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Prednisone 1 Week Side Effects Information
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Prednisone 1 Week Side Effects Information in Q&A
Prednisone side effects how long they last?? i've been taking Prednisone a type of steroid for just over a month now for crohn's disease i have been weened down to now 2 a week for 1 week then after that it'll be one tablet for a week then i'm finished. I'm having bad side effects since being on them, i use to be fairly slim only 118lbs i'm now 130lbs even though i go the gym twice a week i cannot lose it, have a very round face, look really tired and the skin on my face is looking dull, i look bloated all the time and i have bad acne on the tops of my arms and some of my back. How long after finishing the Prednisone will the side effects go away, i dont know how long i can cope it is really getting me down looking like this as i look horrible.

jetblakkmane replied: "I also have Crohn's and I was on Predisone last summer. You should be back to your pre-Prednisone weight about two months after you stop the drug entirely. Good luck to you!"

mcghankathy replied: "Once you're tapered off, the puffiness and the weight will follow. I know, it's a crappy side effect, but sometimes it's the only answer. Cut down on salt,sodium, soda pop-all holds excess fluids. Drink lots of water too. Hope you are feeling better."

secret replied: "its immediate effects are water retension edema so weight gain hunger feeling high elated sometimes depressed long term weakens bones sugar levels in diabetics gets elevated. the withdrawl symptoms too are not too comfortable"

Wren replied: "Yeah, my sister was on fairly heavy doses of prednisone for a misdiagnosed auto immune disorder ( we won't get into that). She went from about 130lbs to about 180lbs, but she was on it for quite awhile. Once they weaned her off she went back down fairly quickly. Like in her senior picture, she was huge with that big round face, but by the time she got married a year and a half later, she was back down to her regular weight and even smaller. Hang in there. It stinks to look in the mirror and see somebody you don't recognize. And BTW, my sister was finally properly diagnosed 3 years later with Systemic Lupus."

Sean replied: "I understand. I'm on predisone right now as well for my Eczema, I got another week left. I just had a really bad flare up with the hot summer weather. Right now I have acne on my legs, arms, and back. I think I'm gaining a lot of weight too. It's crazy because I just finished High School and 6 months ago I was on the varsity wrestling team. I think I'm starting to get a gut. For some reason I don't feel full anymore when I eat, even if its a lot. I'm starting to experience joint pain as well. This isn't the first time I've taken systemic steroids. I gained a lot of weight taking steroids when I was in middle school for my eczema. It took 3 months to work it off. I hope when you get off you'll be able to get back. I think the acne will go away once you stop because I asked my doctor about it. This is my first time getting acne on my body due to the steroids. What I'm going to do is go on a detox diet after I finish. I want to clean up my system because all the drugs I'm on now really mess me up. Maybe you can try the same."

snagga75 replied: "The side effects should soon resolve since your dose is now being tapered (reduced)...hang in there and good luck!"

dark and beautiful replied: "Along with their needed effects, all medicines can cause unwanted side effects, which usually improve as your body adjusts to the new medicine. Speak with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or become troublesome. Indigestion, stomach ulcers (with bleeding or perforation), bloating, oesophageal (gullet) ulcer, thrush, inflammation of the pancreas, muscle wasting of the upper arms and legs, thinning and wasting of the bones, bone and tendon fracture, adrenal suppression, irregular or stoppage of periods, cushing syndrome (upper body weight gain), hair growth, weight gain, change in the body's proteins and calcium, increased appetite, increased susceptibility to infections, euphoria (feeling high), feeling of dependency on treatment, depression, sleeplessness, pressure on the nerve of the eye (sometimes in children in stopping treatment), worsening of schizophrenia and epilepsy, glaucoma, (increased pressure on the eye), pressure on the nerve to the eye, thinning of the tissues of the eye, worsening of viral or fungal infections of the eye, reduction in healing, thinning of the skin, bruising, stretch marks, patches of reddening, acne, water and salt retention, hypersensitivity reactions, blood clots, nausea (feeling sick), malaise (general feeling of being unwell) or hiccups. These side effects gradually disappear and you will start noting the difference in your appearance and moods in a weeks time until they almost seem to disappear over a period of few weeks"

When will the side effects from prednisone go away? I recently took prednisone for about 2 months. 3 or 4 weeks at 60 mg, 1 week at 50, 1 at 40, continuing down to 10 for a week, 5 for a week, 5 every other day for a week, then I stopped. In this period, I gained 40 pounds (which I needed since I was 6'1" and 110 lbs), had sleeping problems, got stretch marks, my acne got worse, and got a puffy face. Now, 2 weeks after having stopped, I am able to sleep much better and my acne is starting to go away. The stretch marks are still there, which I knew they would be, since they are permanent. However, my face has not gone back to normal size. It is still puffy, and I haven't noticed any change. It may have gone down a little bit, but nothing noticeable, and now with school starting back up, everyone is asking me what's wrong and it is very embarrassing. How much longer until this goes away? Also, does anyone know of anything that supposedly helps with stretch marks? I don't think anything really works, but anything would be nice. Thanks.

replied: ""

Prednisone has so many bad side effects , some being permanent.Anyone know of a law suit against it's makers?? I have muscle weakness, pain in most joints & depression ever since I was misdianosed with Lupus. I started out with 17mg of prednisone & went all the way up to 500 mg over a 6 month period. The doctors were trying to convince my husband to institionalize me cause they said the lupus had probably entered my brain & there would be no coming back for me. My husband told the doctor's he wouldn't consider doing so because he felt the reason I was hallucinating was caused by the bad reactions I was having to the 15 medications they were prescribing me,and he insisted on further tests. I had to go through a MRI, Brain Scans, two spinal taps& numerous other tests, all which came back negative. I now been dianosed with fibromalgia. My whole life changed ever since that 1 st week of medications, I just hope there is some way to reverse the damage. It's almost been a full year since I stopped the poisons that were prescribed to me.

quijibored replied: "Your lawsuit would not be against the makers of prednisone (which is generic anyways) but against the Dr who prescribed it and misdiagnosed your condition. Your success would hinge on whether the Dr did the proper testing before prescribing the various meds. Lupus is often hard to diagnose so if he did the correct tests and they indicated positive indications for lupus and you showed signs of lupus (butterfly rash on face), then it might be very difficult to win in court. sorry - also the fibro might have been caused by all you've gone through so the fibro may not have been what symptoms brought you to the Dr initially. Fibro is another hard to diagnose illness."

binga_4980 replied: "You don't have a legitmate case against a drug manufacturer since Prednisone is a generic. If you were to file suit against anyone it would be your physician. A drug manufacturer can not be held liable for misdiagnosis."

Does anyone know anything about Prednisone? I just recently came off of Prednisone due to the side effects I experienced from it which were in danger to my health. However, since I was on it, I developed insomnia problems. It has been 1 day without it and I still can't go to sleep. I want to sleep soo bad, but can't. I have bronchitus, so I can't really take sleep aids as will cause more irritation in the coughing problems. Any suggestions on how to get back to my sleep routine? It's been two weeks now with insomnia problems since this medicine.

Edward G replied: "Everyone I know said life was HELL on that drug its known for bad side effects.Ask dr if you really need to be on it and if there is anything different to take.My dr didnt want to put me on it.Tell the dr what is going on its important."

nana4141 replied: ""

mjblonde70 replied: "you could call the pharmacist and ask if they have any ideas."

Persistent hives and prednisone? Please help!!!? I am 18 and asthmatic and for a week and a half I have been breaking out in these hive like welts all over my upper legs and arm. I don't know what the cause is. Anyway I went to the doctor today he gave me an allergy blood test and must go back in a week. He perscribed me 20mg of prednisone and told me to take 1 tablet 2x a day for 5 days. He also perscribed me some hydrocortisone cream for when I break out. Lastly told me to continue taking 1 tablet benedryl every 4-6 hours. My question is: What is the prednisone suppose to do? I had it before years ago for my asthma, but didn't like taking it because of the harmful side-effects. Will the prednisone make my presistent hives/ welts stop? If so, for how long? Has anyone else used it before? Did it work? Have you had harmful side-effects? Since I've been taking benedryl for a week won't the effects of it decrease since I now must continue taking it? I was taking 1 tablet a day for a week when the medicine would wear off. PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTION IF POSSIBLE?

OnTheCouch replied: "Prednisone is a steroid. It reduces inflammation, so it will help your hives to go away and not to itch as much. I have taken prednisone several times for different things (allergic reactions, bronchitis, etc.) In general, the side effects you will get from short-term use aren't harmful - it's long-term use at high dosages that you need to worry about. Benadryl will NOT decrease in effectiveness with continued use. As a matter of fact, keeping a constant level in your bloodstream will help it to work better."

lafer replied: "Five days isn't long. Doctors do treat the symptoms, and steroids like prednisone are commonly used for hives, and itching. There are side effects, that are worrisome. They cause bone loss, can make you irritable, amped up, unable to sleep, etc. My allergist will not prescribe prednisone, even for the short term unless I am wheezing. I feel like I'm on speed, get very talkative, stay up for days, and snack all the time. I myself would not take it any longer than 5 days. When I had persistent rash they wanted me to take it for 6 months, I declined and found a different allergist. There are other antihistamines available that work along with benedryl to block the H2 histamines. Benedryl blocks the H1 histamines. If your hives persist you can talk to your allergist or doctor about them. Prednisone will not make your hives and welts stop if you are still being exposed to whatever caused it - It may make the symptoms easier to endure. If the cause was from a one time exposure, then the symptoms will probably go away without steroids. I have outbreaks if exposed to things I'm allergic to, and do not use steroids. I use benedryl every 6 hours four times a day and have off and on for years. It is still effective. When having an outbreak it is better to keep it in your system. It's not the same as antibiotics that can be overused. Heat will make your rash worse. Avoid hot showers or baths, stick to lukewarm or cool. Playing in the sun will also worsen it. Baking soda mixed with a little water into a paste will sooth your skin. Aveeno oatmeal baths will also help. It's important to find out what your allergic to. Keep a journal, to see when it happens. Have you been eating a new food in season, or using a new product, soap, or lotion? Maybe you bought a new outfit and didn't wash it and the chemicals are harsh to your skin. This is how I figured out I was allergic to latex. I cannot wear any clothes with spandex or elastic without breaking out. I'm also allergic to foods that are cross reactive to latex. I discovered an allergy to coconut that is used in almost all shampoos and soaps. I kept a jounal and wrote down what I ate, touched, and when I broke out or got congested. I was able to see the pattern. Knowing what is not safe for me has given me a new freedom. Good luck."

Prednisone? my husband has been prescribed prednisone, 30 mg/day for a lung disease. The doctor says he will be on it for about 2 years, with gradually descreasing dosage. He's only been on it for 2 1/2 weeks now, but he's getting acne, shakiness, sore joints/muscles...he's miserable. Are there any ways to help fight the side effects of prednisone? or are there any alternatives out there?

babysasa replied: "below are some of the side affect for prednisone: changes in the shape or location of body fat (especially in your arms, legs, moon face, neck, breasts, and waist). sleep problems (insomnia), mood changes; acne, dry skin, thinning skin, bruising or discoloration; slow wound healing; increased sweating; headache, dizziness, spinning sensation; nausea, stomach pain, bloating my doctor wants me to take 50mg everyday but I requested to take 100mg every other day. This way, can lower the side affects. I have been taken this amount for 7 weeks I am still feeling ok. Some people with this dosage may gain around 10lbs to 15lbs a month. I gain about 2lbs and only thing i don't look as firm. I also tried to control my diet. I took less than 2000mg sodium per day for the days that i don't need to take the pills and take half of the amount of sodium on the day that i need to take the pills. always look at the sodium contents when you shop. get rid of any junk food in your fridge. also store alot of veggies and fruit at home because prednisone makes you hungry. bewared of the sodium percentage on salad dressing. I have read an article today that taken good amount of protassium will help slow down the process of moon face. Banana, Grape, Grape fruit will give you good amount of protassium. During the medication, you will feel dizzy and tired all day long. Don't give your self any excuse. Some easy exercises will help. I hit the gym at lease 3 times weekly and spent 1- 2 hours every time. I walk about 30mins on treadmill for 2.5-3 speed. Some light weight training to tone my mucles. 10- 20 mins basket ball. (I used don't know how to play basket ball). You also have to make sure that your doctor have given you below medicines together with prednisone. - calcium (Long term use of prednisone cause lack of calcium and join pain) - medicine for protecting your stomach. prednisone may cause stomache. - fish oil (i think it's good for preventing diabetic. Long term use of prednisone may cause diabetic. I think fish oil helps me with my moodswing) Tell your husband this is not the end of world. try to think positive. He's not the only one taken this medicine. Since this is the only choice than we have to accept it and try to like it because he's going to be fine again in 2 years right? family support is very important. Don't show him that you are anxious too. Other wise he will be more nervous. Try to keep him busy with something if posible. He will think too much if he has too much free time. Some times our imagination makes us feel the aches and it may not be as bad. 2 years is not a short period of time. I know how he positive and hope he get well soon. Sorry for my poor grammers and typos.... I hope above can help you. If you have any questions you can email me on."

Why did I get prescribed Prednisone for my Asthma? I went in to the ER the other night because I was having a hard time breathing. The Doc said I was having Asthma related to Allergies. I knew that I had seasonal allergies but never have I had asthma before. He gave me a shot and a breathing treatment and gave me a prescription for Prednisone and an Inhaler. He told me to take 40mg of Prednisone for 1 week. I guess I just dont understand what that is going to do for me. How can taking a drug for a week get rid of your asthma that you will probably have all during the high allergy season? I guess I just dont see the benefit versus all the nasty side effects. I talked to another doctor about it and he said he would have prescribed the same thing. Can anyone explain to me why I should take this drug. I dont want to be dependent on such a serious drug. If that is even possible on a weeks worth.

L replied: "Prednisone is an anti inflammatory dug which may be used to treat asthma attacks and help people gain better asthma control. Steroids are used with other asthma medications to either control sudden and severe asthma attacks or to treat long-term, hard-to-control asthma. it reduces you inflammation in your lungs and also use for better absoption of your anti asthma drugs. ^_^ watch out for diabetes."

Liam replied: "Asthma can be life threatening, and since Prednisone would only be prescribed for severe asthma its probably a good idea that you take it. Prednisone is a powerful corticosteroid, used to treat conditions such as asthma because it suppresses the immune system. You can develop serious side effects from prednisone but only from long-term use. You can't become dependent on it, they probably gave it to you for a week because they thought you are at particular risk. You should really discuss any questions with your GP."

Dave replied: "The doctor prescribed it because of the acute inflammation of your lungs which is much worse then it usually is and needs to be brought back to your normal state, whatever that may be. That's what prednisone is best at, a medication that lowers your own body's response to some outside allergen. Whereas I might react to, let's say, ragweed pollen simply because it is an irritating substance an asthmatic will react much more strongly and essentially overreact. That's why it's called a hyperreactive airway disease. Prednisone will get you back to your normal but during this season you should take something like Claritin or whatever your doctor suggests as maintenance. Prednisone is usually ordered with a strong dose first and then tapered off down to nothing. Ask your own doctor about that. But if you start getting symptoms again one to two days after finishing the prednisone go back to the ER or call your doctor. One or the other because otherwise you could be in trouble. God bless."

I Watch Scrubs replied: "One, they're correct, it's to bring down inflammation. It will not cure your asthma. The best thing to control your asthma is to control your allergies so you don't flare again. Two, that one week course is so inconsequential in terms of side effects they don't even bother with a taper. Three, two different doctors told you to take it, and you're asking on Yahoo Answers why? Because your doctors told you to do it. But, all they can do is give you the meds, it is indeed totally up to you whether you take them or not."

mmmbop! replied: "It is a steroid Steroids help with reducing inflammation of the bronchioles and trachea"

theresa replied: "Prednisone supresses the immune system from ove-reacting to allergens therefore prednisone probably will help you to breath more easily. Reactions to allergens can cause the airways to become inflammed (inflammatory respone) and make breathing difficult. However, I do really understand your concern about taking prednisone, it is a horrible drug and if you can manage without it then don't take it. You have to weigh up the risks vs benefits and not being able to breathe to the extent that you have to go to ER is a definitive risk. Most side effects of prednisone are due to high dose prolonged use, However, I took prednisone for sinus trouble 2 years ago. I now suffer from avascular necrosis of the hips (AVN), a possible but controversial rare side effect of taking prednisone."

LoneStar replied: "I might as well weight in on this, too! Prednisone, an oral systemic corticosteroid, at least for your purpose, was prescribed for long term control of your asthma. It is evident your diagnosis was Asthma Exacerbation."

My cat was on doxycycline and now has fluid draining from her anus. Is this a side effect? I took my 10 year old cat to the vet about 2 weeks ago because she has lost about 5 pounds in just a few short months. She was also "yowling" at night, and pulling out her hair (she still pulls out her hair) along with eating like a monster while still losing weight. I was sure she was hyperthyroid but the vet said her heart rate wasn't high, her glands weren't swollen, and the T4 test came back normal. The vet said the cat has high calcium and is very anemic and said she thinks it's either hemoblartenella (a blood parasite) or cancer. That was all they could tell me without sending us to a specialist to spend hundreds, maybe a thousand dollars. So, they put her on doxycycline and said if she's not better within a week or so, they will try prednisone. A few days into the doxy, she starting leaking fluid from her anus. It's yellowish, very thin (not thick like mucus or poop) and it smells pretty gross. We penned her up in a large dog pet taxi (with a litter box) to monitor and she's leaking quite a bit. We called the vet and they are treating her for diarrhea and took her off the antibiotic. She does not have diarrhea but the leaking is still continuing even 3 days after we took her off the antibiotic. My question is, can this antibiotic cause anal leaking? Or is my vet way off on the original diagnosis? My cat only weighs 5 1/2 pounds at this point but she seems very frisky and happy otherwise. She eats when fed (still eating very fast and as much as I'll give her), plays when she's out of her pen, purrs when I pet her, etc. I am considering trying another vet, yet at the same time, I hate to put her through all the tests all over again if I don't have to.

PJ replied: "Probably - call the vet. Doxy can cause intestinal problems. Feed her a lot."

Scootz replied: "I would definitely say that that's a side affect!! My oldest cat was on the Doxy as well because she's got a real bad staph infection and that never happened to her. I'm a freak when it comes to weird things happening to my animals, I always take them to the vet if I see something a little abnormal. I would take your cat to the vet for that kind of side affect. Or at least just call your vet, or another vet if they don't want to help."

Chris replied: "feed ur cat with intestinal problems WTF, typical chick answer, so woman of u to deal with life's problems with food lmfao"

GERD? Head & Neck Cancer? Please Help!? Sorry if this seems lengthy but I need some feedback! 4 weeks ago, I was fine and in good health. I make it a point to visit my doctor regularly b/c I do suffer from OCD, anxiety, and I can be a bit of a hyperchondriac. My problems all started 3 weeks ago when I ate some spicy food. I had burning in my chest and throat. I was told it was probably acid reflux and was given Prilosec. All of the symptoms went away on day 2 of taking Prilosec and I was OK until day 4. By then, I had this tightness feeling around my neck and my jaw hurt. I went to an E.N.T. and he said I had a TMJ problem and prescribed 40mg of prednisone for 3 days. Well, on day 2, the tightness went away, jaw pain went away but I started having serious pains from the back of my neck to my back where the spine is. I felt as if something was broken. On day 3, the pain was awful so I decided not to take the last of the prednisone. Fast forward to 2 days later and that problem went away BUT I started having a muffled feeling in my ear, neck spasms, pressure in the back of my head as if I had a band around it and a dull ache in my jaw. The spasms were painful so I went back to the E.N.T. and he told me to see an oral surgeon (I do clench and grind my teeth) and prescribed me Flexeril. I also aw my GP who thought the spasms were a side effect of the prednisone. So, I had one day last week when I felt good... no spasms, little discomfort in the ear, and no head pressure. I went to the dentist for fillings the next day and my problems all came back right after. I saw an oral surgeon last week and he said I had very mild TMJ issues... my jaw is aligned and that he thinks it's a muscular problem. Well, I won't be able to see my GP until next Wednesday and I have scheduled an appt for a neurologist at the end of Dec. I am really anxious right now. I'm 30 yrs old and as I type this here are my problems: 1. discomfort from behind my left ear to my neck. It's not painful but I feel as though the muscle is tight. When I put my head up that feeling goes away. When I'm looking straight or down, I can feel it and I get that muffled feeling as though something is in the middle of my ear radiating down to the left side of my jaw. 2. I can turn my head from side to side without pain but I feel a bit of stiffness in the back of my neck. 3. Some discomfort on and off under my chin where the muscle is. The right side of my jaw feels a bit tender to the touch. 4. A slight popping/squeaky type of feeling in my right nostril when I drink something. My throat does NOThurt when I swallow. 5. Some pressure in my eye that makes the lids feel a bit sleepy/heavy. My vision is not blurred but it kind of feels like I have to wipe my eye. Also, I did wake up today with some clear discharge in my eye and had a quick sharp pain in that eye once in the last 24 hrs but nothing since. 6. On and off vibrating feeling in my chest. It's a weird "motor" feeling in my chest which may be anxiety-related, don't know. 7. My shoulder blades ache. 8. I keep getting an on and off dull ache in my chest on the left side and on/off raw/sore feeling in throat that comes and goes and feels sensitive to air. 9. On and off dull pain in head near my temple. I don't have anymore spasms in my neck so the pressure/tension headache I was having has subsided. 9. Throughout the day, I feel the need to belch before I swallow. That's pretty much it. I do work on my computer and spend 8 hours or so sitting here. I have bad posture and have been under a lot of stress this past month and my anxiety has increased ever since having these problems. In the past 3 weeks I've had 2 EKG's that came back normal. I had a simple blood test done that came back normal. All doctors said they didn't feel any swollen lymph nodes in my neck. The E.N.T. did not do a scope of my throat but he said he doesn't think there is anything major going on with me. My GP felt the same but it's been 3 weeks now and I'm still going through all of the above. I'm super scared that I may have Head & Neck cancer, esophageal cancer, throat cancer, MS, or rheumatoid arthritis. When I asked the E.N.T and GP about this they both shrugged it off and told me "no" you do not have that but haven't done any x-rays or tests to rule them out. Has anyone experienced these symptoms or have any feedback you can offer? PS. I did have a chest x-ray one year ago and all was normal along with a heart x-ray that came back normal. Also, I don't drink or smoke. Well, I went to see a different GP yesterday who did a thorough physical that took almost 2 hours. GP concluded that all is "normal" despite my pain. No swollen lymph nodes or anything. Blood work is normal. He thinks it's all anxiety related (no surprise there) and he even had a second doctor check me out to confirm. He prescribed Zoloft and has me starting with a slow dose and gradually building up. I was crying the whole time during the appt. I kept thinking "they think I'm a head case" and even though they told me I don't have signs of MS, head & neck cancer, etc, I'm still not convinced. I guess I won't be until I have x-rays, MRI, ct scan showing that I'm fine. Also, an online diagnostic test suggested I may have Fibromyalgia. When the nurse asked me what's wrong today and I told her, first thing she said was "sounds like Fibromyalgia." The GP doesn't seem 100% convinced that it is but said IF it is Fibro, this is the same path he would go down with regard to me taking zoloft.

Clint P replied: "I am not a doctor, but since your doctor doesn't seem to be concerned and you admit you are under a lot of stress the first thing you need to do is calm down a little. Many of the things you mentioned could be stress related, so try and relieve as many of the stressful thoughts you are having and just relax and see if that will make a difference."

Doctor J replied: "I may be time (better late than never) to have a thorough evaluation by your family Chiropractor. Best wishes and good luck."

J replied: "Well I have been experiencing something almost exactly the same and so far they are still running test on me and I am waiting. They seem to think it may be an enlarged thyroid that can create all kinds of problems because it controls the level of hormones released etc. I will keep you posted on my results and I if you hear anything let me know. Thanks. J"

can it be MS my lower lip is numb? 4.5 months on off work, chronic migrating pain, muscles and joints. 1st the Doc said I had LUPUS then she said FIBROMYALGIA, because my ANA test was 1:40. I had been on prednisone for 1 week when I took it. Tremors and numbness for 1 week now, this morning lower lip numb and left arm. fingers jumping. Could it be side effect of medication or mayby MS...anyone with Ms or knowledge please, I am real worried and the doctor keeps screaming at me because I don't take all 6 meds she prescribed due to bad side effects. I cannot get an appointment before next week, any opinions please???thank you the numbness started 3 days after the last blood works which left my arm bruise badly and swollen. I was doing good on the last med until then "neurontin" which is the only med I am still taking. She is a bone and muscle specialist. She also prescribed prednisone,hydroxyquine,amitriptyline,ccyclobenzaprine,supeudol, which I stopped all together, now I am thinking of stopping the neurontin because I am afraid it may be causing the new symptoms, when I type my fingers jump in left hand and I am numb in arms also. I really appreciate all of your answers so far thank you, it helps to have this kind support, I am trying not to panick and stop trying to diagnose myself, my doc also said this but I feel she is a pill pusher and I am not getting better

Keep.It.Simple replied: "Go see a nutritionist. One thats experienced. Screw the meds, side-effects will do 2 much harm 2 u."

dpawson replied: "Well, you really need a doctor to help you. If you do not like the advice your current doctor is giving, then you should find another who may be able to help with your concerns. But if you have a doctor who thinks s/he knows what is wrong with you, they have prescribed medication to fix it, and you aren't taking it, then you need to address that. Because either the doctor is right and you need to find medication to help (either what has already been prescribed or an alternative), or the doctor is wrong and you need another. Just ignoring the doctor's advice and trying to self-diagnose is a good way to get yourself in trouble. As for MS, it could be, but it is really hard to say. There is not really a definitive test for MS; it isn't like they can just give you a blood test and say, "Yup. MS." Unless things have changed since I last had to worry about it, a doctor that suspects MS can find indicators or warning signs, and if they are sufficiently concerned that it might be MS, they'll likely do an MRI to look for nerve damage. An MRI can pretty much confirm such a diagnosis, but can't really rule it out. Pain, numbness, tingling, tremors all could be signs of MS, or lots of other things."

daisy replied: "It's possible but hard to say. You would need a MRI scan to check for MS. If it is MS, it's not an emergency though, so try not to panic, you might be making your symptoms worse. Good luck!"

b2_or_not_b2 replied: "MS can present with weakness/numbness/tingling/unsteadiness in a limb. But seems unlikely because of your chronic migrating pain in muscles and joints. Other than the above, MS can also have ocular symptoms (like double vision or blurry vision or blindness) and urinary urgency or hesitancy. Often the symptoms of MS come and go, but sometimes they may be progressive without any relief in between. The best test for diagnosing MS would be a MRI. In your case, MS seems less likely, although still possible because of the involvement of different areas of the body at once). Also, it could certainly be a side effect of the medications you are taking (could u specify the names?), since quite a few medications can cause tingling/numbness and tremors. Infact this seems more likely, looking at the acute onset. Did the onset coincide with you starting those medications? Also, if you have side effect with the meds, you should say so to your doc and ask him/her for alternative medications, but do not stop or start any medications without asking your doc! Also, Fibromyalgia is definitely a possibility for your symptoms - the common symptoms being widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, headaches and numbness. even minor exertion aggravates the pain and increases fatigue. So the best thing to do right now would be to continue the medications that your doc gave you for the fibromyalgia and take an appointment ASAP and then discuss about these new symptoms and a possible change of medications at your next appointment. Until then, it would be difficult to assess what exactly is causing these symptoms and hence stopping your medications wouldn't be advisable. (What meds were you prescribed? Could you specify their names?) ____________________________________________________________ Neurontin can cause mild sedation, tiredness, dizziness and unsteadyness. Hydroxychlorquine can cause visual disturbances, neuropathy(tingling/numbness), myopathy(muscle pain), graying of hair and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Amitriptyline has quite a few side effects that include sedation, weakness, mental confusion, fine tremors, dry mouth, constipation, decreased Blood Pressure, etc. The numbness that you are experiencing in the arm could probably be related to the blood work that you underwent. If its in both arms, then it could be a side effect of the hydroxychloroquine. Since you have numbness in the lips too, it could be the drug side effect. What you describe as fingers jumping certainly seems to be tremors- probably a side effect of the amitriptyline, but if it would be due to the drug, it would have been in both hands. Since you only mentioned the left hand, I think it could again be related to the blood work. ____________________________________________________________ The thing is that since you are on 6 medications, it could very well be a side effect of those. Also, the numbness in your arms could be due to the blood work (since u mention that it left your hand bruised and swollen). The tremors too could be side effects of the meds. It would be difficult to say without examination, and infact, even after examination. Ask your doc for a possible change in meds. Try and understand what each medication is being given to you for and what side effects you should expect. Maybe changing one medication at a time would best help you to determine what the exact cause is. I personally avoid taking meds as far as posible, but what you've got to understand is that Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of exclusion, ie, when one has excluded other possible diagnoses, then a patient is said to have Fibromyalgia. Thus it is not a 100% accurate diagnosis and it may be difficult to distinguish it from other similar diseases. The prednisone that you have been prescribed is not useful in Fibromyalgia but is useful in SLE (lupus) which itself can produce most of the symptoms that you have, but can be diagnosed fairly accurately with blood tests. Maybe thats what your doc had ordered. Had you asked about why the blood work was being done? Also, you should ask your doc about the diagnoses she is considering as possible. It seems, that she is still considering a few other diagnoses. The hydroxychloroquine that you have been prescribed is used in Rheumatoid arthritis. Amitriptyline is used in Fibromyalgia. So what I would suggest is, whatever is causing the symptoms, it wouldn't be an emergency. Schedule an appointment with your doc ASAP. Then, when you meet her: 1.Enquire about the diagnoses she is considering. 2.Understand what you are being prescribed each drug for. 3.Ask about the side effects that you should expect. 4.Understand the tests that have been done and that need to be done. 5.Understand what each diagnosis implies to you in terms of what you can expect later on(chances of improvement/worsening) and the amount of relief of symptoms that you can expect. 6.Get a second opinion if you still fel unconvinced. 7.Above all, work with the doc to help improve your symptoms. So dont omit any medicatons. If you have side effects, tell the doc and let her offer you alternatives. IT IS YOUR DECISION TO MAKE. NO ONE CAN FORCE YOU TO TAKE ANY MEDS. SO UNTIL YOU FEEL CONVINCED, ASK MORE AND TRY TO UNDERSTAND MORE. THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR CONDITION AND WHAT TO EXPECT, THE BETTER PREPARED YOU WILL BE."

quijibored replied: "You need to see a rheumatologist if you suspect lupus and a neurologist if you suspect MS. I think you are wise not to neglect the possibility that some of your symptoms might be due to drug side effects. If the 6 meds were all prescribed by an internist and not the correct specialist, I'd be concerned about a misdiagnosis. good luck"

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