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Volvo Cars Twilight Facts
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Popular Questions
what car....... Twilight? Volvo...? What is the license plate number on edwards volvo, not the type but the number..... even his special outing car..... ex a license plate number may be 152 L2P

Andi replied: "Why on earth would someone need to know this?"

[мagιc вeaтs sρarкles(:] replied: "are you planning on stalking a stalker?"

gnab gib replied: "Oh, for goodness' sake. Stop obsessing. Honestly, you people are like a cult. I feel like I'm at a Star Trek convention. We just need the equivalent of William Shatner to come out and tell everyone to get a life ..."

AprilFoolsBaby. replied: "go to this site"

Abel P replied: "It's 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888"

KK replied: "IMADMBAS Maybe even VAPIDFNGRL"

Alyssa replied: "why...? help:;_ylt=AggRw0VzlJziuAtm50Ltw4jsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090222202830AALFGvM"

Mrs. Edward Cullen replied: "it's a washington license plate: it's "57F 6D3" no lie!!! i would not lie about it! i'm a major fan! and just buz i happen to know the license plate number doesn't make me a stalker. it just makes me a really obsessed fan!!!"

Is Edward Cullen's car a volvo in the Twilight movie? Does anyone know if he drives a volvo in the movie? i saw some pictures of the car but i wasn't sure if it was a volvo or not.

horsecrazy_emmie replied: "Yes actually it is a silver volvo...and all the other cars are the same as the book too :D"

lyp_623 replied: "Yes. But unfortunately, he drives a station wagon type car instead of a sports car. He, in my opinion should drive a sportier car, seeing as in the book, they are said to love"driving fast". Plus, his car has 2 doors, istead of 4, where in the book, it is mentioned that the rest of his family got in the back of the car."

What are the rims on Edward Cullen's car (Volvo C30 R) in Twilight? his car is a: Volvo C30 R-Design

Jake replied: "Edwards car isn't an R design. And the rims are the Mestra 7" x 17" alloy wheels."

Increased Volvo sales attributed to Twilight fans? In the incredibly popular book series, Twilight, the main character drives a silver Volvo. This car very prominently featured in the books and I'm sure any Twilight fan could rattle off about the car when asked. After reading the books, I became more interested in considering a Volvo for my upcoming car purchase. And since there are SO many Twilight fans, I'm wondering if others thought the same thing. So my question is: is there any published reports, new articles, etc that discuss increased Volvo sales due to the prominence of their cars in the Twilight series? Or maybe perhaps they've increased sales to the female demographic (the primary readers of the books)? If anyone has information about this, I would be very interested to know! Thanks!

Panda replied: "Not that I know of, but I actually *have* been seeing a LOT more Volvo's around! And they're selling one up the street from me that's exactly the same was Edwards in the book!"

amy. replied: "no i havent. i assume most of twilights fans, like me hahhha, are pre driving age? & still who wants a beat up silver volvo?"

all work and no play replied: "I wondered a similar thing of Forks commerce. At any rate, Volvos are safe, well built and a bit sportier in their newer designs (the old ones weren't much to look at). I somehow doubt, however, that the sales have been dramatically affected by the book. I'm sure movie advertisement was lucrative though."

TW K replied: "I dont think thats even remotely possible. Buying a car is not such a rash decision that it will be made by considering what a fictional character drives. Do you want toi suggest that if the charater had driven a horse cart, you would want to buy that for yourself? Novels, much less fantasy novels, effect the sale of products, much less durables like cars. Only book related merchandise's sales are effected by books, like in case of Harry Potter. TW K"

Vampire_Lover replied: "It is very likely. When Harry Potter was big people bought the beans, so volvo might be the Twilight thing."

Bella L replied: "Hehe. I dont think so, but many of my friends now want one. As freaky as this is, my brother (named Jacob, weird eh?) actually drives a silver s60 volvo. its the same way stephanie meyer describes it, very dark tinted windows and such but we actually got the car in 2004 a long time before I had read Twilight, or even heard of it. On top of that, I, myself drive a red BMW convertable that I bought back in 2003. So, when I read the book and learned that Rosalie and Edward both drove cars that my brother and I drive I went crazy! I thought that was awesome! And then also, both of our names are in the book. Because my name is Bella. So I mean, its actually really freaky! But I think its very neat. So, volvo sales increase? maybe. the car is actually very safe so i mean, that would be the perfect reason to get one. but yeah, i mean, who knows! i kinda hope not though. just because... BMWs and Volvos rock! YESSSS TWILIGHT! hehe The new car I actually want is a yellow porche, but thats simply because I love Alice! hehe ;D"

is there any place that I can buy an exact replica of the volvo from twilight? I am the HUGEST fan of twilight and I want that as my first car :) but I cant seem to find it anywhere... :( Can I have the model number or something?

chucksright replied: "Edward's car is a Volvo C30 T5. The C30 is Volvo’s new 2-door hatchback that joined the lineup for 2008 "

volvo cars: the car edward drives? yea i have been wondering wat YEAR robert pattinson drives in twilight-the volvo! please!!!!!!

death909198 replied: "2000 Volvo S60R Try that page for all your cullen needs"

Jake replied: "The movie: C30 Book: S60R. There was no R in 2000."

What are all the Cullen Cars? and ALL cars in Twilight? Who is the manufacturer? What is the car name? What year is the car? Whos car is it? For example: Edward has a shiny silver volvo c30 I need to know: Carlisle Cullen Rosalie Cullen Emmet Cullen Bella Swan/Cullen Jacob Black has two cars. (truck in twilight, rabbit in new moon) Charlie Swan Is there anybody else i am missing?

kenna 4 life replied: "Here they are! Pics included! "

More than ur average potter fan replied: "kenna 4 life summed it up for me>> :)"

What are the prices of the cars in twilight by stephanie meyers? i need the prices of the following: 1953, Chevrolet Pickup truck-Red Volvo S60 R Aston Martin V12 Vanquish Mercedes S55 AMG BMW M3 convertible Jeep Wrangler Volkswagen Rabbit

Jessica replied: "it depends on the year of the car............. 2007 Aston Martin V12 Vanquish - $234,260 53 chevy ranges, depends on the condition. Volvo for a 2008 its 30,000-34,000 mercedes - 43,000-57,000 Bmw - 62,402 Jeep - 20,000-28,000 Volkswagen - 15,000-18,000"

Ava replied: "go on any auto website, or or kelley blue book website and they will give you the estimated values of each of these cars, do you own research pffffft! :)"

cars in twilight ???????????????/? in the movie twilight what sort of volvo does edward drive and what sort of car does rosealie drive (you know the the red Mercedes-Benz) and what about chazrlise car i think its also a Mercedes-Benz but what sort

S.P. replied: "The cars in the story are listed here: I think the cars in the movie should be the same as those in the story or at least close to the same. Rosalie, if I remember correctly, drives a BMW, not a Mercedes Benz."

Edward Cullen Bites My Pillows. replied: "The cars in the movie are different to the ones in the book. EDWARD Movie: Volvo C30 Book: Volvo S60R ROSALIE Movie: Not sure Book: BMW M3 Convertable. CARLISLE Movie: Not sure if it is the same in the book and the movie Book: Mercades-Benz S55 AMG" replied: "Well the book and movie differs, which I think is a bit wrong, they should have kept it the same. I think rosalie drives a BMW. If you want to find out, I'm sure you can search it."

TWILIGHT/Volvo/Edward Cullen ? Right. I am in love with Edward Cullen. Obsessed even. But, before i read the Twilight saga and seen the movie, i couldnt stand volvo's. Now, after reading the saga and the movie, the only cars that jump out at me *are* volvo's. Has this happened to anyone else??? Okay... What I'm trying to say is, has twilight increased the popularity of volvo's amongst the younger age group. Once it was all ferrari;s and porsche and bugatti veyrons, but now, girls are opting for volvos'! Lol! Maybe i'm not obsessed, just very observing.... LOL! I'm getting the same Volvo! Bt before twilight i wanted a Mazda Mx-5... Strangeg how books can influence peoples choices! I do know how much a Volvo costs. They're a good car and would make a perfect 1st one.

Bookatchoo replied: "Get help, girl."

Chris S replied: "You are joking. Seriously, chii. Either that or go to the mental asylum."

Haylee M replied: "A life. It's something you should consider getting."

Pepper replied: "Oh my gosh. I love Alice's Porsche way better! But Edward's Volvo is nice, too."

Coolest Nerd Ever! replied: "SAME! i love edward cullen.. robert pattinson is probably the most talented person in the world! i want a volvo as my 1st car!"

Moe replied: "NOPE"

Julia Marie replied: "Actually, yeah! Now Volvos are considered cool! It's funny, because the younger group likes them now. Haha funny how things like that work out."

Rafal H replied: "This abolishes the Twilighter's argument against the antis; "It's just a book, it doesn't have influence over anyone!" I can't believe that. That's so lame. Good for the Volvo dealers But cmon! VW Bugs are so much cuter. Especially green or yellow ones :}"

Elyse's Mommy ♥ replied: "Do you even have any idea how much a Volvo costs? Most soccer moms can't afford them let alone Twilight obsessed teenagers."

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