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Questions and Answers
where can lithium be found in nature? where can it be found in nature? i know its found in batteries but where may it be found in nature?

Timothy replied: "Granitic pegmatites provide the greatest abundance of lithium-containing minerals, with spodumene and petalite being the most commercially viable mineral sources for the element. A newer source for lithium is hectorite clay, the only active development of which is through Western Lithium Corp in the USA."

antonique_t replied: "not where an everyday american find it unless the street pharmicist is natural LOL"

"lithium" where it is found in plants , animals...?!? lithium is the lightest of metals. it can be found in the blood. if u lack it ,it can cause problems. other than drugs or medicine, CAN a person get this mineral from food.

Mr. Wizard replied: "You could suck on a 9-volt battery....only joking, don't do that. Food sources of Lithium are seafood, potatoes, dairy, seaweed, sugar cane, eggs, tomatoes and mineral water. However, I think that depends upon the richness of the soil, for the items that are grown. Lithium really has no biological purpose for us. However, the Lithium Ion, Li+ is used for Lithium salts, which is used in mood stabilizing drugs. The same effect will not be achieved by simply eating the above foods."

Jack replied: "You can get some from Scotty and Capt. Kirk. Love Jack"

Where do you find Lithium Chloride? Does anyone know where one could find Lithium Chloride in dry form? Somewhere mundane, like a grocery store or something? Is there a site that sells it for less than fifty bucks a gram?

Dr Dave P replied: "How about $5 for 30g + $6.5/shipping eBay ref:"

Ive been taking Lithium for 6 months now and have have found that my memory is really bad.Is this normal? I have found Lithium to be effective for my bipolar but just find i live in a hazy world and cant concerntrate.I had a good memory before and now it is terrible.

MadforMAC replied: "Make sure you discuss this with the doctor that prescribed it for you."

Lila replied: "Lithium is one of the oldest ant-psychotics and does have some uncomfortable side effects for some. It did for me. Also when you take Lithium you have the added burden of having to do regular lab tests to be certain of the level of the Lithium in your system. This is because there is a fine line between the right dose and an overdose. There are many, many newer anti-psychotics that don't have the side effects and don't require regular blood level tests. You might want to talk to your psychiatrist about this and a possible change."

where can lithium be found? where can lithium be found

Matt H replied: "in batteries yo"

musicjunkie replied: "Batteries. Ever wonder why it said Lithium Ion?"

Luiz E replied: "MY FARTS"

What is the element lithium found in? I already know about the batteries, but what else? Does the mood stabilizer Lithium have the element itself in it? And what else? Thanks!

Polonium replied: "The mood stabilizer is Lithium carbonate. Except for some rocks I don't know what else its in except possible some kind of glass as an additive."

Lithium found naturally in the blood? Just lithium something that's found naturally in the body? It is a natural chemical that our body uses? Or would the only way lithium could be found in the body would be if a person took lithium?

ownlyanangel replied: "Yes, Lithium IS a natural chemical. As the periodic table of elements clearly shows. However, so is Arsenic, Plutonium, Helium, Krypton, and see where I am going with this? Just because it is 'naturally' found to exist, doesn't mean its made by the body. Lithium, while being a natural element, is not something that is essential for the body. Meaning the body doesnt make Lithium ions. However, for patients with mental illness like manic depression, taking the drug Lithium helps them. So the only way for Lithium ions to show up in the body is by taking Lithium."

blueberry replied: "well all i know about this subject is that lithium is given to people with bipolar disorder (unstable mood swings).."

Cara Beth replied: "Lithium occurs in nature, but does not occur naturally in the body. It is a salt. It is used to stabilize moods and must be at a certain blood level to work. Not enough and it doesn't work; too much is toxic. Periodic blood levels are needed to make sure the level is correct."

Where is Lithium usually produced or found at? okay I am doing a science project on the Periodic Table,and my element I am working on is Lithium...and was wondering where its produced or found at....and whats the price of it....whoever answer...I will chose as best answer,.....GOO LUCK and THANX...

Incorrigible Misanthrope replied: "Lithium is never found in its pure form. It is an alkali metal and will tarnish in air. It's main ore is spodumene (Li Al Si2 O6) and there is some process to extract Lithium metal from this ore. Lithium is mainly produced in the US, Russia, China, Australia, Zimbabwe, and Brazil. Good luck on your project!"

cub6265 replied: "Lithium is also found in waters like rivers and streams in the Pacific northwest. It is said that this is convenient, as it is used to treat depression and bi-polar disorder, and the seasons up there are very gloomy and rainy."

zackareth replied: "Electrolysis from lithium carbonate, lithium oxide found in the earth."

m0rph0s1s replied: "In 1998 it was about US$ 43 per pound ($95 per kg).[1] Chile is currently the leading lithium metal producer in the world, with Argentina next. Both countries recover the lithium from brine pools. In the United States lithium is similarly recovered from brine pools in Nevada.[2] Prices of lithium carbonate rose by 20% in 2005 and growth of up to 25% is forecast by Roskill Consulting Group for 2006, bringing prices back to the peak levels seen prior to SQM's entry into the market in 1996. New capacity due on-stream in Chile, Argentina and China is forecast to alleviate the upward pressure on prices after 2007. for more info"

where can i find a store that sells lithium battery in canada? I'm not looking to purchase anything online. i'm looking for the type of stores that actually sells CR2025 lithium battery. Does canadian tire or future shop sells it? i can't find it on their website. Radio shack apparently is no longer in existence in canada so i have no idea where i can find "uncommon" types of battery.

Scrimshaw replied: "Try Ebay."

badger123ca replied: "You could see if yoiu've got a Battery World store nearby. They may be able to locate it."

I take Lithium and found it lowers your metabolism. Is it possible to raise your metabolism in a healty? way without interacting with the medicine?

keltillos replied: "Try some aerobic exercise."

hollie replied: "the healthiest way to raise your metabolism is to exercise more than you usual. If you don't have a regular progam get on one that you can stick to on a regular basis. Walking everyday a little more each day is a great way to start but If you already have a program increase it slowly. A key is not to increase intake of calories while increasing the exercise."

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