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Types Of Imitrex Facts
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Can you please help me figure out what caused my migraine? I have a history of migraines that have always been very tracable to a severe yeast allergy. I don't eat yeast anymore, and every time I do, I get a migraine. I have the type with an aura, and my symptoms progress reliably through: blind spots and tunnel vision, numbing of the right hand and arm, right lips and cheek and sometimes tongue. The headache itself doesn't usually set in until about 4 hours after the start of all this. I have always taken Imitrex with success before the headache sets in. Yesterday I had a migraine I cannot explain. I had eaten out for dinner the night before: steak tips and onions, garlic mashed potatos and steamed veggies. I ate the same thing as leftovers for lunch yesterday (no breakfast, just water and one ghirardelli square). About ten or fifteen minutes into eating lunch, the migraine started up with the vision spots. If it isn't weird enough that there was no yeast, the migraine behaved differently. It progressed through the vision problems WAY faster than usual (with me having about 35 degrees of vision by the time I got to the pharmacy). Which brings me to another point. My doctor had recently given me a new Rx for Zomig saying that it worked better and had fewer side effects (though I love how Imitrex works, I've never been a fan of the strangulation feeling). So a coworker took me to the pharmacy to fill the scrip and I took one immediately. Rode with her back to work and closed myself up in a dark office. Then it got really weird. I couldn't put together sentences. I couldn't think of regular words like blast, bumper, modern, temporary... I said "five" instead of "temporary" and "repaired" instead of "blast" (as in "I'm having a repaired with this"). My boyfriend says I had the weirdest phone conversation he's ever heard anywhere. I didn't get the numbness, no loss of coordi- no loss of coordination, just this awful headache which set in within an hour of the aura. And the meds DID have the SAME or WORSE side effects and very slow to help the migraine. 20 hours later now and I still have the very bad headache. I believe it had to be something in the leftovers that was the trigger because the migraine started fifteen minutes after I started eating that. I had the one tiny chocolate square at 8am (four hours earlier) and I eat chocolate ALL. THE. TIME. I don't think it's that. could leftovers grow some bacteria that causes migraines, but NOT nausea? I never felt nauseated at all. I have been tired and somewhat stressed lately. Could that have combined with something else? And what are your experiences with Zomig or Imitrex? I don't even think the Zomig started working until the second dose two hours later. All the first dose gave me was side effects.

wizjp replied: "Are you sure chocolate isn't now the trigger? It is listed for a lot of people. Or if the mashed potatoes were instant, could there have been a bread/yeast product there?"

Roger R replied: "Sounds to me that you are eating food with too much gunk put in it. Try eating plain food without the spices. Garlic is ok as it is pure, but other spices can really upset a person. Whatever you ate for breakfast was an extra load of the rubbish you ate the night before."

hagg1s_basher replied: "Could be anything that stressed you body - lack of sleep and sunlight sets mine off too. Could be the skipping of breakfast -- that's a killer for me too."

David B replied: "Chocolate can cause migraines."

ms_Lila replied: "I also suffer aura migraines and I can't always pinpoint what causes them. It is good that you know that yeast is a trigger for you, a lot of people never figure out their triggers. I find that some migraines are a combination of things like: 1. not enough sleep 2. waiting too long to eat something 3. eating the same food a few days in a row is sometimes an overload 4. hormone shifts 5. stress Just but a few things together and it can cause a migraine. Perhap there was a spice in your food that you are not aware of that caused your migraine. MSG is a biggy for a lot of people and it is basically a preservative. Sometimes you just don't know what sets migraines off."

knarfwiz replied: "first of all glad you were able to find and identify a direct cause...i was never able to altho as i have gotten older they have diminished on their own(i hope they do for you also). o.k. in my own experience (I AM NOT A DOCTOR) migraine sufferers should never miss breakfast, it causes all kinds of stresses on your body that you are not aware combine everyone's answers about the chocolate, the potatoes and the lack of sleep and then get yourself BACK to the Doctor and tell him exactly what you told us. Also ask him or the pharmacist what the ingredients are of the new medicine...there may actually be something in there that is affecting you. As a fellow sufferer i do hope you figure this out. I once had a friend who claimed he never had a headache...if we weren't so close i would have punched him out! :)"

dbgyog replied: "We have treated 15 - 20 yrs cases. There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic. Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it. Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see. Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods/salty foods,onion, garlik, clove, chilly and alcohole. Sweet foods, sweet fruits, A glass of milk with sugar/dates at bed time, rice and good sleep will help you. But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong. Source(s): SHREE SWASTHYAYOG TREATMENT, TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE R.H. – 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector – 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA."

iraq51 replied: "Sorry to sound a bit dismal but I have had migraines for 15 years and have kept journals at my neurologists request tracking food, time of day, flights, different countries I go to and even the weather to determine the cause. In 15 years nothing stands out. In my case and possibly yours, the migraines may have no specific trigger....or perhaps one that isn't as yet identified. Best of luck."

Imitrex for Migraines is soooooo expensive? but they have literally changed my life. I usually get one severe migraine per month and normally would suffer through it, but since getting a prescription of Imitrex, I am pain free. The problem is, I just got laid off and have no health insurance anymore. Now that they have released a generic version, they are down to about $40 a pill without insurance and I do not qualify for any low income type programs although I will be the first to tell you that unemployment compensation is verrryy crappy, like $1200 a month :( How is a single female such as myself supposed to live on that?! Thank god for a good boyfriend thats willing to help. Anyways, I really cannot keep paying $40 per pill and I was wondering if anyone else has had a good experience with a cheaper online pharmacy, I mean something legitimate and reasonable. There are lots of rip offs out there and I don't want to take chances with a drug I am going to consume! Thanks in advance.

leah j replied: "The only thing that I can recomend is some type of narcotic pain pill, which all are ten times cheaper than what you listed, even if you got something mild, like vicoden, its only like 20 bucks for a whole bottle, and there are endless possibilities where that is conserned, you can also try calling the company who makes the med, you liked (should be a 1800# somewhere, just google it) and tell them you need some coupons, it worked for me, My med cost me about 170 dollers, for one bottle, and they send me a 50 dollar coupon (every little bit helps!) also ask your docter for free samples and/or coupons for it, drug reps always leave free samples and coupons! Good luck!"

I took Imitrex for the first time today and began to have bad pain in left shoulder blade, side effect? My doctor told me to take one 100mg Imitrex and 4 OTC ibuprofen. I'm thinking it was too much or something because I had bad side effects like sweating and out of it and panicky type feelings, also had bad pain in my shoulder blade and mildly out of breath (although this could be from the anxiety of being worried about this) I didn't read the side effects before I took it and then read that heart problems are potential...anyone have any insight? i dont want to go to the ER for something that could just be a muscle spasm or something wierd from the medicine since I dont really have the money for it

bleu_jay_jingles replied: "OK - first; I wouldn't take Imitrex and Ibuprofen together until you've taken Imitrex a few more times. Then, I'd work my way UP to 4 otc's of ib. First time I took Imitrex, I had the sweats, too. If you take it again and get the sweats, go to the ER or talk to your doctor, depending on what the side-affect guide says (I can't remember). I don't know what to tell you about the shoulder pain. You can also go to < > for further info. good luck!!"

Why Do Some Doctors Not Care About Their Patients? Like NORMALLY, A good doctor would address the issue and then try to solve it. NOT ONLY did my doctor just prescribe me opiates for migraines, when he EASILY could have tried Imitrex or another type of NON ADDICTING drug first, HE STOPPED prescribing them and had me go cold turkey, after 10 months of use. TO ME THAT IS NOT RIGHT, He should have atleast gave me enough to ween off. He knew I was taking more then prescribed, NOT TO GET HIGH, but to get relief. Then when it got so bad, he just STOPPED prescribing them. I want to report him, but don't know how, or if that is even something "Bad Enough" to report. It was NOT my fault that I became addicted, I had no idea these pills where "SO" addicting, because he never said so. After 11 months of use, he had me quit cold turkey and told me to just use tylenol for the withdrawals. HAHA TYLENOL?.? After taking Oxycodone for 11 months.? Righttttttttttttttt THIS IS THE FIRST DRUG I EVER DID IN MY LIFE, AND NOW I COMPLETLY UNDERSTAND WHY HEROIN ADDICTS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE. NOBODY SHOULD HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS, EVEN IF YOU DID IT JUST TO GET HIGH! **GO TO ANOTHER DOCTOR? Excuse me, BUT MY INSURANCE COMPANY PICKS THE DOCTOR FOR ME!!! I DO NOT PICK THEM.! AND THIS WAS THE ONLY ONE I CAN AFFORD! SO GET YOU FACTS FUCKING STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU ANSWER SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.! ( That was to puppymaster, not anybody else.! ) Oh And the second one who posted an answer, MY DOC KNEW I was taking more for about 3 months prior of having me quit. HE KNEW, And told me if it helps not to do it *A lot* So Again whos fault is that really? Me for trying to get pain relief, with him knowing? I dont think so. Im sorry, not second person, the third one. The top contributer.

puppetmaster replied: "if you don't like your doctor then simply switch doctors! its your choice who you want to treat you. i can't stand patients who don't like their doctors but don't take the initiative to go to another doctor when its so easy to do. also, you are lucky that you got oxycodone so easily. people kill for that stuff!"

herbmom replied: "doctors do not always have all the answers. however they are paid for every prescription they write. i suggest reporting this incident, although how or where i'm not sure.... but maybe get yourself a new doc and do some research about their qualifications and doctor/patient relations"

C B replied: "I don't know if the original prescription was correct. However, once the Dr. realized you were addicted, there are only two options. One is to substitute another drug (if available) to ease you through withdrawal. The other option is cold turkey. I understand you feel sorry for yourself right now, but ultimately, this was your own doing. You knew you were taking more than the prescribed amount. If you were not getting relief from the safe prescribed dosage, instead of breaking the rules, you could've gone back to the Dr., or even seen another Dr. for help. You are placing the blame outside of yourself, and this just doesn't fly. For help, see the website below. They have a 24 hr hotline."

Charmed1 replied: "Well i get migranes and my previous doctor prescribed butalbital .. my issue is not quite the same as yours. yours is just well.. weird.. but i had a very serious issue of anemia or as the doctor put it atleast. he gave me iron pills and something else to control the anemia.. now here's the thing i just switched doctors. she had me do another blood test.. and she showed me and advised me of some things, and what i noticed is that my new doctor told me that my hemoglobin is 6.7 whereas normal is supposed to be between 4.5-5.8 . i checked my other test results from previous doctor and my results showed that last year when i had the tests done for other doc, he never mentioned hemoglobin. he said it looks fine.. where as it was 8.9 i'm not sure if it's just that doctors ignore patients, or if its just that after seeing patient after patient they just skim thru results and questions the patient asks.. Better yet, next time you go to doc, ask them a specific question something related to you, and i be the doc will probably say yeah.. well that's really common in a lot no need to worry or something feels like brushing you off type.. i know my notes dont really help you much. but hey try to search them on the web and see if u can find a complain column. or better yet if ur going to change ur doctor, call ur insurance company ( if u have insurance ) and tell them u want to switch primary docs and they'll ask u the reason and ask if u want to file a complaint. atleast that's what my insurance did. good luck to ya. and i hope you get better and not have to take any medicine at all."

Kristen replied: "I work in a doctors office and the insurance doesn't pick your doctor, you do, you just need to pick one that is covered by your plan. I would get a second opinion and especially one from a neurologist if you are having migraines. It may be caused by something that you can control with something other than things like Imitrex. I got no relief from Imitrex or the other drugs like it, I actually use my antidepressant and it helps. And to herbmom, I don't know where you got the info about Doctors getting paid for every prescription they write, because that is not true. if you have any other questions feel free to ask"

sarah o replied: "I am really sorry 4 u.u should have reported that doctor.About that insurance issue,if u report the doctor ,i think they will investigate with them and simply find u another one which u should be more careful and conscious dealing with them.there must be some way to report the doctor ,may be thru the insurance company itself and as a result they will have to find u another one .it is thier problem any the way, it was not your fault at all that u became an addict. i wish u the best luck."

What's faster than a speeding migraine? Tylenol can't touch it, it laughs in the face of Imitrex, and chews up Medrol (steroids) like candy and mocks me, a foolish mortal, for daring to come against it. I'm on day 10 of the migraine, day 5 of the Medrol regimen, if anything worse then when it started. Ice packs, naps, dark rooms, silence, stillness, soft music, no music, warm, cool, showers, washclothes of any temperature, fan blowing on me, fan off, (typing with my eyes closed) - this is a steel-reinforced, diehard, sonofajackal migraine. Had a similar one last year, but last year the Medrol got rid of it. Both times the migraine was precipitated with a convulsive episode (non-seizure, MRI & EEG show nothing) and came with the last two fingers on my left hand going to sleep - and staying that way. Last year's convulsion thingy was late June, this year's early September. Am not able to come up with a commonality between them that is not a consistent in my life.. betatesterwood, I'm 43, overweight female - used to get frequent migraines, but 50mg zinc 2x/day prevents them now. These two, last year and this year, are different. They're like supercells. But thanks for the though! Oh - and caffeine is a temporary fix, just like the ice packs. When the caffeine wears off the headache is worse than before - or at least feels that way. And I avoid caffeine in general - it was one of the things that used to trigger my migraines. But again, thanks for the suggestion. E C, I have a call in to my neurologist - no openings any time soon, waiting for her to call back. EEG and MRI last year (done because of migraine) were clean - she even said I have a beautiful brain, lol. Your suggestion of going to the ER might be the only solution at this point. (Last year's migraine was every day for three months. It wasn't constant, but it visited every day.) This one is constant, day and night, the pain wakes me up sometimes. Docs are at a loss what test to run next, they've pretty much done what they could.

shannon m replied: "Ive had bad migraines and tried alot. Relpax seems to work along with oxygen - doctor has to prescribe both"

betatesterwood replied: "Try going to a craniofacial pain specialist. It could also be some sort of problem with your blood vessels. What is your health like? How old are you, etc. It could be from lack of sleep, such as sleep apnea. Possible problem with your blood or lungs oxygenating the blood. alot of times middle-aged men have the same problem, and it goes away with a loss of weight and some excercise!! I don't know if you are looking for a short term - medicine- or a long term solution for it. You may still have iron deficiencies in your blood, which would mean not enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to the brain."

link00777rl replied: "OK BC powder mixed in a cup of coffee. or crushed aspirin in the coffee. when you have a migraine head ache the blood vessels constrict the blood flow. caffeine helps deliver the medicine to the effected area."

claire r replied: "I just today got over 5 days with a migraine. Talk to your doctor about Midrin. Its a strong anti inflammatory med in the same class as ibuprofen but way more effective. Trust it is worth a try. You should also have some narcotic pain pills on hand because they will allow you to be semi functional. Make sure that you are not in a stuffy place. If all else fails go to the ER and they will give you pain meds. Sometimes you just have to break the cycle to stop the mi grain. The midrin works like crazy better than any migraine meds. I have given them to several of the family members who also suffer from this curse and it has worked for each and every one of them. I suffered for 5 days because I was out and my doc was not in town. I had to rely on vicoden to get me through. However, i got my midrin today and within an hour I was back to normal."

E C replied: "IF you are on day 10 and the medrol and imetrex are not working, I think you need to call you doctor or go to the ER. When was the last time you had a Cat scan of you head. If this migraine is different from the others I would tell your doc. It could be something else. Feel for you, Have had similiar problems....Good luck."

dbgyog replied: "Pain killers don't cure the pain but you loose the sense of pain and in the meantime body itself cures sometimes. There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic. Acidity, WORRY, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drugs, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it. Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see. Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods and alcohole. Sweet foods, COCOANUT WATER,sweet fruits, milk, rice, SPROUTS, SALADS and good sleep will help you. But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong. If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds. Source(s): SHREE SWASTHYAYOG TREATMENT, TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA."

tina s replied: "Food allergys,can cause migraine headaches.The herb feverfew may help,but most likely to get relief,you need to cut out certain foods.The most common offenders,are gluten,which is in wheat and some other grains.Corn,corn syrup is in everything,Dairy is another common offender.Avoid artificial ingredients.If you eat only one of these offending foods,you are likely to have less pain,if you are eating all of these things then,probably nothing will help,except avoiding the foods.At leat give it a try for a few weeks and see if it helps."

Is there a cure for migranes? I have very strong sometimes debilitating migranes 2-3 times a week. I have taken many types of medicines, all work so-and-so. Taking 10 excedrins works however it gives me heart palpitations. Imitrex is a good one but really expensive for me right now so I can no longer afford it. I don't have any food triggers - all my triggers are stress/compulsion related. If I have to repeat myself, I get a migrane, same if someone else repeats themselves. Vacuum cleaners, Techno/Trance, Too much caffiene, People talking in the car gives me migranes. The list goes on and alot of the triggers are unavoidable. When I get a migrane, I twitch alot, especially my eyes. People sometmes stop and ask my why Im' blinking with just one eye. My feet and arms also twitch. My vision pulsates with my heartbeat (from focused to blurry to focused to blurry etc) so it is very hard to work during a migrane. Has anyone been genuinely cured? What treatment did they use? I'd do anything right now to be cured. Soda does help when I already have them, but If I have too much soda, it will bring one on. Also, my period is the only time i *don't* get them. It's like it cleans/calms my body and I feel amazing for at least 5 days no migranes.

Kimi P replied: "As a young adult i used to get them alot. So i asked my doctor about it and he told me it sounds crazy but bananas prevent them . (they also prevent cramps.) And when you acctully Get them try midol.. its ment for periods and cramps but i didnt have any asprin or ib prophin and it WORKED great.thats what i use when i get migranes now"

childbirth4god replied: "While there is no cure for migraines, there are several treatments. It sounds like you have experimented with some of them already. One thing to keep in mind (from my doctor's mouth) is that you must take the medications within 10 minutes of the onset of the migraine in order for the medication to be effective. This is pretty impractical for me as mine come on with little to no warning. The prescriptions haven't seemed to help much either. One thing that I was told to try (and have with some success) is to eat a handful of cashews as soon as I can (even if the migraine has come on full-force). There is something in them that helps to block the pain receptors in the brain that trigger migraines. It does help some, I must say. The migraine doesn't completely go away, but it is definitely much more bearable afterwards. When it is possible, I lie down in a dark room and try to just sleep it away. I never take more medication than is directed on the packaging. This isn't safe to do. Also, my doctor told me to drink a caffeinated soda when I get a migraine. I suppose this wouldn't work for you, however, since caffeine seems to bring them on. Have you been tested for any other health concerns? I have never heard of anyone having migraines due to compulsions. I don't mean to imply anything, but perhaps a psychological work-up might be helpful as well. Hope that helps."

Dew K.A replied: "Hi Sally, I think there is no cure but there is prevention. I had bad migranes too... I consumed Nuproxen (don't know if I spelled it correctly) and Cafegout whenever migrane strikes. My migrane often prolong til 3 to 4 days. Then I started taking Ginkgo Biloba. Now I seldom get it., even during my 'monthly event'. I've been taking since April 08, I had 2 or 3 attacks only so far but it goes off couple of hours later when it take my medication. Good luck."

Help with medical mystery? ok, here goes ever since i was like 15 i have had various symptoms severe headaches (on both sides of head kind of behind eyes, pressure like with throbbing, sometimes it will be just pressure with no pain like someone is tightening a belt on my head. around the crown and forehead, and others its up the back of my neck through both sides of my head excedrin tension headache is the ONLY thing that has ever helped and i have taken imitrex, something older that starts with an f. and every other headache type medicine thats OTC) i get lightheaded, woozy (this symptom seems to correlate with my flow as it only started the last 2 mths, but am not positive) i eat greens have tried various dietary changes. my memory is worse than swiss cheese both short and long term. i am tired ALOT, i get pain in my hands and my nerves are very easy to hit in my arms. i get panic attacks and anxiety attacks. this isnt me i am normally an optimistic person and energetic or at least i want to be and feel like i should be the tiredness and since i was 15 it seems like gradually more and more symptoms have been added i am now 25!!!! i cant even stay up 24 hours and i used to be able to do that all the time. its really put a damper on my life thus far i can't be the mom i want to be and can't even succeed in life like i want to. it is so frustrating i somtimes just sit and cry. please please please someone help. (i have had all the regular blood testing done pretty regualarly, i have also been tested for HIV, lyme, lupus, anything rheumatic pretty much, Rheumatoid arthritis regularly, most of the odd things EVERYTHING has come back normal) please help me get back my life as i am at a loss anymore (i also have gotten very cranky alot and have a short fuse) depression, and hot/cold flashes. ok i will reiterate these arent migraine headaches, i have taken all kinds of migraine meds and everything otc please if your going to asnwer for points dont. i am looking for honest to goodness help (thats not meant to sound mean its just i get excited when i see there might be an answer)

Jon replied: "you are having migraine head aches, mine are caused by warm chocolate and cheese, and over sleeping, I all so get sinus head aches which is pain above the eyes, aspirin or advil helps, tylenol is totally worthless"

izzy replied: "?Chronic fatigue syndrome... Common symptoms of CFS/ME include: * muscle and joint pain, but with no swelling * fatigue that lasts more than 24 hours after exercise or exertion at a level that you usually used to be able to manage without feeling tired * forgetfulness, memory loss, confusion, or difficulty concentrating * sleep disturbances - waking up feeling tired or unrested or having trouble getting to sleep * flu-like symptoms ?Anxiety/stress. Too many symptoms to post. Second link. ?Fibromyalgia. Information on the link... Fibromyalgia is not an arthritis, it is not due to cancer, and does not damage any joint or tissue. It does not shorten expected lifespan. In some cases, symptoms ease or go after a few months. However, in many cases it is a chronic (persistent) condition which tends to wax and wane in severity. Quality of life can become affected. What is the treatment for fibromyalgia? There is no single or simple cure for fibromyalgia. Treatments aim to reduce symptoms as much as possible. Over the years a range of different treatments have been advocated with variable rates of success. I assume anaemia has been ruled out. Sorry if the answers disappoints, all I could come up with."

James replied: "Collections of symptoms like these are often misdiagnosed as syndromes like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, which have no established cause or cure. You can spend the rest of your life chasing these symptoms if you like, resulting in polypharmia, or look for a likely cause. My best guess is some neck or spinal trauma in your past caused muscles to "splint," resulting in the classic tension headache symptoms you describe. Neck trauma can come from whiplash, sports/gym class injuries, falling asleep in a chair and jerking your neck the wrong way, etc. Some pillows, bolsters, and overuse of TVs and computers don't help, either. Certain tight neck muscles can mimic migraines, particularly the Sternocleidomastoid (SCM), which runs from the back of your ear down to the collar bone (it sticks out like a rope when you turn your neck a certain way). If any of this chronic tension resulted in a pinched nerve along the spine, lots of things can go wrong down the line - particularly, digestive disorders that would affect your ability to absorb all nutrients from your food, resulting in the rest of your symptoms. If, for example, your stomach no longer produces enough hydrochloric acid, you would have trouble digesting B vitamins that are critical for nervous system function. You could also develop anemia and all problems associated with that. Simple causes like these tend to produce a domino effect that makes it look a lot more complicated than it really is. It's good that you described the history of your problems, because it makes it easier to see one thing leading to another. I normally don't recommend chiropractors, but since you didn't mention them, you should find one experienced at handling chronic illness and give them a try. They are often very good at handling cases like this. If not, a professional will refer you to someone who can. Meanwhile, you should should use a "sublingual" spray vitamin supplement or at least a sublingual B12 tablet (sublingual means absorbed under the tongue to bypass the digestive system), to see if it alleviates some of the more recent symptoms (mood, memory, fatigue, tingling, etc.) Don't expect an instant "cure," because you may have a number of deficiencies and postural problems that have been accumulating for 10 years! Drugs are only meant to provide temporary relief, but they are useless for correcting a mess like this, and could make it worse."

Is it possible to switch the week your Week 4 pills start on? I am seventeen, almost eighteen years old and my doctor recently prescribed me Aviane. It's a type of birth control pill. She prescribed me it because she though it would help with my cramping and my migraines. I get chronic migraines and she also prescribed me Imitrex. Well I'm going down to Oklahoma to go see my dude friends. Well as luck would have it, Week Four of my Aviane lands right on the week I go down to OK. I really do not want to get my period the week I go down there because it would NOT make a good impression on the first visit there. Is it okay if I switch Week Four with Week Three and just start taking Week Four this upcoming week? Then I could start new with my next month and everything would be good? Please help me. This is crucial. Complete List of My Medications: >>20mg of Lexapro (Anti-Depressant/Anti-Anxiety; Daily Dosage) >>50mg of Imitrex (Migraines;On-set of Migraine) >>Aviane (Birth Control; Daily Dosage)

kimmi replied: "I would not recommend altering you birth control cycle. However, I have heard, and I dont know for sure if this works, but there is a way with birth control that you can trick your body into not getting your period. I have heard a few times of girls skipping the period pills and just starting the first day of the next month of the birth control pills. I havent tried it myself, but ive heard many times that it works."

question about migraine medicines during pregnancy? Has anyone ever used or known anyone who has used migraine medications of the drug class called triptans, like imitrex, maxalt, zomig, or relpax, during pregnancy? I have severe trouble with migraines and have taken maxalt for about the last ten years. I'm now a little over 16 weeks pregnant and my OB has ok'd me to continue using this medicine, as long as I'm careful to take it only when I really need to, which, clearly, I always do and have anyway, but I still have concerns over what potential effect this type of medicine has on an unborn baby, as studies are pretty inconclusive and categorize it as a pregnancy class C medicine. I've posted this question in the pregnancy category, but only received one reply, and it wasn't very informative. Does ANYONE have any firsthand knowledge concerning triptans and pregnancy? I've been to the website and read all the literature, but I'm looking for advice from someone who actually has experience with it.

Brandi C replied: "When I was pregnant with both of my daughters, now 3 and 4, I knew I would not be able to handle my horrible migraines. Even though my doctor recommended not to take it because the effects had not been studies, I did anyway. I took maybe 10 over the course of my entire pregnancy with each of my girls. Everything turned out fine. My girls are completely normal, they have not had any problems at all. I did have a problem with high blood pressure in my 3rd trimester with each, but my migraines had pretty much subsided by then and I don't think I took any Imitrex at that time. I don't really think it was related."

What about neurologist and migraines? I am a 30 yr old female who has suffered migraines for almost 10 yrs. Since the preganancy of my daughter. My mother also suffered exact migraines. She had a hysterectomy and has not had another migraine since. I have 2 Dr.s that believe my headaches are hormonel related and baromic pressure related. Please forgive my spelling. I experience a migraines atleast once or twice a week. I am familiar at the ER (where the Dr.s are great, some nurses are another story until they see me vomitting everywhere). In the past 7 yrs I have tried every thing. Triptans, things like Migranal, Cafergot, Imitrex,Topamax,Birth Control, you name it,I've tried it. I use to have to go in for shots of Demerol and Phenergan then started becoming allergic to that. Darvocet gives me rebounds, They prescribed me Tylenol with codeine but I became allergic to the codeine. They now use a medication on me, only when I visit the Dr. It's a nubain shot and phenergan. I've been on this for about 3 yrs now but only when I am seen by a Dr. I'm so lost. I can't afford to keep going to he Dr. for these shots. I had one Dr. who would have prescribed it to me with no problem but he was out of state and was a visiting Dr. who couldn't over step my Dr. He specializes in Phyciatry, so it wouldn't help to even travel to go see him. My depression worsens all the time cause the pain I am in. I am suppose to be going to a new neurologist this month but am scared to because they will probably just want me to go through everything I have already been through. I don't do drugs, I have never been addicted to prescription drugs, so I don't understand why I can't get a Dr. to prescribe me Nubain. I know it's a narcotic analgesic, however it's the best medication they have found to work for me. I do get aura' with some of my headaches but not all. I just want relief without having to travel to travel to get a shot and pay major bucks. Am I asking to much? I have a EMT who said she would have no problem giving me the shots when I needed them if I could get it prescribed. What are my chances of getting this type of medication from the neurologist? Are they slim. My first neurologist was a joke and spent the whole time talking about what hot dogs where made of and told me not to eat them, no medication no nothing. I have no triggers except weather changes and hormones. Sorry I am going on and on and ready to cry cause I don't know where to go anymore. I am getting so depressed about this again because I can't get help. 8 months ago I just got out of a hospital for depression and thought we found answers. After I was released, I was ignored. Now I am starting over. Can anyone please help me. Tired of the pain so bad. What do I expect from a neurologist?

Sam S replied: "whats the question agian"

Sparkles replied: "Are you ready to try something that is not a medication or addictive? I suffered migraines from the time I was 10 years of age. I had to be put on hormone therapy because of a serious illness. The hormone therapy caused me to begin have migraines, and they continued up until 3 years ago, and I am an adult. I read in a nutritional book that taking a calcium, magnesium, and zinc supplement would help the problem. You can buy the three minerals together at Walmart for under $10. I have been given every medication you can be given including Morphine and nothing helped the problems. I have headaches once in a while now, but they are controlled with simple buffered aspirin tablets and I have not had any migraines the way I used to have them. Hormone imbalance and barometric pressure also trigger my headaches. But now they rarely turn into a full blown migraine. My sister has gone to the Neurologist for her's and nothing stopped them. I elected to do this instead, and I am doing better than she did after going to see a Neurologist. He ran tests and treated her with a drug named Inderal because she cannot take pain pills. I am doing much better than she is."

Malloy74 replied: "I am 33 and also suffer migraines. There were times that I would get cluster migraines and sometimes would suffer from migraines about 3x/week. I don't get aura, but sometimes get nauseous and have vomited. Although I have no children, my hormones are off balance, as a result of being on the birth control pill for nearly 15 years and just stopped it back in mid-August. I've been seeing a holistic nutritionist. I have found that eliminating refined sugars (candies, desserts and mostly fruits as well) and cutting out/down-on carbohydrates has helped. I also don't eat wheat anymore, as much as I can help it, and avoid processed foods and MSG. These things alone have minimized my migraines. And when I start eating sugar, too many carbs and wheats I notice my migraines come back. I too have tried many migraine meds. Have you tried Amerge? Amerge was the only prescription drug that worked for my migraines. It sometimes takes up to 45 minutes to work though. I now take MigraSpray. It's holistic and works [sometimes]. My mom also suffers migraines. She is on preventative meds for it though. Good luck to you. Hang in there--I can totally empathize."

Wayne P replied: "Have you seen an internist? You may have a cardiovascular problem. I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was having migraine visual aura. The doctor ordered an MRI to make sure I did not have an impending stroke. Since he put me on medicines to control those other problems the aura are mostly gone."

tirshatha2001 replied: "My daughter started having severe migraines at the age of 11 and in the fifth grade. We tried EVERY migraine med to no avail. Even adult doses of nasal inhalents failed. None of the IV meds worked either. Spent numerous nights over a two year period in the ER once the vomiting started for IV fluids to rehydrate. ( I know what you mean about the nurses,it must be universal ), finally a neurologist gave us the simplest solution. My daughters migraines were all strictly hormone related he said. So he put her on over the counter Naproxen, just 50mg that the store brand is, one everyday for three days before her period starts, everyday of her period and for three days after her period ends. Now I was skeptical for we had been dealing with 3 trips a month, at least, for two years, to the hospital for emergency IV fluids. However we followed the instruction and have never returned for IV fluids, she has had one or two migraines get started but always has got them under control with rest,ice, a dark room and the Naproxen. She will be 16 next month. No trips to the the ER for the last three years. It worked for her. Maybe it can for you too."

mrcricket1932 replied: "Many problems begin after the delivery of a baby. Most ob/gyn will not let you know that you have to work to allow your body to return to its normal state. That including getting your tail (sacrum) back down where it belongs. It was raised considerably during pregnancy as the abdomen became more distended. Bear in mind, the sacrum is what your spine sits on. If it is an unlevel base, the spine has to change from its normal state. Is the reason most women have one hip higher than the other. Those changes involve the entire spine. To include the cervical spine. The resultant effect being; you will have unequal muscle tension at the base of the skull. Sufficient to become quite tender when pressed. This constant tension establishes an inflammatory process which generally remains sub-acute. But has been now established as a chronic condition. Hormones when changing each month are pretty well known for creating a swelling of the tissues. When you already have an inflammatory process inactive, it will be stimulated by this increased edema. From there you are aware of what takes place. You must be aware of other problems that exist. Such as a bit of problem with balance. Is why you don't stand with your feet together. In order to see to what degree this is involved, stand with your feet together and then shut your eyes. You will be more than surprised by the degree of imbalance noted. The point being, you do have a considerable postural discrepancy and it is the main culprit in your suffering the effects of migraine syndrome. Taking the time to retrain your body and attempt to recover what you have lost. This being one of the specialties of the doctor of Chiropractic. He/she will guide you into what is necessary for you to do at home to facilitate the progress of recovery."

dbgyog replied: "Neurologist know very little about it and Acupuncturists know most of it. Pl try simple acupressure given below first when you need temp relief. There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for RA, OA, Back ache and almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic. Acidity, WORRY, sadness, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drug side effects, stress, bad smell, TV & COMPUTER SOMETIMES, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy, BODY CONSTITUTION etc are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it. Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see. Pain killers don't treat the pain but we loose the sense of pain for some time; in that duration our body itself treats sometime and credit goes to meds. The useless drugs have tremendous power of side effects like liver/kidney failures, ulcer, inflammation of intestines and lot more. Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods, SMOKING and alcohole. Sweet foods, COCOANUT WATER,sweet fruits, milk, rice, SPROUTS, SALADS and good sleep will help if cough is not there. But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it is very strong. If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds. For forehead pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below. It may disappear naturally too. Source(s): SHREE SWASTHYAYOG TREATMENT, TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA."

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