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Questions and Answers
Drug interaction - Tryptophan in protein and Paxil? I have been taking Whey Protien that has 437 mg of Tryptophan per scoop and I take about 6 scoops per day. I also take a prescrption Paxil which is a SSRI is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Paroxetine affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced. Paroxetine is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). I have been feeling kind of dizzy and different the past 1-2 weeks and didn't know what it could be from then I read that you are not suppose to take SSRI with Tryptophan because it can cause Serotonin syndrome -Serotonin syndrome which is pretty much too much serotonin - My only question is I only take 10mg of paxil a day and have been taking this protein for about 3 months. Do you think its this Serotonin Syndrome is kicking in now or would it already have happened? Anyone else take Paxil with a lot of protein and have this happen? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Casey replied: "I have read pretty in-depth about serotonin syndrome / 'serotonin storm' before, and it's quite the serious thing. However, I don't know much about the combination of the SSRI and Tryptophan, so I would suggest talking to your or a doctor (the one who perscribed you the later of the to drugs, perhaps), before quitting either drug, and also tell him about your serotonin syndrome idea. And you should do it rather quickly.... However, if you were not perscribed these drugs (easy to get or illegally obtained), then perhaps you could stop using them? Or one of them? Or something? There is a website you can go to, called Bluelight. It's at, I'd suggest registering and posting your question in the basic drug discussion. It's in a Y!A style type of thing, but it's forums and completely about various drugs (perscription, non, etc). But be wary of some of the answers, as, just like here, anyone can post."

drug interaction question ugh HELP!!!!? i take paxil for depression/ocd........i ordered vitamins for adrenal fatigue/stress i read all about them and no where did it say it interacts with i took them yesterday and today, i didn't realize they had HTP-5 in them (trytophan that increases serotonin), i am having a major panic attack cause now im scared i have a drug interaction going on in my body ?!?!? i don't have any symptoms, i took my paxil at 3pm yesterday and today, if sometime bad was going to happen would it have happened by now ?!?! i took the vitamins between 4 and 8pm because you are supposed to take 1-5 a day i took 2 at 4 and 2 at 8pm ughhhhh am i going to die ?

Jake M replied: "No you're going to be fine. While these vitamins work on the same system as Paxil, they work by different mechanisms so there is no danger of overdose. There maybe an interaction but you won't see any symptoms unless you took a lot of the vitamins for at least weeks. Do stop taking the 5-HTP vitamins as there is very very little research on their effects and drug interactions. You're going to be OK."

Az R replied: "First of all Adrenal Fatigue doesn't exist. Really. Adrenal hormones are readily tested, and have specific conditions that are associated with their dysfunction. Adrenal fatigue, as it is presented by the 'altnerative medicine' community is a flat out fictionalized condition for which a variety of substances are sold with no scientific evaluation or testing. That said. There is no interaction between 5-HTP and any antidepressant, except perhaps theoretically the rarely used monoamine oxidase inhibitors. The same mechanism that limits 5-HTP's ability to affect depression limits its ability to have interactions. Basically it doesn't do a whole lot of anything, because your body will simply not turn it into serotonin. There has never been an interaction of 5-HTP with any drug to my knowledge. It has definitely never induced serotonin syndrome, which is what you'd be worried about. You're fine. But your symptoms clearly aren't under control, and you should get in touch with the doctor that prescribes that Paxil and either get your medications switched, or dosage adjusted."

neville r replied: "Hi, The only help I can be is if you are going to die. As I have mentioned this life is temporary and we are all temporary. That's what Jesus is all about so we should always be ready to meet him. nev r. below is one of my prepared messages to help.EXCHANGE REPORTS Substitution. 1 PET 2: 24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness. 1PET1:18-19 ----not with silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ. Illustration. This story may never really happen. Two best friends Aleph and Zayan just received their report cards and meet at the gate on the way home. Now Aleph was one of those perfect students with top marks in all subjects, all projects done on time, excellent behaviour, a glowing report. However Zayan was just the opposite, he just got it all wrong, always in trouble, work always late and this was all on his report and there was no excuse. He was just lazy. There was nothing wrong with him except he just wouldn’t work. Now the impossible happened. Aleph said to Zayan, “I’ll swap reports with you,”. Zayan was amazed, “Would you really,” he asked. “Yes,” replied Aleph, “we’ll go to the Principal now and get it done”. The Principal was astounded but seeing Aleph requested the change he rewrote the cards with names changed. Now when Aleph went home what did he get? It’s rather obvious, the punishment Zayan deserved. Then what happened to Zayan. He got the rewards Aleph deserved, a very unfair exchange. Now when Jesus Christ stood before God His Father His report was perfect, a lamb without blemish. He was born sinless and lived without fault even before God. Even the Roman judge couldn’t find fault with him. He really had 100% all the way. But when we stand before God we would be doing well to get one point. Obviously some are worse than others but God says, Rom 3.23 “All have sinned and fall short of His Glory”. We were born sinners and certainly have failed somewhere in word, thought and deed. Jesus did what Aleph did. He took our report as His own and stood before God. He suffered before and on the cross for all the sins on ours and everyone else’s reports. 1Pet 3:18-19 For Christ died for sins the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. If you will accept the offer the exchange happens. Then when you stand before God He only sees Jesus report, your imperfect one is gone, the price has been paid in full for your redemption, Jesus got your punishment you get His rewards. So now John 3: 16 becomes real. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only special (unique) Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." I would pray God will take away the depression. It should help if you talk to Him about it. If there is a medical reason praying will still help and if there is Y/A is not the place for help. If you are seeking the truth read the Gospel of John, The book of Acts and Genesis. To be saved you need to believe Jesus died on the cross for your sin and ask Him into your life. Be willing to turn from sin with His help. Now live for Him by worshipping God, learning of Him in His word and owning Him before others. May God bless you as you seek the TRUTH. nev r "

nightmight replied: "i would not take any more of those vitamins without checking with a psychiatrist first. there may be a risk of serotonin syndrome."

Question about Librium, Remeron, and Paxil possible interactions---please help? I am taking care of an 83 year old lady, and her doctor recently started her on these three medications. Since then, she has been hallucinating, becoming more confused, and less independent than she previously was. I have done many searches on the internet for drug interactions between these medicines, and have had no luck. I'm a nurses aide, so I don't know a lot of medications. Please help me to help my client. Thanks in advance!!


I take the medicines Trileptal, Paxil, Abilify. And I was wondering if taking a diet pill like xenadrine is ok? Are there any drug interactions with these pills?

Xawpnsr replied: "You should check this out this way that I tried. It works just amazing for me and I lost 15 pounds in 30 days. You can find more information at"

Tryptophan and Paxil? Drug interaction - Tryptophan in protein and Paxil? I have been taking Whey Protien that has 437 mg of Tryptophan per scoop and I take about 6 scoops per day. I also take a prescrption Paxil which is a SSRI is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Paroxetine affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced. Paroxetine is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). I have been feeling kind of dizzy and different the past 1-2 weeks and didn't know what it could be from then I read that you are not suppose to take SSRI with Tryptophan because it can cause Serotonin syndrome -Serotonin syndrome which is pretty much too much serotonin - My only question is I only take 10mg of paxil a day and have been taking this protein for about 3 months. Do you think its this Serotonin Syndrome is kicking in now or would it already have happened? Anyone else take Paxil with a lot of protein and have this happen? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks 2 seconds ago - 4 days left to answer. been on paxil for 4 years

Joe R replied: "how long have you been taking paxil?"

star.light replied: "Paxil was very bad for me. I never have heard of the other one. Be very careful of what you take."

drug interactions with ecstasy? before i get any judgements.... lets assume this is for a science paper. what are the interactions with ecstasy and paxil, topamax, and trileptal? i am talking 1 xtc pill, and this person would not take their anti depressant pills for about a week leading up to taking the pill they have gone of their antidepressant pills before, so thats not a big deal. i am more worried about the seizure meds.

Dj Conquest replied: "the possibly deadly and dangerous SERTONIN SYNDROME and/or permanently damaged/destroyed receptors, stroke, cardiac arrest, coma and/or death."

David M replied: "It's not a drug-drug interaction that is the problem. It's more like a 'one drug or the other' problem. If 'someone' is on an SSRI like Paxil, taking ecstacy while on that SSRI will have little to no effect. Most probably, no effect at all. This is because all of the seratonin receptors that are normally available to 'feel the effect' are no longer available...i.e. they are occupied by the SSRI. That is why people have to stop taking SSRI's for days and even weeks before rolling. That being said. it is VERY INADVISABLE for someone to try to do one while on the other because all of the benefits gained by being on the SSRI medication will be lost when they stop taking it. Going on and off SSRI's is serious business and shouldn't be done carelessly or without regard."

I ♥ Richard KHC replied: "What david said is true, The main reason people stop taking it awhile before is because you will not feel as good as you normally would so it is a waste of the ecstasy. Here is a better place to ask this question, or just search for it someone may have already asked it."

What is the best medication for irritability? i went to my doctor today and he suggested paxil but is open to any similar medication.he said he does not want to put me on a mood stabilizer like abilify because of the other medications i big problem is my irritability and anger issues,i need to know what meds have been successful for these symptoms.i would appreciate what medications you are currently taking and if it has helped.he does not want me on mood stabilizers because of its drug interaction with other medication

BuffyV replied: "I take Tripeline and it helps me... but I think everyone reacts differntly to differnt medications"

Princess F replied: "lithium"

let's swim!! replied: "Clonazepam aka Klonopin. Keeps you calm & if yur calm you will less likely to let everything bother you. Try it."

Jo replied: "Newportt, You have a complicated history and have been on a number of medications along with a variety of side effects with most of them. The doctor doesn't want you to get into that circle of medications, interactions and more side effects. So he is giving you one of the older but most effective medications for irritability/anxiety with the fewest side effects. Many folks think that the newer meds are the best ones to use because they are the most updated. In fact, they may have more side effectts and interactions as time goes by, since they're untested out in time with newer medications. So until the newer meds are tested in time many doctors prefer to have the side effects and interactions happen to other doctors patients and be conceConservativeheir use. You might also check with a psychiatrist for use of particular medications. They often have a better overall use with a variety of these medications as these are the only medications they tend to use and they are most familiar with them."

Mathieu replied: "What other medications are you taking aside from Paxil? If you have OCD and irritability/anger problems Paxil my not be the right medication for you and you could have a separate medical problem causing the irritability and anger. Talking to your doctor is a must but knowing what you take and your diagnosis is would be of great help."

Interactiong between Paxil CR and weed? I just started taking Paxil CR today, but I'm a weed smoker. I smoke about 2-3 hits from a bowl every night before I go to bed. Is this going to make me sick or interact with the meds a lot? I personally don't think 2-3 hits from a bowl is a lot, but I also never taken it with prescription drugs. Please don't come on here and tell me weed is bad, to each his own. I just want to know what it's going to do with the interaction between Paxil and weed, if any.

W E replied: "Taking pot and anti-depressants is a bad idea. The 2 drugs will be working against each other, and you will probably feel worse. It is always a bad idea to mix psychiatric drugs and self-medication (this includes pot, the harder illegal drugs, alcohol, and over the counter drugs) I personally never take any medicine without talking to my psychiatrist first. You never know what the side effects will be. Check this out:"

meggus31 replied: "You should be OK. I take more than one psych med and have more than 2-3 hits every day."

rockeylvr<3 replied: "Well i think that the combination of both is bad because they are both working to do different things. The weed is a depressant and the Paxil is going to up the serotonin. You should really not do that do one or the other because it could be dangerous. Good luck."

Can Adderall be taken with Paxil? I know that there can be interactions as with every drug combination. Just wondering if anyone is currently on these two medications??

Dianna replied: " This combination is very dangerous. Take a look at the above website. Punch in both drugs and read the contradictions."

Natural remedies for PPD? I had ppd after my first daughter was born in 2007. I ended up on Paxil for a few months, plus it improved greatly between 3 and 4 months when her sleep pattern improved (she woke up every 1-2 hours for the first 3 months!). My second daughter was born in June and I have been struggling with PPD since then. But she used to be a great sleeper and has suddenly started waking very frequently for the past week and a half or two weeks. For me, sleep deprivation is a huge contributor to PPD and it's been getting worse. When I was pregnant, I read an article about vitamins, etc. to treat PPD but now can't find it anywhere. I really am hoping to avoid medication. My daughter is exclusively breastfed and is on phenobarbitol for seizures and there are tons of drug interaction with phenobarb. Does anyone know of any natural remedies? Thx. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't have boobs. Edit - thanks Supermom! Def was not me giving the thumbs down. But if you look at the mentality of some of the answers and the thumbs up they got - there ya go! LOL... Edit --"Where is your husband?" From 7:30am - 6:30pm - at work. From 6:30pm - 7:30am - at home. On week-ends - at home. "Why doesn't he help with child care?" He does. I'm so confused at how you wound up with the incorrect assumptions you have made and sorry you are so ignorant about PPD (your little quote, btw, is totally wrong) and my family.

Seth ...aka proud dad replied: "Where is your husband? Why is he not contributing to the childcare? *Edit: He can contribute with other things beside feeding. For example - changing diapers, giving baths, putting to sleep, dressing, etc etc. *Noy surprisingly PPD is much more prone to those women who's husbands are lazy around the house and old fashioned. Childcare should be equal to prevent this."

amanda s replied: "bring out the breast pump and tell your husband help or ill make ur life a living hell =P"

Not A Supermum! replied: "I managed to battle my PPD without any medications, though it was touch and go for some time! Are you in the UK? I was refered for weekly councilling with a health visitor, who then refered me for weekly group Cognative Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It may be worth looking into what support is available locally to you, it helped me a great deal to meet others who felt the same way. Speak to anyone who has been through PPD (incidentally, my email box would always welcome a mail if you need to vent!), ask how they coped. It may be worth getting a book from the library about how to cope - I got a good one with a very helpful chapter for husbands who's wives are suffering - how to recognise it, how to support it etc. I know it will be the last thing you want to do, but exercise can make a massive difference - it did for me. Even if it's just a brisk walk with the pushchair, or a swim while baby's in the creche, the more often you do it, the sooner you will start to feel yourself again. I have heard of products available from health food shops, but I don't know of any, sorry. The main thing is try to and focus on your good points, not your bad. Even make a list of the things about yourself that you like - ask your partner to list 3 of what he thinks are your best qualities. Pick out a picture of you at your happiest and pin it on your fridge for a regular reminder that you CAN be that person again! I hope you can tackle it soon, I know that it can make being a mother very difficult. But you are not alone! And you aren't a bad mother! You're just having a hard time. ETA - I wonder what I said to deserve 2 thumbs down? lolol"

Chelle replied: "I found this website. I've never tried it so I don't know how well it works. Also here is a website with live chats with experts Hope this helps!"

chrysie replied: "with the stress, hormones, lack of sleep/energy ppd is actually more common than people think! my baby had severe reflux, and only slept 2hrs a day, broken up into 20min naps. on top of that, shed cry the ENTIRE time awake, and had to be held 24/7. i had NO sleep, i couldnt shower, couldnt eat, and was just breaking down day by day! my hubby worked 60hrs/wk, and i felt so overwhelmed, that i even lost every bit of the 71lbs i gained!!! well, after about a month of it, i broke down! i loved my baby SOOO much; however, i was so extremely exhausted, that i didnt want her near me when she was screaming! i would definitely make sure she was fed, changed, comforted, etc. but when she would scream from her reflux, id just let her scream! i was to the point of, shes not going to shut up anyways... my hubby had to take his vacation, because i just couldnt do it! during that time, i rested and started drinking monster energy drinks! i did eventually get on meds; however, the vitamins and caffeine in the drinks made me feel 85% better! (without the meds!) just ask you dr about the caffeine and breastfeeding! i think one monster is equal to 2 cups of coffee, which should/could be ok... just ask to be sure! i ended up having to stop breastfeeding, due to meds, and felt so wrong and ashamed for doing it. i felt like i wasnt giving my baby the best; however, i accepted the fact, my baby need me to be healthy, and daddys totally normal by drinking formula when he was younger. the reason i explained all this, is because im not just someone telling you whats wrong and what to do... ive been there, done that! its not just the "stress of mommy-hood" like people say, its hell! i know it looks hopeless, but ask the drs about the drinks! also, accept the fact you need to be healthy for baby, and that formula gives you that chance, under these circumstances!!! no shame in the game of mommyhood! lol"

~Liam's mommy 2008~ replied: "I read your question then read the answers and dealing with PPD myself that answer made me really sick inside. Especially since I have a wonderful husband who is a tremendous help! I read somewhere that Omega 3 Fatty acids and B- complex vitamins can help! Congrats to your family and remember you are not alone in dealing with this!"

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