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When Does Cymbalta Start To Work
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Questions and Answers
How long does it take for cymbalta to start working? I have been taking it for almost 2 weeks, and havent really noticed any difference yet in my depression. How long does it usually take?

sarah m replied: "dunno"

dufus4 replied: "I'm on this also and I found it worked within a fairly short period of time. Talk with your doctor if you haven't noticed any change, you may need to up the dosage or try something else. Don't delay 'cause if you're taking an anti-depressant, it's best to stay on your me."

musingsfromtheedge replied: "I would suggest contacting your doctor. He/She may increase your dose a little bit. Of course it may take up to 4 weeks before you notice a difference...but people react differently to different two people are the same. Keep in close contact with your doctor during this time of adjustment to the new medication."

How long does it actually take for cymbalta to work? I have been on cymbalta for six weeks, 4 of those weeks on 60 mgs. When I finally began to feel better, I had a big down, started coming up again and now I feel like crying.

Ashley replied: "You should be feeling better by now. I personally did not have a good experience with made me more anxious. You should call your doctor and tell him/her that you are having mood swings after six weeks. They might want to increase the dose...or try you on something else."

Here to help replied: "I was on Cymbalta too. Had the same experience. My doctor put me on Wellbutrin XL 300mg along with Cymbalta 60mg. That helped the depression. I would tell your doctor. He may do a combination or change your meds all together. But this is common. Some meds work well for some and not so well for others. Its trial and error until you find the right one for you. Email if you need more help."

Does anyone know about how long it takes for cymbalta to start working,my dr. started me on it yestrday? and is tapering me off the zoloft as it seems to be making my depression worse and very bad dierehha. i was on 60. mg. of cymbalta last summer and ddint seem to have no problems on it so im thinking i shouldnt get any side effects...just praying it will kick in and work..also does it help with anxiety

justafren replied: "Probably will kick in in a month or so. Zoloft didn't work for me either, but cymbalta is doing well. Hang in there."

Emily replied: "three weeks alll medicine for depression takes that long to take effect."

tracycarter23 replied: "should take 2 to 3 weeks before you can tell a change.."

beth73065 replied: "3-4 weeks to reach a therapeutic level of medication.take medicine everyday about the same time.i am also on cymbalta 120mg daily and i feel great.zoloft made me suicidal."

Dorothy K replied: "All antidepressant medications take at least 2 weeks before you will see any marked improvement, and 6 weeks before they take their full effect. So, do not give up too quickly. I haven't heard that Cymbalta helps for anxiety, but it could just be that there isn't enough clinical research done on that aspect of the drug at this time."

How long do you feel sick when starting Cymbalta? I just started taking cymbalta today, and I'm feeling very nauseous, I was wondering how long that side effect lasts?

jmi0975 replied: "It will probably vary - I don't recall feeling sick when I started it but when I did, it was in conjunction with Wellbutrin and then slowly took the Wellbutrin away. If it doesn't stop in a couple weeks, you might want to mention it to your doctor. Also, you might want to consider taking it at night - you might be able to sleep through the nausea then. Good luck!"

WHEN SWITCHING FROM CYMBALTA TO PROZAC, SHOULD i WEAN, OR JUST TAKE LAST CYMBALTA ON E DAY & START PROZ. NEXT? It's a very low dose Prozac and I've tolerated it well in the past.

blackmagicrose13 replied: "It depends on what your doctor says, but usually you'll take the new one right after the old one, as long as the two don't have any reaction issues together. If they do, you may have to be off meds for 24-72 hours to make sure they get out of your system. Ask your doctor."

Can I just stop taking lexapro and start taking cymbalta? My doctor wants me to stop lexapro after 2 year because is not working not more, now he wants me to take cymbalta, will I have withdraw symptoms from stopping lexapro?

Nurse in Ohio replied: "Since you are taking cymbalta in it's place, the side effects should be minimal if any."

Cute But Evil replied: "My experiences with antdepressants is that you should NEVER go off of them cold turkey. It is extremely dangerous and you can have serious side effects. I know firsthand how sick you can get from quitting medications without weaning yourself off slowly. Doctors often don't stress how these medications affect the brain and how going off of them equally affects the brain chemistry as well. Good luck...."

miami*vice replied: "i'm not sure. u should probably ask your doctor if this is safe. since u are continuing to take an anit-depressant, i don't think there will be any withdrawal affects. there would be withdrawal affects if u were to just quit taking lexapro, cold turkey. however, i am not a doctor. so, this would be a good question to ask your doc or pharmacist. good luck with everything !"

'nuff said? replied: "I would rather see you get off the antidepressants completely. As many have said, you should never stop cold turkey. Tapering off is recommended. Read my story on how I got off them completely. 'nuff said?"

Has anybody experienced a swollen mouth when taking Cymbalta? For some reason when I started taking Cymbalta my cheeks swelled on the inside over my teeth. It is making it difficult to eat or rather do anything because it hurts. Can anybody help me?

Paramedic replied: "Some medications can cause the gums to swell and bleed. You need to consult with your doctor so a medication adjustment can be made. Paramedic in SC"

Linda replied: "That is a weird side effect. I looked at this pharmacy that sells it and didn't find anything like that: I have been taking Cymbalta since it came out and have had very good luck with it."

Rachel C replied: "Cymbalta has been shown very occasionally (Less than 1% of patients) to cause facial swelling. Your symptoms could possibly be caused by the drug, or by something totally unrelated. Talk to you physician or pharmacist about this issue."

I recently started taking cymbalta and all I do is sleep. Does anyone know anything about this med? I take it at night now and I can't seem to get out of bed in the morning. Maybe this would be okay if I didn't have a job or children to take care of. Any opinions about this med would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

Blaze_23 replied: "If taking it at night has not helped than talk to your doc about a different med. I take Effexor XR it works great, not tired like I was on Lexapro. Best of luck."

Maggie replied: "Cymbal ta is an antidepressant used for depression or anxiety. It can also be used for pain caused from fibromyalayia. So if it is used for anxiety, it can probably make you drowsy or sleepy till you get used to taking it. If you don't get used to it in a couple of weeks, I would consult your Doctor."

Paul A replied: "Hi, you might try taking it with dinner. I take Lexapro (an SSRI like Cymbalta) and I found by experimenting the best time for me to take it is with dinner. I sleep better at night, and I'm more awake the next day. The other thing you could do is add Wellbutrin SR in the morning. I did that, it helps get me going. And, I was able to lower the dose of Lexapro."

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