cbrownie replied: "No, I don't consider it spoiled if a 16 year old gets a car. Just depends on the car though, if they got like a BMW or something then yeah but if it's something reliable that moves, then no.
And "back in the day" LOL well maybe it's not evident to you, but we had cars "back in the day" too; in fact they were around when OUR parents were 16. We were able to have them at 16 too. You crazy kids...
But as far as your personal situation, I wouldn't let you have a car either. You've got a bad track record; you have yet to show anyone you're responsible enough to operate yourself, let alone a car. Your grades suck, you abuse drugs and alcohol, you've got "car envy", and are just "shaping up" now that you want a car. Sorry, you're not fooling your parents. The reason they don't want you to get a job is because school is what you should be worrying about, not money for a car. Did I mention your grades suck?
Gosh, I was a straight A student all my school life and even then I had to beg to be allowed to have my license. Not a car, MY LICENSE. And once I got that, I was surprised with a new car (nothing fancy) but my dad made it clear that if my grades slip just the tiniest bit, they were selling my mom's car and my new one was going to go belong to her. And my father is not one to make idle threats.
I got a B+ on a test and got the car taken away for a month. And my dad made sure that HE was the one to drive me around and ensured that every time he did that he'd embarrass the crap out of me (wearing sweatpants under his shorts, wool socks with his flip flops, gut hanging out from under the bottom of his shirts, talking really loud and saying stupid things, etc.)
EDIT: Getting A's didn't ruin anything; it earned (look it up) me a brand new car as soon as I turned 16... and I wasn't even supposed to get my license. So my dad has a penchant for purposefully bad fashion sense when I allowed myself one slip up. At least I still got to keep my car! You know, that car that you don't have.
Your situation speaks for itself. Sorry that your parents actually have standards, maybe once you meet them, you will get your car."
kokopoko2000 replied: "No. If the parents have money, they generally want to give their kids things to make them happy. I do know that anyone will not value an item as much if it was given to them. But it's not spoiled behavior."
Should you hire a family member in this situation? Here is a scenario:
Father asks son to serve as marketing manager for a franchise that he will be starting. The son does not have any degree. (He was kicked out of a 4 year university for drinking over spring break and never transferred or completed any type of degree some four years later.) The marketing manager doesn't have any staff to supervise but is responsible for an advertising budget, attracting new clientele and using marketing strategies. However, he will receive 2 weeks training, is intelligent, and always has been a gifted salesman with a silver tongue and good looks.
However, the son has always worked a series of minimum wage jobs or just above-minimum wage jobs that he acquired through family connections. He sometimes has issues with authority and sometimes has resented his father for telling him to do something and likes to be the center of attention. He doesn't like making major decisions and will defer it to a manager but he likes to have the power to make the decisions.
He manages his budget well enough but has made some purchases that weren't required while ignoring the things of substance he NEEDS to buy.
He centers on the claim that he "just wants to be happy" and it doesn't matter if he drives a lexus. However, he expresses envy for others that appear to have more than he has; and will bad mouth others when they are not in hearing distance.
He is self-admittedly lazy and doesn't take care of his house or keep his car clean. He works 38 hours a week and is stressed and tired at the end of it. He is easily distracted by video games and likes to play them in his down time. However, he is excited about this business venture, is eager to be a part of it, and has indicated that he is willing to use his car (he has an excellent driving record) to be on call and that he understands it can be 80 hours a week initially. He is under the understanding that this business will be passed down to him in time.
Will hiring him help him develop the maturity and business sense/professionalism that he seems to be lacking? Is it helpful that he will have a stake in the business? Or in 6 months to a year will he be bored and not towing the line.
HRmom replied: "In my opinion, you are starting him out in the wrong position. I completely understand wanting to help him develop his skills and work ethic, but starting him in a position such as that isn't going to help that happen. He needs to start from the ground and work his way into a position like that. He needs to earn the respect from others. It's good that he's excited about the prospect of the company, but maybe starting him out under someone else in a lower level sales position would be better. Heck, even a mail clerk!
One thing to consider, however, is that if you have him directly report to someone else, the parent needs to stay out of it. Let the supervisor in charge handle him the way he should be handled if he acts up.
Don't give him everything, make him work for it. Otherwise, he will just feel a sense of entitlement and lack of understanding for the work everyone else does.
Good luck!"
car window and locking? I have a Lexus LS 2005 I have just hired someone to tint my windows, while tinting my windows my passenger seat's window rolled down even without the key in the ignition. Im trying to roll it back up and its not coming back up. I called the Lexus service and they said to lock all the doors first. When i used the remote it only locked the back doors leaving the driver and passanger's seats unlocked. It can lock manually however it won't unlock or lock with the remote. Do you know why this is and what I can do to fix this? Also the person who is tinting my windows sprayed water/baby shampoo all over, could it be water damage?
oh yeah and is it safe to drive ?
please answer asap
grizzzly19 replied: "yes its safe to drive. The person that tinted your windows probably sprayed way to much solution and could have damaged/shorted the wiring in your door. could have also popped a fuse. your best bet would be to take it to the dealer and get a quote on the repair and see exactly what is wrong"
Richard replied: "If you can remove door liner and use a hair dryer to dry out the window motor, it sounds like it got a little to wet."

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