CrunchyCon replied: "Well first of all there are single people who have SUVs for a reason, like living in the country and needing four wheel drive in the winter but wanting something more practical than a truck. And I'd like to see my kayak on top of a Prius or try to fit all our camping gear in the back. I don't think so. Keep in mind they serve a purpose for people with active lifestyles before you go bashing people for owning a particular vehicle. (Although I'm with you on Hummers, unless you're in Baghdad you don't need one of those.)
And second of all, if you bought the SUV/Truck/Whatever when gas prices were fine it's NOT cost effective to trade it in, the cost of getting a new vehicle (especially when your existing one is paid off) is more than it's worth to save on gas. Driving an SUV without a monthly payment is still cheaper than trading it in to save a few miles a gallon and all of a sudden having a car payment again. It doesn't make financial sense. So you need to think a little bit about other people's situation and whether it would really make sense or them to get another vehicle before you go bashing others. Or better yet, let it go and mind your own business."
Inherent Contradictions ? I understand what they sell, the question is why people buy these ? Some one talked about Hybrid Hummer for better fuel economy. This reminded (i) Low fat Cheese and all assortment of low fat items (ii) Sugarless (diet) soda (iii) Sugarless cookies (iv) Zero transfat fried chicken (v) Non buttery butters. Most of these use synthetic substitutes which have some other complications. Do these items sell in the market as they allow a false sense of complacency to user regarding control on consumption ?
sunny w replied: "Kinda like Jumbo Shrimp."
bearsdentulsa replied: "There are different answers for different people. Some are told by their doctor to be on a low-fat diet. Diabetics can't have sugar. "Trans fats" have been shown to be harmful to our health; I think that avoiding them will soon be "mainstream" if it isn't already.
I also think that the general public tend to believe what they are told, if not by advertisers then by "experts" and professionals. They told us that butter is bad for us, margarine is better, so, wanting to live longer and be healthy, we switched to margarine. Now, of course, the truth - small amounts of butter are probably healthier than the hydrogenated oils in margarine - is coming out!
Personally, I'm trying to lose weight following the Weight Watchers plan, and on WW foods that are higher in fat count more "points." So I use foods like reduced fat cheeses to help me stay within my daily points allowance.
It is very true that "low fat" and "sugar free" can be misleading; these foods are often not reduced calorie foods (which fact you may find in the fine print if you get out your magnifying glass) and may not be any healthier than their regular counterparts, but there are valid health reasons for some people to eat sugar free foods and/or low fat foods."
Will we eventually go into a dictatorship....naturally? It seems that a dictatorship will arise, not as an exterior imposition. But one demanded as an imposition from the citizens themselves. This will not happen from one moment to the next, lest a nuclear bomb levels a city. It will happen gradually, from one day to the next it would seem.
Take oil for instance. It would have been helpful, economically, if someone had imposed an 'oil' tax some years ago to inoculate the population and start directing people to a more fuel efficient consumption. The oil tax could have been acheived by say, taxing single drivers so people would use greater mass transportation (buss), etc. However, democratically, the measure was voted down because it was not popular at the time.
What happened? A few years later, the price of gas rises due to the greater demand, and a NATURAL tax is imposed on the population through a higher gas price. Perhaps nowadays, people would be willing to vote in a bill that would tax, say, hummers.
Similarly, right now, a one child policy instituted or imposed from the exterior would be rejected and visciously attacked by human rights groups. Just image pro-life going after the one child policy. However, as population slowly creeps to 9 billion worldwide, people will start DEMANDING a measure such as the one child policy. It will start becoming economical. Because if you half the amount of people with the same amount of resources, you double standard of living, it would be an excellent policy promoter politicians could use as a result of the immesurable debt we would have left them due to our generation's spending and borrowing=it would also be a good way to attack america's debt.
Look at this way, the people that were once favored...or customs that were once the accepted status quo, have now become unpopular.
We were very willing to go invade a country after 911 because we felt attacked...but ocne the psychological impact and the real economic
toll took its effect (it was only 5000 people compared to 50,000 car deaths each year in the united states)...people started wondering, is it really worth it to go invading countries because of two towers?
Imagine what would have happened if a nuclear bomb had levelled New York city?
What I am hinting at, is that the mores of the time are not defined by any absolute and irrevocable 'moral' ...but that such principles arise due to the circumstances of the time.
So, it would be natural that the day a nuke goes off in new york, people will DEMAND someone pay.
Right now, we have the luxury to say that we would not invade or do this or that, but when the chips are down, the demeanour of the country could change completely.
What democracy doesn't anticipate is the future and long term trends. It only lives in the moment...what people 'feel' doesn't plan, 5, 10 years ahead.
Thus, things could have been killed when small, end up growing up into large problems
So as we impose restrictions on our selves as time goes by, does it not make sense we will end up in a 'mob dictatorship'....
As the situation in the 21st century gets increasingly hairy ..
our entire population is on aritificial life support with went from 1 billion to 6 billion....crop yields are supported due to the energy invested in them in fuel......
it seems we will impose on ourselves a dictatorship....and not some harsh measures today, may become commonplace and acceptable....For example, as the value of human life declines, perhaps it will be economical to reduce the population by having them drafted and die in wars....Furthermore, eugenics might become a viable alternative to 'equalize the wealth gap'....
Perhaps people will grow weary of politicians trying to cator and agree to their every whinning and temporary whim....and want someone who will instruct them, teach them.....who has a greater intellect...
perhaps the 'best and the brightest' will take a different meaning, be turned on its head, and only people with high IQ, hard workers, and morally endowed...reach office.
if you think about it, as a leader, you want someone who will teach you, not someone who will cator to your every moronic and irrational whim.....this is analogous to a father being held by the balls by his kid and doing everything the kid desires, no matter how immature or moronic.
As people see the benefits of 'enlightened electorates' and grow tired of now one agreeing under democracy (perhaps people will grow frustrated in face of slow reaction in a catastrophe)....they will set up a check and balances system that is democratic, yet meritocratic...
say, high IQ, compassionate people reach office as people who control the population.....they are given many millions of dollars, but if they are found to abuse their power or be corrupt, they would be put to death or sent to jail.
It seems as problems multiply this century, a dictatorship will not 'creep' and impose itself....but will perhaps, be demanded by the citizens themselves?
it will be that, or leaving it up to 'God' which would be quite irresponsible and lead to complete chaos...such as the end of fight club. And then the population....would naturally....'rectify' itself...through a very rapid increase in homocides.
ToYou,Too! replied: "Fascism is in the works. One more breakdown in fair elections and the fate is sealed."
Freya replied: "Could be a world dictator one day? When things go crazy.
No oil etc. who knows??"
giginotgigi replied: "This is a problem in democracy which does not get into the human nature.
Dictator come when he thought he is the only truth in the universe. With a bit of progressive misleading, he can bring people into his truth. Examples: Hitler & Stalin.
They looked wonderful during election. Afterward, people were forced into their world.
It needs a great observation skill to spot them during election."
palmipedes replied: "I read a monologue but no earnest question."
poopsie replied: "we started out as a republic, not a democracy, and we have way to many taxes now, and oil, isn't that what we are fighting for, or did bush forget, why we are over in iraq, If his dad had done the job right in the first place, we would own kuwait today, so what happened??? don't blame people who drive hummer's, blame the corrupt govt. of this country, we have plenty of resources right here in the USA!!!!!!! but because of the corrupt govt, of this country, they would rather start a war, for oil, again, for the second time,!!!!!"
treadthewater replied: "i see alot of people have been reading my answers yea facism is growing and getting greater do to corporate america they have the money and power to get who ever they want in their just think corporate america is planning to put RFID chips in everthing including people in other words all you have to do is sit in your drive way cop drives by he doesnt have to ask you your name he will just punch it in his computer gps whatever you wanna call it and no who you are where you are and what you are doing and corporate amerca (wallmart for one wants it) and their is many others i can chat about but have some very interesting conversations going on right now and like i said on a few other answer things its not oil we are over their for if it is OIL where the hell is it all ??? but think about it prices of everything has went up way up but their is only one thing that remains the same people and that ?????? is your wages the rich keep getting richer and everyone else keeps getting the shaft so dont say oil because according to gas prices we sure are not recieving any oil from iraq just a coverup to make more money for corporate america gold has tripled but then again alot of things have went up accept the peoples wages"

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