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Lithium At 25 C
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Lithium At 25 C in Q&A
What volume of carbon dioxide can be absorbed by 1.00 kg of lithium oxide at 25.0 C and 1.00 atm? Li2O(aq) + CO2(g) → Li2CO3(s) a.) 687 mL b.) 819 mL c.) 687 L d.) 819 L e.) 22.4 L

Dr.A replied: "moles Li2O = 1000 g / 29.881 g/mol=33.5 = moles CO2 V = 33.5 x 0.0821 x 298 K / 1.00 atm =819 L"

What mass of the following salts can be dissolved in 500 mL of water at 25°C? (i) Lead Fluoride, (ii) Lithium Fluoride, (iii) Thorium Fluoride and (iv) Lanthanum Fluoride. i need to do it for an analytical chemistry assignment but have no clue to how to do. pls pls teach me.

Trevor H replied: "When you deal with these very sparingly soluble substances you have to use their solubility product or Ksp. In an examination this value will be given to you. In order to assist you with this question, I have tried to find these values. Unfortunately, I have been able to get the value for only PbF2 and LiF. Ask your teacher for the Ksp values of the other products. I will show you how to do the calculation for PbF2. You can follow exactly the same method for the others. Solubility of PbF2 in water: Write a balanced equation for the equilibrium: PbF2 ↔ Pb 2+ + 2F- Ksp = [Pb2+] * [F-]² Ksp for PbF2 = 3.3*10^-8 Let X = the [Pb 2+] , therefore the [2F-] = 2X 3.3*10^-8 = [X]*[2X]² 3.3*10^-8 = 4X³ X = 2.02*10^-3 The molarity of the PbF2 solution is 2.02*10^-3M Molar mass PbF2 = 207.2 +18.998*2 = 245.196g/mol 2.02*10^-3M = 2.02*10^-3 * 245.196 = 0.495g/l 0.495g/l = 0.248g per 500ml Lithium fluoride: Ksp = 1.84*10^-3 You should be able to proceed from here."

What is the enthalpy of solution, ΔHs, of LiCl expressed in kJ/mol?...? A 4.50 g sample of LiCl at 25.0°C dissolves in 25.0 mL of water also at 25.0°C. The final equilibrium temperatureof the resulting solution is 60.8°C. Thespecific heat of lithium chloride is 1.13 J/g·°C. The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g·°C.

Steve O replied: "find the heat released: dH = dH LiCl & dH H2O dH = m C dT lithium Chloride & m C dT water dH = 4.50(1.13j/g-C)(35.8C) & 25.0 g (4.184 J/g-C)(35.8C) dH = 182.04 J & 3744.68 J = 3926.7 J find moles of LiCl, using molar mass: 4.50 g LiCl @ 42.39 g/mol = 0.10616 moles LiCl What is the enthalpy of solution, ΔHs, of LiCl expressed in kJ/mol: 3.9267 kJ / 0.10616 moles LiCl = 36.99 kJ/mol LiCl your answer(3sigfigs): 37.0 kJ/mol LiCl"

the mass of 1 mole of lithium hydroxide(LiOH) is? A. 24 g. B. 31 g. C. 25 g. D. 47 g.

steve_geo1 replied: "A. 24g Li = 7 O = 16 H = 1"

Timothy H replied: "To get the mass of one mole, look up the molecular wt. The mass of one gram mole will be the same as its molecular wt. In this case the molecular wt of LiOH = 23.95 (answer A)"

sparkyboy444 replied: "24 like the show!"

plzz help me on chemistry i need to pass summer skool? 1. Although phosphorus (Z = 15) can be found in compounds with various charges, what is the most common monatomic charge when phosphorus combines with a metal? a.+5 b.–3 c.–2 d.–1 2. The cobaltous ion will have a charge of __________, and the cobaltic ion will have a charge of __________. a.+2; +3 b.+3; +2 c.+1; +2 d.+2; +1 3. Which polyatomic ion is a positive ion? a.nitrate b.cyanide c.acetate d.ammonium 4. Phosphate is a common polyatomic ion containing phosphorus, and dihydrogen phosphate is a related polyatomic ion. What is the charge on the diphosphate ion? a.+1 b.–1 c.+2 d.–2 5. Which symbol is correct for the ion formed when an atom of Fe loses three electrons? a.Fe3– b.Fe2– c.Fe1– d.none of the above 6. The correct name for CuCO3 is a.copper (I) carbonate. b.cuprous carbonate. c.copper (II) carbonate. d.copper carbon trioxygen. 7. What is the correct formula for iron (III) sulfate? a.FeSO4 b.Fe2(SO4) 3 c.Fe3(SO4) 2 d.none of the above 8. What is the correct formula for copper (II) hydrogen sulfite? a.Cu(HSO3) 2 b.Cu2HSO3 c.Cu(HSO4)2 d.none of the above 9. Which chemical formula is incorrect? a.MgCO3 b.Fe(C2H3O 2)3 c.NH4SO4 d.Al(NO3)3 10. What is the correct formula for dichloride heptaoxide? a.Cl2O 6 b.Cl6O2 c.Cl2O7 d.none of the above 11. What is the correct name for N2H4? a.nitrogen tetrahydride b.dinitrogen tetrahydrogen c.dinitrogen tetrahydrite d.dinitrogen tetrahydride 12. What is the correct name of the binary molecular compound NO? a.mononitrogen monoxide b.mononitrogen oxide c.nitrogen monoxide d.nitrogen oxide 13. How many total atoms are present in the compound diphosphorous trioxide? a.six b.five c.four d.two 14. What is the correct name for the acid H2CO 3? a.dihyrogen carbonate acid b.carbonic acid c.hydrogen carbonate d.hydrogen carbonite acid 15. What is the correct name for H3PO4? a.phosphorous acid b.trihydrogen phosphate c.phosphoric acid d.none of the above 16. What is the correct formula of a base? a.Al(OH)2 b.Na(OH)2 c.CO2 d.Ca(OH)2 17. When magnesium metal (Z = 12) burns, it forms magnesium oxide (MgO). If 25.0 grams of MgO are produced, how many grams of Mg would be found in the compound? a.24.0 grams b.0.96 grams c.15.0 grams d.10.0 grams 18. Suppose lead (Z = 82) forms two compounds with sulfur (Z = 16). In one compound, 0.76 grams of lead combines with 1.00 grams of sulfur. According to the law of multiple proportions, what amount of lead is NOT capable of forming another compound with 1.00 grams of sulfur? a.0.42 grams b. 1.52 grams c.0.38 grams d.2.28 grams 19. Using the flow chart from Figure 9.20 on page 277 of your textbook, what is the name of Li2CO3? a.dilithium tricarbonate b.lithium (II) carbonate c.lithium (II) carbonite d.lithium carbonate 20. Using the flowchart from Figure 9.22 on page 278 of your textbook, determine the name for Fe(OH)3. a. iron trihydroxide b. iron (III) hydroxide c. iron (III) trihydroxide d. iron (III) hydroxate 21. Which term refers to an intensive property? a.mass b.density c.volume d.count 22. The carat unit is now used to describe the mass of diamonds. This unit is exactly 200 mg. Use that conversion factor to identify the largest diamond. a.2.0 carat diamond b.0.25 gram diamond c.450 mg diamond d.2.1 carat diamond 23. Diamonds are made of carbon atoms connected in a molecular solid. Which diamond would have the greatest mass? a.a one-carat diamond b.a diamond that contained 0.0010 moles of carbon c.a diamond that contained 6.02 x 1021 atoms of carbon d.a diamond with a mass of 250 mg 24. Right now, calcium (Z = 20) ions are moving through your cells. How many moles are represented by 0.00020 grams of Ca2+? a.1.2 x 1020 moles b.1.0 x 10–5 moles c.5.0 x 10–6 moles d.2.0 x 105 moles 25. One ounce of gold (Z = 79) has a mass of approximately 28 grams. How many atoms would be in one ounce of gold? a.8.6 x 1022 atoms b.197 atoms c.6.02 x 1023 atoms d.4.2 x 1020 atoms 26. Common table sugar (sucrose) has the chemical formula C12H22O11. How many total atoms would be found in 0.10 moles of sucrose? a.6.02 x 1022 atoms b.45 atoms c.4.5 x 1024 atoms d.2.7 x 1024 atoms 27. Which compound contains the greatest mass per mole? a.CO2 b.NaCl c.C2H5O d.C3H8 28. Which of the following contains the greatest number of molecules? a.1.5 x 1020 molecules of NH3 b.0.0050 moles of NH3 c.1.00 grams of NH3

pisgahchemist replied: "How can you pass summer school if you can't even spell "school"? This looks remarkably like a boatload of homework, and we aren't in the business of doing your homework for you. I rather like helping students understand some sticky point of chemistry, but I'm not about to do all of your work for you. Even the questions are bogus. Look at the first one... "1. Although phosphorus (Z = 15) can be found in compounds with various charges...." Phosphorous isn't found with ANY charges in a compound. Phosphorous forms covalent bonds, even with the alkali metals, therefore, it never has an ionic charge in a compound. Phosphorous DOES exhibit an oxidation number of -3 in many compounds, which is what I suspect that the question is fishing for. This leads me to think that whoever wrote the questions has little more understanding of chemistry than you do."

A ‘smart phone’ Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh.? A ‘smart phone’ Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh. The battery can be used for 4.5 hours ‘talktime’, or for 10 days on standby. Approximately how much current does the ‘smart phone’ draw (i) during ‘talktime’ (rounded to the nearest whole number) and (ii) when on standby? Choose two options, one from rows A--D and one from rows E--H, and mark the appropriate cells in row 8. (i) Current drawn during ‘talktime’ (ii) Current drawn when on standby A 156 mA E 0.75 mA B 267 mA F 5 mA C 375 mA G 7 mA D 654 mA H 25 mA

Music man replied: "Calculating the battery runtime A battery can either be discharged at a low current over a long time or at a high current for only a short duration. Table 1 illustrates the discharge characteristics of a lead acid battery at various loads as expressed in C-rate. At 1C, a 10Ah battery discharges at the nominal rating of 10A in less than one hour. At 0.1C, the same battery discharges at 1A for roughly 10 hours. While the discharge voltage of lead acid decreases in a rounded profile towards the end-of-discharge cut-off, nickel and lithium-based chemistries provide a more steady voltage level through most of the discharge and then drop rapidly at the end of discharge. Table 1: Typical discharge curves of lead acid as a function of C-rate. The relationship between the discharge time (in amperes drawn) is reasonably linear on low loads. As the load increases, the discharge time suffers because some battery energy is lost due to internal losses. This results in the battery heating up. The table below indicates the typical discharge time of a 10Ah lead acid battery at various currents. Discharge current C-Rate Discharge time End of discharge Table 2: Typical discharge times of a 10Ah lead acid battery as a function of C-rate. 0.5A 0.05C 20h 1.75V/cell 0.1A 0.1C 10h 1.75V/cell 2A 0.2C 5h 1.70V/cell 2.8A 0.28C 3f 1.64V/cell 6A 0.6C 1h 1.55V/cell 10A 1C 0.5h 1.40V/cell If the battery was a perfect energy source and behaved linearly, a 5A discharge would take two hours to discharge. At a load current of 10A, the same battery would provide energy of one hour. In reality, the relative discharge times are much shorter at higher currents. The losses increase progressively with load. To compensate somewhat, a high current discharge is allowed to terminate at a slightly lower volt per cell, as the forth column of the above table illustrates. The Peukert number The efficiently of a battery is expressed in the Peukert number. In essence, the Peukert number reflects the internal resistance of the battery. A value close to 1 indicates a well-performing battery with little losses. A higher number reflects a less efficient battery. The Peukert number of a battery is exponential and checks in between 1.3 and 1.4 for lead acid. The number is lower for nickel-based batteries. Batteries are stressed the most if discharged at a steady load to the end-of-discharge point. This is the opposite of an internal combustion engine that operates most efficiently with a steady load. On a battery, the intermittent load allows a level of recovery of the very chemical reaction that produces the electrical energy. Because of the rather sluggish behavior, the quiescent rest period is especially important for lead acid. Table 3 illustrates the effective cell capacity of lead acid on a continuous discharge as opposed to an intermitted discharge. Table 3: The Peukert Curve. The effective cell capacity fades with increased load. An intermittent discharge improves the capacity as it allows the chemical reaction to recover."

A 'smart phone' Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery? A ‘smart phone’ Lithium Ion (Li-ion) battery has a capacity of 1200 mAh.The battery can be used for 4.5 hours ‘talktime’, or for 10 days on standby. Approximately how much current does the ‘smart phone’ draw (1) during ‘talktime’ (rounded to the nearest whole number) and (2) when on standby? Choose two options, one from rows A-D and one from rows E-H, (1) Current drawn during ‘talktime’ A: 156 mA B: 267 mA C: 375 mA D: 654 mA (2) Current drawn when on standby E: 0.75 mA F: 5 mA G: 7 mA H: 25 mA

curryinahurry99 replied: "the answer is 1) b and 2) f youre obviously also doing the open uni CMA 42 ;)"

Chem help... Please explain also? 1) Lithium hydride reacts with water as follows. LiH(s) + H2O(l) LiOH(aq) + H2(g) During World War II, U.S. pilots carried LiH tablets. In the event of a crash landing at sea, the LiH would react with the seawater and fill their life belts and lifeboats with hydrogen gas. How many grams of LiH are needed to fill a 4.1 L life belt at 0.97 atm and 28°C? 2) A mixture of gases contains CH4, C2H6, and C3H8. If the total pressure is 1.50 atm and the numbers of moles of the gases present are 0.22 mole for CH4, 0.41 mole for C2H6, and for 0.13 mole C3H8, calculate the partial pressures of the gases. 3) Calculate the quantity (in grams) of NH4NO2 needed to inflate a tennis ball to a volume of 86.2 mL at 1.2 atm and 22°C. 4) Nitric oxide (NO) reacts with molecular oxygen as shown in the reaction below. 2 NO(g) + O2(g) 2 NO2(g) Initially NO and O2 are separated as shown below. When the valve is opened, the reaction quickly goes to completion. Determine what gases remain at the end and calculate their partial pressures. Assume that the temperature remains constant at 25°C.

shalotte replied: "If the ideal gas law applies: P is the absolute pressure, V is the volume of the vessel, n is the number of moles of gas, R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature. PV=nRT, R=0.08205784 L·atm·K−1·mol−1 The problem tells you that V=4,1lt, P=0,97atm and T=(273,15+celcius temperature)K=(273,15+28)K=301,15 K. You know everything in the equation except n. n=PV/RT=(0,97atmx4,1lt)/( 0.08205784 L·atm·K−1·mol−1 x301,15K)=0,16mol H2 1mol H2 is produced from 1mol LiH . Therefore 0,1609 mol H2 is produced from 0,16 mol LiH. 1 mol LiH weighs (6.941+1.00794)g=7,95g 0,1609 mol LiH weighs ?=0,16x7,95g=1,27g"

Dr.A replied: "moles H2 = 4.1 x 0.97 / 0.0821 x 301 K = 0.161 = moles LiH Mass LiH = 0.161 mol x 7.949 g/mol =1.28 g total moles = 0.22 + 0.41 + 0.13 = 0.76 p CH4 / 1.50 = 0.22 / 0.76 => p CH4 = 0.434 atm p C2H6 / 1.50 = 0.41 / 0.76 => p C2H6 = 0.809 atm p C3H8 / 1.50 = 0.13 / 0.76 => p C3H8 = 0.257 V = 0.0862 L T = 22 + 273 = 295 moles = 1.2 x 0.0862 / 0.0821 x 295 = 0.00427 mass = 0.00427 mol x 64 g/mol =0.273 g"

The wire gage system used to measure wire sizes is the? 1. The wire gage system used to measure wire sizes is the A. Standard Wire Gage (SWG). B. American Wire Gage (AWG). C. Conductor Wire Gage (CWG). D. Stranded Gage System (SGS). 2. What type of wire is used in very high temperature locations, such as electric heater assemblies? A. Copper wire with FEP insulation B. Copper wire with TFFN insulation C. Nickel chromium wire with FEP insulation D. Nickel chromium wire with fiberglass insulation 3. If one terminal of a battery is connected to the frame of the equipment in which it's used, the connection is generally made with a A. static comb. B. ground rod. C. ground strap. D. cell clamp. 4. How much current can a #10 AWG wire safely carry? A. 10 A B. 20 A C. 30 A D. 45 A 5. To construct a battery with a current of 6 A, you would connect six 1 A cells A. in parallel. B. in series. C. to a ground. D. in series-parallel. 6. What type of lithium battery has a flat discharge rate? A. Nickel hydroxide B. Manganese dioxide C. Lithium pentoxide D. Polycarbon monofloride 7. A group of several electric cells connected together is called A. a recharger. B. a battery. C. an electrode. D. an electrolyte. 8. What should you do before cleaning the top of a storage battery and rinsing it with fresh water? A. Tighten the caps and plug the vents. B. Remove all the electrolyte from each cell. C. Discharge the battery completely. D. Remove the cell caps. 9. What is the output capacity of a high-rate discharge/rapid charge NiCad battery? A. 600 mAH B. 1,200 mAH C. 1,400 mAH D. 2,800 mAH 10. To clean dirt and spilled electrolyte from a battery, use a dilute solution of either water and baking soda or water and A. sulfuric acid. B. ammonia. C. ammonium chloride. D. cadmium hydroxide. 11. What kind of electric cell is considered to be rechargeable? A. Primary cell B. Dry cell C. Storage cell D. Electrode cell 12. The electrolyte in a typical wet storage cell or battery is a mixture of water and A. zinc. B. lead. C. ammonium chloride. D. sulfuric acid. 13. How many series-connected 2 V cells does a typical 24 V storage battery contain? A. 12 cells B. 18 cells C. 24 cells D. 36 cells 14. In order to increase the temperature rating of standard PVC insulation, manufacturers can A. dye the jacket. B. irradiate the jacket. C. coat the PVC with rubber. D. coat the PVC with silicon. 15. What is the output voltage of a typical size "D" NiCad cell? A. 1.0 VDC B. 1.2 VDC C. 1.5 VDC D. 1.8 VDC 16. A battery containing five 2 V cells connected in series has a total voltage of A. 1/4 V. B. 2 V. C. 5 V. D. 10 V. 17. A source of DC voltage that converts light to voltage is a A. lithium battery. B. generator. C. photovoltaic cell. D. primary cell. 18. If you splash electrolyte from a storage cell on your skin, you should immediately wash your skin with A. fresh water only. B. sodium hydroxide. C. baking soda and water. D. ammonia and water. 19. Which one of the following wire gages has a diameter of 204.3 mils? A. #2 AWG B. #4 AWG C. #6 AWG D. #8 AWG 20. What is the conductivity of lead as compared to silver? A. 61 B. 30 C. 15 D. 7 21. What letters identify moisture-resistant latex rubber insulation? A. RUH B. RUW C. RHH D. RH 22. What is the voltage produced by a standard lithium cell? A. 2.1 VDC B. 2.6 VDC C. 3.0 VDC D. 4.2 VDC 23. Which of the following instruments are used when performing a high-rate discharge test on a storage battery? A. A voltmeter and a hydrometer B. A voltmeter and an ammeter C. A cell analyzer and an ammeter D. A hydrometer and an ammeter 24. What is the resistance of 1,000 feet of #16 AWG copper wire? A. 6.510 W B. 5.185 W C. 4.094 W D. 2.575 W 25. What size wire would you use to wire a motor that draws 16 A from a circuit? A. #18 AWG B. #16 AWG C. #14 AWG D. #12 AWG

chevytuf76 replied: "1-B; 2-D; 3-C; 4-D; 5-A; 6-B; 7-B; 8-C; 9-B; 10-C; 11-A; 12-D; 13-A; 14-D; 15-C; 16-D; 17-C; 18-A; 19-C; 20-C (assuming this is ohms of resistance per foot?); 21-A; 22-A; 23-D; 24-B; 25-C"

Science question 10 points? 1. What is the name of Cu2S? A. Copper sulfur B. Copper sulfide C. Copper (I) sulfide D. Copper (II) sulfide 4. What is the name of Na2SO4? A. Sodium sulfur oxide B. Sodium sulfate C. Sodium (II) sulfur oxide D. Sodium (II) sulfate 9. What is the name of SF6? A. Sulfur (VI) fluoride B. Sulfur fluoride C. Sulfur hexafluoride D. Monosulfur hexafluoride 14. What is the name of AlOH3? A. Aluminum (III) hydroxide B. Aluminum oxygen hydrogen C. Aluminum trihydroxide D. Aluminum hydroxide 25. What is the name of Li2O? A. Dilithium monoxide B. Lithium monoxide C. Lithium oxide D. Lithium (II) oxide 12-3

Ashley replied: "1.copper (II) sulfide copper (II) sulfide _____________________ 4.Sodium Sulphate __________ 9.sulfur hexafluoride ________________ 14.Al(OH)3 _________________ 25.Lithium oxide, light caustic powder"

bemmer71 replied: "1. B 4. B 9. C 14. D 25. C"

Elizabeth H replied: "Cu2S - B. Copper sulfide Na2SO4 - B. Sodium sulfate SF6 - C. - Sulfur hexafluoride AlOH3 - D. Aluminum hydroxide Li2O - C. Lithium oxide"

agnesian replied: "c b d d c"

madeline y replied: "B B C D C"

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