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Tramadol Prescription Facts
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Questions and Answers
How often can I get my tramadol (ultram) prescription refilled? It is a non-narcotic pain reliever. I just checked the bottle and there is no waiting date on there. It has been 2 weeks since I filled it. Is that long enough?

sandjoy542001 replied: "Some doctors will give you 3-5 months worth of refills."

kiikart replied: "It should say on the bottle..."next refill before 'such and such' date." It also depends on your insurance company (if you have insurance). Additionally, your doctor determines how often/how much (the quantity) you may receive per/month generally speaking."

Sahara replied: "It depends on your insurance coverage. How often do you need it refilled? Are you following your doctor's prescription? If you are then it should be a non-issue since that information is put into the pharmacy system and your insurance company sees it. The time I spent working in retail pharmacy, I've seen plenty of patients abuse their medications, particularly pain. Those are the medications that get "lost", "stolen", or the doctor changes the dose midway through without writing a new script. The pharmacy personnel have to do a lot of work and it's frustrating when you think you are being lied to by the patient. How often can someone's dose be changed or "lost"? I would follow the prescription. If you are going on vacation then you can get an additional refill usually or a supply to cover your vacation. Tell the pharmacy staff so they can get the authorization from your insurance company. It will save them time and aggravation. More importantly, it will save you time and aggravation. If you have any problems with the medication or it's not working like before then speak with your doctor and if he recommends taking more than before, ask him to call in a new prescription for you. Tell the pharmacist that your doctor has changed the prescription and he should be calling in a new prescription for you. The pharmacy team will help you because we want patients to get their medication when they need it. But we do see a lot of fraud, unfortunately. It impedes our efforts. Generally, you are given a week before your Rx runs out to refill it. If you go 5 days before you are to run out then that should be perfect. You then don't have to wait for it to be filled and can pick it up the next day if you want to."

Where can i find a good cheap pharmacy that sells Soma and tramadol? Without prescription? indian pharmacies are the best! thanks!

Lily replied: "Don't do it and risk someone's health. There are free clinics that will treat you and give you a script if neccesary. Many stores like Walmart and others offer cheap generics."

Doctor replied: "You can buy generic Tramadol without prescription"

samuel replied: "the online pharmacy at World-Drug.Net is an international pharmacy that I have done business with and I have been very happy with my transactions. and yes they sell meds manufactured in India, which is good"

have prescription for Tramadol generic for Ultracet but took 1 hydrocodone test in 3 days will I get fired? test is part of a random drug test system. Is there any thing I can take to get it out of my system?

daddyrx replied: "You will test positive for opiates. The tramadol will be OK since you have a prescription for it. The hydrocodone and its metabolites are detectable in urine for 72 hours."

Kassie18 replied: "I am a drug and alcohol therapist and I do random drug tests everyday on both my employees and clients, so the Hydrocodone will come up in the drug test as an opiate, they are in your system anywhere from 3-5 days, through urine, and even longer through a blood sample. So wither way they do the test you will probably test positive. There is nothing you can take to get an opiate out of your system...there are alot of websites that try to sell you stuff to take the drugs out of your system but trust me my clients have tried everything and nothing works. It is actually funny sometimes. But the hydrocodone is an opiate and will show up like that on the drug test, so whoever is doing your test will see you tested positive for opiates and they will not be able to tell exactally what you took, so they can think its anything from oxycontin to herion, or morphine. Your best bet is to come clean with your boss and tell them what you did, not that im making light of hydrocodone, but its better than them thinking you are shooting heroin. If you have a problem with the opiates then you can email me and I would be happy to talk to you, I am a liscensed therapist. Good luck."

Is it legal to buy tramadol online without a prescription? Have you bought it online with good results? If so, where? Thanks!

susan replied: "It is not legal no matter what the spammers on this site repeat."

Long term effects of taking prescription Tramadol? curious as to what, if any side effects, long term concerns I may have. I am currently taking two doses of Tramadol at 50 mg per dose. I have been on this regime for about two weeks now.

sundancer332003 replied: "My husband has been on prescription tramadol for about 4 yrs now,He takes 100mg 3X a day. He has bad sweating attacks but other than that he's fine. His tolerance to it has risen over the years hence the high dose."

greenlover12 replied: "The sites below are sites you can look at for reference."

Does anyone know what countries you don't have to have a prescription to get the drug Tramadol? My brother has been getting it and I've been trying to figure out why I keep getting mysterious packages from China. Is that one of them? Also, does anyone know how to help him get off of it without bringing him to rehab or using methadone? I know the withdrawals can be bad and i want to help He is getting it off the internet and shipped to him through the mail.

Luis D replied: "Mexico, they give u anything over there. Just don't go to Juarez. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GO TO JUAREZ"

AbeLincolnParty replied: "Tramadol hardly has any narcotic activity, something like 1/400 the binding to the narcotic mu receptor as morphine, it acts more like prozac, but with the added feature that it promotes seizures. The main reason people abuse it is the marketing buzz that promotes it, its worse than an empty box of placebo effect because of the seizure risk. Alcohol use increases the seizure risk."

Jonathan replied: "you can go to the canadian pharmacies online and get it shipped here. you can just about get anything you can think of.. and as for the withdrawals.. id say chocolate lots of sugar and Coffee seems to help also. support group. my wife's been through it.. Narcotics Anonymous.. even AA will help because alot of the side effects effect both groups."

Would a tramadol prescription cover up other opiate use on a drug test? I'm prescribed to tramadol for my back pain, but I sometimes take other opiates that I'm not prescribed to such as vicodin or percocet to ease the pain more. I'm most likely about to be on probation and I have a court date coming up which I know I will be drug tested at. Would the tramadol show up positive for opiates and potentially cover up the other opiates I've used that I'm not prescribed to, or would every one show up positive in a drug test? I know that tramadol is more of a synthetic opiate so I'm really not sure. Please help!!

Starkissed replied: "I don't think it would cover it up. I think the actual opiates would stand out more than a synthetic one."

Uck replied: "No, but you should look into Wild Kratom, it's an undetectable opioid, it's legal and natural. It's pretty f-n amazing!"

What is the best way to ask your doctor for a specific prescription? I've had lower back pain (muscle) for about a month now. I've paid for 3 office visits in that amount of time and the only real relief I've gotten was from taking Tramadol. The doctor gave me a one-time prescription of that, but when I was finished said she'd like me to see another dr. So I did that and that dr. gave me some exercises to do and some samples of Skelaxin. I have to say that I didn't notice the Skelaxin doing anything for my pain, but the exercises seemed to help a little and I began to think my back was just about back to normal. However, I went snowmobiling this last weekend and I think I must've pulled that muscle again, trying to get my snowmobile unstuck! I've missed some of work already this week because of the pain and discomfort, and CANNOT afford it, so I'd like to ask my dr. for another prescription of Tramadol — BUT I don't want to sound like an addict or anything! How should I go about doing this? I don't know how assertive I can/should be.

AzOasis8 replied: "Tell him exactly what you just told us here. I work for a doctor, and I'm sure he'd appreciate the truth rather than some drummed up story which would make him think you were "Seeking." (Drugs) Just as for enough for a week, not any more than that."

Am_I_Bluffin'?? replied: "First of all, why would you go snowmobiling with a bad back? Especially, if you are risking losing time and money from work. You said the exercises helped. You should continue with that and try to avoid taking any more pills."

notaclue replied: "Most doctors appreciate patient input instead of beating around the bush approaches! I tell mine all the time where we need to go with the problem. I don't play those "come back" every other day routines! That is an indication the doc's in it for the money and you should be searching for another doctor! Be honest, explain what you told us here,( this won't be the first time they heard this story) and let the doc know that Tramadol did the deed. Just a point for thought, I also take Tramadol for RSD among many other prescriptions. However, Tramadol has some really serious side effects so a word of precaution is in order here! There are some very good muscle relaxants that work just as well, maybe better! (Nabumetone)"

Bonnie "DuVall" Prater replied: "Tell him that medicine gave you the most relief and you want to get more."

iraq51 replied: "Be direct and tell he doctor basically what you wrote here. Tramadol is not a controlled medication so any reason to not prescribe it would be based on other medical consideration. Tell the doctor it worked before and that Skelaxin had no beneficial analgesic effect. And yes...stop snowmobiling until your back heals."

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