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Prednisone Adrenal Insufficiency Information
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Adrenal insufficiency.......what can you tell me? Depression? In the beginning of the summer, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Then it went into remission, but I was *then* diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency. I was put on Prednisone and Fludrocort. I've been having mood swings, easily hurt and irritated, and have been easily pushed into short bursts of depression. Is this to be expected? Will it ever get better? Is there anything that can be done? Does diet affect this in any way? Any help will be much appreciated!

Jen S replied: "How much prednisone? Prednisone is a long acting steroid. It is not like the one the body makes. That is more like hydrocortisone. A normal body has a rise in cortisol that reaches a peak around 8am, falls gradually throughout the day to reach about half around 2pm, then continues to fall to near zero by midnight - time to sleep. Prednisone lasts 18-36 hours. Depending on when you take in, (it also takes a while to take effect and reach its peak). If you take Pred at 8am, you will reach peak around noon, not sleep well all night, and then if you have not *used* all the dose, when you take the next days dose, you will just add pred on top of pred as there can be overlap of 12 or so hours. 5mg pred = 20mg hydrocortisone. If you are taking more than 5mg, and depending on how you are taking it, well... If you are a super active person, pred can be a good choice as they use it all up in a day. The acrobats in the Addison group use it. For the rest, HC is better as the bone, muscle, eye and other damage is just too much. I had Cushing's disease (which was too much cortisol) and then had my adrenals removed to cure it. I used to be moody and depressed - do you see a connection? Your meds are not doing you a favor. Pred is not the medication of choice for replacement for those with AI. I would find a replacement. Do taper off, if you change, very carefully, as an adrenal crisis can be life threatening. Do you take salt tablets to support you? How much fludrocort do you take? What testing was done to determine that you were AI? Saliva, blood? Stim test?"

Adrenal Insufficiency after Bilateral Nephrectomy? I had my Adrenal Glands removed so I have none (Kidneys were infected to the extent that they had to be removed and thus, the adrenal glands as well). I want to know why I have to take Prednisone for the rest of my life. Is there any circumstance where someone without adrenals can stop Prednisone (or any corticosteroid) slowly tapering the dosage but eventually being completely off it? The more detailed the answer, the better, thanks! **DO not tell me to go to a forum! I belong to plenty and never asked! I will ONLY consider that SPAM! Thank you.**

NB replied: "First I am sorry about what happened to you. I have never taken care of a patient with no adrenal glands, so I am basing my responce on what I learned in nursing school. Unfortunately your doctor did not explain to you why you are taking this medication, and that is not ok. Hopefully I can help you a bit, but I am unsure how much. Your adrenal glands are located on the top of your kidneys, they are important for releasing a hormone called cortisol, it is a corticosteroid. They also release other hormones that help your body stay in a natural balancing state. These hormones are very important. You having NO adrenal glands does so much to your body the hormones released or lack there of is key to a healthy body. You have been essentially given Addison's disease, the lack of adrenal glands caused this. I think you should look up Addison's disease, it will explain a lot of what your asking. And I think that you need to find a better doctor, one who gives you ALL the information you need to live a healthy life. I hope this helps in some way, I also want to say that with taking that medication, there are many side effects that you should know about. I will give you a good site to look up Addison's, and good luck to you!"

Sarcoids--Experience with, treatment other than prednisone and immuran, side effects, symptoms of sarcoids,all I have been treated for saracoidosis for 10 yrs. Showed up first in left eye, lesions on optic nerve. Regained sight w/regimen of prednisone with imuran over a period of 4 1/2 yrs. 9 months later, chronic cough. Sarcoids, with scarring, in lungs, lymph system, skin, muscles. Back to prednisone and imuran. Now have adrenal insufficiency due to the long use of the medications. Extremely easy bruising. Just touch the skin and big ugly bruise appears. Ideas?

mnvikes8484 replied: "did your doctor have you taper off those drugs? youre suppose to slowly lower the dose when you go off steroids"

baseball.grand_slams replied: "This is a little I know about it...... Sarcoidosis is an immune system disorder characterised by non-necrotising granulomas (small inflammatory nodules). Virtually any organ can be affected, however, granulomas most often appear in the lungs (D860) or the lymph nodes (D861). Symptoms can occasionally appear suddenly but more often than not appear gradually. When viewing X-rays of the lungs, sarcoidosis can have the appearance of tuberculosis or lymphoma."

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