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Sun And Amoxicillin
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I need information regarding amoxicillin and sun exposure.? I haev been prescribed amoxicillin for a dental problem. The only problem is that I work as a lifeguard and I am in the heat and the sun all day. Is there a known interaction between the two? Other than being really tired I dont notice any other affects, but that could be due to an increase in exercise.

Katie replied: "Sulfa antibiotics such as amoxicillin increases your skins sensitivity to UV light. So you will burn more easily. I would suggest using a 30+ SPF sunscreen and wear long sleeves, a hat and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours and you should be ok!"

Vahid replied: "Yes, there is an increased risk of sunburn when taking amoxicillin. And amoxicillin is not a sulfa antibiotic."

Does Amoxicillin affect light sensitivity? I'm a beach bum and just got amoxicillin antibiotic, but not sure if it's ok if I stay out in the sun.

Jmarie replied: "I have always heard that it can, just depends on the person"

Bryanna replied: "im not sure im allergic but i know that if it has clendamycin then you can't get in the sun"

yugioht42 replied: "your good. since this medication doesn't do much but some words of advice avoid the salt water for a while since it doesn't fight the bacteria inside there."

isuSN replied: "Amoxicillin is not usually a photosensitive drug. You should be okay, just wear sunscreen (you should do that anyway). Side effects you should watch for are rash, nausea, vomitting, and itching."

Which method should I use to treat back acne? (accutane, bactrim, amoxicillin)? The dermatologist recommended either accutane, bactrim, or amoxicillin at the very least. My complexion is very fair so I know using accutane and bactrim will increase my sensitivity to the sun. Basically she said if on either of those treatments that I should avoid sun as much as possible and seeing that summer is right around the corner that may be hard to do. So that leaves me with option #3, amoxicillin. Should I try amoxicillin first and see if that works or should I go straight to the heavier treatments? Luckily I have not started to scar yet and hopefully I can get this cleared up before that happens. Any suggestions ?

Tabby replied: "My derm perscribed tazorec which keeps the acne into remission for 3-5 years( i love it).I had to take amoxicillin for an infection and i broke out on my mouth with hives from a slight allergy."

gracelikerain_89 replied: "I was on bactrim and the sensitivity to the sun is not very extreme. Yes, you'll probably need to use a higher level of sunscreen but you won't need to head out to the beach in a full body wetsuit. Just make sure to keep your nose and shoulders lathered with sunscreen as they are more suceptible to burning."

sunflare63 replied: "throw all that away and get some dial antibacterial soap wash face good , foam up, rinse well with hot and then cold water, put aloe vera gel on afterwards."

fruit.nevermore replied: "If it's a pill you take, you should avoid bactim and amoxicillin. These are antibiotics, and they can cause other problems. For example, lots of people who take antibiotics constantly for acne end up with really persistent bad breath because the bacteria in their mouth change... If it's a cream then it's not such a big deal to use antibiotics all the time."

Ariamay replied: "go to the website I am giving you the link for. You will most likely be able to heal your outbreaks and control the issue with the Skintactix product line, WITHOUT putting some synthetic medication that isn't good for you in your system."

Penny Lane replied: "I would still recommend taking the Accutane first. It's true that you don't want to get the harmful rays from the sun, but that's what protective sunscreen is for! If your back acne is bad, I would go for the treatment that is proven to work. I wasted 10 years trying to use treatments other than Accutane and now, here I am, taking Accutane. I wish I could go back now and just start off using that treatment instead of dealing with annoying acne for a decade. Also, the sooner you start Accutane, the less you'll have to worry about scarring. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky and am going to have to get lasar treatments to remove that to finally have clear skin. The risks of Accutane don't even come close to outweighing the benefits as long as you use the drug responsibly. I hope you're able to get your skin cleared up!"

Is it sun poisoning? I was outside pretty much all day on Sunday and I got a really bad sunburn. Bad part I had on SPF 50!!! Anyway My arms and my right ear are REALLY red. When I woke up this moring my ear has a clar liquid coming from it and my arms have a couple tiny little liquid filled bumps on them. I'm on Ciproflaxen and Amoxicillin right now if that helps at all. I'm pretty fair skinned and I always burn BUT I always wear sunblock!!!! Is it sun poisoning?

iain h replied: "I live in Australia now and I've learned that the sun ought to be avoided as much as possible. The blisters are part of your skins natural defence mechanism. Leave them to heal. And yes, UV rays are dangerous."

I think my 2 year old son might have an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. What do you think? My son started with a fever on Sat., which was 5 days ago. On Sun. I took him to the hospital. The ER doc said his throat was red so, without taking a culture, the doc diagnosed him with tonsillitis. He was put on 125/5ml of Amoxicillin 3 times a day until finished. Yesterday I took him to his pediatrician. She was very upset that the doc from the ER never took any tests and assumed he had tonsillitis and gave a script for antibiotics. She believes that my son my be to young to have tonsillitis. This morning he woke up with light pink blotches on his skin. All around his neck, back, chest, diaper area, and underarms. I called his ped doc but she wasn't in today so I spoke with another doc that said he's been taking the Amoxicillin for a couple of days now and if he were to have a reaction it would of been sooner. He thought he my have prickly heat or a viral rash. My son still has his appetite, regular urine and bowel movements. He's just been acting cranky lately. Any feedback???????

Proud Mommy of 3! replied: "Yes, my son is allergic to amoxicillin. That is exactly what happened to him. I think he might even have been around the same age. Is the rash still there? Are you continuing treatment? My son's reaction was a few days into the prescription."

shellynnrn replied: "It could be an allergy or sensitivity. It could also be a viral rash. Which is some weird phenomena that I am just hearing with my second child. He had no other symptoms, but suddenly broke out in a weird rash all over except his diaper area. Yeah, guess what....we are two months out and he still has this weird rash and I've been to the doc three times. Maybe ask the doc if you can give him benadryl and see if the rash clears up any."

denise replied: "I had a reaction to Amoxicillin and had diarreha. You need to take him back to his regular doctor to be sure."

Tsunami replied: "sounds like heat rash, stuff where you said its like a rash type thing if he'd been allegeric to this stuff you would have known by first day and he'd been sick ad you'd had ot have him to doctor now."

4real replied: "yes...same here, it happened to us"

wawawebis replied: "I am sure you will feel better after the regular doctor sees him. My son also got hives from antibiotics....and if you google hives and look at the images you can see if they match up. Who knows if its a reaction to the medicine or part of the virus he caught that first made his throat red. Could even be chicken pox..."

Dave F replied: "I agree that if your son were to have an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin, it would have happened right after having it on Sunday when you got the prescription from the ER doc. In addition to the heat rash or viral rash ideas, could your son be teething? Good luck!"

Lins replied: "depending on how the body system is depends on when an allergy would show up, both my daughters are allergic to amox and pen and they where on the meds a few days when the same rash you described showed up theirs was also slightly itchy too!! give the baby some Benedryl this will help the pumps go away but he would also need to stop taking the meds so i would take him back to your reg ped and see what they think and actually see the rash for themselves!! sometimes docs like to see the child on a certain med a few times to make sure they are allergic to it or it was just a coincidence that he got a rash!"

LAST STOP, WILLOUGHBY replied: "My daughter had quarter sized mosquito bite looking blotches, and the doctor said allergic reaction, But 10 years later she has no problem with penicillin, he then said it was not a true allergic reaction, HER FIRST REACTION TOOK PLACE 2 DAYS AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. Good luck to you and your son, hope he is better."

Larissa M replied: "Get a second opinion straight away....too many doctors these days prescribe incorrect medications especially children... My cousin is a doctor and she rarely perscribes antibiotics unless it is completely necessary!! If you can't see your regular doctor or pediatrition then go to another!! It could be something as small as a food allergie but don't risk it! Good luck!"

~A day in death~ replied: "He probably has a allergic reaction to it, it happened to me, i was covered in a red rash all over my arms etc, it was horrible, take him off the tablet because it might get worse."

What did this comment about Tallahassee mean on Lost? I'm not from America so clearly there is some kind of inside knowledge here that I missed. In an episode of Lost, Jack says to Sawyer; "Do you even know what Amoxicillin is for?". Sawyer then replies, "I've been to Tallahassee, something was burning and let's just say it wasn't the sun." (or words to that effect). Can someone explain the reference to Tallahassee, do people regularly catch STDs there or something?

ndussere replied: "lol, probably it's a pretty wild little city"

BLULINR replied: "Tallahassee is the home of Florida State University, which I can confirm as a graduate of this fine institution there are a plethora of beautiful women in attendance."

miketorse replied: "No, not more than other places. It's just a one of the party places in America. It's just really a joke, and he could have picked "Fort Lauderdale" or "Key West" or "Cancoon" or something like that."

baldninja2004 replied: "Yeah, Tallahassee is one of many spring break locales, so every year you've got thousands of teenages passing through, drinking, smoking pot and, well, generally partying their little butts off. I've never heard any reports about STD's in relation to Tallahassee, but knowing all of that, I'm sure a lot of kids return home with one souvenir that they never actually bought at a store, and most likely wish they didn't"

Big J replied: "good show....."

can i drink alcohol still? i have Lyme's disease, but instead of being put on doxy since its summer and you cant get in the sun with that, i am on amoxicillin, and i have to take it three times a day for three weeks, but i was wondering if it is going to have some weird affect on me if i drink in the span of those three weeks?

Jess replied: "No, alcohol will cancel out the antibiotic. There are very few antibiotics you can drink on and amoxicillin is definitely not one of them. I know it sucks but I would wait it out."

White Sox 17 replied: "Not good to mix alcohol and antibiotics."

vonlup replied: "Contact you doctor or pharmasist, but I don't think you can drink while on it."

mandi replied: "Ok. I'm no expert, but a friend of mine who is a nurse told me that as long as you don't drink enough to get drunk, it won't hurt anything. I wouldn't go beyond a couple glasses of wine with dinner or a couple beers. Stay away from liquor altogether, if you can...otherwise don't have more than one drink. I've done what I said above while on antibiotics before, and they still worked just fine. Just don't over do it!!"

sandyroads3173 replied: "My experience is that even without the antibiotics, alcohol and Lyme don't mix well."

Pug replied: "I am in the same boat as well. I have Lymes. You will need to wait it out, the alcohol cancels the anti-biotic then you get sick again, then you die. Lymes sucks and you will have it the rest of your life, so I am pretty sure you can go 2 to 3 weeks without drinking. I took doxy when I had it, and toward the tail end of my treatment I drank and got very ill. Just wait it out, and get healthy soon. The lethargy of the disease takes a while to go away too. So if you feel lazy and unmotivated for a while it is natural. But once the anti biotics are gone drink up!!"

Ferret ECE Questions and Concerns? Can anyone tell me what happened to your ferret while it was experiencing ECE and how long did it take to clear up the the changes in its poop that you noticed. So I just recently got a new 4 month old ferret On July 2nd. Well This is what I noticed the next day with my 1yr 2mo. old female ferret.. (Im sure the young male must have still carry the virus with him, but he is just fine..) ECE day 1 (thu. Jul 2nd) I was cleaning their poop up and noticed that our 1yo girl Mikka had slimy green stinky poop. She acted normal on this day so I didn't think nothing of it. ECE day 2 (fri july 3rd) Today I noticed some more green poop as we cleaned their room up but once again mikka acted normal, but then noticed she wanted to sleep more than usual later on. ECE day 3 (sat july 4th) Today I really noticed she did not want to eat or drink much at all and she sleep so much. We would wake her up and she would want to go right back to sleep. Since I new something was wrong I look up what it could be and realized it was ECE. So I gave her a bowl of Duck soup in addtion to regular food. ECE day 4 (July 5th sun) I realized she was not eating much on her own so I went out and got a syringe and baby food and some pedialite. I feed her several times during the day with the syringe. she eats fine but only sips on water/pedialite. During the day her poop is more will formed but still medium dark green. On this night i gave her roughly 10mg of amoxicillin in her baby food to help with any infections (this is what the doctors would say to do.) ECE day 6 (mon. july 6) this morning I gave her another 10mg dose of amox. today her poop is still in tact but green. she eats fine when we syringe feed her but when we try to give her liquids that way whe refuses it. I came up with a method that gives her a little more liquids.. I put ferratone on the end ferret water bottle and as she licks it she drinks pedialite. Everyone says they need to have 100cc of water a day but she does not drink that on a normal day because she is a petit female. I am going to continue to make her drink as much as possible and avoid going to the vet because the only thing they can do that I can't is give her liquids via iv's, but i dont want her to get to that stage of dehydration. I just need to know what your ferret went through and when they actually started to act better and drink and eat more on their own. Also when did you notice their poop looking better? also is it better that she has intact green poop instead of diarrhea? I know they say roughly 7 days to clear up but I want to hear your story, and anything you did that worked best and if there are any tips for me to get her drinking more fluids.. Today is day 5 (july 6th) not day 6 as I posted.. I have done alot of reasearch and have read ferret books. This has to be ECE and if not it is an ulcer but the antibiotics should help that. It was a sudden onset when we brought out new ferret home so Im 99% positive it is ECE and the new ferret was a carrier since it can be carried up to 12 months..

reijn replied: "I actually do not know much about ECE. I recommend that you A) B) do more research C) take your ferret to the vet to be absolutely sure that is what he has D) buy Ferrets for Dummies. It will explain in layman's terms diseases common to ferrets."

paul s replied: "when 2 of my fuzzies had the greenies, i had a similar problem with one of them. my girl was fine after a few days but my boy was already weak from a previous sickness, and after a week of no progress i got a second opinion. my vet told me to use oxbow carnivore care which is basically powdered meat and eggs and worked wonders. he was 5 years old and just recovered from intestinal ulcers and THEN got the greenies. 10 days of hell but i think that stuff saved his life. ask your vet about it. other than that, not to be cliche, but its always darkest before the dawn when ferrets are sick and can't eat or drink on their own. good luck."

Lisa S replied: "Please, join the FHL, it's the Ferret Health List on Yahoo! Groups. Post this there, and you'll get a lot of people with answers. Also, many new ferrets that have stress get green poop, and symptoms of ECE, but in most cases (only verifiable by a necropsy) it is not ECE. It will go away in time. Antibiotics take up to 6 weeks to work on ulcers, so you won't see a difference if it's ulcers in 7 days. Also you need two antibiotics in conjunction with each other to work on ulcers, along with a stomach protectant (Pepcid or Carafate) given half an hour before hand to eating. Using just amoxi will help but not as much as metro and amoxi together. It's been proven time and time again with these little guys."

tanning and antibiotics? I had bronchitis and was put on an antibiotic called azithromycin.It said to stay out of the sun and not to use tanning beds while on it.I think its also known as z pack.I took 2 pills the 1st day and took one pill the next 2 days but on the 3rd day I had an allergic reaction so the last time I took it was on Saturday night.I am now on amoxicillin I started it yesterday and the pharmacist said its ok to go tanning while on it.Anyways I havent taken the z pack since saturday and was wondering if it would be safe if I started going back to the tanning beds again.Thanks

nannyjankins replied: "You should ask your doctor that question...see what she says..."

RATCHET replied: "If you are allergic to Penicillin be very careful because many anti-biotics are related to them this is a nightmare and will mess with your skins structure. Anyway I would advise due to high cancer risk avoid sunbeds and antibiotics if you really care for your health. Also, don't trust your doctor and go straight to Holland and Barrett for some Aloe Vera gel and apply to all areas of the skin which get burnt or rashed up, store in the fridge. This is the very best advice from my experience OK"

I think my 2 year old son might have an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. What do you think? My son started with a fever on Sat., which was 5 days ago. On Sun. I took him to the hospital. The ER doc said his throat was red so, without taking a culture, the doc diagnosed him with tonsillitis. He was put on 125/5ml of Amoxicillin 3 times a day until finished. Yesterday I took him to his pediatrician. She was very upset that the doc from the ER never took any tests and assumed he had tonsillitis and gave a script for antibiotics. She believes that my son my be to young to have tonsillitis. This morning he woke up with light pick blotches on his skin. All around his neck, back, chest, diaper area, and underarms. I called his ped doc but she wasn't in today so I spoke with another doc that said he's been taking the Amoxicillin for a couple of days now and if he were to have a reaction it would of been sooner. He thought he my have prickly heat or a viral rash. My son still has his appetite, regular urine and bowel movements. He's just been acting cranky lately. Any feedback????????

Divine Overlord replied: "wow, this sounds really serious. I believe sometimes the body takes a while to react to certain medications. He might very well be allergic to Amoxicillin, maybe Erythomycin or Cipro will be better. also, it is rare to be allergic to amoxicillion but it is possible. Maybe there is also a chance he might be allergic to something else. The doctor should be able to subscribe a topical cream medication to reduce the pink parches, swelling, itchiness and pain on the skin. I've seen it in the pharmacy several times but i forgot what its called."

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