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Questions and Answers
What are your opinions on staying on Lexapro during pregnancy? I'm 32. I've taken Lexapro for 2-3 years during which my mental and physical health have improved tenfold. I went off it once with the intention of becoming pregnant. I became so sick (depressed, anxious, non-functioning) that I went back on it. We're once again considering trying to get pregnant and understand little research exists on Lexapro's effect on pregnancy. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hopeful replied: "I went through the same thing and my dr. strongly advised that I not be on Lexapro when I conceived. However, I remember her saying that if I had to stay on it, I would for sure have to go off it by the third trimester. She also felt at that point, the "happy hormones" of pregnancy would kick in. I weaned myself off of lexapro so we could ttc, and it was horrible the first 2 weeks! Good luck!"

lenurse replied: "I would always recommend women avoid antidepressants during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. The risks are just not known and some research has suggested SSRI's like Lexapro cause lung and heart defects in humans. In fact the FDA just issued a warning that controlled studies linked Lexapro with Pulmonary Hypertension in the newborn. The study was published by the New England Journal of Medicine. Now if your depression is so bad that you cannot function and you feel suicidal then I would continue the Lexapro. Depression often gets worse during pregnancy so you will likely need treatment. Perhaps ask your doctor about reducing the dosage? Wellbutrin is another antidepressant with a safer rating than Lexapro. Wellbutrin has more research and seems to be safer than Lexapro at this point. Perhaps you could try switching medications before conceiving and see if it helps you. Just remember that uncontrolled depression would be riskier than the Lexapro, but you will put your child at a risk for defects. Some women do fine on lexapro and a small few have children with defects. Don't ever let a doctor tell you it's absolutely safe because many of them don't warn patients of the risks. Helpful links regarding SSRI's & defects."

Is it safe to take lexapro during pregnancy? I have been taking lexapro for years now and just confused about taking it since I am pregnant. I have looked at things online and now I have no clue. Or should I switch to Zoloft or Paxil? Does anyone have any experience with that? Also I am on 10 miligrams right now and 6 weeks pregnant.

SaraC ~*Baby Boy Due 6/28/09*~ replied: "i would talk to the doctor to see what he/she says."

Sarah replied: "your doctor is definitely the only person that can answer that question correctly. make sure you talk to him/her soon, because if it IS harming the baby, you need to take care of it immediately."

Candi replied: "I was told don't stop taking your medication until you talk with your doctor it could send your body into shock."

cmh replied: "Does the doctor that proscribed it to you know you are pregnant? Or does your OBGYN know you are taking it? I tried to look up lexapro but no results i looked up Paxil that is a big NO there has been known fetal defects from paxil. Zoloft has not been studied on pregnant women but pregnant animals and the fetus showed toxicity! Use this site that i use "

*Twiztid Ninjette* replied: "I know facing the same type issues,that I'm on prozac daily. Lexapro,I've had friends take. I'm not a doctor,but paxil is the ONE you want to stay away from. It's the one that's been proven to possibly cause more issues. Talk to your doctor about it. My psychiatrist felt the most comfortable with prozac,so that's what I'm on. My baby is doing great! Ten mg of prozac daily for the most part works for me. I know that I had a friend on lexapro while pregnant. Talk to a doctor to be sure though."

Has anyone taken Lexapro during pregnancy? I have been on Lexapro for years. I tend to get really depressed if I am not taking it. When I found out I was pregnant, I cut my dose from 20mg a day to 10 mg per day. My doctor told me to continue taking this amount throughout my pregnancy, even though they are not sure what the side effects are. I am now 20 weeks, and I'm wondering if anyone else has taken Lexapro during pregnancy and if so, was the baby okay? I should have put this in the question. It was my OB/GYN that told me to continue taking the lexapro.

Amy B replied: "I took zoloft. It is an SSRI like lexapro. My kids were fine. But I've never taken that exact drug no. I'd ask your ob/gyn instead of a family doctor. They might know better. Good luck hun."

Avon Lady replied: "I was on Zoloft when I got pregnant, and due to my age and other risk factors my OB/GYN told me to stop taking it. I'm not sure of your age or other risk factors (I was 39 and had had 2 miscarriages during my last, successful pregnancy), so I would advise you to check with your OB/GYN. Sorry that I didn't take Lexapro and not able to respond to your specific question but I hope this helps anyway."

Rhi replied: "Be VERY VERY careful what kind of antidepressant you take and watch for signs of bleeding if you are on them. I was on Zoloft 25mg a day and I stopped due to being pregnant but when I couldn't handle a day again I was told to go ahead and take them I don't know if it was the antibiotic I was on, nature, or my antidepressant but I only took ONE and I ended up in the hospital bleeding like I was miscarrying and on bedrest. Thank GOD I didn't lose my boy. But if you do an internet search on pregnancy and lexapro it'll bring up some interesting articles you may want to read but not stress over."

Has anyone taken Lexapro during their entire pregnancy? ? If so, please tell me your experience, outcome, things that made you feel more comfortable taking this medication. I am currently in my first trimester taking 10 mg of Lexapro a day and worried about the potential risks.

26 Weeks Pregnant! replied: "If your Dr. said it was okay, I wouldn't worry about it. I suffered with depression in the past and my Dr. wanted to put me back on lexapro when I got pregnant just in case, but I told her no."

[BUMP] Coming July '09 replied: "Did your doctor say it was okay to continue usage? I was on 20mg of Lexapro daily before I found out I'm pregnant and my doctor made me immediately stop."

megan l replied: "talk to your doctor, she may want to switch you to prozac because that is the drug they know the most about. You need to be on something for you and your baby, you wouldn't be doing anybody any favors by stopping the medication. Pregnancy carries you through a lot of emotions"

Anyone take Lexapro during pregnancy? Please only responses from people with actual experience.? If so, can you please tell me your experience. Thank you!

Piaz replied: "I sort of have actual experience -- I was taking generic Prozac during conception and pregnancy with our first. My husband was the one taking Lexapro before, during and after conception. At the 20 week ultrasound our baby was discovered to have one of the worst heart defects there are. He had surgery after he was born, but because he also have some other problems - which looked like a syndrome of some kind but wasn't - all of the chromosome tests came back looking perfect - but our son didn't make it and passed at almost four months old. He never got off the breathing tube, and he never got to come home with us. My husband and I don't know for sure or not if it was the SSRIs or not. There are almost no studies ont he effects of SSRIs on sperm! Our doctors said that most likely it wasn't the drugs we were taking. . . just a sad fluke. But my husband and I decided we were going to not take any chances, and weaned ourselves off of our SSRIs - we do not want to take the chance that it was the drugs and might happen again with future babies. Before I got pregnant in the first place, I had asked my doctor about the safety of prozac for me and the baby during pregnancy, and he just said, well, try to wean off by week 20 otherwise the baby may have problems with pulmonary hypertension when he's born (there are studies saying that SSRIs can cause this in some babies). So that was the plan, and I was almost weaned (against another doctor's advice) by week 20 when we found out about the baby's major problme (his heart). My husband weaned off after our son passed away, and we were thinking about starting to try to conceive again. We are doing things very differently now - not taking any SSRIs, I am taking prescription prenatals with extra folic acid, etc. So, talk to your doctor(s) about this. It is also important to be stable during pregnancy, and if lexapro really helps you. . . well, please talk to your doctor."

switching from lexapro to zoloft during pregnancy? I'm in my third trimester and want to switch from lexapro to zoloft, mainly because there are less reported effects on the baby and because I can breast feed with zoloft- any advice or good questions to ask my Dr.?

alpha66 replied: "get ready for some mood swings !"

JenH-RN replied: "good questions to ask ur doctor if u have been on lexapro already during ur pregnancy then obviously ur dr feels that this is a safe med for the baby...."

Aeryn Sun replied: "ask about how many weeks you need to get a therapeutic level of zoloft in your system. you may need to taper off the lexapro, while you slowly start the zoloft. you really just can't stop taking an anti-depressant cold turkey. also ask about how the change may/may not effect your sleep, alertness and weight gain."

Tamara replied: "Ask your doctor, it could be damaging to the baby if you switch to fast."

Lexapro and Abillify during pregnancy safe? Is taking Lexapro and Abillify safe for a pregnant lady? my fiance stopped dead with those meds 2 weeks ago, because she found that she may be pregnant. She thinks that it would hurt the embryo or baby to keep taking those meds. Now she is acting very strange and and mentioning suicide to her self. Also she is unable to do a thing lately. She has been in bed for more than 48 hours. I am affraid that I might have to take her to the hospital if it worsens.

Toss that Yeyo and Run replied: "Both of those are "Class C" drugs, which means that nobody knows how it will affect an unborn baby or the breast milk."

bethany<3 replied: "you should really call a doctor because they are the only people who will know the right answer! you should also notify your fiances psychiatrist immediately before something happens!"

Vote Counter replied: "The medication is for major depressive disorders..and stopping abruptly will have serious consequences.. She MUST go to a Doctor (take her, even under protest) Get the advice needed..get a pregnancy test so you know ALL the answers. The medication she is taking, may often have side effects that are rather unpleasant, resulting in the sufferer feeling that stopping is a good thing. They cannot make this decision rationally (but THINK they can). Whatever YOU do..(medically) >>DO IT NOW You, CANNOT, leave this "problem" go another few days. It must NOT be put aside and "tried" later. Later may be TOO LATE> Sorry.. But you want GOOD advice..dont you?? Unless, medical assistance is given NOW, the "problem" will MOST DEFINITELY worsen and "worsen" rather rapidly."

Lexapro during pregnancy? My husband and I are trying to get pregnant, and I currently take 10mg of Lexapro a day, and have been for about 6 months. (It is much needed for my anxiety/depression symptoms.) I am nervous about when I do get pregnant, because I do not plan on taking the medication during the pregnancy. However, with not taking the medication and with the added hormone changes in pregnancy, I am not sure what to do. Has anyone dealt with this issue, or one similar?

Alex89 replied: "I took Lexapro but quite right before i became pregnant. So, in that respect i really cant say, but my advice would be for you to look up the side effects and see if it can mess with pregnancy. If nothing is listed you might try calling your primary care doctor, and if he or she doesnt help or give you satisfactory answers, you can always call a local OB, or your own OB-GYN, most are willing to answer a simple question without having to have a full blown appointment to discuss it. :) Good luck!"

chloe replied: "Your doctor should be able to help you with this and may be able to give you something that can help you until you have the baby. I take lexapro and know that it does cause birth defects.Have you talked to your doctor about trying to conceive? He might want you to take something else so that it is not in your system when you get pregnant.I am sure your doctor if they are good will be there for you and make sure your pregnancy is safe and comfortable for the both of you!:)"

Lexapro dangerous during pregnancy? If you accidentally get pregnant, what if you're on Lexapro? Is it dangerous during pregnancy?

masharp replied: "yes"

Has anyone used lexapro during pregnancy? Is it safe for your baby ?

kc_6201 replied: "Have you asked your doctor? I'm on Lexapro right now, but I'm not pregnant."

Lynn B replied: "Check with your doctor. It all depends on the severity of your depression/anxiety. I am a rapid cycling bipolar 1 with severe social anxiety disorder among other things and I was on Lexapro in the first few weeks of this pregnancy. I chose to go off all meds...too risky for my baby. There is an increased risk associated with SSRI's (Lexapro is in this family) involving pulmonary problems with the fetus, especially when used in the last half of pregnancy. Some women will say they were on certain meds and all went well, but just remember there is always a risk with any med."

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