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What Is Lipitor Used For
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What Is Lipitor Used For in Q&A
what do muscle cramps signify when using Lipitor? I've been using Lipitor for 7 monrths. About 3 months ago I started getting muscle cramps in my legs. About the same time the cramps started I also went on 3 vacations, 1 each month and they all consisted of a daily intake of alcohol... about 3-6 drinks a day. I normally don't drink. I've been told the alcohol and Lipitor mix is the cause, I've been told Lipitor in general can cause cramps, I've been told don't worry about it, and I've been told to stop taking the lipitor. I recently had a blood test and everything came back great. So, what do cramps and Lipitor have in common if anything and should I be concerned?

A.J. replied: "That is a symptom of a serious side effect. You need to go to another md for a second opinion. Maybe get different bloodwork done. And drinking does increase that side effect. And whoever told you that alcohol and lipitor doesnt mix were right. Go see a different md and have them test you again."

kathyw replied: "There was some concern about a very serious condition that involved muscle pain with statins - but I believe the statin was Baycol or Baycor or some name like that... Your blood tests looked normal and probably that is why your doctor wasn't concerned. There's a lot of discussion about the side-effects of taking statins and muscle pain is sometimes mentioned. The problem is that it is hard to isolate the causes of things. For example, you went on 3 vacations - did you walk a lot? 3-6 drinks a day is a lot. But now you aren't drinking that much, right? Have the cramps gone away? This is what I mean about it being hard to isolate causes.. Did you walk a lot of vacation? If you were a tourist out walking around, you probably did. What kind of shoes did you wear? You say the cramps were in your legs. Those are the muscles most active when you are walking. Posture and shoes can really affect the way you feel - but basically, one good way to test this out is to ask your doctor to change you to a different, similar statin (Pravachol comes to mind but I don't know - obviously, I'm not a doctor!) and see if you have the same problem in 6 months. I think it takes 6 months for lipitor to leave your system but ask your doctor."

nicedoc replied: "Statins such as Lipitor can potentially cause a dangerous side effect of muscle breakdown. Make sure your doctor checked a CK level in your blood; if it's high it could signal muscle breakdown."

Any One Experienced Lipitor Muscle Damage and Death? Hello, I am wondering if there are others out there who have themselves or have family members or friends who have experienced Muscle Damage, Neuropathy or Death from the use of Lipitor? Please tell your brief story?

johnbroscius replied: "I personally have not experienced death. If I had i probably wouldn't be able to respond to your question."

Can someone rate the statins(like lipitor, Crestor, etc.) and name ones that have become generic? (A pharmacist said that Lipitor is the most widely used?) Any knowledge about the setbacks with Vytorin? What about Zetia? (tho it isn't a statin)? When statins inhibit liver synthesis of cholesterol does that lower natural hormonal levels?

Crouching Doggie replied: "Lipitor quotes the highest % reduction in serum LDLs. I'm pretty sure that Zocor is available as a generic. Zetia has been getting a lot of bad publicity as the medical literature to substantiate it's efficacy in improving morbidity/mortality rates is simply not there."

mnvikes replied: "at comparable doses, all have similar effects so potency isnt a big deciding factor. pravastatin (Pravachol), simvastatin (Zocor), and lovastatin (Mevacor?) are the only ones i can think of that are generic currently. as far as "rating them", i dont think there are any huge standout advantages to any one of them. there are some subtle differences that you can talk to your doctor about and figure out which is best for you, but most docs just pick one or two and give it to everyone which is fine. simvastatin and lipitor seem to be the most popular by far IMO. Vytorin is a combo pill of simvastatin and Zetia, its good for people with very high cholesterol or bad diets. the statins are pretty well tolerated side effect wise for the most part, to my knowledge they dont block any major hormones to a signficant degree. the statins do have one serious side effect though that hits one in every couple hundred users, called rhabdomyolysis; basically it causes some breakdown of muscle, and the excess protein in your blood jams up your kidneys which is why in the commericals they tell you to report unexplained weakness and muscle aches immediately (it usually isnt a huge problem if the person reports it right away and it is taken care of, but it can cause very serious kidney damage if it is ignored). Zetia is ok, should be more of a second choice though IMO because its more expensive and isnt as powerful as the statins, plus it doesnt have the antiinflammatory effects statins do.... it blocks absorption of cholesterol from your diet. ask your doctor if you have more questions."

jloertscher replied: "Crestor seems to work the best of the bunch. The ones that are generic are Zocor, Pravachol, and Mevacor. Of course Mevacor isn't that good. The 'setbacks' with Vytorin are probably the recent findings with Zetia. It does lower your cholesterol but doesn't reduce plaque formation in the arteries. That is the whole reason we are trying to lower cholesterol. So until further notice.....don't bother taking Zetia. Statins have been proven to lower cholesterol AND reduce plaque formation. Even when your levels are normal, there is ample cholesterol available to make any and all hormones etc. that utilize cholesterol in their synthesis."

I have been taking lipitor and it causes terrilble gas and abdominal pain - what else can I use? I have called my dr. and waiting for him to call back. Can't sleep at night from the terrible pain and diarreha. I had stent put in right artery one month ago, thus the mega 80mgs of lipitor. Taking Plavix also. Would Nexium taken right now help the damage that the lipitor caused? What else can I do right now to stop the pain and the diarreha? Have never had this kind of pain before and it scares me. Would appreciate any help from you. I have posted before and have gotten good advice. thank you.

Say replied: "Nexium is not a "fast acting" drug. So it will not give you immediate relief. Are you eating fatty foods with the Lipitor? That is the most common cause of those side effects. Maybe the Dr needs to lower your dose."

Billie77 replied: "Imodium tablets - take two every time you have a bowel movement will stop the diarrhea. The supplement , "red rice yeast" will take down cholesterol levels as good as any medical drug, two capsules twice daily. There are no side effects. Also metamucil and lecithin will reduce cholesterol levels. Try these and I can guarantee there are no negative side effects."

the_only_solorose replied: "Lipitor is not the only antilipemic out there, just stop taking it, and ask your doctor for a different one."

mom of 2 replied: "I am so sorry you don't feel well, and especially on top of having your stent put in. But I have been on Lipitor for several years now and have never had this side effect from it, and I have irritable bowel syndrome where everything bothers me. So I'm wondering if it's really the Lipitor or just that your body is under stress right now from everything that's going on. You may even have eaten something that didn't agree with you. Or maybe the Lipitor and the Plavix don't work well together for you. So I would not take any more meds till you talk to your dr. You don't know for sure what's causing this and you don't want to make it worse. Try calling your pharmacy and ask if they can recommend anything. Try using a warm heating pad on your belly, that may make it feel better. Have some hot herbal tea and watch some TV to distract yourself. Sorry I can't be of more help to you. I hope you feel better soon."

when does the patent for the drug LIPITOR expire? Lipitor is used to lower cholesterol

spaceasthenia replied: "2011"

Will soft drink containing citrus acids bother you while talking lipitor. ( Sierra mist and 7-Up)? I understand that you should not eat or drink grapefruit while using Lipitor, How about sodas containing citrus acids.

sunshine replied: "it should lay off the soda for overall better health.."

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