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will ultram er show up on a urine test as an opiate?is it in fact an opiate or controlled drug? my dr. prescribes it to me for a minor back condition and i take it daily.sometimes i do take more than prescribed would a higher level of the drug show up and cause me to fail?how long would it take to get out of my system if i dont take it

Ruth replied: "Ultram is a non-narcotic pain reliever. It does not contain any opiate components. So, the urine test for drugs with opiate compounds should be negative. It maybe a good idea to get a Doctor's note to prevent any problems in the future. I hope that this helps."

Chronic Pain, Ultram ER Mystery Symptom? First, I've told a Dr. about it, but I am searching for more Info. Maybe someone else dealing with similar chronic pain/pain meds, etc. Any info is appreciate. So, I have been taking Ultram ER for about 6 months. Recently My dosage was upped to 200 mg/daily by my pain mgmt doctor. Also I take Ultracet (tramadol) 37.5 mg (as needed every 4 hours). I recently noticed, that I have had a strange phenomenon happening that I believe could be a possible side effect? When I told my Dr's they ran some tests but did not find anything really. The symptom is hard to explain, but basically a couple hours after I fall asleep I am in a sort of awake dream. My whole body feels completely numb, I can't move or snap out of it. Tingly everywhere. When I finally do awake, I still feel tingly, although the symptoms are subsiding significantly, and I stand up very dizzy to the point where I fall down almost. It was pretty scary and doesnt happen every night but more like once or twice every couple weeks. Here's some backgound on me and my coniditions as I realize there may be other causes. 24, male, fit, athletic, non-smoker, no recreational drug use. 2 years ago, my lung spontaneously collapsed. ER, placed a small chest tube to reinflate my lung. The tube failed. A second tube was placed in my chest. The tube reinflated my lung. As I was to be released, I fell very very Ill. After a week in the hospital running tests, a week in ICU, loss of 25% body weight (near death), another chest tube (3) they finally found I had a staph infection in an empyema on my chest wall/lung. They did an emergency thoracotomy (scraping the infection out of my lung, removing small piece of my lung, and scraping my chest wall). Released after 4 weeks hospitalized. 4 more weeks IV antibiotics as outpatient. Severe chronic pain following. 4 radiofrequency ablation treatments on intercostal nerves to remove (some) pain. Chiropractor, Physical Therapy, Post Op Pain Meds (Oxy Codone, Percocet, Lyrica, Celebrex, Ultram ER, Ultracet). 2 Years moderate-severe Post Thoracotomy Chronic Pain Syndrome. Well thats the basics. I told my doctor as well and got a similiar response, I have a whole team of pain doctors too. The ran MRI's other tests, seemed concerend but couoldn't figure it out and didn't seem to think it was the meds. Also I started on a l ower dose, but it's been raised over time. I dont know. Glad I actually got a a response though. Thanks.

Jen replied: "Wow- That's a lot of tramadol.. I am on Ultram it's just the regular 50mg tabs, I take around 4 a day. Anyhow, w/ Ultracet being Ultram as well, just a lower dose, still being taken on top of Ultram I would imagine will put you at higher risks for seizures.. I'm not sure if you are have small ones.. I CAN tell you this tho, I have taken my dose close to bedtime and experienced something similar, and have always wondered what it is/was.. So it MUST be the meds... I have spoken to my doc, and he kinda looked at me odd."

Anyone who is taking, has taken, or knows anything about Ultram ER....? I have been taking Ultram ER for five days and I was wondering how much longer I should plan on being sick? I have been flat on my back since I started taking it. It makes me so sick to my stomach. My doctor warned me that it might. I tend to react to the extremes to any drug that I take, so I wondered if it's even normal to be this sick. Today I actually started taking 200mg, up from 100mg. I thought I would be really sick, but it wasn't the worst day I have had. Anyway, if anyone could tell me if it's worth it, if this is normal, or how long it should last, I would really appreciate it, thank you.

knicname replied: "It's supposed to be an effective for pain control. The stomach upset is normal the first few days. Maybe you can try taking after might help. Most pain medication causes stomach upset & nausea. Google: mayo clinic>>drugs>>Ultram ER Hope you feel better soon."

what is the difference between Naproxen 500mg and Ultram ER 300mg? I go to pain management for my lower back pain and was put on Ultram ER 300mg. I found some relief but still had severe pain on some days even if I was just watching tv. My new doctor put me on Naproxen and told me to take 2 a day as needed. I'm just wondering if my new doctor who is just in family practice did the right thing. Does anyone out there know if this drug is more better?

TKS replied: "Ultram is a pain reliever. Naproxen is an NSAID which relieves pain and is an anti-inflammatory. They are different drugs that work in different ways. It just depends on the person and problem as to which is better. I would think the anti-inflamatory benefits of Naproxen would help, but only you can judge which helps more with the pain."

Emyli J replied: "better i dont know, different yes. Ultram is a non opiate type pain medication where as naproxen is more of an anti- inflammatory. Google these medications and do some research. Watch the naproxen on the stomach. Its similar to advil."

healinghands5 replied: "They are two different types of pain medication. If you had inflammation (swelling) with the pain, that could be why your doc prescribed Naproxen. You tried Ultram first and it didn't completely help the pain, so that's why your doc tried Pain reliever with swelling reducer (Naproxen)."

Has anyone taken Ultram ER? Has anyone taken this drug before if so how does it make you feel? does it relax you like vicodin or any other narcotic?

Emily S replied: "Ultram is an NSAID (Non Steroidal Anti Inflamatory Drug). It is not a narcotic, but it will help your pain."

bodmodangel replied: "I used it for a few months about 2 years ago when i had ovarian cysts and then again for a few weeks after my knee surgery. It makes me feel fine except making me really sick to my stomache. It doesn't relax me at all. Vicodin is the only narcotic that relaxes me; the rest make me jumpy."

DynoDiKk replied: "This drug is a narcotic. Opiate. Look it up. I do not no why people still believe it isn't. It's withdraw is horrible because it also works on serotonin. Personally your better off taking hydrocodone. It is one of the worse pain -pills ever made in my opinion."

ckdonn replied: "I took Ultram-ER for months awhile back. Ultram (Tramadol) is used for moderate to moderately-severe pain. It is best when used for long term treatments. It is NOT an nsaid nor is it a narcotic. However, it is similar to a narcotic in how it works. Go to for more info. It is NOT addicting, however it can be habit-forming. Big difference. It if it used as intended, within prescribed dosages, it should not be a problem. Dependence on any pain medication only causes difficulties when the patient either takes too much, too often or continues to take it when the pain receeds. True addiction to medication does NOT occur with any medication if it is ONLY used to treat pain. I know numerous pain patients (including myself) who took morphine, dilaudid, oxycontin, etc. for years without any addiction. They quit taking the meds (or switched to non-narcotic meds) without any problems or withdrawal when their pain was relieved/lowered from other treatments. Ultram-ER does have some side effects. Most common are nausea, dizziness and constipation. You also have to be very aware of what other meds you take with it. It interacts (severely) with some medications (esp. some antidepressants)."

Suzette replied: "It was prescribed for me but had exactly NO pain relief. I had no benefit at all."

Is Ultram safe for a recovering opiate addict?? I am a recovering opiate addict. I have over a year clean. I have chronic back pain (which is how I got hooked in the first place). Recently the pain has been unbearable. The doctor gave me a script for Ultram 200mg ER and said its not a problem with me taking it for the pain. Thats its not an opiate and its safe for me. But ive heard conflicting stuff about it. I dont want to go back being dependent on a drug. Please help!!

lilbitevans replied: "I would say no. I know Ultram is habit forming so be very careful. congratulations on being clean over a year!"

us/ness replied: "I to used to be an opiate addict so i know what your mind is telling you. Ultram dosn't have opiates in it but can be habit forming. I would do some research on the internet. Having pain and not being able to touch a narcotic pain releiver sucks, i know. My suggestion is to do some research and Congradulation on your time being clean!"

**Anti-PeTA** replied: "TRAMADOL (Trade Names: Ultram®, Ultracet®) June 2006 DEA/OD/ODE Introduction: Tramadol was approved for marketing as a noncontrolled analgesic in 1995 under the trade name of Ultram®. Although the company initially claimed that this substance produced only very weak narcotic effects, recent data demonstrate that opioid activity is the overriding contributor to the drug’s pharmacological activity. Because of inadequate product labeling and lack of established abuse potential, many physicians felt this drug was safe to prescribe to recovering narcotic addicts and to known narcotic abusers. As a consequence, numerous reports of abuse and dependence have been received. Licit Uses: Tramadol is approved for the treatment of moderate to moderately severe pain in adults. Although the Department of Health and Human Services has not recommended the scheduling of this substance in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), a requirement necessary for DEA to place a substance under control, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has required the manufacturer of Ultram® to inform physicians about recent abuse data. The approved labeling has been modified on three separate occasions to include new information under the "Drug Abuse and Dependence" section. The labeling currently contains the following language: "ULTRAM may induce psychic and physical dependence of the morphine-type (µ-opioid). Dependence and abuse, including drug-seeking behavior and taking illicit actions to obtain the drug are not limited to those patients with prior history of opioid dependence. The risk in patients with substance abuse has been observed to be higher. ULTRAM is associated with craving and tolerance development. Withdrawal symptoms may occur if ULTRAM is discontinued abruptly." Chemistry/Pharmacology: Tramadol is a novel analgesic having both opiate agonist activity and monoamine reuptake inhibition that contribute to its analgesic efficacy. Opioid activity is due to both the parent compound and the more active O-desmethylated metabolite. Tramadol acts on the monoamine reuptake systems by inhibiting the reuptake into nerve terminals of both norepinephrine and serotonin. Apart from analgesia, tramadol may produce a number of symptoms including dizziness, somnolence, nausea, and constipation similar to other opioids. High doses of tramadol, often in combination monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors or serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have been associated with a serotonin syndrome consisting of convulsions, hyperthermia, muscle rigidity and pain. Tramadol is well absorbed orally. It can be administered in 50 to 100 mg tablets as needed for pain relief every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed 400 mg/day. Seizures have occurred in patients taking recommended doses but are more likely at high doses associated with abuse of this medication. Tolerance, dependence and addiction to tramadol have been demonstrated. Abrupt cessation from tramadol has been associated with two types of withdrawal syndromes. One is typical of opioid drugs with flu-like symptoms, restlessness and drug craving. This type of withdrawal syndrome is encountered in about 90% of cases of withdrawal from tramadol. Another withdrawal syndrome (encountered in about 10% of cases of tramadol withdrawal) is atypical of opioids and is associated with hallucinations, paranoia, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, confusion, and numbness and tingling in the extremities. Abuse and Diversion: Tramadol is abused for its opiate effects. The New Drug Abuse Warning Network (New-DAWN) is a database which provides data on drug related episodes reported by hospital emergency rooms. In 2004, there were an estimated 2,984 emergency room visits for tramadol. In addition, the 2004 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that about 1.3 million people have used tramadol non-medically. The National Forensic Laboratory System (NFLIS) and System to Retrieve Drug Evidence (STRIDE) are both DEA databases that collect scientifically verified data on analyzed samples in state/local and DEA forensic laboratories, respectively. In 2005, there were 490 exhibits of tramadol in NFLIS and 13 exhibits in STRIDE. These relatively small numbers are likely a reflection of the uncontrolled status of tramadol in the United States. MedWatch is a FDA database of adverse events of case reports voluntarily submitted to the FDA. From initial marketing in 1995 through September 2004, the FDA received 766 case reports of tramadol abuse and 482 cases of withdrawal associated with tramadol. It is most commonly abused by narcotic addicts, chronic pain patients, and health professionals. Like other legal pharmaceuticals with abuse potential, diversion of this medication occurs in a number of ways. Doctor shopping, internet purchasing, and fraudulent "call-in" prescriptions have been identified as a means for obtaining tramadol for abuse purposes. As a non-controlled substance, there are no CSA regulations regarding manufacturing, distribution, or prescription of this medication. Controlled Status: Tramadol is currently not controlled under the CSA."

Ultram makes me motivate, thoughtful, peaceful and happy. But there must be a down side? Drinking made me a jerk. Heavy drugs made me spend all of my money and get depressed. Benzo's make me a little to bold and aggresive at times. Why is Ultram so great for me, I know something this good is TO good to be true. It's been prescribed by the ER lately for tooth pain. I see a dentist on Tuesday. I'm allergic to Naproxcin, and Hydrocodone.

Patricia replied: "This medication is used to relieve moderate pain. It is similar to narcotic pain medications. It works on certain nerves in the brain that control how you experience pain."

Cindi W replied: "Ultram, while not a Narcotic, works on the same chemicals in the brain as narcotics do. Some people report feeling "high" from Ultram. It makes me sleepy and spacey. Docs prescribe this because it is not a controlled substance and they think it is safe. Wrong. My friend was on Ultram for 2 months and then stopped taking it, she had severe withdrawal syndromes. It was the first that I ever heard of this."

Emily replied: "that's unfortunate because ultrams are more bad then they are good= useless and don't take more than prescribed ....they cause seizures if you do. i was prescribed them and when i got off them i got so anxious and paranoid and jittery for like 1 week. i could hear EVERYTHING, drips, knocks, talking, every little sound just made me go crazy. it goes away after a week. i was awake for the whole week too... i'd only fall asleep for like 10 minutes randomly."

Does Tramadol contain the PCP drug? Tramadol is also known as Ultram ER, a pain medication

christine t replied: "no it doesn't. i take that medicine ."

Coming off 8 weeks of tramadol and hydrocodone? I have been taking tramadol (Ultram ER) and hydrocodone for pain for the last 8 weeks due to some poorly placed cysts. I have stop taking these medications as the problem was corrected this past week. However, I am now having problems sleeping and I feel jittery. I know that both drugs are opiates and can lead to dependency. How do I minimize these withdrawl symptoms? (I feel like I did when I quit smoking.,)

Jenni B replied: "The symptoms will only last 2-3 days, from what I understand. After having taken the medication for 8 weeks, why didn't your doctor have you titrate your medication (wean you off) so that you could avoid the withdrawal symptoms? As for sleep, try Tylenol PM. Not sure about the anxiety, though. If you start to experience any "upset tummy" issues, Immodium will help with that. Hope you feel better - if it gets much worse, though, maybe give your doctor a call and see what he recommends."

Mum to 2 replied: "Make sure you are not drinking any caffeine products or eating chocolate after 5pm. These can cause sleep problems. I wouldnt worry about this lastly long since you were only on them for 2mnths. Try the warm milk at night if you can or reading a book before bed. These both are natural remedies that help with sleep."

KB23 replied: "I've been on both those medications for over a year and the doctor told me that my withdrawls will last about seven days. I'm guessing that yours should only last half that time if not less. You were definitely using yours for a short period of time, which is how they're supposed to be used, so truthfully, your withdrawl symptoms shouldn't be that bad at all. I give it two to three days. Feel better!"

Dr.Hadi replied: "the restless & anxiety would disappear soon, all you need is first to be patient, your body needs time to up regulate your opioid receptors(roll backs), ultram is a form of sustained release drug which means it`s blood level gradually decreases, so there`s not really advisable to lower the dose day by day. to overcome your anxiety you can use herbal remedy such as Valerian, some weak long acting tranquilizers(librium for example) can help you by supervision of your physician . eat plenty of water & go for walking around, hope you the best!"

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