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Anyone here take Lexapro - quick question? With my insurance, Lexapro costs $30. Doesn't matter what dosage I buy. I was prescribed 20mg, but I have, for most of the time I've been on it, been taking 10mg. I've whittled it down to 5mg, but I still buy a 20mg bottle because I can get it for the same price as a 10mg bottle (saving money). I just cut the pills into 1/4's. Though I don't think I need Lexapro any more (I'm doing much better, and don't like the idea of taking AD's long-term), I plan to stay on 5mg for at least a couple months more. Though, I'm thinking of dropping my health insurance because it has just gotten too expensive. I know the regular price for Lexapro (10mg) is $65.00, but what about 20mg? Does it work the same as my insurance - no matter what pill size is, it's all one price? Or are the 20mg bottles twice as much? Also, I used to see commercials about a drug discount plan for people who make under a certain amount of $. It may be just in Ohio - I forget its name, and no longer see the ads. Anyone know?

Darlene G replied: "In most Wal Marts and Target stores for people who do not have insurance you can get certain medications for a low cost of $4.00 but they need to be of certain brands you can contact those pharmacies and see if they will cover your medicine, also check with Walgreen's they are now staring to do it for $3.99 as well!"

Generic Lexapro? Does anyone know if there is a generic form of Lexapro available? And if not, will there be one available in the near future? The price is killing me without insurance!

Tsunami replied: "yes there is and i use it just tell the doctor to write the generic one so you can pay 4 bucks forit."

foofy replied: "sorry lexapro is not out in generic yet but give it some time i'm sure when the patent runs out then the generic form will become available. as for the pricing ask your physician if he has samples available. i also read the generic might be out in the year 2012 and beware of companies selling a generic form."

How are drug costs determined? How are the prices of prescription drugs like Lexapro and Paxil (Non-Generics) determined? I'm not talking about the cost after insurance, I'm talking about the flat cost of a bottle of pills before any aids are factored in. What factors determine that cost?

ckm1956 replied: "1) Development cost of the drug (often the big art) 2) production,distribution cost 3) advertising"

Can anyone tell me anything about Celexa? I have mild depression and my doc prescribed me Lexapro. That worked well for me except one thing, the price. It's almost $90 a month and the pharmasist suggested I switch to Celexa which I could get for $4. So I had my doc call in a prescription for Celexa. What are the side effects with Celexa? Are they better or worse than Lexapro? Can anyone help me?

Angeleyes replied: "Celexa made me feel like I wanted to jump off a cliff. It made my depression 10X worse than what it was before I started on it. Lexapro worked for me, but every single person is different with these types of drugs. Its really trial and error. You have to try for yourself. I hope whatever you decide on works for you because I know how hard it is. Good luck."

wilandhil replied: "celexa works for me. 10mg 3 times a day. side effects are hard to know because of my work schedule. the first 3 weeks i was on them i have stomach problems. constipation. but after that i was fine. sometimes a dry mouth but i am diabetic. you sometimes have to switch pills several time before you find what works for you. i do not take them when i am pregnant good luck"

Have you ever asked the doctor to change your medicine because of the price? I am taking Lexapro and without the insurance, this medicine costs $80 a month. I am about to change jobs and I will be without insurance for three months. I live by myself and I can't afford this without my insurance. I have a doctor's appointment today and I was going to ask the doctor if they would switch me to something I could afford without the insurance. I have to have my medicine. It is amazing how much better I can cope with things with it. But I want to go back to Lexapro when I get my insurance again. Do doctors get asked this sort of thing alot? Do they care to do this?

Troy replied: "Actually when I go over a patient's med list I look for any that I can replace with a cheaper one, especially if they mention a concern about cost. Your doctor should be happy to do this for you. Celexa (citalopram) is basically the same medication as Lexapro and is on the $4 list at any major pharmacy. Ask your doctor."

Will insurance cover two add medicines? I have been perscribed Ritalin 20 mgs 3 times a day by my family doctor for my add. I recently went to a psychiatrist who perscribed my Lexapro for depression and Concerta to help me with my add and energy. Will my insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN) cover it? Also, if they do not, can I take the perscription to another pharmacy and pay full price for it. Is that illegal? Thanks!

Binka replied: "I don't know but strattera is meant to treat both depression and add/adhd. Since both can sometimes be linked they made a medication that can treat both. It's much cheaper than buying both and will probably be covered by your insurance."

Mick replied: "You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -"

Why are the people stuck in such a hurry? What happened to the days when we didn't have to worry, All the people are stuck in such a hurry, Chasing the dollar of perfection, The life of their dream, But is it everything they wanted for, What happens when you can't want more. When will it be enough, When will you learn how to breathe, We can't imagine life without another dream. Five year plans, stocks and bonds, 401k's and healthcare plans, We think we have it all figured out, but is this really what living is all about, What happened to the days when family was enough, What happened to the days When we weren't obsessed with material stuff, Carbon Copy houses popping up everywhere, All of us living in one huge square. Living the same lives in a slightly different way, We ask about the weather, and we comment on the day, Just another day, of rinse and repeat, We need a computer just to meet. What happened to the days when we didn't have to worry, All the people are stuck in such a hurry, Fighting to keep up with the rest of mankind, Looking for something that they'll never find. Thinking about the next move speeding in the HOV, Thinking "God I wish that was me". Isn't it lovely. Isn't it nice. Where can I buy it, How much is the price? Is it really, all it's cracked up to be, There's so much in the world to see, We all wish we were loaded, And then we wouldn't have to choose, We could run all over the world In our designer shoes, We could have it all, like the rich and famous, Instead we just die trying, Trying to be something that'll earn respect, Respect of people we don't even know, It doesn't matter, as long as they see what we show, This is my house, this my car, Where are you at, have you gotten this far?. Am I doing more than you? I feel better just as long as I do. What happened to the days when we didn't have to worry. All the people are stuck in such a hurry. Driving down 59 for your nine to five, Fighting through traffic just to survive, Inhaling pollution in your hybrid car, Never getting anywhere far. Eventhough it took an hour to get where you are. It's all okay at the end of the day, Because we get three hours in our custom home, and we have wheels with lots of chrome, This is what its all about, This is something you should never doubt, We party like rock stars, but really we just pretend, Spending all our money, Just to keep up with the latest trend, So what happens when we all hit a dead end. All the pretty people with plastic perfect faces, Walking the same steps, in all of the same places. Robots running the streets in a gingerbread town, It's all okay as we swallow the lexapro down, We can't feel our face, so we can't frown. Is it really who we want to be, Is it really what it's cracked up to be, What happened to the days when we didn't have to worry.. Now all the people are stuck in such a hurry.

texanskid replied: "My dad blames it on computers. I say its because he was born when there were no such things as computers and he doesnt know how to use them. Then he goes to his briefcase and pulls out 30 pieces of paper for sites where he has a different username and password for. he said some require you have have a certain amount of numbers in the password and some sites require ones that are at least 8 letters. Everyone is busy chasing the dollar though and the people that have millions are bothered every day from people wanting them to give them money. Once you have money everyone expects you to give it away and that you dont need that much. They worked for that money and they can do what they want with it. You see it all the times where celebrities spend like $300,000 for a car and all of these posts under the article are like "Why are they spending so much for a ride? Do they know there are thousands of poor people in the world?" So its like you work your whole life for money and then when you finally get it you bothered day in and day out for having a lot of money and that you should give it away to someone that doesnt."

Lori S. replied: "Vehicle Accidents These happen everyday I have much to say When one of these occur you want to be sure it makes a mess and add alot of stress This is a result of people being in a hurry which causes alot of worry. So regardless of what vehicle behind that wheel you are responsible. Just take your time because driving recklessly is a crime. There are a few reasons why people are in a hurry nowadays for one its technology I remember the days not closing or locking the doors at night there was no worry but now with the crime people are using alarms security is beefed up higher than before"

mom.of.2 replied: "I love this poem! It`s sooooo true and I am glad someone had the guts to say it, and post it! I laughed when I read this line. "All the pretty people with plastic perfect faces," Yeah now a days people don`t realize how lost, and superficial we`ve become because everyone is moving to fast, and are too high on something. I wrote a poem where I called this state, that we are in the "Modern Delusional Mind, Modern illusional mind, etc." The "Modern" mind is as you stated above living an illusion."

danial replied: "All I can say, U earned a star, & U really deserve it.U 'v taken all the words on the tip of our tongues. God gave us all this universe to live a decent life, as close as possible, and as loving as possible.Now all U can hear is Depression, and calls for more depression. U have drawn a wide angle picture of today's world, So vivid, so clear, so dynamic, and so true. A picture that could be perceived only by highly sensitive heart, and wide opened mind, and greatly faith full person. God bless Ur heart."

Is a pharmacy website like this legitimate? I was looking up generic Lexapro (which I found out is not yet available), and came across this site:. The prices are much less expensive than what I usually pay, but it doesn't require a prescription. From what the ordering instructions say, you'res supposed to list why you want the medication, and doctors that they staff will approve or deny you the medicine. It sounds very shady and I don't plan to do it, but I'm just wondering if sites like this are reliable - I don't know how it could be legal. I'd be afraid of never receiving my purchase cause I hesitate to buy anything online anyway, but it's tempting. My old ins. paid half on my medicines, and my new HSA plan only gives a small discount. My Lexapro RX was $88! Do people actually use sites like these, or are they scams and or unreliable?

Brian replied: "Yes, I have been ordering with the online pharmacy generic zoloft for the last 14 months! It is much cheaper and I know it is not legitimate, cause the generic zoloft has not been approved by an FDA yet, but I do not care, cause I do not have enough money and lost my insurance a year ago! The pills are good, though, and they DO work! So, if you afraid, order lexapro locally! It would leave you with a clear conscience!!!"

Texas Ted replied: "not sure about that site buy I have been buying online for a number of years now that and I know that the site I use is legit, it is called and yes, these sites save you lots of money"

wellbutrin? I have been taking Lexapro for the past couple months now haven't really seen that much of a difference but now I'm switching to celexa beacause of the price difference, my doctor also wants to put me on wellbutrin...could someone that has takin wellbutrin tell me if it's any good.

Spectacle replied: "Welbutrin helped me with a severe depression episode that I had after my divorce. It also helpede me stop smoking. It made me dizzy, though, when I stood up too fast, and I have motion issues anyway so my doctor weened me off of it. I really liked it while I could take it. But, different meds work for different people, so you would rally have to try it and see."

Maggie replied: "Meds are different for everyone, but I have taken it, and it made me so much worse than I already was. It made my life suck, but it might make yours so much better. You just have to wait and see the effects."

Jenn replied: "I've been taking Welbutrin XL & Zoloft for a long time now and I think they work good. I don't really have any complaints for the Welbutrin."

tanya_marie_3 replied: "Depending on you, your body, ect, the side effects will be very different. From experience, wellbutrin was not effective, it made the depression worst. It would be a good idea to get off the current one. I would be wondering why your doctor wants you on more than one type... bi-polar?"

guinnessman2007 replied: "I tried celexa which didn't work. I'm currently on wellbutrin which works half the time with a few side effects. So I would give it a try it might work for you."

Paul A replied: "I was taking 20mg Lexapro, and my doctor switched me to 300mg Wellbutrin - that caused my stomach to be somewhat nauseous all the time. Right now, I take half of a 150mg Wellbutrin SR in the morning, and a 5mg Lexapro at night. That seems to be working okay - at least for me. If the cost is a problem with the Lexapro, and you don't need a large dose, get twice the dose and split the pills in half with a pill cutter - so you get the same dose. That should help somewhat with the cost. You might discuss that with your doctor. Best of luck to you! Paul."

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