosis. He had biopsies, surgery and there were no answers to what they thought was lymphoma initially. So, possibly, your doctor wrote an excellent report. Also, the amount and types of medications prescribed to you might have helped your case. You also may have filled out all of your paperwork properly and meticulously making it easier for the case worker to read and understand your illness. Something else in your favor might have been the case worker might have been good at what they do. I've heard it's hard to get approved the first time for almost any disorder, that most get approved on their second try if they have a true disability. Those that are not approved the first time should not give up. I'm glad you were approved your first time around. It saved you from going through it a second or third time. Best wishes, luck and most of all, best of health!"

justicefmichael replied: "I don't know you must be a serious nut."

... replied: "Because you are lucky. Clearly, you have some other sort of major brain dsyfunction where you can't see the obvious, so this means they immediately approved your disability claim. So it's not really a fair comparison is it? Ever heard of a little theory called "everyone is different" and just because you put yourself on tonnes of drugs doesn't mean everyone does or can to make their illness look more serious"

Jiggy G replied: "Your disability is easy to prove. Some others have disabilities, but they are difficult to prove that they interfer with working. And some people are just trying to trick the "system" into taking care of them..."

How is lithium dangerous to either the environment or animal or peoples health? If lithium is NOT dangerous, can you please explain how the care and handling of it might be dangerous when it is mined or purified.

P. Nis replied: "The medication lithium used for depression and must be monitored. Like all medicines too much could be toxic to people, animals and if it leaches into the water or the ground will effect the environment as well. The use of lithium batteries poses several serious health risks, venting of toxic gases, an explosive nature, high reactivity to water, and a low melting point to name a few."

who is the largest corp mining lithium? in the usa

Frank replied: "Currently Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile, SQM but there there's a lot of movement in this industry. There's a proposal to merge several Russian companies into the largest, and a lot of companies are scrambling for contracts in Bolivia."

I'm curious about lithium mining? Clearly, any effort to mass produce electric cars would require a great deal of lithium batteries. I'm curious if anybody knows anything about the lithium mining process.. Are there environmental dangers from trying to get to much of it out of the earth? How much is in the earth? Are we likely to run out of it, like we will fossil fuels? Will lithium get a lot cheaper as we standardize and automate mining to produce massive quantities of it?

Helmut replied: "Mining in Chile appears to be depleting potable water supplies. Unlike fossil fuels, which are complex hydrocarbons produced by biological process, Earth's supply of lithium is, and will remain, constant. "World Resources: The identified lithium resources total 760,000 tons in the United States and more than 13 million tons in other countries." (USGS) Lithium prices rose steadily from 1973 to 1998, and the research into batteries for hybrid vehicles continues to drive prices up. "Lithium pricing became very competitive when SQM entered the market in 1998, and it has been difficult to obtain reliable price information since that time." "The average customs unit value for imported lithium carbonate was $1.46 per kilogram, . . ."(in 2005) I personally think that speculators will drive lithium prices higher as fervor for hybrid vehicles and gasoline prices increase."

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