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Wellbutrin Missed Dose Facts
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Questions and Answers
Wellbutrin withdrawal symptoms? After missing one dose of Wellbutrin (resuming the next day) I have felt bizarre (confused, detached, weird) for several days now. Is this a possible fallout of missing only a single dose, or most likely something different? I take 100mg every evening. So in other words, that was a normal reaction?

Nikki replied: "Most likely no. You should call your doctor. It could be side effects of the medication if you are feeling spacey. Good luck."

sexy replied: "if your coming off them you need to be weened off them, what you felt was reaction of your body not having them in your system, if your on them stay on them and stop playing with them your on them for a chemical in balance ,"

Glimmer replied: "I have skipped a day many times(bad bad) but haven't had any experience like that. That sounds like something you need to talk to your doc, therapist, whatever about. I get headaches sometimes when missing a dose but that's it. If you have been on the med for awhile you should have enough built up in your system that one dosage missed wouldn't have that effect on you. Talk to someone now so that nothing worse happens. Good luck!"

If i missed my morning dosage of pills, then should i double it up and take them with my afternoon ones ? im on wellbutrin 150 mg and trileptal 150 mg . my dose is one each in the morning and then in the afternoon . would i be fine taking 2 of each right now since i missed the mornings dose and im supposed to have 300 mg every day for each pill .

cy p replied: "simple answer no..."

Rae replied: "Definitely don't double it. Best idea is to call your doctor (either the one who prescribed it or your normal 'family practice' doctor), but even a quick call to the pharmacist will help. They can let you know what a safe way to handle the missed dosage. Don't ever double pills unless directed by your doctor."

lesang_85 replied: "no, whenever you miss a dose you must skip it, just be sure to remember take it next time. Dont try to double the pills that you've miss."

Amber replied: "NO you should never double up your pills. take your normal afternoon dose a little early then you should be ok to take your missed dose before bed. But i would also suggest that you contact your MD or local pharmacistst, Just to be safe."

If i took 600mg of wellbutrin what would happen? So I take wellbutrin for adhd and I read if I miss a dose then I am supposed to take one right away but what if i forget if i took it or not... I might risk taking two times what I was supposed to...

Dr.Penster replied: "Nothing would happen. Studies show that about 30 g are required to kill someone. 600 mg, while higher than the average dose, will not harm you."

Candy C replied: "Get a weekly pill case and fill it the beginning of each week. As you take your pills, if you think you forgot one, just check the case...if it's not there then you took it! I had the same problem...I couldn't ever remember if I took my medicine or not, the pill case fixed that! Good luck!"

What could happen if you were to stop taking wellbutrin? I have missed three doses and I wont be able to get my prescription refilled until tonight, so by then I will have missed 4. Are there any major side effects from temporarily stopping?

Mina replied: "You will most likely suffer a recurrence of your symptoms and possible withdrawal symptoms. Here is a link that describes some withdrawal symptoms. Don't be worried about how long the list is. It's likely you won't experience any of these. Do your best to take your medication every day and try to make sure you get it refilled early!"

murder me softly replied: "well idk about you but when i stop taking it my symptoms get worse and i get really depressed and my moods start changing a lot. And it takes me awhile to get back to normal once i finally start taking it again."

I have been taking Wellbutrin and birth control for the past yr.? Recently the dr increased the dosage on wellbutrin but somehow i started my period early... what do I do? ( I take my meds everyday havent missed a dose over the holidays)

alisvolatpropiis83 replied: "Don't worry about it. Just keep taking your meds and bc as you normally would, and use a backup method. Some meds cause spotting with birth control."

Daff replied: "I wouldn't worry if it hasn't happened before. You can just stop taking the current course, and restart the next tray the following week. However, if it happens again I would mention it to your doctor, and have him/her review the dosage."

Laura W replied: "definitely use back up birth control. talk to your pharmacist. better to know from the one who knows what those medications can and can't do then have another issue to deal with...."

Wellbutrin AND Lexapro? I had been taking 10mg of Lexapro for about three weeks (no prior history with anti-depressants); and upon a follow-up w/my doctor, was prescribes 150mg of Wellbutrin for in the morning. The day before yesterday I missed my dose of Lexapro, but took my first Wellbutrin yesterday at about 11:00 a.m. followed by the Lexapro late last night, before bed. This morning I woke up wanting to vomit. (Really bad nausea to the point where I would have vomited had I not truly MADE myself NOT do it). Has anyone had this experience with these two medications? Could it have been me missing a dose of Lexapro, instead of the combination of the two? Any suggestions? Thanks!

Luna replied: "It could be missing a dose, but Wellbutrin made me really jittery until I got used to it. It worked great for me after a couple of weeks (and the side effects went away) but I did get sick the first few days. If you can sit it out, continue for a week or two and see how you feel. You should tell your doctor you are nauseous to the point of almost vomiting. If you are like me, the sick feeling will go away soon, but if it doesn't your doctor will probably take you off it."

Snickers B replied: "Your fine, Wellbutrin makes people really nauseated. when I first went on it, I didn't eat anything for 5 days because I felt so sick. The symptoms will go away in a week or two."

Paul A replied: "I take Wellbutrin SR (150 mg) in the morning, and Lexapro (10 mg) in the evening, for depression and anxiety. I've been taking that for over a year and a half, and it's working very well for me. From what you've written it sounds like you're just starting on the Wellbutrin. If you are just starting it, try it again - it could just be a "break in" side effect. Antidepressants can have "weird" side effects happen the first couple weeks you take them. When I first started taking them, I had really bizarre and vivid dreams for a while - which went away after a while. Of course, if this continues, you should contact your doctor. You might also be able to split the Wellbutrin pills in half for a week or two, to give your system a chance to become used to them, then go back to the full dose."

Is Wellbutrin XL a stimulant, depressant, or neither? Cause I missed my dose this morning and I feel extra depressed, can I take it now? Will it keep me up?

whozethere replied: "A stimulant that treats depression. The best way to take Wellbutrin XL is one as soon as you get up and another one 8 hours later. If you take it too late, it will keep you up at night."

↓ImWithStupid ░░▒▒▓▓ replied: "Wellbutrin XL is a stimulant that increases the dopamine level. It is always better to miss a dose rather than take it hours later. If you took the normal dose you would be fine though, you may be a little less tired."

SEXY ALI replied: "its Derpressant i guess as i understood from lots of people in the depression forum. they say it kills the family jewels and it sizzel the sausage and leave it with no fat :)) ... why don't you try Paxil CR or paxil... don't take the generic coz it wont function as the brand ... why i have no idea thats what i hered from people on the forum. hope you will feel good soon. love Ali 30 male Vancouver Canada."

Max replied: "u missed your max thats why your extra depressed"

wellbutrin cause of my seizure ? I was taking wellbutrin for a couple weeks to quit smoking and missed a couple doses during this time. When taking this drug I was extremely horny but when I wouls masturbate Im I would get hand cramps one time It turned into a seizure. It has been 3 months and I have stopped taking this medication and have had no more issues with this and never had any before taking wellbutrin. I went and had MRI CAT scan and EEG all normal Do you feel this is related to the wellbutrin ?

♥♥ Peachy ♥♥ replied: " Yeah, I think so."

Bobbiekre replied: "Yes,it sure can.It's a rare side effect, but it can happen.You are supposed to cut down antidepressant s slowly ,not all of a sudden. Did you quite smoking?"

Lexapro / Wellbutrin question? I was prescribed Wellbutrin (150mg) and Lexapro (10mg) about two months ago. Since I'm not really great at taking pills, I took each sporadically (missed some doses of each every now and then) for a while. Last week I started taking them on a regular schedule, which for me is one WB in the morning or mid-morning and a Lex at night. Since then, I have developed pain in my left arm. Kind of like a muscle ache. Does anyone know if the pain and these medications may be related? Thank you.

shineyelf123 replied: "I took lexapro for a few weeks... it made me extremely achey everywhere and hurt my stomach really bad, it could be the combination of the two, but call your doc"

tooter replied: "Rare....but possibly. Doesn't sound like anything major. Spradically taking doses is dangerous and could cause you to crash or have a seizure. The chemicals in the brain need a constant supply of something in order to bulid up in the blood stream. Taking/missing some doses causes those chemicals to fluctuate which in turn effects chemical in your brain that affect mood/sadness/anger/emotions. I n other words it could be like severe loopiness/insanity until you take medicine like normal."

emofree replied: "ONe should always know the possible side effects of any medication they are taking, and get off the medications if one has any of the side effects that harm them..... any doctor would agree to this... if not, then find a new doctor... I think there is a complete over use and over medication in this country, and so much could be fixed if a person just ate the right diet for their own individual self , and took responsibility for their own health in every way... Doctors are not GODS, and dont have real healing for very many things... So, I doubt it is the WEllbutrin, the Lexapro, maybe.... You could go to and read there for more information , also on how to heal yourself... find your body type and diet at michael thurmonds site.... and just keep learning about how to be and stay healthy..."

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