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Lithium Symbol Posts in Questions
What is the symbol equation for : lithium phosphide reacts with lead (III) nitrate? And what is the reaction type ?

isitza replied: "Li3P + Pb(NO3)3---> 3LiNO3 + PbP"

Is there an alchemical symbol for Lithium? Not L.I? A picture symbol? I'm talking about picture symbols for Lithium, not the letters L.I. Do you have a link for this? Thanks to ya'll in advance. Ummm....Wow...Dude...Not talkin' about that...I said ALCHEMICAL! Though Nirvana is cool.

Richard M. replied: "yeah... right here lol "

1.)What is the symbol for a lithium ion? 2.)What type of bond is usually formed between a metal and nonmetal? they are two diffrent questions dont forget that..

kamkurtz replied: "Li+. Ionic bonds are formed."

Topher replied: "1. The symbol should be Li+1(+1 superscript). 2. They form ionic bonds"

inky the spider replied: "Li+ Ionic Bond (reason: octate rule)"

Lithium atom as symbol of atheism? The US Department of Veteran's Affairs is now using a stylized lithium atom for the grave markers of atheist soldiers and veterans. Where did that come from, and who thought that a medication to treat bipolar disorder was a good symbol for atheism? I don't think an atom is necessarily a bad symbol. But...lithium? Really? Personally, I would have chosen a Teapot, but maybe that's too obscure.

Dan -E- replied: "It beats the Invisible Pink Unicorn as a symbol."

interested1208 replied: "Perhaps because there is an atheist group that has an atom symbol as a logo..."

4saken replied: "American Atheists organization and possibly others use a very similar symbol. So that may be why. I'm glad they use it tho, in my opinion it is the best emblem of the lot."

Jem replied: "the best symbol would probably be nothing. i guess they chose lithium b/c it has 3 electrons, which looks the best in that design (3 rings around the nucleus). kinda weird for any sort of atom to be the symbol of atheism, i think."

Claudio replied: "ateísmo does not need symbol. it is not no type of knowledge is religious, philosophical etc. tends to be plus a naturalist."

Steve replied: "This is the first I'd heard of it, but the symbol appears to be the logo of American Atheists. It doesn't represent lithium specifically, rather the concepts of science and progress. One of the orbitals is broken, partly to make it look like an "A" (for atheism) and partly to represent open-mindedness - science doesn't have all the answers, and the answers it does have may turn out to be wrong. (BTW, lithium has many uses besides treating bipolar disorders. If you have any device with a built-in rechargeable battery, that almost certainly contains a good amount of the stuff.)"

BeachBum replied: "I didn't know that! That's pretty cool. So, the USDVA admits, there ARE atheists in foxholes! Maybe it was chosen to represent atheists because it is suggestive of clear, rational thought processes that would lead any thinking individual to conclude, among others, two things--a) material things are made of atoms, and b)god isn't real."

soulfire_7_7_7 replied: "More recently they have settled a lawsuit with several Wiccan veterans' families, and they are going to make available the symbol of the Pentacle for Wiccan soldiers' graves. The atheistic "atomic whirl" symbol was designed in 1963 as a way of "recognizing the new atomic era but emphasizing the truth of older scientific findings," according to Joe Zamecki, an employee of American Atheist, a national atheist organization. The military probably adopted that symbol because, not knowing what to do, they probably asked American Atheist whether there is an "Atheist symbol." I don't think it has anything to do with the common association of Lithium with treating bipolar disorder. That's just a coincidence. Judging by all the hundreds of millions of people killed in religiously motivated genocides, conquests, crusades, and religious wars throughout history, we all know who could really use a chill pill. It's not the atheists."

Γνῶθι σεαυτόν replied: "haha.. a follow up to my question: .. I learned from one of the answers it is an emblem of the American Atheists: Maybe they would have an answer, but I thought it was a little strange that that organization's emblem would be used so universally. The VA accepts requests only from the family members of the deceased or the soldiers themselves."

Chemistry Homework Help (Lithium oxide+Hydrochloric acid symbol equation)? I am stuck on this question: Lithium oxide+Hydrochloric acid (symbol equation) Any help would be much appreciated

BeC replied: "The equation would be: Li2O + HCl (aq) ---> H2O(l) + LiCl (s) Then you have to balance it. It's not complete until you balance it: Li2O + 2 HCl(aq) ---> H2O(l) + 2 LiCl(s) Hope this helped! Good luck!"

What is the chemical relationship between lithium and salt? I have heard lithium called a 'salt' and it's chemical symbol is Li, but salts' symbol is NaCl. So, how can lithium be called a salt? Can anyone please enlighten me as to the relationship of lithium and salt?

Max C replied: "Ok- when you refer to a salt in chemistry it is not salt like you eat (NaCl or sodium chloride). A salt in chemistry is a solid that will easily dissolve in water or has other properties. Dont think of a chemical salt as NaCl."

Bob replied: ""salt" is a term used to describe a crystalline compound. I believe you are referring to lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) which is a "salt"."

What is an atomic symbol? I don't need examples. I know like Li is the atomic symbol for Lithium (3).

computer whiz replied: "what do you need to know then?"

Dave T replied: "You already know - it's a shortend way of telling someone what atom is in a compound. They are usually related to the name (Li = lithium) but 'older' elements are usually named after their latin names (Fe = iron, Ag = silver, Cu = copper)"

Dany D replied: "An atomic symbol is a symbol of a specific atom. It is most of the times the shortcut of its full name."

What is the symbol and charge for each atom? a. oxide ion b. lead (II) ion c. lithium ion d. nitride ion e. cupric ion f. fluoride ion

Jordan replied: "a. O^2- b. Pb^2+ c. Li^+ d. N^3- e. Cu^2+ f. F^-"

What happens when you put Hydrogen and Lithium together? 10 points? This is what it says - Li(2)0 + H20 --> 2LiOH (aq) 'Translate each symbol equation in to a sentance to describe the reaction' Thanks. 10points!!

The Assassin replied: "It should be 2Li + 2 H20 --> 2LiOH (aq) + H2 Two moles of lithium (2Li) combine with two moles of water (2 H2O) to give two moles of lithium hydroxide(2 LiOH) which is a base. (aq) represents that the product is aqueous i.e soluble in water. Such a water soluble base is called an alkali."

What about the lithium and salt relationship? Ok, I am embarking on my bipolar treatment, and of course, don't want to take meds if I can at all avoid it. I got a script for carbamazepine yesterday, but still don't want to go there if I can help it. I think this afternoon, I've think had an epiphany lol About 3 months ago, I decided to cut salt completely out of my diet, after going a bit heavy handed for a few months prior. Since then, I've been the worst, biplor wise, as I ever have been. This is what has prompted me to go seek meds, finally. Just prior to stopping all salt, I was the happiest and most stable I've ever been. I thought I had a handle on things. I have heard lithium called a 'salt' and it's chemical symbol is Li, but salts' symbol is NaCl. So, how can lithium be called a salt? Is the salt intake related to my mood swings??? Weird it seems, but I'm sure going to do a mood diary and ramp back up the salt intake and see where I'm at in 3 months. And just leave the meds for now. Can anyone please enlighten me as to the relationship of lithium and salt?

Nan replied: "Table salt--the stuff you eat--has the formula NaCl. A salt, more generally (as a chemistry term) is just a neutral compound (basically that means it has no charge) made up of ions. The term "lithium salts" has nothing to do with NaCl. A Lithium salt is made up of a Lithium (Li) ion (or ions) and another ion (or ions) so the charges cancel out. You need to talk to your doctor. Diet can certainly help or hurt your treatment, but you need to take your medicine if it is prescribed. I am close to someone who has a similar disorder and sometimes does not take his medicine. It really hurts those around him and himself. Three months is a long time to go without the treatment you need."

Looney Tunes replied: "The "Lithium" that is used to treat Bipolar is a SALT COMPOUND. It's REAL name is Lithium carbonate, symbol Li2CO3. The Li is only the lithium ion which combines with the carbonate to form the salt. Upon ingestion, lithium becomes widely distributed in the central nervous system and interacts with a number of neurotransmitters and receptors, decreasing norepinephrine release and increasing serotonin synthesis. I think you should talk to your doctor about the fact that you removed salt from your diet. I was told to make sure that I have a normal salt intake when on Lithium. Lithium causes dehydation because it interferes with the regulation of sodium and water in the body."

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